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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow

Chapter 251

The birthday banquet turned out to be quite the affair. What was initially a romantic and
sweet event was soon filled with a rather somber atmosphere.

Most of the unimportant attendees had already been sent on their way, and there was no
telling what manner of gossip would be on their lips.

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However, the ones concerned did not seem to care about what they would think.

By then, Clarissa’s relatives were the only ones left there, including Hilary and Catherine.

“And who might they be?” asked Yuliana, looking at the pair inquisitively.

Both Yuliana and Margaret knew exactly who they were but merely decided to break the
silence that way.

Hilary stepped forward and smiled. “Mrs. Tyson, I’m Clarissa’s mother. I know of your social
standing and what the demands are to marry into a prominent family, but please allow me
to clarify one thing. I initially made her break up with Mr. Tyson, seeing how she is clearly
unfit to marry into your family, but she refused to listen. You needn’t worry, though. I’ll take
her with me and ensure that she never pesters Mr. Tyson again, as long as she gets the
compensation she deserves.”

Hilary stole a glance at Clarissa after she finished speaking. The look on her face came off
as quite a shock to Hilary.

Clarissa’s gaze was grim and frightening. It was unlike anything she had seen before.

However, Hilary knew that she could not take back the words she had said, so she stood in
her spot, her expression mirroring the discomfort she felt.
Yuliana and Margeret sneered. This woman is actually rather sensible.

“Hilary, you never gave a damn about Clary from the start. You have no say in this.”

Catherine’s remarks rang loud and clear as she shot a look at Hilary before turning to

Margaret stiffened in surprise as she had not expected such a youthful and sprightly-looking
woman to be Clarissa’s grandmother.

Catherine was a simple old lady. Although she was dressed in the new clothes her
granddaughter bought her, it gave her a kind albeit meek air.

She wore a faint smile and nodded at the old Mrs. Tyson. “I think our Clary is a good girl. We
should consider each other in-laws now. Please don’t take the impertinence of my daughter
to heart. She has always been a defeatist.”

“I beg your pardon. In-laws, you say?”

Margaret did nothing to hide the contempt and disdain in her voice.

Meanwhile, Catherine’s smile stiffened but dissipated slowly at the insult.

“Mother, that was uncalled for,” said Matthew, his voice cold.

But this only brought Margeret’s ire to greater heights.

“Shut up! Have you forgotten what I said? I vehemently forbade you to marry this woman,
but still, you refuse to listen! Look at them! Just look! You want me to consider these vermin
my relatives?”


“Be quiet!”

“Well, isn’t this just perfect? Since Clarissa and her entourage is here, let me make one thing
clear. You’ll be able to marry her over my dead body,” Margaret snarled at her son while
glaring at Clarissa. “Also, you want me to compensate her? I’m not giving you greedy little
peasants a single penny. Don’t think you can just get away with blackmailing the Tysons like

“Grandma, you’re going way overboard!”

Unable to stand her grandmother’s tirade anymore, Ellie bellowed while ignoring Yuliana’s
glare, “Are you both here to ruin the fun today? Besides, this is Uncle Matt and Clare’s
personal matter. You can save your opinions as there’s no need for them here. You’re both
practically bullying her in front of her own family! That aside, they both have nothing to do
with Clare anymore!”

“What kind of a person severs family ties with her relatives? Mimi, aren’t you a cousin of
hers? I believe you have something to share. Go on, tell us.”

Mimi, who had been addressed by Mrs. Tyson, suddenly primed herself to chime in.

However, a cold look from Matthew silenced her immediately and sent a shiver down her

Margaret, on the other hand, decided to defend her.

“Well? I’m here anyway. Who dares defy me?”

Catherine was infuriated and heartbroken at the thought that their family had caused
humiliation to Clarissa.

With Margaret’s support, Mimi mustered the courage to say her piece, but not without
adding fuel to the flame.

“Imagine being a sh*t out of luck like this one here. She lost her father at a young age, then
she was abandoned by her mother, who married into a rich family. My grandmother, bless
her, was also affected by Clarissa. My family was basically dragged through the mud thanks
to her, and things only improved after we distanced ourselves from her. Little did we know
that she was involved with gangsters too! My goodness, she was getting into fights all the
time. Her teachers and classmates knew about this, of course. With a pretty face like hers,
she was able to cozy up to them for money. How else did she save up enough for her
education? Clarissa later managed to get into a college, even though god knows how she
did it. Someone as calculating as her definitely had a plan. As expected, she then later
managed to seduce Mr. Tyson. Look at her now! She’s made bank! That skank not only
ignored us, but she even tried to frame me and wanted to send me to prison. When she
returned home, she announced that she was going to marry into some affluent family. She
never stopped showing off. When my mother nearly died of an illness, she even refused to
lend us the money we needed for her treatment!”

