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1. Maria Rainer

-Seorang postulan di Biara Nonnberg –di act 1 scene 1

-muda, : ada di setiap act. Yang dimana fraulein adalah gelar atau bentuk alamat umtuk seseorang
{jerman} wanita yang masih muda atau belum menikah.

- berjiwa bebas, : act 1,scene 1 ,hal.1 bagian akhir. “sister ,consideeing its maria,I suggest you look in
ununusual places”Dan hal.3 “bagian menyanyi REVEREND MOTHER ,bagian awal “

- hangat, lembut , penyayang perhatian serta baik hati :act 1 scene 5 hal.19,”o how lovely . do you think
the captain would get me some more material. How many dresses does a governess need. No,not for
me. For the children. I want to make them some play clothes., scene 5 hal.20.”greatle? are you

-murah senyum : act1 scene 2 hal.5. “ (big smile ) I promise to.

-suka menyanyi act 1 scene 1 hal.3 “I’ve even jeard her singing in the abbey”. Dan juga hal.5 “I want to
sing all the time”., act 1 scene 3 hal.13”mariaenyanyi di halaman 13 sampai pertengahan 14.”

-menyimpan rahasia act 1 scene 4 hal.18 “I have a good mind to tell your father. What

were you doing out here child?


(Stammering) well, I...I was....


She was fetching me No luck



Ah no.


Well, then I’ll just have to sleep with that

musty smell in the room.


There is nothing wrong with the smell in your



Well, get in there child, before you catch a

cold. There’s a storm coming.


I will be up in a bit with some mothballs.


Mothballs! Now THAT’S showing your age.

Servants exit discussing



You’re not going to tell father are you?

Maria waits a moment before she

speaks. She takes a deep breath.


If we hurry, we can get you out of those

clothes and into your pajamas before he


2. Kapten Georg von Trapp

- Seorang kapten angkatan laut act.1 , scene 1 1,hal.5 “ I wwill tell captain v0n trapp to expect you
tomorrow”.dan juga scene 3 hal.8 “ you don’t look at all like a sea capten sir”.

- namun sangat militer dalam cara dia menjalankan hidupnya untuk menekan kesedihannya atas
kematian istrinya; ATAU TEGAS terhadap anak anaknya : act1,scene 5 hal.20,22, 23,


Ever since the captain lost his poor wife. . .

. . .he runs this house as if he was on one of

his ships again.


Whistles, orders.


No more music, no more laughing. Nothing that reminds him of her. Even the children.(hal.20)

“ CAPTAIN VON TRAPP “What is going on in here!.The children run into their formations.

CAPTAIN VON TRAPP (cont’d) “I told you strict bedtimes. Do you or do you not have difficulty
following instructions?”.(hal.22)


I will not have my children traipsing around town in rags.


But they are children!


And I am their father. That will be all. Good


scene 6 hal.30 “ The captain blows his whistle.

Dismayed the children obediently

Line. And Captain Von trapp blows his

whistle. Everyone is suddenly

frightened as they run to their


-dia hangat,

-pengertian, dan


3. Max Detweiller

-seorang pria kecanggihan yang menikmati kehidupan yang baik; scene 6 hal 28
- teman sejati dan setia untuk keluarga von Trapp. Act1 scene 6 hal 27,28

-penyelenggara music act 1 scene 8 hal. 36 “ I really think the children should be in the festifal.they
are so talented. Is everything okay? ,37 “ I will miss u all. I wish you could be singing in my festifal

4. Elsa Schrader

- Sebuah baroness selera dan keanggunan, act 1 scene 6 hal.25 “FRANCIS :I heard she was a Baroness!

REVY (REVERAND MOTHER) : And its a great question. It’s like a princess.

Enter Baroness Schrader followed by Helga, Schmitt & Franz carrying her luggage.


...and another thing. I’ll have my tea every day at exactly 2 o’clock, no cream no sugar. Please don’t be
late with my tea as I will have to inform the captain.

BERTHA : Oh she’s an angel alright!

scene 6 hal.26” FRAULEIN FRANZ : WELCOME! Move along, dinner is on its way yes?

