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Main Theory



This is a non-mathematical proposal introducing a cosmological model that is cyclic, deterministic and
infinity-free. For the purpose of achieving this objective a number of new concepts are introduced. The
framework of this proposal is structured over a number of assumptions, leading to various
considerations of cosmological concerns. Furthermore, verification methods are suggested of both,
observational and mathematical nature.


Space is discontinuous. It breaks down to indivisible space quanta; the Space Elements (S.E.)

Space Elements are stationary. They accommodate and transfer Information. We traditionally name this
Information "our physical universe".

Saturation: Each space element can accommodate only a finite amount of information. It then becomes

Inefficiency: The process of accommodating and transferring information between Space Elements is a
Mechanism. Like every mechanism the process of information transfer is not absolutely efficient. This
means that it can only be performed for a very large but finite number of repetitions.

Time (ΔΤ): Time is the rate of change of space elements. Information transfer is not instant. ΔΤ is
required. This is the time necessary for any space element to change its state according to the
information it receives or transfers. Rate of change relates to saturation. Heavily saturated S.E. "resist"
further information because of increased ΔΤ. Fully saturated S.E. are not capable of accepting additional

Trace: Because of inefficiency, each repetition leaves a footprint on each S.E. This is Trace. Superposition
of all traces within the S.E. grid results in increased cosmic saturation. ΔΤ increases with age. The
Mechanism deteriorates.

A rain cloud is a well-defined shape in the sky. This shape is considered to be the border between
"cloud" and "clear sky". This is because the naked eye cannot detect humidity unless the air is fully
saturated and thus looks like a cloud. Taking a photograph using a special lens capturing humidity levels,
the cloud would look considerably larger and would extend away from the well-defined finite shape.
Humidity saturation levels would diminish with distance.

Every massive body is a cloud of information travelling through the stationary quantum space grid. This
information cloud is not confined within the boundaries we observe or detect as mass, but extends to
space elements away from the main body. Those space elements carry information directly related to
the main body. We call this information Gravity. The region extending away from the main body is a
Gravity Cloud bound to the main body. It is in fact an indistinguishable part of the main body, and it
follows the main body in its direction of travel. They are one and the same. They cannot be separated in
any way. They should be considered as one entity. Information saturation diminishes with distance
from the main body meaning that gravity weakens with distance.

Mechanism of gravity: As noted above, information saturation is stronger in proximity to the main body
and dissipates with distance. This means that information is propagated more slowly in proximity to the
main body because of increased ΔT (higher saturation of space elements).
A secondary massive body (secondary region of relevant information) travelling within the affected
region experiences increased ΔΤ in the parts of its own region that are in proximity to the original mass.
This introduces a resistance in motion. Resistance is greater in proximity to the main body and
diminishes with distance. It follows the law of ΔΤ. Heavily saturated space elements transfer information
with increased ΔΤ (slower) compared to less saturated ones. Because of this, the direction of travel
shifts towards the center of the main body (similar to a car braking on the left side wheels only; the car
shifts to the left). Exactly the same applies to the main body in relation to the secondary body, and so
the two information clouds move towards each other. This means that any cloud of information with the
property of "mass" attracts any similar information cloud because their saturation levels are being
superimposed positively. In common understanding, any two massive objects attract one another.
(Diagram Gravity 1)
Mass and gravity share the same fundamental principal. They both introduce additional information into
the volume of space they occupy, and therefore the properties of space change accordingly. Viewing
space saturation in color, any massive body and its surrounding gravitational field would share the same
texture. Brightness would diminish with distance away from the center of the massive body. Travelling
through the color would introduce a shift in direction towards the bright center of the colorful
region. (Gravity Diagram 2)

Gravity in color

If simplifications are made, and if gravity is visualized in color, then the following diagram
displays the effect of gravitational information being superimposed positively. The two massive
bodies experience a gravitational "handshake", gravity being an extension of themselves.
Dark Matter: It is gravity itself that is missing from the observed mass (rain cloud example; the missing
humidity surrounding the visible cloud remains invisible). Gravity is not passive; it is active. It adds to the
gravitational pull of the body it is linked to. It is an extension of that body. In quantum space terms, the
primary information cloud (mass) and the secondary information cloud (gravity) are one unified region
of information. One entity. (Diagram)
Black Holes: Perhaps not as exotic as the name suggests.

