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It is not surprising to discover that regions with the highest number of vehicles on the roads experience
higher levels of air and noise pollution on average. Cars are one of the biggest sources of pollution on
the planet. What you might be surprised to discover is that slower moving vehicles cause more pollution
than cars moving at freeway speeds.

It may seem intuitive that your vehicle burns more fuel when you travel faster, but the contrary is
actually true. Maintaining a constant speed usually burns more or less a constant fuel amount. It is when
you find yourself stuck in what resembles a parking lot instead of a highway that your vehicle really
starts consuming gas. Constant acceleration and braking is the primary culprit and usually leads to more
pollutants being pumped into the air.

The effects of car air pollution are significant for people residing in urban regions. High levels of nitrogen
oxide are dangerous to humans. Carbon dioxide contributes to climate change, and sulfur dioxide causes
acid rain. These pollutants also impair lung function, particularly in kids and adults suffering asthma.

Traffic congestion also create high noise levels and prolonged traffic, especially in up and downhill
patterns creates environments that are unpleasant. High rise buildings further intensify noise from
traffic. This makes living in the urban centers very frustrating.

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