Mimi had a lot to say about Clarissa. How many of it was true, nobody knew or cared.

When she finished speaking, she flashed a smile at Clarissa. “Clarissa, although you are my
cousin, I bear you no ill will. I’m not here to exact my revenge on you either. However, I can’t
bring myself to watch you deceive other people. Mrs. Tyson, my cousin is definitely the type
who knows how to scheme and plan. For someone who went from rags to riches, she surely
has some tricks up her sleeve. Since Mr. Tyson has already given her an inch, it’s only a
matter of time before she takes over everything.”

Although this was quite exaggerated, Mimi’s words still lingered in Margaret’s thoughts.

Her burning gaze was filled with disgust as it bore into Clarissa.

However, Clarissa did not utter a word at the accusations hurled toward her. She only stood
there, pale-faced and impassive.

“What nonsense! Clare is my friend, and I was the one who made the first move. You, on the
other hand, colluded with Shermaine and wanted to frame Clare. Do you think we’re stupid?
That we’d actually believe your crap?”

Mimi giggled. “Well, believe what you want. That has nothing to do with me. I’m just venting
the discomfort she caused me. I’ve said my piece, so you guys can do as you please.”

Having said that, she turned on her heel and left.

After all, people would believe what they wanted.

Margaret, for instance, bought her lies despite how far-fetched they were.

“Matthew, you heard it all.”

Margaret looked pointedly at her son. “You’ll find out how true this is on your own. But when
faced with something like this, I refuse to believe that she is completely innocent. Moreover,
her mother remarried, her cousin is such a vulgar person, and her aunt’s family is greedy. I
don’t quite trust the Lesters, but it’s not like you’re unaware of the hospital incident. You still
want to marry someone like her?” She then turned her attention to Clarissa. “As for you,
Clarissa Quigley, ask yourself this. Do you think you’re worthy of my son? Don’t you feel
ashamed? What do you think those departing guests would say if not this? Even if you do
manage to set the record straight, do you think they’ll believe you? Don’t think I don’t know
about all the scandals you were involved in. You, for a daughter-in-law? That stain from your
past will never go away. If they want to gossip, they’ll just bring it up again, and all this will
follow you for a lifetime. Do you want to implicate Matthew? Is this your way of loving him?

“I don’t care!”

Matthew’s voice, firm and deep, did not waver at all.

Instead of refuting him, Margaret sneered and looked right at Clarissa.

“I was asking her!”

Clarissa met Margaret’s gaze, but something in her eyes fuelled Clarissa’s dislike of her

This was the same look that Yuliana, Sienna, and even Shermaine shared when they looked
at Clarissa—lofty, contemptuous, and full of disdain. It was as if she was the thing they
hated the most.

Who would have known that the day that started off so perfectly would end up like this?
Look at the sh*tshow I’m in now.

She had never imagined that Mimi would disrupt the banquet with nobody’s help. Even
Margaret’s timely appearance seemed odd.

This was obviously collusion, something deliberate that was meant to give her the final
blow. It didn’t matter what lies and deceit were aired out today. Their main goal was to make
her self-sabotage and leave Matthew.

The corners of Clarissa’s mouth twitched, and she felt Matthew gripping her hand tightly.
She was truly ashamed of what happened today, but this man was more resolute than she
was. Why couldn’t she be like him?
She took a moment to compose herself and smiled at the old woman. “Mrs. Tyson, if
Matthew doesn’t care, neither do I. If he doesn’t want to leave me, there is no reason for me
to break up with him. Even if what you said does happen in the future, it’s between the two
of us. We’re adults capable of making our own choices, and these choices will be our
burden to bear. “

Margaret narrowed her eyes slightly and shot a cold glare at Clarissa.

“So, you still want to be with Matthew?”


“Even if I oppose your union on the pain of death?”

Clarissa didn’t answer, but she smiled faintly, indicating her acquiescence.

“You—” Margaret shouted angrily, clutching her chest and pointing at Clarissa. She had
completely lost her cool. “You uncivilized little wretch! Look at what you’re doing to our
family! You’re sowing discord between my son and me, and it’s all your fault! You and your
greedy, shameless family! How did they even raise someone like you? Matthew, are you
saying that you’re going to cut off all ties with me to marry her?”

Matthew frowned and said, “There is no need for this, Mother. Clare and I already—”


Before Matthew could finish speaking, Catherine, who had been silent all this while,
suddenly interrupted him.

Clarissa was taken aback as she turned around to look at her grandmother.

“Clare, come here and place your hand on the crucifix.”

Seeing her grandmother’s awe-inspiring expression, Clarissa panicked a little and walked
toward her.

