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Throughout the protests, Walker remained almost eerily unperturbed—even after

he received death threats that resulted in round-the-clock security at his home. “It’s

always been difficult for me to understand—if you’re an ideologue, you have

passion, and he’s almost the most passionless human I’ve ever encountered,” says

Milwaukee County Supervisor Gerry Broderick, a Democrat. “He never reacts with

anything other than a shrug or a smile.” Walker’s only overt enthusiasms appear to

be his Harley Davidson motorcycle and Ronald Reagan. He and Tonette married on

Reagan’s birthday, and every year they celebrate their wedding anniversary /

Reagan’s birthday by serving the Gipper’s favorite dishes, such as macaroni-and-

cheese casserole and red, white, and blue jelly beans. Walker’s mother attributes

his even keel to his faith. “He prayed and read the Bible every day, and when

things got rough, [supporters would] tell him they were praying for him,” she says.

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