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Lupus, Hello Delicious:

Nourishing Raw Meals for Vibrant Health and Healing

Based on the Best-Selling Book Goodbye Lupus


Brooke Goldner, M.D. and Chef Liz Selva


Published by Express Results, LLC Austin, TX

Copyright © 2015 Brooke Goldner, M.D. Austin, TX

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in
part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system
without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief
quotations in a review.

Printed in the United States of America First Printing December 2015

Important Legal Notice And Disclaimer

This publication is intended to provide educational information with regard
to the subject matter covered.

The reader of this course assumes all responsibility for the use of these
materials and information Brooke Goldner, M.D. and Express Results, LLC
assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or
reader of these materials.

The methodology, training, products, mentoring, or other teaching does not
guarantee success and the results may vary
The information in this book should not substitute for medical care by a
licensed practitioner.
Please notify your doctor about any nutritional or alternative therapy
you intend to use.


Message From Dr. Brooke Goldner

The most important part of my healing program for Lupus is eating large
amounts of nourishing raw plant foods like greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts and
seeds. Eating foods in their raw whole state maximizes the delivery of the nutrients
in the food in their natural form, without damaging the enzymes and other
phytonutrients that are often destroyed by cooking.

My 4 week Lupus Recovery Program and my 6 Week Rapid Recovery Group
have been hugely successful in reversing pain and inflammation, dramatically
improving laboratory blood markers, and creating abundant energy and vitality,
using all raw foods, as well as omega 3s and drinking sufficient water to hydrate,
detoxify and accelerate healing.

Many of my clients are now symptom free and off of their medications,
thanks to learning the 6 easy steps to healing with supermarket foods, which I teach
in detail in my best-selling book, Goodbye Lupus.

While my clients love their results, the most difficult hurdle has been finding
recipes to make eating raw fun and exciting, and not limited to smoothies, salads
and vegetable platters. While I have a few easy delicious raw meals up my sleeve, I
wanted to give people even more options and more deliciousness, so I teamed up
with Vegan chef Liza Selva to create even more recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner,
and dessert, and dressings and sauces to make any healing raw meal extra tasty.

I met Chef Liz Selva when I was on vacation in Maui, celebrating 10 years of
marriage and 10 years disease-free. As you can imagine, it was a very joyful trip and
a big celebration. My husband wanted me to enjoy every moment of our time in
paradise, so he hired Liz to come to our condo and prepare foods for our family to
enjoy, so I wouldn’t have to spend time in the kitchen and could instead focus on the
beach and adventures with my family.

Well, Liz over-delivered, and every meal she made was so outstanding, I
knew I had met the person I had been looking for, to help me create this book. I
explained my vision to her and she was enthusiastic about joining up with me to
share her favorite raw recipes.

As I explain in Goodbye Lupus, the more healing raw foods you eat, the more
you can keep your body well-nourished and energetic, and in a constant state of
healing. They work by decreasing inflammation and creating a healing alkaline
environment in your body so your cells can focus on healing injuries and
detoxifying. When you eat inflammatory foods, like meat, dairy and processed foods,
you body gets stuck in a constant cycle of battling the chronic incoming
inflammation. The immune system becomes over-activated which can lead to
chronic disease like Lupus, heart disease, and even cancer.


I was once stuck in that cycle, eating a lot of processed canned and boxed
foods, and I put cheese on everything! I was diagnosed with Lupus with kidney
failure at 16 years old. It took multiple medications, including high-dose steroids,
and 2 years of chemotherapy to put me in remission, just in time for me to start
college at Carnegie Mellon University. In remission, I still tested positive for Lupus,
and had bouts of migraines, fatigue, and joint pain, I was functional and not getting
worse for the time-being, but still very much a sick person.

A remission like this is usually the best anyone can hope for with a disease
like Lupus. Medications can be life-saving, but cannot stop future relapses and
worsening of the disease.

I was able to continue my remission during college, but I got sick again in
medical school. This time I had double vision, and a transient ischemic attack,
otherwise known as a mini-stroke. At this point I was put on blood thinner
injections and told I needed inject this medication into my stomach every day for the
rest of my life to prevent a stroke or a pulmonary embolism. Although this could
prevent a stroke caused by a blood clot, instead I would have to worry about any
injury leading to a dangerous hemorrhage from the blood thinners, and I would still
be at very high risk for a stroke if I ever got pregnant, since pregnancy itself
increases your risk of blood clots.

This is life with autoimmune disease, unless there is a major change in your
lifestyle, most importantly your diet. Medications can be life-saving, but they do not
restore your health, and cannot prevent the progression of chronic diseases over
time. 13 years ago, I made dramatic changes to my diet, and in only 4 months, I
completely rid my body of the symptoms of Lupus and had totally normal blood

13 years later, I consider myself completely healed: I have remained Lupus
free, disease free, and I have gotten stronger and more vibrant with age. Not only
that, I have had 2 healthy children, even though I was told pregnancy and childbirth
would be deadly to me back when I had Lupus. My pregnancies went well and my
boys were born healthy and strong. They have eaten the same high raw plant—
based diet that healed me of Lupus, and they have extraordinary health. My 9 year-
old last had a cold when he was 2 years old!

