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-It is Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia.

-It was taken during the national celebrations of the Defender of the Fatherland Day in Moscow,
Russia, Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022.
At the wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of an unknown soldier

-I know Russia invaded Ukraine saying it was just a military operation and nothing more. Except that
seeing the use of force and as Ukraine did not let it go so they started to fight, which led to a conflict.
Moreover, I think that Russia wants to recover the Ukrainian territory

- I would like to know what Putin's real intentions are, and if he is really looking for a war and to lead
the world towards chaos. In addition, whether economic sanctions will be the only type of sanctions
applied and that there will be no military counterattack

1. Biden was ordering heavy financial sanctions against Russia and add more sanctions would be on
the way if Putin proceeds further. This initial round includes cutting off two large Russian financial
institutions from the US financial system

2. Zelensky said Tuesday he was calling up some of the country’s military reservists, but added there
was no need for a full military mobilization.

3. To describe why Russian Troops had entered the separatist regions, Putin said it was for “maintain

4. Moscow’s actions changed in scope from being only, at first, covert attempts to unsettle Ukraine,
to become completely overt military action

5. The final section of the article talks about whether there is still a diplomatic way to resolve this
conflict and avoid war. However, from the circumstances and developments, it seems that Bliken is
no longer optimistic and even thinks that the discussions will not be productive.

1. Condemn: To express strong disapproval

2. Fallout: A negative result or effect

3. Sovereign: With supreme power, independent

4. Decree: An official order

5. Project: To display or present

6. Sanction: A penalty for disobeying the law


No, I do not think the Ukraine-Russia conflict will escalate into a war involving Europe. Because, since
the creation of the UN which replaced its predecessor which failed to stop the cold war. No more
wars broke out, since there are many more sanctions, resistant structures and conscious mind to
prevent any war. Therefore, like the beginning of 2020 when there was no war between the USA and
Israel, there will not be any now either.

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