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Instructions: Discuss how technopreneurship can alleviate the status of unemployment of

a certain country.

Through technopreneurship, alleviating the status of unemployment of a certain

country is possible. With the business that the technopreneur established, jobs are


To expound, technopreneurial enterprises make life easy for people in different

walks of life. As the enterprise grows, it provides employment to people thus lowering the

rate of unemployment to a certain country. If there is business, there is job. For instance,

since most technopreneurial enterprises start small and local, these small-scale businesses

give local residents jobs and access to services and products. It will offer jobs for those

who are unemployed in the community which lead to meeting the needs of the society and

helping the country and its economy. Above all, it results to the reduction of the

unemployment rate of a certain country.

Reinamie G. Dayrit, BSIT 401

01 eLMS Quiz *Property of STI

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