As a medical doctor, I know that the healing power of food is woefully
missing from the medical school curriculum, limiting doctors to using medications
and surgeries to help people survive.

Western medicine is great for saving your life, and I still practice medicine
for that reason, but medications can never give you health.

I believe we must utilize healing nutrition along with life-saving medications
to help people heal and then minimize their need for medications in the future.

My goal is to help everyone take back their health and truly live their lives
with vigor. These recipes are a great start to adding raw healthy healing plant foods
to your diet.

Feel free to change them up according to your taste. You may like it sweeter
and want to add more fruit or dates, or you may want to add some fresh herbs, or
switch out vegetables for what you happen to have in your kitchen or what’s easier
for you to find in your local market.

I wish you the most amazing fitness and health.

Brooke Goldner, MD

Healing Breakfast Recipes

Dr. Goldner Says:
So many people begin their day with processed cereals that initiates the inflammation
pathways that cause and exacerbate disease.
I recommend you start your day with a nourishing green smoothie, followed by any of
this delicious recipes!

Dr. G’s Simple Green Smoothie
Recipe based on using Vitamix blender
Makes 64 ounces

Make sure your fruit is very ripe and ready to deliver their full sweetness!
Bananas should have brown spots on the skin.
Share this recipe with your family, or put the leftovers in jars to drink throughout the

5 cups spinach
3 ripe medium bananas
1 ½ cups frozen mango
2 TB flax seeds
Fill with water until 2/3 full.

Blend about a minute until liquefied. Enjoy!

*Apple and Pear Oatmeal*
The flavors of fall

Serves 2 Chefs
½ cup medjool dates, pitted Fav!
¼ cup raisins
¼ walnuts
2 apples
2 pears
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
½ cup nut milk or banana milk

Chop up the apple and pear into smaller pieces. Add all ingredients except the milk
to a food processor. Mix to combine creating an oatmeal-like consistency. Mixing for
less time will produce a chunky oatmeal, more time will produce a creamy oatmeal.
Put into your favorite bowl, add a bit of milk and enjoy!
*Mango Strawberry Banana Smoothie*
Serves 2 large or 4 small

6 bananas
1.5 cups strawberry
1.5 cups mango
2 cups of water

Place all ingredients in a blender and combine. Add more water for a thinner
consistency, less for a thicker consistency. Voila!

*Mango Strawberry Banana Smoothie*
Tropical Bliss

Serves 2 large or 4 small

6 bananas
1.5 cups strawberry
1.5 cups mango
2 cups of water

Place all ingredients in a blender and combine. Add more water for a thinner
consistency, less for a thicker consistency. Voila!

*Mixed Berry Chia Pudding Parfait*
Decadent way to start the day!
Serves 2

¾ cup nut milk
½ cup chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsps maple syrup
2 frozen banana
1/2 cup mixed berries
¼ cup water
Chopped bananas
Hemp Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds

Mix the nut milk, chia seeds, vanilla and maple syrup in a bowl whisking to combine
all ingredients. Let sit in the fridge for at least , stirring to combine again after the
first 10-15 minutes.
Place the banana, mixed berries and ¼ cup water in a blender and combine.
In a glass, layer the chia pudding, banana berry blend and toppings as you like to
create a parfait.

Banana Milk and Fruit Cereal
Colorful breakfast creation.

Serves 2
2 Bananas
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup blueberries and/or strawberries
1/4 cup mixed dried fruit
1/4 cup mixed nuts/seeds
Other cereal ingredients could include - shredded coconut, sliced banana, apple,
pear etc

Blend bananas with water. Less water will make the milk more creamy, more will
make it more watery. Pour the banana milk in a bowl and add as many cereal
ingredients as you like.


From Dr. G’s
Thomas' Banana Cream Cereal

This is a creamy and sweet protein-packed
breakfast treat that will more-than satisfy your craving for
cold cereal and milk. You can experiment with
ingredients, such as switching out raisins for chopped dates, or skip
the coconut. The combination of nuts and almond milk really
hit the spot for my kids too!

1 cup raw Spanish peanuts, almonds or raw nuts you prefer.
1/4 cup canned coconut milk (not light, mix well to get creamy even texture)
1 whole banana sliced
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dried or fresh coconut (optional)
1 cup almond milk

Chop raw nuts in food processor until finely chopped. Pour into a large bowl. Add
sliced bananas, coconut and raisins. Add coconut cream. Add Almond milk until
desired level as you would with cold cereal.

