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“Army Vision: By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride”


Name:_PAUL JOLSON TIZON_____________________ Date: _JAN 31, 2022____

Course:BS CRIMINOLOGY_______________________ Score: ___________________

ACTIVITY: Military Customs and Traditions

INSTRUCTIONS: After thorough reading of the subject, you are now requires to answer the following
questions (Use separate sheet of paper):

1 As part of your learning in this topic, in your own understanding give three (3) reasons why
courtesy call is important in the AFP?

 Courtesy among members of the Armed Forces is vital to maintain military discipline.
 Courteous behavior provides a basis for developing good human relations.
 Military courtesy means good manners and politeness in dealing with other people.

2 Give at least three (3) names of AFP Personnel who are recipient of Medal for Valor

 Gen. Cirilito Sobejana

 Lt. Gen. Bartolome Vicente Bacarro,
 Col. Noel Buan

3 Differentiate the Decoration, Badges and Streamers. (not least than 50 words each).

Military awards and decorations are distinctions given as a mark of honor for military heroism,
meritorious or outstanding service or achievement. A decoration is often a medal consisting of a
ribbon and a medallion. The orders and decorations conferred upon civilians and military personnel
in the Republic of the Philippines are listed by order of precedence. Streamers are decorations
attached to military flags to recognize particular achievements or events of a military unit or service.
Attached to the headpiece of the assigned flag, the streamer often is an inscribed ribbon with the
name and date denoting participation in a particular battle, military campaign, or theater of war; the
ribbon's colors are chosen accordingly and frequently match an associated campaign
medal or ribbon bar. A distinctive mark, token, sign, emblem or cognizance, worn on one’s clothing,
as an insignia of some rank, or of the membership of an organization. An emblem awarded for a
particular accomplishment.


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“Army Vision: By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride”


Name:_________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Course:________________________________________ Score: ___________________

ASSESSMENT: Military Customs and Traditions

INSTRUCTIONS: Single response, Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. These customs are generally the same for all faiths. They vary only as chaplains of the different
churches incorporate other procedures to add to their color and tone.
a. Military Weddings
b. Happy Hour
c. Ceremonies at Holiday Dinners
d. Visiting the Sick

2. This is a special form of unit officer comradeship which had been developing and spreading in
recent years. When this is directed, officers gather at their local club for a beer and conversation.
a. Military Weddings
b. Ceremonies at Holiday Dinners
c. Happy Hour
d. Military Weddings

3. These customs enable officers and EP to spend their off-duty social and recreational life in said
a. Battle Dress Attire (BDA)
b. Patronage of the Officer’s Club and EP’s Club Houses
c. Happy Hour
d. Rank Has Its Privileges

4. Whenever a choice is to be made, such selection of billets or quarters or electing means of

transportation, the option of section follow rank, with senior given the privilege to select first. a.
Military Weddings
b. Ceremonies at Holiday Dinners
c. Visiting the Sick
d. Rank Has Its Privileges

5. When any member of a unit dies, an officer is immediately designated by the commanding officer
to render every possible assistance to the bereaved family. A similar courtesy may be tendered,
if desired, in the case of a death of a member of any personnel’s family. a. Ceremonies at
Holiday Dinners
b. Survivor Assistance to Bereaved Family
c. Christmas Holiday Entertainment
d. Rank Has Its Privileges


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“Army Vision: By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride”


6. An officer or soldier of his unit visits him in order that his needs are attended to.
a. Christmas Holiday Entertainment
b. Happy Hour
c. Visiting the Sick
d. Rank Has Its Privileges

7. Awarded to individuals who render military service in war, in campaign, or in the Armed Forces
under certain conditions within a definite period of time.
a. Service medals and ribbons
b. Combat Boots
c. Rank Has Its Privileges
d. Happy Hour

8. What is the equivalent rank of Private First Class (PFC) of the Philippine Army to the rank of the
Philippine Navy?
a. Airman 2nd Class
b. Seaman 2nd Class
c. Seaman 1st Class
d. None of the above

9. Should be worn pressed and starched unless otherwise prescribed, as when in the operational
areas or during the conduct of field training. The coat may or may not be tucked inside the
trousers depending on the situation.
a. Medals, Ribbon and Badges
b. Battle Dress Attire (BDA)
c. Combat Boots d) Dress Shoes
d. None of the above

10. Whether for DSA of BDA should be of sufficient length to break slightly over the shoe top. It
should be sufficient size along the waist and buttocks to prevent pockets from gaping and from
causing undue strain on the zipper.
a. Trousers
b. Battle Dress Attire (BDA)
c. Dress Shoes
d. Name Plates

-Good Luck-


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