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Matt Erwin A.


BSA – 2


Quiz Assignment: Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration

1. Explain how rapid urbanization can pose a problem in the country.

It poses a problem in the country by unprecedented influx of people that the

country’s resources and consumption cannot cope up with. Disproportionate and
inefficient public and private investments are focused in large cities resulting to high
congestion, transportation, and infrastructure costs. There will be presence of a large
informal sector which intensifies poverty, inequality, urban unemployment problem as
well as unorganized and unregulated modes of living.

2. How can rising rural-urban migration be controlled? Explain.

It can be controlled by balancing public and private investments in both rural and
urban areas so that people have no need to migrate since there is a stable source of income.
Better quality of education with amped training of skills that will be suited for a particular
job thus creating proportionate job opportunities and reduced population growth.
Authority must be equally distributed among urban and rural areas because locals are
more knowledgeable and aware of the issues they are facing as well as eliminating
dictatorship from urban powers.

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