Fully saturated information regions. As such, the space elements they occupy are unable to
accommodate or transfer additional information. Information is “trapped” within the region. Time as we
understand it, breaks down because the rate of change is zero. Any additional inflow results in
expanding the boundary of the saturated region.

Black holes are solid bodies that expand. They are not dimensionless. They occupy an ever-expanding
cloud of fully saturated space elements. The "event horizon" is the boundary between space and the
solid body that remains hidden behind. Going through the event horizon would result in a catastrophic
crash upon the densest entity in the universe.

Force is the result of saturation differential in the propagation of information through the space
elements grid.

The same mechanism applies to all known forces. Repulsion occurs in the reversed process when
saturation levels superimpose negatively. Saturation (and ΔΤ) decreases with proximity and therefore
repulsion occurs. (Diagram)
The above definition of Forces may seem to demand motion, or otherwise all processes would collapse.
This sounds accurate if thinking in terms of a non-quantum environment, but in Quantum Space all that
is necessary is that the universe remains actively resonating. As a consequence, even at rest, every SE
remains active and anticipates interaction. This is further discussed later in this proposal.

Time can only be defined in terms of rate of change. Time flow is not an absolute (primordial) cosmic
constant. It relates directly to the cosmic Trace accumulation which defines the present state of the
Mechanism. This is the superposition of all events that have ever occurred since Creation.

A helpful example is to think in terms of a movie bobbin. If the frame rate of playback is eternally
decelerated (not necessarily linearly), the total playback time is not equal to the total tape length, if the
latter is calculated in terms of the frame rate observed at the end of the movie (which reflects our
present universal rate of time flow – the present ΔΤ).

Consequently, a number of assumptions need to be reconsidered.

-Age of the Universe: It cannot be estimated using the present rate of change, because events have been
unfolding much faster in the past, especially at the beginning of creation. If this becomes part of the
universe’s age estimate process, then the numbers change significantly. The universe is considerably
older than estimated. Perhaps the first 100 seconds are equivalent to more than 100 billion years of
today’s time flow rate. (Diagram)
-Primordial expansion rate (Inflation): In relation to the above, it is impossible to accurately estimate the
primordial expansion rate without correcting for time flow rate. The application of this correction results
in significantly decreased absolute speed than what is currently estimated (apparent speed).

-Dark Energy: Space is absolutely stationary. Space elements do not move; it is only the information
within that travels through them in the form of space properties' propagation. The expansion of space is
an illusion resulting from misinterpreting the cosmological redshift:

It is time that decelerates and not space that accelerates.

This follows the main property ΔΤ of space elements. ΔΤ increases with age due to Trace. As light from
distant galaxies travels, it encounters older space elements. They are aged and saturated due to eternal
superposition of cosmic Trace. Thus, all processes are decelerated. The oldest space elements are the
ones we occupy at present. It is our region that creates the Doppler shift and not the region of young
galaxies that we observe in the distant past. Our present ΔΤ is longer than ΔΤ in the region and time
when light was first emitted by those young galaxies. Light travels more slowly in the present time than
it was in the past. The cosmological redshift relates to age, time and retardation, not to distance, speed
and acceleration. Space is not expanding. Light is decelerating. (Diagram)
Note: This is not in reference to "tired light". Energy is not being dissipated while travelling. It is the
medium (space) that changes state and deteriorates as a result of cosmic Trace. The inefficiency exists
within the medium of motion which negatively affects the propagation of motion, causing retardation.

As already mentioned, space elements are absolutely stationary providing the reference grid for
everything else to exist within them.

Intuitively, quantum space elements can be considered as a grid of isolated spherical cells. True
quantum space geometry is most probably a lot more complicated than this.

With the understanding that nothing exists outside space elements, no distance is necessary between
them. Space is in fact clearly continuous. What defines the individuality of each space element is time;
its own rate of change.

Time may be described as a layer of resistance (delay) in the propagation of information. This layer
surrounds each space element, defining its existence. Space geometry translates into time geometry.
Motion is propagation of information. There are two types of motion:

-Traditional (linear) motion: Information travels through successive space elements, interacting with
them, leaving Trace. The total transportation time is the sum of all ΔΤ (ΔΤtrace and ΔΤsaturation) and CT
of all space elements affected.

CT is “conscious time”, i.e. the presence within each SE, before information is propagated into the next
SE. This is what humans understand and refer to as “time”. The sum of all CT during transport is what we
understand as the “duration of travel”.
ΔΤ is not registered by instrumentation or human intuition. ΔΤ only relates to time geometry.

