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jnroduaton fo Poltical Science u Chapter 2 THE STATE . Evolution. Man is a social animal who is dependent on others for the satisfaction of his wants. Human beings remained organised right from the ancient times, whatsoever its form had been. With the development of human civilisation, people felt the need of an authority that could maintain law and order, settle their disputes and enforce the decisions with force. In the primitive societies, head of the family enjoyed this privileged position. Later, the society passed through a stage of its evolution when human loyalties were extended to the chief of the tribe. Thus the position of the tribal chief could be compared to the head of the state. Ultimately, the evolution of the politically-organised society culminated in a body politic having ful-fledged governmental machinery and necessary authority characterized with coercion. All the political thinkers, both Western and Muslims, are unanimous on the underlying principles of this evolution, At its early stages, the political organisation was simple; but with the passage of time. and development in the network of human relgtionship, a powerful and most comprehensive state apparatus emerged. Aristotle regarded man as a political animal and remarked that good and virtuous life was possible only in a state. Islam also attaches much significance to political organisation, as the state and its machinery is considered to be a vehicle of change in the light of the teachings of Islam. The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) established a city state after migration to Medina and evolved a full-fledge¢ socio-economic, cultural and political system on the revolutionary lines, which provides a model to be followed by the succeeding generations. = In the early Greek civilisation, the difference between state and society Was not maintained, as Greek was’ divided into small city states. The Greek thinkers, in fact, could not contemplate the emergence of a territorial state, as understood in its moder connotation. They considered all aspects of human existence as a unity while the city state was the symbol of that corporate existence, Modern concept of state emerged in medieval ages when rural areas began to be included within the territorial limits of state, The word ‘state’, in its Modern sense was used for the frst lime in Italian political writings. This word was Commonly used in 46th and 17th centuries in most of the English, French and German books ; : SS Ne Slat <

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