With all eyes now on Catherine, she spoke with a cold, resolute determination in her voice.
“Clare, if you consider yourself my granddaughter, then I want you to make a vow. Do this for
the sake of your dead father. Swear that you, Clarissa Quigley, will never marry into this
family. Otherwise, I will not rest in peace.”
You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow
Chapter 252

The weather in W City was slightly warmer than that of D city. The air was also cleaner, with
minimal smog.

However, when Clarissa woke up early in the morning, what greeted her was not the usual
bright sunshine but the dark, misty sky. The gloomy weather only made her feel more

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She stood on the balcony and looked into the distance for a long time before changing her
clothes and leaving the room.

Unexpectedly, the old lady woke up much earlier. Clarissa came downstairs to find Jenny
and Catherine having breakfast together.

“Ah, you’re up? Let’s eat. The weather has been bad these few days, and I’m unable to leave
the house. Why don’t we bake something together?”

Clarissa smiled and sat down. She proceeded to have breakfast and said, “I’ll go shopping
for ingredients then.”

“No need for that!”

For some reason, Catherine refused Clarissa’s offer.

Clarissa paused, feeling quite lost.

“I’m only going to the supermarket downstairs to buy some groceries. Do you think I’ll run
off somewhere?”

Catherine snorted in denial. However, her intention was definitely to keep Clarissa indoors.
With a smile, Jenny looked at the pair. “It’s alright. Maybe I’ll go instead. By the way, Clarissa,
it’s getting cold, and it’ll be the new year before we know it. I want to buy something new to
wear, so can you help me look at some garments online? Just pick some that you think
would suit me, and I’ll look it over later.”

Clarissa smiled and nodded.

If Jenny had not chimed in, it would have definitely turned into an awkward situation for
both of them.

As Jenny was out shopping, Catherine made her way to the living room. She listened to
some music and engaged in light exercise while chatting with her friends via video call.

Clarissa could only sit there and listen to their conservation.

“My word, it’s good that you and Clary have come back. Given how cold it is, maybe we
should make a trip to somewhere more tropical! The few of us have decided on a location.
Why don’t you bring Clary along? Besides, her wedding is only happening next year, so you
needn’t worry about it.”

Catherine didn’t tell anyone that Clarissa would not be having a wedding.

Hence, her expression turned glum upon hearing them say that.

But nobody seemed to notice and only persuaded them to go on a trip.

Finally, Catherine gave in.

After she hung up, Catherine decided to inform Clarissa about it.

“We’re going on a trip. It’ll be with a tour group, which will last for two weeks. Let’s go and
have some fun since there’s no rush to come home anyway. You can also tag along and
keep us company!”

As if I can still turn her down…

“Okay, when are we leaving? I’ll prepare in advance.”

“This weekend.”
“So soon?”

It was currently Thursday, exactly a week after their trip to D City. For them to go on another
trip on such short notice made Clarissa anxious.

Catherine then put her foot down. “Well, we’re all just moping around at home anyway, and
they’ve already made plans since we came back on time. Besides, I’ve never been to H City.
Just come along with me, Clary. You’ll also get to relax and enjoy yourself. A trip is what you
need to forget the past.”


She shook her head in her mind, but she was afraid that Catherine would be upset if she
refused. With that, Clarissa nodded with a smile.

“Alright, then we should start packing. I have to get some summer clothes, sunscreen, and a
few hats. There is quite a lot we need to buy.”

“Well, let’s go shopping together then. If Matilda says no, we’ll just get the stuff at the
airport. It’s not like we can’t afford it.”

Clarissa burst out laughing. “Really, you old ladies are definitely swimming in cash!”

Two days later, Clarissa and Catherine boarded the plane to H City.

Upon landing, a few of them changed into attire that was more suited to the weather in the
airport’s locker room. Coats and sweaters were exchanged for T-shirts and shorts instead.

As the bunch of them chatted throughout the ride to the hotel, Clarissa’s wedding was
brought up. While she was showered with praises and congratulatory wishes, Catherine kept
silent. Clarissa then quickly changed the subject.

Naturally, the objective of their vacation was to enjoy themselves, so they paid little heed to
Clarissa. After a while, they arrived at the hotel and took a break before exploring the area.
After all, the elderly simply did not have that much energy compared to youngsters. Rest
was necessary so that they could go all out the next day.

But that did not apply to Catherine, who was in good shape, thanks to her light exercise
After a bath and a nap, Clarissa followed Catherine out when she stumbled across a stall
that sold fresh fruits. When she wanted to pay for them, she fumbled in her purse before
taking out her wallet.

However, the vendor was not too happy. “I don’t have any change. Don’t you use an e-wallet?
Just scan the code here.”

The corners of Clarissa’s mouth twitched. “I apologize, but my phone is missing.”

The man was very embarrassed. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t have any cash on me.”

Who uses cash anyway?