Blueberry Banana Smoothie Bowl
A bowl of creamy goodness!

Serves 2

5 bananas
1 cup blueberries
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp coconut
Any other toppings you love!

Place bananas, blueberries and water in a blender. Mix to combine. Top with hemp
seeds, coconut and anything else you like!

Nourishing Lunch and Dinner Recipes

Dr. Goldner Says: During the middle and end of the day your body needs a special
energy boost to keep up your energy and performance.
These recipes will tickle your taste buds and raise your energy and mood to power
through your day!


*Curried Broccoli Salad*
Crunchy, creamy and sweet!

Serves 2

6 cups broccoli crown
¼ cup sunflower seeds
Large handful of spring greens, spinach of your favorite green
¼ cup thinly sliced red onion
¼ cup grapes, sliced in half
¼ cup raisins

¼ cup tahini
¼ cup water
1 tsp curry powder
2 tbsp maple syrup
juice of half a lemon
Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl. Add dressing and mix to coat. Place the
greens on the plate and top with the broccoli mixture. Enjoy!


*Carrot, Apple and Beet Salad with Maple Lime Dressing*
Simple and sweet.

Serves 2


4 large carrots
2 medium beets
2 scallions
2 apples

½ tsp cumin
¼ cup maple syrup
juice of 1 lime
pinch of salt
Process the carrot, apple and beet through the shredding setting of your food
processor. Whisk together the dressing ingredients. Combine everything in a mixing
bowl, put on a plate and enjoy!


*Avocado and Pumpkin Seed Pesto Pasta*
Creamy and satisfying meal
Serves 4


5 zucchinis
4 avocados
1 cup pumpkin seeds
juice of 1-2 lemons, depending on size
1 tsp sea salt
2 zucchini cores
2 cups of kale, packed
pinch of pepper
Using a spiralizer or mandolin, make noodles out of the zucchini. If you don’t have
either you can use a regular peeler and make long fettuccine-like ribbons.
Put the pumpkin seeds in the bowl of your food processor and pulse a few times to
form a crumble. Add in the avocado’s, lemon juice, zucchini cores and sea salt and
process to form a pesto-like consistency. Massage the pesto into the zucchini
noodles to coat them. Massage the chopped kale with some of the pesto, a squeeze of
lemon and a pinch of sea salt. Enjoy!


*Cauliflower Tabouli*

Mediterranean magic!

Serves 4

6 cups cauliflower florets
2 cups tomato, diced
4 scallions, chopped
½ cup parsley, chopped
1 cup cucumber, diced
¼ cup mint, chopped
¼ cup lemon juice
2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp pepper

Put the cauliflower in the bowl of your food processor (if it doesn’t all fit do a bit at a
time). Pulse a few times until a couscous-like crumble is formed. Remove the
‘couscous’ from the food processor and put into a mixing bowl. Add in all other
ingredients and mix to combine. Enjoy!



Asian Marinated Vegetables and Cauliflower Rice

Satisfyingly savory!
Serves 4


6 cups cauliflower florets
1 cup pine nuts
¼ cup parsley
½ tsp sea salt
2 zucchini, cut into thin strips
2 carrots, cut into thin strips
2 red peppers, cut into strips
¼ red onion, thinly sliced
1 cup of broccoli florets
½ cup mushrooms
¼ cup + 2 tbsp tamari, braggs or coconut aminos
3 tbsp maple syrup

Put the zucchini, carrots, red peppers, onions, broccoli and mushrooms in a bowl.
Whisk the tamari and maple syrup together and pour over the veggies. Marinate for
at least 1 hour.
Put the cauliflower, pine nuts and sea salt in the bowl of your food processor. Pulse
to combine forming ‘rice.’ Add in the parsley and pulse a few times to distribute.
Put the rice and marinated vegetables on a plate and enjoy!

Zucchini Noodles with Marinara

Ingredients From Dr. G’s
5 zucchinis (or yellow squash)
½ cup sundried tomatoes
1 cup filtered water
4 cups Roma tomatoes, chopped
¼ cup beets chopped
2 tsp Braggs Aminos (or soy sauce)
2 Tb cup basil
2 Tb cup parsley
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper

Soak sundried tomatoes in 1 cup of water for at least 30 minutes to soften.

Using a spiralizer or mandolin, make noodles out of the zucchini. If you don’t have
either you can use a regular peeler and make long fettuccine-like ribbons. The
noodles come out very long, so I usually use a kitchen scissor to cut them down to 6
inch pieces so my kids aren’t trying to suck down a foot-long saucy noodle!

Add the sundried tomatoes and the 1 cup of water you soaked them in) to your
blender. Add the remaining ingredients and blend on high speed until you like the
consistency. Usually 30 seconds to one minute for a high powered blender like a
Vitamix. Pour over the zucchini noodles and toss. Enjoy!


