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Writing task 1

The first map illustrates how Stokeford looked in 1930, while the second map shows its
appearance in 2010. The development of the village of Stokeford that have taken place over a
period of 80 years. The major development is the farmland has been replaced by houses also the
primary school enlarge by 2 blocks, although the river stoke and a bridge remained unchanged
throughout 80 years of development.
Over the 80 years of, more streets were built, leading off the main road to give access to an
additional residential area. Garden in the centre of the village in 1930 was replaced by a
retirement home. Moreover, the post office continued to work in the former place, the shops were
replaced with houses. Upon conclusion, stokeford village has developed residential area, main
road and the addition of retirement home
With this ways Stokeford village has developed over 80 years and became better.

Writing task 2

In 2017 the UN predicted a decline of global population growth rate from +1.0% in 2020 to
+0.5% in 2050 and +0.1% in 2100. Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying
capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people. Global population has increased considerably may be
due to several causes. Firstly, increased life expectancy allows people to live longer due to
modern technology, modern medical facilities and research in healthcare and lifestyle. Secondly,
people these days are educated which makes them have a high paid in the company, with no
financial problem therefore able to have more children. Thirdly some of the people think “many
children, much fortune" That stated that if you have a lot of children, the more fortune you will
get in your life. Turn out this ‘fortune' was more like an ‘income'.
I believe that this phenomenon is the largest problem faced by third world countries through
limited resources moreover third world countries economy is not strong enough to feed all the
people, overpopulation causes starvation. More land is required for residential area Thus the land
available for farming is destroyed with this purpose. Also, the high population probably cause
disease to spread easily. For instance, COVID-19 cause people to social distancing, the more
crowded the population is the more easily COVID-19 spread.
To conclude, the increased of global population is caused by many reasons, overpopulation
is the most crucial issue of the human race and it should be taken into account seriously in every
country if they wish to outperform other global problems.

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