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A report on the process of doing part - time jobs that students in

class IB2017B have been going through

Prepared by: Nguyen Dieu Linh

A student from: IB2017B
Prepared for: ENG1102
Score: 8/10

April 16, 2021

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This report was to survey the IB2017B student's process of doing a part - time job.
The investigation was done by using questionnaires.
The main findings were that almost all students like their part-time job. And they usually do part-
time jobs after school. In addition, several students spend about 4-5 hours per day doing part-time
jobs. Their salary is around 1.000.000 to 2.000.000. It was concluded that students at IB2017B
class usually do part-time jobs and they often struggle.
The recommendations are that students should learn how to balance their part-time work and
academic studies.

1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to analyze the part-time job process among students of
IB2017B. Therefore, I come up with suggestions that can help students balance part - time
work and academic studies.
2. Scope
The report examines many aspects of the part - time job process such as: types, durations,
frequencies, struggles, suggestions.
3. Sources

The information for this report was gathered from the following sources:

In order to find out the process of doing a part - time job among students, questionnaires
were used as the main way to collect data. The survey was conducted by means of Google Forms.
The questionnaires were done online by 40 students of class IB2017B on the first weekend of
April 2021 and the researcher summarized data after that.

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1. The most common types

The chart shows that more than a half of surveyed students (80%) choose Tutor as one of
their favorite part-time jobs. Three types had lower awareness: Online Sales (21,1%), Freelance
Work (18,3%) and Customer Service (14%) . Besides, Delivery Driver is totally unfamiliar to
92.5% of surveyed students.
2. Duration & Frequency

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Two above pie charts show that about 62.5% of examined students do part-time jobs for 4-5
hours within half a week. For the highest level of frequency, only 12.5-15% choose it.
3. Salary

The main level of salary is 1.500.000- 2.500.000 VND (40%), This level of salary is
enough for students to pay for basic activities in their life. Only 12.5% of students
have the highest level of salary (>3.500.000).
4. Level of enjoyment & reasons

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There is an encouraging response collected by the survey that no one among 40 students
in class IB2017B do not like their part-time jobs. 42,5% of examined students showed that they
quite like their part-time jobs and 52.5% of students chose ‘I love it!’.

Three main purposes to do part-time jobs are high income, developing soft skills and
improving networking. After analyzing the process, a surprise result was found that each student
has chosen 2-3 reasons for doing a part-time job. It shows that students are aware of doing part-
time jobs.

By the chart, the main difficulty is less time to learn. Besides, difficult to adapt to the
working environment and too much work to do are also reasons students see that job is not
suitable for them.


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On the basis of information in this report, it can be concluded that 73,1% students enjoy
their part-time jobs because they are mainly aware of how part-time jobs are beneficial for them.
In the light of these conclusions, I recommend that if students want to balance their doing
part-time job and academic studying, they need to know how to organise your time so that your
priorities don’t suffer, give your employer as much notice as possible that you will need more
time during this period and try to negotiate a solution, and talk to student services student support
at your university as specially trained advisers can often give you financial advice.


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Questionnaire about the doing part-time jobs process among student at VNU – IS
Hello everyone! I am a final-year student at Vietnam National University - International School.
Today I am carrying out this questionnaire among students of class IB2017B to collect data,
which will only be used, on my report on the part-time job process among students of VNU-IS.
Your answer is totally anonymous. I will appreciate all of your responses.

Instructions: You can choose more than one answer with questions 1,4,5,7,8, for the rest of this
survey, choose your best answer.

1. What is your part-time job?

A. Delivery Driver
B. Customer Service
C. Freelance Work
D. Online Sale
E. Tutor
F. Other

2. How many hours per day do you do at your part-time job?

A. 1-2 hours
B. 2.5-4 hours
C. 4-5 hours
D. 5-6 hours

3. How often do you do part-time jobs?

A. 1-2 days
B. Half a week
C. All week

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4. What is your salary?
A. < 1.500.000 VND
B. 1.500.000 - 2.500.000 VND
C. 2.500.000 - 3.500.000 VND
D. > 3.500.000 VND

5. Rate your level of enjoyment with your part-time job:

A. I love it!
B. That is not for me
C. I quite like

6. Why did you choose your part-time job?

A. High income
B. Good networking
C. Good for develop soft skills
D. Taking advantage of freetime
E. Others

7. What difficulties do you have at your part-time job?

A. Less time to learning
B. Difficult to adapt to the working environment
C. There are too much works
D. Long-distance from home
E. Others

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Marking criteria Very Good Average Poor Very
good poor
Clear description of the situation (/2.5) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

Objective presentation and analysis of relevant 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5
information (/2.5)
Appropriate style – formal and objective (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Correct spelling and punctuation (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Appropriate and varied vocabulary (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Accurate grammar and varied sentence 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
structures (/1)
Proper format and citing of references (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2


Note: if the assignment does not reach the minimum word limit or exceeds the allowed number of
words by 10%, one point will be deducted from the final score.

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