*Fiesta Corn Salad with Chipotle Dressing*

Fiesta time!

Serves 2


2 cups corn
1 cup spinach, packed
¼ cup cucumber, diced
¼ cup cilantro, chopped
½ cup purple cabbaged, shredded
¼ cup zucchini, diced
¼ cup green pepper, diced
¼ cup grapes, cut in half

1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp water
Juice of 1 lime
1 tsp chipotle
¼ cup + 2 tbsp tahini
Add all vegetable ingredients to a mixing bowl.
Whisk together the dressing ingredients adding more water as needed to thin out
the sauce. Pour the sauce of the vegetables and mix to combine.
Put onto a plate and enjoy!


*Cabbage Wrap Tacos*

Fun and Festive!

Serves 4 Chef’s

1 head of purple cabbage
2 cups tomato, diced
½ cup mango, diced
¼ cilantro, chopped
juice of 1 lime
3 scallions, diced

4 medium/large avocados
juice of 1 lime
1 clove of garlic, diced
½ tsp salt
1 tsp cumin

Taco Meat
2 cups walnuts
1 cup sunflower seeds
2 tbsp chili powder
2 tsp cumin
1 tbsp coconut aminos, braggs or tamari
1 clove of garlic

1 red pepper, diced
Combine all salsa ingredients into a bowl, set aside.
Combine all guacamole ingredients into a bowl, mash with a fork to mix and
distribute. Set aside.

Place the taco meat ingredients into the bowl of your food process. Pulse to combine
forming a crumble. Set aside.
Carefully remove the outer layers of the cabbage. Cutting off the bottom core helps
this process.
Use the cabbage leaves as taco shells and layer the salsa, guacamole and taco meat
into them. Sprinkle on the red pepper.

*Collard Wraps with Hummus and Veggies*
Delicious flavors from the garden.

Serves 2

4 collard leaves
1 red pepper, cut into thin strips
1 tomato, diced
1 cucumber, cut into long strips
1 carrot, shredded
1 small beet, shredded
¼ red onion, thinly sliced
1 avocado
handful of mixed greens

2 medium zucchinis, diced
½ cup tahini
¼ cup pine nuts
1-2 cloves garlic
¼ tsp salt
2 tsps cumin
¼ cup lemon juice
1 tsp paprika
pinch pepper
First make the hummus. Place all hummus ingredients in the food processor or
blender. Process to form a hummus consistency and set aside.
Place your collard leaf, stem facing up, onto a flat surface like a cutting board. Using
a sharp knife, carefully trim the stem from the very bottom portion of the leaf,
cutting the hanging stem portion off completely. This makes the collard leaf more
pliable and easier to wrap.
Spread a dollop or more of tahini along the middle of the leaf, leaving a bit of room
on all sides for wrapping. Lay as many veggies as you like in the middle of the wrap,
still leaving a bit of room on all sides.
Just as you would a burrito, roll the flap closest to you up and over the veggies,
tucking it under. Take both the right and left sides of the collard and fold them in
and over. Roll tightly to seal the wrap. Slice down the middle securing together with
a toothpick if necessary.


Dr. G’s Living Lasagna

This is a favorite at dinner time. Much better if you can make 1 day in advance and
refrigerate overnight so the flavors can really marinate.

Serves 4

1/4 cup basil
3 1/2 cups macadamia nuts
1 3/4 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp. fresh ground black pepper
3 Tsp. and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups filtered water
4 Roma tomatoes
1 Tsp. minced oregano
6 Tbsp. + 2 TB filtered water
1 Tbsp. rosemary
1 large zucchini thinly sliced lengthwise
1 large yellow squash thinly sliced lengthwise
1 bunch kale
4 large tomatoes, sliced

To make “Cheese”: Take 1/2 cup basil, 3 cups macadamia nuts, 1/2 Tsp. salt, 1/4
Tsp. black pepper, 3 Tsp. apple cider vinegar. Process in food processor with s blade
with up to 1 1/2 cup filtered water if needed until ricotta consistency.

To make Sauce: Blend enough Roma tomatoes until you reach 2 cup mark on the
blender. Add 1/2 cup macadamia nuts, 1/4 cup basil, 1 Tsp. oregano, 1/4 cup apple
cider vinegar, 1 Tsp. salt, 1/2 Tsp. black pepper, 6 Tbsp. filtered water, 1Tbsp.
rosemary, blend on high 30 sec until smooth.

Toss zucchini and squash with 2 TB water and 1/4 Tsp. salt. Marinate for an hour. If
you have a dehydrator, dehydrate at 110 for an hour for softer noodles.

Lightly oil bottom of a square baking pan using spray bottle of olive oil. Put down a
layer of kale, then a layer of zucchini, then layer of sliced tomato, then 1/2 of the

ricotta and half the sauce. Repeat the layers.