“Forget it.”

“Wait, just give me a moment. I’ll look for some change.”

The man then busied himself and brought some cash to complete the transaction.

With her purchases in tow, Clarissa returned to the hotel. She peeled the mango and put a
slice in her mouth, savoring its phenomenal taste.

She then sighed inwardly, still unhappy. Catherine had confiscated her phone, so she
couldn’t carry it around anymore. Moreover, she was not sure whether it was for good.

Of course, Clarissa could secretly buy a new phone if she wanted to. But she did not want to
upset Catherine since the latter had made up her mind when she came back from D City.

While Catherine was resting in bed, Clarissa had her meal. After washing her hands, she
walked toward the large French windows and opened them. A cool and temperate sea
breeze was blowing outside, which made the air feel more comfortable. Despite this,
Clarissa was still not at ease.

Initially, she assumed that she would be able to persevere with Matthew and soldier on. She
had even anticipated the struggles she would face, including the humiliation, the bullying,
and the difficulties in their relationship. She thought both of them could overcome these
challenges together.

However, there was one thing she had not expected—her grandma’s involvement.
That birthday celebration had to be one of the most unforgettable events she had

Catherine made her swear upon the crucifix, of all things. Although Clarissa was reluctant,
the resolute in Catherine’s eyes gave her no choice.

She had made an oath and could not break it as her grandmother’s life was at stake.
Catherine knew that she was the most important person to Clarissa, so she leveraged that
fact to her advantage and coerced Clarissa into obedience.

After that very public display, Catherine dragged Clarissa away from the venue, went back to
Zen Highlands to pack their belongings before they went straight to the airport.

Even Matthew was powerless to stop her.

Seeing Catherine’s determination, he knew that attempts to stop her would only worsen the

After that, Matthew took a flight with them to W City. Three days later, he returned to D City.

The fact was, Matthew had intended to stay in W City and ask for Catherine’s forgiveness,
but for some reason, he left after speaking with her.

Clarissa did not even know what her grandmother told him. A threat, perhaps?

However, given her current situation, she could not contact Matthew. Since Catherine was
insistent on keeping her here, Clarissa could only acquiesce.

Clarissa let out another long sigh.

She thinks that she can just put an end to everything like this, but it’s really not that simple.

What can I even say to convince her?

Clarissa knew that some things could not be disclosed yet. Catherine would likely be unable
to bear it, for starters. On top of that, she had already made that vow, which was all the more
reason she couldn’t come clean with Catherine.
She shook her head to clear her mind and gazed at the sea, her arms spread wide. If only
she could be as vast as the sea and drown her troubles, which seemed impossible to get

Clarissa lowered his arms, her shoulders drooping. She looked as helpless as she felt.

Just as she was about to go back to the room, she spotted someone standing on the
balcony of the room next to hers. She turned to look at the person but froze, wide-eyed.
Instinctively, she looked into her room again, feeling guilty.

Fortunately, Catherine was still asleep, so she quietly hurried toward the balcony, fearing
that the old woman would spot her. She could only hide behind the curtains as she finally
gazed upon the man standing there.

It had only been a few days, but it felt like a lifetime to her.

While Clarissa was initially happy, she suddenly felt a sharp pang of sadness. She pouted as
tears welled up in her eyes. Although Matthew was right there, she dared not speak for fear
of being heard. Instead, she could only express her longing for him through her gaze.

Matthew also approached her. He stretched out his hand but could not reach her from
where he stood, so he set it down in disappointment. His dark eyes looked at her with
tenderness and affection.

Matthew spoke, his baritone voice hoarse.

“I’m always here with you.”

Catherine thought that Matthew had left W City, but the fact that he was right before
Clarissa proved otherwise.

He wanted Clarissa to know that he would never give up on her.

Clarissa nodded and murmured in her heart, “I know, I know.”

She held up her finger, which still bore Matthew’s ring on it so that he could see that she had
not given up either.

Matthew’s thin lips wore the ghost of a smile as he focused his gaze on his partner’s face.
The pair spent some time looking at each other longingly, thus.

In the room, Catherine suddenly coughed, and Clarissa stiffened in fright.


“I’m here, on the balcony.”

Despite saying this, she was reluctant to leave, looking at Matthew greedily.

Catherine was still urging her from afar, “The tour guide said dinner is at six, and it’s almost
time! Let’s go downstairs.”

“Huh? Well, alright.”

“Clare? What is it?”

Upon hearing that, Clarissa started making her way back slowly, but her eyes seemed
distant. It was only when Catherine stood up and walked over that Clarissa hurried back into
the room in fright.

“I’m coming! It’s nothing. I’ll get dressed now.”

Catherine glanced at her granddaughter and walked to the balcony herself. Sensing nothing
unusual, she then walked back inside.

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