-Quantum motion: Information propagation outside the SE grid and only through time geometry as
defined by ΔΤ. Space elements remain unaffected. In human terms, and instrumentation
records, transport is instant. In fact, duration of quantum travel is always equal to the ΔΤ of the
destination space element. Unlimited distances, even the breadth of the entire universe, can be traveled
in just one single ΔΤ. (Diagram)

Trace is spread evenly across the universe through quantum motion. Every occurring event leaves Trace
which is simultaneously shared across all space elements. The state of the Mechanism is flat throughout
the grid.
A helpful (approximate) example is to imagine rain drops falling on the sea. The added volume of water
is shared throughout the ocean without local fluctuations of water depth.

Relative Motion:
In traditional motion, speed is the rate of propagation of information between adjacent space elements.
This rate can be defined in terms of CΤ. If the rate is slow, each space element accommodates the
traveling information for conscious time CTslow. If the rate is fast, the information is accommodated for
CTfast, where CTslow > CTfast. Maximum speed is reached when CT=0.

At max speed, the traveler (traveling information) experiences no distance since ΔΤ does not register.
The traveler experiences this speed as infinite and reaches any destination without any conscious time
elapsing. Yet the true duration of travel is NxΔΤ, where N is the number of space elements affected by
the traveler. If the traveler was unaware that space is static, he would translate this experience as
“contracting space”. In fact, it is his conscious time CT that is being diminishing.

The duration of travel may not be registered by the traveler, but it severely affects the overall
“environment” by leaving Trace on all those affected space elements. Depending on the saturation
density of the traveling information, Trace can be significant.

Space resists high density information from traveling at high speed in order to protect the Mechanism
from rapid deterioration. The resistance is apparent when CΤ becomes small enough to be comparable
to ΔT, and so it is not linearly related to speed, but manifests itself at speeds close to max. Since ΔΤ
changes with time (age), so does the maximum allowed speed of traditional motion (light speed).

The above concept is discussed further in the Quantum Relativity section.

In quantum motion, as mentioned before, speed is irrelevant since only one ΔΤ elapses before any
destination is reached.

Understanding motion in quantum terms is not an easy task. Motion cannot exist in quantum space;
there can only be state of presence and intention of motion. This realization introduces frequency.

Events occur in unison. All information is absolutely still within the S.E. grid and propagates only in
quantum steps defined by the frequency of the universe. The frequency is defined by age; the current
state of the Mechanism. Early universe resonated in considerably higher frequency, as mentioned
earlier in considerations about Time. ΔΤsaturation and conscious time CT always fall within the time grid
which is defined by ΔΤtrace. (Diagram)
Particles – Quantum Physics:
Every particle is a local cloud of information. It occupies a large number of space elements since the S.E.
dimensions are of different order of magnitude. This means that even the smallest particles extend over
a vast number of space elements. The primordial particles are the space elements themselves.

The properties of the information cloud of any particle are locked. Nothing can change within the cloud
without affecting the entire cloud. Change occurs simultaneously. This does not violate the law of ΔΤ.
Change is not instant; it is only simultaneous. This is because CT between space elements is zero.
Conscious time does not exist outside space elements, so information travels (and space element
properties can change) simultaneously across unlimited regions of S.E. through quantum motion.

Inefficiency. Deterioration. Retardation. Age. It is inevitable, irreversible. Unfortunately. But there is a
flip side to this. It is called Life.

Life is a direct consequence of primordial information embedded within all space elements. It manifests
itself when specific conditions are met. There is a limited time window available. Not too early in the
cosmic process (ΔΤ is fast), and not too late (ΔΤ is slow). The breadth of the allowed time span depends
on the cosmic deceleration rate (the deterioration of the Mechanism due to Trace of all cosmic

Retardation (ever-increasing ΔΤ) is in fact convenient. Probably even necessary. The "Life" event is
fragile. Cosmic constants needed to be tuned down through universal ageing in order to gradually reach
the optimum values allowing life to be spawned and sustained. The effective values are not absolute. A
window of opportunity exists and gives life a chance. (Diagram)

Even within the available time span, life is not settled. This explains the otherwise unnecessary over-
abundance of available information (energy/star systems). It implies insecurity. Life is probabilistic. The
relatively long lasting cosmic equilibrium of solar systems shields this fragile process from cosmic
influence. The necessary liquid medium further protects this process from local fluctuations, keeping the
conditions as flat as possible. This is because a considerably large set of local level perturbations is
executed before thermodynamic efficiency is spontaneously achieved (life). It is then just a matter of
thermodynamic optimization (evolution).
Engineering the universe requires understanding of only two principles: Quantum Space
Properties and Quantum Space Interactions. There is nothing more. As a consequence, only one space
element needed to have been engineered. Everything else is a derivative, and so the entire system
resonates in unison.