Can be served immediately, suggest refrigerating overnight. If you have a
dehydrator, it tastes fabulous if you dehydrate it at 110 for a couple of hours to
warm it up (without cooking it) and congeal the flavors. If you don’t have a
dehydrator and would like it warmer, you can take it out of the refrigerator and let it
warm up to room temperature before serving, or eat it cold.


Green Power Soup

Refreshing and delicious!

Serves 1 large portion or 2 small
1 large or 2 small avocados
1/2 cup cilantro
1 cup cucumber
2 cups romaine and/or spinach, packed
1 clove garlic
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp miso
2 tbsps pumpkin seeds
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups water or coconut water
Juice from half a lime

Place all ingredients in a blender and mix to combine

*Creamy Cabbage Slaw*
Great as a side or a main meal.
Serves 2 large or 4 small Fav!

6 cups shredded purple cabbage
¼ cup raisins
½ cup chopped apple
¼ cup diced sweet onion

¼ cup tahini
2 tbsps apple cider vinegar
2 tbsps water (more as needed to thin)
1 tbsp tamari
2 tbsps maple syrup
1 small clover garlic or 1 tsp garlic powder

Combine the cabbage, raisins, apple and onion in a large mixing bowl. Place all
dressing ingredients in a blender or food processor and combine adding more water
to the dressing as needed to help blend. Don’t add too much water as the dressing
should be pourable but thick. Pour dressing on top of slaw ingredients, mix to
combine, add a squeeze of lime and enjoy!


Cold Cantaloupe soup with a kick

1 Large Cantaloupe (can substitute honeydew), seeds and skin removed cut into 2”
1 Cup water
2 TB lime juice
Pinch chili powder
Pinch cayenne
Pinch Cinnamon
Dash of Maple Syrup (optional if more sweetness desired)

Add all of the ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth.
Enjoy cold, refrigerate leftovers.

Cold Avocado Cucumber Soup

Serves: 4

1 lb. Cucumbers
2 Small Avocados
¼ C. Fresh Lime Juice
¾ C. Water
1 Tsp. Sea Salt (or to taste)
½ Tsp. Black Pepper (or to taste)

Chop up with cucumbers into big chunks put them in your blender. Cut avocadoes in half, discard the pit,
and use a spoon to spoon out the avocado into the blender, discard the skin. Add lime juice and water and
blend on high until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Transfer the soup to a large bowl and refrigerate
for at least an hour before serving.

Satisfying Snacks!

Dr. Goldner says: The easiest nourishing snacks that I highly recommend are fresh
fruits and vegetables or even a green smoothie.
These are some of my favorite healthy snacks that I keep around for when I crave
something more savory and exciting,g or I am serving up snacks for company.


Dr. G’s Crunchy Kale Chips
Satisfy your chip cravings without sacrificing your health!
Kale chips sell for top dollar at health food stores but they are very easy to make on
your own if you have a dehydrator or live in a sunny location!

2 bunches of kale, rinse and remove stem
1 spray of olive oil (I keep my olive oil in a spray bottle so I can use it sparingly)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Sea salt to taste
¼ cup of nutritional yeast (more or less to taste)

1. Mix the oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, and yeast in a large mixing bowl.
2. Tear, or roughly chop the kale leaves up into chip size pieces. Toss the kale
pieces into the bowl with the oil mixture. Massage oil into the kale.

3. Spread kale out on dehydrator trays.

4. Dehydrate 5-6 hours at 115 degrees until completely dry and crunchy.

5. If you do not have a dehydrator, lay the kale out on mesh and leave outside in
a sunny location for 4-6 hours to dry.

6. Serve immediately, Store remaining kale chips in a glass jar, eat within 2



Superfood Green Energy Bars

I always keep these in the refrigerator. They are great for a snack or a meal
replacement .

¾ cup raw almonds, soaked at least 1 hour and drained
1 cup dates, pitted and soaked at least 1 hour
¼ cup raw sunflower seeds soaked at least 1 hour and drained
¼ cup goji berries
¼ cup raw cacoa nibs
¼ cup almond butter
½ cup raisins soaked in 1 cup water for at least 1 hour (save soak water).
2 TB flax seeds or chia seeds soaked in ¼ cup water for at least 1 hour
1 ½ tsp cacao powder
1 ½ tsp chlorella powder
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ cup Shredded coconut

1. Drain almonds and dates and process into chunks in a food processor fitted with
an S blade. Add to a large bowl. Add sunflower seeds, goji berries, cacao nibs,
almond butter, raisins, raisin soak water, flax seeds, carob powder, chlorella
powder, and cinnamon. If you are using a dehydrator, add coconut. If you are
refrigerating save coconut until the end. Mix thoroughly for a couple minutes.

2. If dehydrating, flatten onto a Teflex-lined dehydrator tray until it’s ¼ inch thick.
Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 6 hours. Flip over and remove teflex paper. Dehydrate
for another 6-8 hours. Should be chewy.

