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Environmental science 

is important because it enables you to understand how these

relationships work. For example, humans breathe out carbon dioxide, which plants need
for photosynthesis Plants are sources of food for humans and animals. In short, organisms
and humans depend on each other for survival.

Environmental science is communication and education of the global issues, through

journals, international conferences, and the media so that immediate solutions can be
found and applied. These issues may range from dynamite fishing to global warming, forest
denudation to mining. Because of development, more infrastructures had been built, more
transportation systems had been created, and more rural areas had been urbanized. With
these rapid changes, there is a need to study each step that may alter the environment so
that the natural ecosystem may still be protected or replaced by a better one.

Environmental science is important to save our world from destruction. Because of man’s
abusive actions, the environment is not safe anymore. There are more calamities
experienced such as flash floods, hurricanes and draughts and climate change. If we do not
study the environment, then there is a great danger that everything that we know as home
with all that surround us, will lead to extinction, yes including the extinction of our specie.

We need to study the environment and the sciences applied into it to find solutions to
different environmental issues so that children of tomorrow will still enjoy the healthy and
productive environment we still have now. If man will only make use of the different
discoveries through environmental science, then this world will definitely be a better place
to be called home not only for us but for the next generation.

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