The process of creation requires aggressive information loading (Big Bang). This is achieved by tunneling
information through a single SE of the preceding universe into a single SE of the new universe.
Information is then propagated outwards. Most likely an initial state of SE supersaturation is necessary
for the propagation to initiate. All the necessary density fluctuations would have been carefully pre-
designed before the process initiated. Following initiation, there is no further control. The old universe
has died. The new universe is born. (Diagram)
The universe could not have been created both as continuum and quantum entity. In human terms, it
cannot be half digital and half analogue. The primordial elements are only two. There is only space and
time. Space is static. Time is parametric.

There is no physical presence in the universe. There is only space, manifesting itself according to local
information densities. Human perception translates this as physical existence. The universe is
information embedded within quantum space. It is a quantum mechanism that resonates in unison at a
rate of gradual deterioration.

The size of the universe is finite and absolutely determined at the process of creation. The same applies
to all its contents (information available), and to its life span (deterioration rate). All processes are
deterministic. There are no infinities.

Quantum Relativity


Quantum Space Elements theory proposes Time to be three-dimensional, similar to the conventional
understanding of three-dimensional Space:

- There is Conscious Time (CT) within which we function and experiment,

- There is ΔΤ(saturation) relating to the information density within Space Elements, and
- There is ΔΤ(trace) relating to the ageing of the Universe

Of the three dimensions of Time only CT is detectable. All of ΔΤ is undetected and so in the following
discussion ΔΤ will be treated as one unified dimension.

ΔΤ stands for the necessary transition time between any two events. Any sequence of events occurring
in the universe demands transition time between them, or otherwise instantaneous action
(communication) is introduced. This would be in violation of everything science and human intuition
stands for. Therefore ΔΤ is required to protect what is already known or feels to be real.

In a quantum space environment the mechanics of motion are different than in space-time continuum.
Quantum mechanics demands that all motion occurs in pulses, since time is quantized as well as space.
The following diagram introduces a simplified approach to motion in a quantum space context, which
can be described as “state of presence” (CT) and “intention of motion” (ΔΤ).
In the above diagram, pulses 1, 3, & 5 are conscious time, while pulses 2 & 4 are ΔΤ. The
traveler is only conscious of CΤ, and unaware of ΔΤ. Therefore, within a total universal time of
5 pulses, only 3 pulses registered in the traveler’s consciousness and physical state.

Accordingly, the terminology of conscious time (CT) and absolute time (CT+ΔΤ) can be
introduced at this point.

The previous representation is greatly simplified because it displays motion as 1-on-1 type. In
reality, a slow moving traveler would remain stationary within a space element for a large
number of pulses before moving to the next. Similarly, a fast moving traveler would remain
within each SE for a smaller number of pulses. Additionally, in a heavily saturated environment,
the intention of motion would require more than one pulses, since heavily saturated SE require
more time to adjust into incoming information. This is all already discussed in the main theory of

The following is a similar diagram, condensing this type of motion in a more synoptic graphical
format. Information named “X” travels in slow speed through successive space elements from
left to right:

Total (absolute) time = CT +ΔΤ = 4+1+4+1+4+1+4 = 19 pulses

Conscious time (CT) = 4x4 = 16 pulses
Undetected time (ΔΤ) = 1+1+1 = 3 pulses

Therefore, traveler “X” has aged 16/19 pulses.

A faster moving traveler “Y” experiences the same absolute time of 19 pulses as follows:

Total (absolute) time = CT +ΔΤ = 2+1+2+1+2+1+2+1+2+1+2 +1 = 19 pulses

Conscious time (CT): 2x6 + 1 = 13 pulses
Undetected time (ΔΤ) : 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6 pulses

Therefore, traveler “Y” has aged 13/19 pulses.