3. If not dehydrating form into 2 inch balls and roll in shredded coconut (if using).
Chill in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.


Almond Butter and Apple Sandwich

Great for a fun alternative to a sandwich! Kids love them too!

Serves 2

1 organic apple,
4 tsp raw almond butter
organic raisins

Slice an apple into thin rounds.
Apply 2 tsp almond butter to an apple slice
Stick a layer of raisins to the almond butter.
Top with a second slice and squeeze them together so they stick.
Repeat. Most apples make 3-4 sandwiches.


Healthy Desserts

Dr. Goldner says: You can totally satisfy your craving for something sweet without
sabotaging your health or healing program.
I included some of my favorite sweet treats, and once again, Chef Liz delivers drool-
worthy recipes that will keep you coming back for more!

Chocolate Birthday Cake

This was the cake I made for both of my sons on their first birthday. Why give their
young bodies processed sugars when they can enjoy healthy delicious goodness!
Everyone else loves it too!

3 cups of walnuts
20 pitted medjool dates
2/3 cup cacao powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon of sea salt

Add walnuts to your food processor. add the salt. Pulse to mix. The texture should be gritty. You don’t
want to over-process or it becomes oily. Add the 20 pitted dates, raw cacao powder and vanilla extract
and continue to process until it lumps up together into a big clump.
Take your mixture and dump it out onto your counter and use your fingers to mold it into a cake shape.
That’s it! You can serve it like this, or you can top it with sliced bananas or strawberries.
You can also make it into 2 cakes, and put the sliced fruit on top of one half, add the second layer, and top
it again for a fancy layer cake! Enjoy!

Dreamy Banana Guilt-Free Ice Cream

4 frozen Bananas (frozen at least 48 hours so they are fully solid)
1 splash almond milk (or your choice of nondairy milk)

Requires a high powered blender.
Break up the bananas into quarters and put into your Vitamix blender. Add the
almond milk and cover. Blend on high using the tamper to mash the bananas down
towards to blade. Blend until smooth, about 30 seconds. Serve and eat immediately
– melts fast!
You can add cocoa powder, or other fruits like strawberries or blueberries to make
different flavors.


*Cranberry Coconut Macaroons*

Sweet and creamy coconut heaven!

Makes ~ 10 large macaroons or 20 small

2 cups shredded coconut
½ cup medjool dates, pitted
¼ cup cranberries
¼ cup almond flour or ¼ more dates
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
½ tsp sea salt

Place all ingredients in the bowl of your food process. Mix to combine. You want the
mixture to stick together when pressed between your fingertips.
Using an ice-cream scoop, a spoon or your hands, form into macaroons.


Banana Cranberry Tarts

Healthy indulgence!
Makes 12-14 cupcake size tarts Fav!


1 cup figs ~12
1 cup medjool dates, pitted ~20
½ cup raisins
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup shredded coconut
½ cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup cranberries

1/3 cup maple syrup
3 large bananas
meat from one young coconut
1 tbsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt

Line a muffin pan with parchment liners. Place the pumpkin seeds in the bowl of our
food processor and pulse a few times to form a crumble. Add in the figs, dates,
raisins, vanilla, coconut and cranberries. Process to combine – you want the mixture
to stick together when pressed between your fingers.
Press the mixture into each muffin space, filling up ¾ of the way. Put in fridge.
Combine the maple syrup, bananas, coconut meat, vanilla and sea salt into the same
food processor (no need to clean it) or blender. Combine to form a smooth icing.
Take the muffin tray out of the fridge and pour the icing on top.
Place in freezer to set for at least 3 hours.

*Raw Brownies with Chocolate Avocado Icing*

Chocolate lovers dream!

Makes 12-16 Brownies
3 cups medjool dates, pitted
1 cup pecans
½ cup coconut
¼ cup maple syrup
¼ cup cacao powder or carob powder
1/3 cup cacao powder or carob powder
2 large avocado or three small avocados
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt

Put pecans and cacao powder in the bowl of your food process. Pulse a few times to
combine and break up the pecans. Add all other base ingredients and process so that
the mixture sticks together when pressed between your fingertips.
Sprinkle a bit of shredded coconut along the bottom of an 8x11 pyrex pan. Press the
base mixture into the bottom of the pan.
Place all icing ingredients in the bowl of your food processor (no need to wash it)
and process to create and smooth icing. Spread the icing on top of the brownie base
and sprinkle with more shredded coconut, a dash of cinnamon or any other toppings
you like. Place in fridge to set for at least an hour.

*Banana Cream Pie*

When you have to have pie!

