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MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Mrs. Cynthia Goff Fixed Term Faculty & Field Instructor Elementary Teacher Preparation 146 Erickson Hall, East Lansing, MI 48823 To the Prospective Employer of Taylor Garber, Taylor Garber is a 5th year graduate student of Michigan State University. Michigan State University's teaching program is a five year program. The teacher candidates graduate with their undergraduate degree in four years and then complete a fifth year internship as well as 12 graduate credits to meet the requirements for receiving their teaching license. Ms, Garber is also a member af the Urban Cohort at the University. | served as Ms. Garber's TE 801: Professional Roles and Mathematics Teaching Practice during the Fall Semester 2021, During this time, Ms. Garber has been completing her internship in a third grade classroom within the Eastpainte Community Schools. The benefit of the fifth year internship is the opportunity for teacher candidates/intemns ta experience the school year fram August until May. This extended time allows the teacher candidates the opportunity to experience setting up a classroom, professional development, conferences, district and state testing, as well as extended periods of time for lead teaching while still receiving the support of a mentor within the classroom. Ms. Garber has excelled in her classroom and the internship program. As her course instructor for mathematics, | interacted and supervised Ms. Garber from September-December 2021. Ms. Garber learned to effectively use math discourse in her placement classroom which provided agency to all of her students in the content area. Ms. Garber successfully created math lessons that were engaging and productive. She understands that “doing math’ is a continuous goal to strive for in her elementary classroom. In addition, Ms. Garber loaks through a lens of social justice and equity in the classroom. | perceive her as strong in her content area knowledge and as a true advocate for her students. Ms. Garber will be an excellent teacher and addition to any district and building fortunate enough to have the opportunity to hire her Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or need for additional information Sincerely, Crue Oa, Cynthia Goff MSU Fixed Term Faculty & Field Instructor (617) 203-6012

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