It is important to stress the fact that in both cases the total time is constant at 19 pulses, while travelers
at different speeds register different conscious time. If both travelers had synchronized clocks at the
point of origin, than at t=19 the clock of the faster moving traveler would have registered slower time

This is a direct consequence of disallowing instant transition between any two events, by the
introduction of an additional time dimension.

The previous examples are obviously not aligned with human intuition. The main reason is the
difference in order of magnitude. Conscious time is what we experience through life. It is largely
macroscopic. Transition time (ΔΤ) is always microscopic; in fact probably of an order of magnitude even
smaller than this. Using real numbers, the difference in ageing between the travelers is infinitesimal.
Thinking in terms of human perception, if conscious time was in seconds, ΔΤ would be in picoseconds or
less (10-12). In addition, ΔΤ is constant in a constant medium (for example in vacuum). It does not
fluctuate. Therefore the effect of motion in the perception of time flow is only relevant when CT and ΔΤ
are of comparable magnitude. This can only occur at such high speed where CT is forced to diminish into
a magnitude comparable to ΔΤ.

This means that the introduced transition time between events (the new time dimension) is of such
microscopic order of magnitude that only becomes apparent in the special condition of events occurring
in a period fast enough to be comparable to the universe’s frequency. This statement treats motion as a
periodic event repeating itself between successive space elements, as they accommodate and transfer
the traveling information. There are obvious energy implications out of this statement which will be
discussed later on this page.

Graphically separating the two time dimensions produces the following equivalent diagrams:

This graphical representation clarifies further the concept of different time dimensions and the effect of
motion in the perception of time. This is not only relevant to human intuition, but it also applies to
everything that exists within any specific reference frame of motion. All observation, instrumentation,
estimates, calculations, labs, apparatuses and detectors, they all function within their own CT.
The above diagram graphically represents the perception of time and space by travelers at
various speeds in respect to the absolute frame of reference (the QSE grid), and also in respect to
each other.

This diagram plots velocity over distance travelled, and so time is inverted (1/t).

The Absolute Time Line is the perception of “present time” and “distance travelled”, at various
velocities, if all dimensions of time are considered (CT+ΔΤ).

The Conscious Time Line is the perception of “present time” and “distance travelled”, at various
velocities, if only CT is considered (human perception and instrumentation observations).

It is clear from this diagram that perception of time and distance changes with velocity. This is
because ΔT becomes increasingly relevant at high velocities, and since it remains undetected, the
illusion of space-time relativity manifests itself at those velocities. Had this undetected time been
introduced within calculations, then space-time would have always been absolute.

Since ΔΤ remains invisible, every motion within the SE grid introduces its own reference frame
which in turn needs to be consistent with every other reference frame, since there is an invisible
common ground that bonds them all together.

Accordingly, the one-way speed of light is directly related to the observer's CT. Had we been
able to measure one-way light speed, it would had not been invariant of Earth's motion and
rotation through space.

The actual observed light speed of 300,000 km/sec is the two-way light speed which entirely
ignores the effect of CΤ differential, since it is cancelled out by the experiments themselves.

Hopefully, the above (bold) statements will eventually be experimentally challenged in a true
one-way light speed measurement through various states of motion.

According to the QSE proposal, kinetic energy relates to frequency (rate of change) and mass
relates to information density (saturation).

As was mentioned earlier within the text, increased speed is faster rate of change. At increased
speed, information travels through more space elements within the same absolute time, and
therefore repetition of the quantum mechanism of motion is faster (state of presence / intention
of motion); hence speed translates into frequency.

Frequency of events can never be faster than the frequency of the universe. This is defined by
ΔΤ(trace), which is the present state of the universal mechanism according to time retardation, as
is discussed in the main body of QSE theory. The frequency of the universe defines the
maximum allowed speed of propagation. It is this fundamental quantum space property that
limits the consequences of any event within a finite range away from the source as time

Additionally, the rate of change of space elements is proportional to the density of the travelling
information. Again, as is already discussed within the QSE proposal, the rate of change of space
elements depends on the level of information saturation within.

A direct result of the above is that information with the property we understand as mass can
never travel at maximum speed, because the space elements affected cannot propagate this
information at the frequency of the universe. Saturation introduced by the density of the
travelling information (mass), forces those SE to oscillate (receive/transfer information) always
at lower frequency than that of the universe. It would require a theoretical infinite energy input to
force those SE at maximum oscillation frequency.