2 cups medjool dates, pitted (appx 25 dates)
2 cups pecans
½ cup shredded coconut
pinch of sea salt

Nut/Seed Butter Layer
1 cup raw nut butter
2 very ripe bananas
¼ cup nut milk or water to help blend
¼ cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt

Banana Coconut Layer
4 very ripe bananas
Meat from 1 coconut
¼ cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt
¼ cup shredded coconut

Banana Chips
Shredded Coconut
Cacao Nibs

Spread about ¼ cup shredded coconut along the bottom of a spring form pan (this
will help the base from sticking). If you don’t have a spring form pan, use a regular
pie pan.

Place pecans in a food processor and pulse to make a crumble. Add dates, coconut
and sea salt and process to combine. You want the mixture to stick together when
squeezed between your fingers. Press the mixture into the pan forming the crust
Slice a few bananas and line them on top of the base.

Nut/Seed Butter Layer
Put all ingredients in a food processor or high powered blender and mix until
smooth. If it's having trouble blending, add a bit more liquid. Smooth mixture evenly
on top of the base and sliced bananas.


Banana Coconut Layer
Put all ingredients in a food processor or blender and mix until smooth. Smooth
mixture evenly on top of the nut/seed butter layer.

Decorate the top with cacao nibs, shredded coconut, banana chips and anything else
you would like!

Freeze to set for 4-6 hours or overnight.
Take out of freezer and let thaw for a few minutes to be able to remove from spring
form pan. Slice and serve!
Store pie in the freezer, each time taking out a few minutes before serving.


Dr. G’s Easy Raw Macaroons
Easy to make and fun to eat!

Makes 4-5 balls.

Mash a banana with a fork
Roll into 1” balls
Roll each banana ball in shredded coconut, then in cacao powder.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight to firm up.
(If you have a dehydrator you can dehydrate for an hour to make outside crispy
before refrigerating.)


Dr. G's Raw Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
For that chocolate craving!
Serves 1.
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1/2 cup almond milk (or nondairy milk of your choice)
1 Tbsp Maple syrup
1 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract

Combine all the ingredients

Stir or whisk all the ingredients together and leave on countertop for 20 minutes.
Stir again after 20 minutes
You want all the chocolate to dissolve.
Refrigerate 4-6 hours or overnight to thicken.

Chocolate Banana Pudding

Divinely delicious!

Serves 2

2 bananas
2 avocados
1/2 cup cacao or carob powder
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup nut milk
pinch of salt
Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix to combine. Top with
bananas, coconut, cacao nibs or anything else you like!


Dr. G's Raw Donut Holes

These taste somewhere between donuts and macaroons. Really yummy.

Makes about 14 Donuts.

1 cup shredded coconut
1/3 cup raw walnuts
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 pinch sea salt
4 dates (pits removed)
1 tbsp cacao powder (optional)
2 tsp maple for more sweetness

Use a food processor to process shredded coconut for about 20 seconds.

Add walnuts, vanilla, cinnamon and salt. Process until another 30 secs or until nuts
well broken down.

Add dates, cacoa and sweetener and process until it begins to clump.

Form the dough into 1" balls.

Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 1 hour to warm and set. If you don’t have a dehydrator
set our in the sun for 3 hours. Refrigerate leftovers.

Carrot cake balls
The perfect blend of cinnamon and sweet!

Makes appx 25 balls

1.5 cups shredded carrot
1 cup raisins
1 cup dates
1 cup shredded coconut
1 tsp Five Spice Powder
1 tsp cinnamon
Pinch salt
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup maple syrup
orange zest (optional)

Place all ingredients in a food processor and mix. Stop every few seconds to check
the consistency as you want the mixture to be well combined but not mushy. A few
chunky bits give a nice texture.
Form balls with your hands and roll in shredded coconut.
Top with orange zest (optional but extra delicious).


Savory Dressings and Sauces

Dr. Goldner says: I think a great sauce or dressing is really the key to a satisfying meal.
Having the right dip, dressing or sauce can make all of the difference!


*Sweet Mustard*

Great on salads, dipping vegetables and paired with apples.

Makes ~ 1 cup
½ cup cashews
½ cup nut milk
¼ cup Dijon mustard
¼ cup maple syrup

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix to combine.


*Miso Tahini*

Creamy Asian flavors.

Makes ~ 1 cup

2 tbsps tahini
2 tbsps tamari
2 tbsps maple syrup
2 tbsps miso
2 tbsps Dijon mustard

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix to combine.


*Green Dream* Chef’s
Garden Goodness! Fav!

Makes ~ 1 cup

¼ cup cashews
½ cup nut milk
1 tbsps tamari
¼ cup combined dill, cilantro and parsley (about 4 tsp each)
1 clove garlic
2 tbsps apple cider vinegar

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix to combine.


*Corn and Pepper Sauce/Dip*

Great for dips and sauces.

Makes ~ 1 ½ cups
½ cup corn
1/3 cup pepper
1 tbsp tahini (optional, adds creaminess)
¼ cup nut milk
1 tsp cumin
juice of half a lime
1/8 tsp salt
2 scallions

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix to combine.


Asian Dressing
Add exotic flavor to any meal.

1/3 cup raw almond butter
1/4 cup tamari, braggs or coconut aminos
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 tablespoons water

Whisk all ingredients in a bowl or combine in a blender.


The Doctor’s Raw Almond Cesar Salad Dressing

Kids love it!

1 cup raw almonds,
3TB lemon juice,
3TB Braggs Aminos,
2TB Dijon,
3 cloves garlic
1/3 cup fortified nutritional yeast
filtered water (about a cup and a half.)

To prepare:
Start with about a cup of water and blend in Vitamix blender with all of the other
Keep adding water until you like the consistency.
Use what you want and store leftovers in the frig.
You'll need to add more water the next day as it thickens overnight.

Roll Your Eyes Back Cashew Alfredo sauce

Serves 4


1 cup raw Cashews
1 ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk (or other unsweetened nondairy milk)
1 TB white or yellow miso
1 tsp Dijon
½ cup nutritional yeast
1 TB lemon juice
1 tsp garlic
½ tsp salt (more to taste_


Soak the cashews in the almond milk for about an hour. Add to your blender. Add
the remaining ingredients and blend on high until smooth. Add salt to taste. Use on
top of zucchini noodles, or use as a topping for raw veggies or as a creamy salad


Dehydrated Treats

Dr. Goldner says: You can enjoy healing on a raw vegan nutrition plan without
a dehydrator, but getting one can add a lot of fun variety to your meals. Dehydrated
snacks are available at stores but they often are very pricey. A dehydrator is easy to
use and makes these foods readily available for a fraction of the cost.

Dr. G's raw tomato flax tortillas
This was my first time attempting to make raw tortillas instead of my usual flax seed
crackers. I must say they are really delicious, and were ready in 2 hours instead of 24
hours for my crackers. I will be making these regularly!

Made 8 tortillas
1/2 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup water
2 cups chopped organic tomatoes (about 2 medium tomatoes)
1 tbs. Braggs Aminos

1. Grind the flax seeds coarsely (I used coffee grinder)
2. Put in the Vita-mix blender with 1/2 cup of water and soak for 15 minutes
3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the Vita-Mix and process on high until smooth.
Should be thick.
4. Pour the mixture into four (roughly) 7" circles about 1/4" thick on each teflex
sheet and dehydrate at 105F for about 1 hour, so the top is dry and you can peel it.
5. Remove each teflex sheet from the dehydrator and gently flip over onto another
6. Carefully peel back the teflex very slowly, teasing it from the paper.
7. Put the tortillas back in the dehydrator for another 30-60 minutes, checking for
the tortilla to just barely be dry but still soft and flexible.

Now wrap away! Can be stored in the frig, lay flat between pieces of parchment
paper for best results.



Thank you for purchasing this book. I hope it brings you great health and
delicious meals!
While these recipes can drastically improve your health, you may still have residual
disease, have difficulty healing fully, or have less than optimal energy levels if your
diet contains foods that cause disease, or you are missing other vital healing foods.

I encourage you to continue your journey towards optimum health by continuing to
learn as much as you can and be open to changing your habits and conquering food

If you would like to take back your health, I would love to be your guide.
Please go to my website for a free consultation and I will do everything I can to help
you get the health you deserve.

About The Authors:

Brooke Goldner, M.D. is a board certified physician is known

world-wide for being a medical doctor who has developed a nutrition-based
treatment for her own autoimmune disease, Lupus. Prior to her discovery, Dr. G had
serious illness and had 11 years of medical treatments with high dose steroids and
chemotherapy. Using nutrition alone, she has been completely healthy and requiring
no medications for 10 years. She holds a certification in plant-based nutrition from
Cornell University in addition to her medical degree. She is a speaker, author, and
treats patients through her internet-based medical and psychiatric practice. Her
goal is to help as many people as she can learn how to control inflammation through
better nutrition, and achieve the best possible health, naturally.

Known to 'dance to the beat of her own drum,' Liz has spent much
of her life traveling the world, exploring cultures, communities, cuisine and
spirituality in search of what feeds the body, mind and soul. She went to University
in Sydney and Florence, worked in children's book publishing in Los Angeles, taught
English in Thailand, studied yoga, meditation and ayurveda in India and Nepal and
sacred plant medicine in Peru. Her personal eating philosophy has followed a
similar adventurous path as she is passionate about learning and continuing to
educate herself of the abundant ways to experience a high vibration lifestyle. Liz has
spent time as a chef for communities in Costa Rica, Colorado and Kauai and
currently lives with her partner Dustin on Maui.
Liz is passionate about guiding people to trust their intuition and come into
alignment with their highest self. She supports individuals in acknowledging and
following the wisdom and guidance of the emotional and physical body to cultivate a
healing, thriving life.


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