Absolute reference frame

Motion is the quantum propagation of information through the static space elements grid. So
there is an absolute frame of reference, the quantum space grid.

Since this absolute frame of reference is invisible, one consequence of its existence would be an
additional velocity vector in the visibly relative motion of bodies. An example would be an
undefined velocity vector relating to the motion of our planet through space.
Special and General Relativity account for all known relative information between two massive
entities, allowing for accurate measurement of the gravitational force.

If it can be experimentally confirmed that the force of gravity is actually measured to fluctuate
relative to Earth's rotations through space, this would indicate the existence of an undefined
reference frame.

In this respect, fluctuations should be aligned with Earth’s cycles. All the following conditions
should be confirmed as periodic gravitational fluctuations:

 Earth’s rotation around its axis

 Earth’s rotation around the Sun
 Axis rotations relating to both the above

It is imperative that all the above conditions should be verified if indication of the grid’s
existence is to be substantiated.

Solar rotation around the galaxy would also account for gravitational influence, yet the time
frame does not allow for conclusive results. Depending on the measurements’ accuracy, galactic
rotation may be ignored.

If measurements of gravitational constant G can be accurate enough, and if they can indicate
such periodic fluctuations outside the margin of error of instrumentation, then this would account
as an indication of validity for the Quantum Space Elements proposal.

If indication of validity is observed, then more elaborate experiments could be performed, using
existing accelerators. Measuring gravity fluctuations around the ring, and throughout the
acceleration curve, would perhaps provide more than just an indication of validity.

Time Geometry (Quantum Time)

According to the discussion in the quantum relativity section, the necessary transition time
between any two events occurring in the universe (ΔΤ), manifests itself at velocities close to the
speed of light. This is because only at this speed CT diminishes and becomes comparable to ΔΤ.
When those two dimensions of time (ΔΤ & CT) get to be of similar order of magnitude, then the
apparent linearity of events (the continuous flow of events) should break down. Experimentally
observing events materializing at such special conditions should produce a non-continuous flow.

More specifically, an experiment measuring the speed of accelerating particles, would at some
point observe further acceleration in quantized steps as opposed to a continuous flow asymptotic
to light speed. Such an observation would produce evidence of ΔΤ; the undetected dimension of
time flow.
If a continuous flow of energy input is observed to produce an uneven acceleration curve, this
can be attributed to the hidden time dimension ΔΤ.

Executing this experiment would require a dense grid of observations, each at different values of
effective energy levels; the actual kinetic energy of the particles, disregarding all energy losses in
the experiment. These diagrams are indicative of the plots to be expected in the case of
traditional space-time continuum (Diagram A) and in the case of quantized time and space
(Diagram B).

Quantum Acceleration Diagrams

Since ΔΤ is of unknown magnitude, it is not possible to estimate the speed above which ΔΤ
would become detectable. Most likely this will be a very small fraction of light speed. The
diagrams are indicative and most probably exaggerate the effect of ΔΤ in the motion of particles
and at speeds that can be experimentally achieved. Depending on the density of the observational
grid and on the accuracy of the experiment, ΔΤ should be detectable within the current limits of


Most probably it is redshift that holds the key to verifying retardation. Time-flow rate is invisible
and so it cannot be observed directly. It must be mathematically inferred by the following

Observation: The current observational evidence available is cosmological redshift.

Interpretation: In 1929 science was more than ready (and perhaps eager) to accept the solution
of expanding space. Observations indicating expanding space were aligned with theoretical
necessity. There was little room for second thought. It is now 2017, and for the purpose of this
discussion, space is to be treated as a constant. The convenience of expanding space must be
abandoned. How is redshift explained if space is assumed to be constant?

Reconstruction: All available images of old (distant) universe are distorted because of redshift.
Standard models reconstruct those images by assuming expanding space. If this solution is
abandoned, what other options are available? How do we keep cosmological mathematical
expressions from collapsing in a constant space environment? Are there many available options
to use as variables? Energy dissipation (tired light) has already been considered. Time, perhaps?

If those distorted images of distant galaxies were mathematically reconstructed by use of Time
variables (instead of Space or Energy variables), would this introduce accelerated events? Would
galaxies have to rotate faster in the distant past? Would every other periodic event have to be

It is understood that even if proposed time deterioration is mathematically coherent, this would
still be just an indication; an alternative solution bound by its own assumed conditions. However,
this indication would be a good place to start.

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