BARONESS : Oh, I am watching my figure, no dinner for me just a light salad.

FRAULEIN SCHMITT : You don’t have to watch your figure you are simply lovely.”

- bermartabat dan dewasa. Act 1 scene 7 hal.35-36 “ BARONESS

Don’t. Don’t say another word. You see, uh, there are other things I’ve been thinking of. While
planning this party over the past few weeks...I’ve seen the way you look at Maria. I know you’ve
grown fond of her.


(pause) Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back inside and pack my little things and go back to
Vienna where I belong. Somewhere out there is a young lady who I think...will never be a nun.

5. Ibu Abbess

- Keibuan, -act 1 scene 1 ,hal.5 “im sure you will make us proud”.

-pengertian, act 1 scene 1 hal.4 “she is a girl”.

- kuat dan berwibawa, tetapi baik hati.


6. Suster Berthe

Nyonya Pemula,
- sopan, act 1,scene 1 ,hal.1 .” they all bow their heads”.

- lurus dengan lidah cepat, act 1 ,scene 1 hal.1 “perhaps we should put a cow bell around her
neck”.dan juga di hal.3 “she is a headache”.

-dia kurang toleran dibandingkan biarawati lainnya. Act 1,scene 1, hal.2 bagian awal .”I hope this new
infraction ends whatever doubts you may still have about maria’s future here at the Abby”. dan di
hal.2 bagian akhir,”That’s what I say! For a minute I was thinking this was a cou!”

7. Suster Margaretta

- sangat baik,

-pengertian dan perhatian.

8. Sister Sophia

- Tidak menuntut atau kritis,

- mematuhi aturan.

9. Franz

-Kepala pelayan von Trapp,

- agak formal tetapi bukan tanpa semangat,

- dia sangat Jerman dan setia pada tujuan Fasis.

10. Frau Schmidt

-Pengurus rumah tangga,


- kepribadian yang sangat sedikit;

-dia melakukan pekerjaannya secara efisien tetapi tanpa kasih sayang.

- Kuat dan agak mendominasi.

11. Herr Zeller

-Tegas dan tidak tersenyum,

- tipikal pejabat Nazi yang perhatian utamanya adalah memastikan bahwa semua orang mematuhi

12. Rolf Gruber

- Pelamar untuk Liesl,scene 4 halaman 15-17(Baca semua saja disitu)

-pengantar telegram,sce 6 hal.29 “ CAPTAIN VON TRAPP : Why are you here, boy?

ROLF : I have a telegram for Captain Von Trapp.

CAPTAIN VON TRAPP : (Snatching the telegram from Rolf) Alright, you’ve delivered your telegram now
get out!

ROLFscene 4A.hal 15’ Please give him this telegram at once.


Semua anak, terlepas dari deskripsi karakternya, harus bisa bersikap konservatif dengan emosinya dan

13. Liesl von Trapp (mezzo, dance, 16)

- Anak tertua,act 1,scenw 3 halaman 10 “ im liesel,im 16 years old.

-berkembang menjadi wanita muda yang tertarik pada anak laki-laki. Halaman16 scene 4 “ semua

-sebwnarnya memiliki sikap baik hati scenw 5 hal.23 “ earlier I told u I didn’t need a governess, well
maybe I do.(she hugs maria)

14. Friedrich von Trapp (usia 14)

- Penampilan luar yang tangguh, (dingin) ,act 1 ,scenw 3,hal.10 “ im frederich ,im 14 years old and im

-sangat berusaha menjadi "pria" dalam keluarga.

15. Louisa von Trapp (umur 13)

-Sikap pemberontak. Di act 1 scene 3 ,hal.10 dia tidak langsung menyebut namanya ,malah dia
menyebut nama adiknya Brigitta
16. Kurt von Trapp (umur 10, falsetto)

-lembut /baik

scene 7 hal 35 maria : “ may I have rhis dance young man?

Kurt : since its u fraulein maria

dan nakal.act1 scene 3 hal.10 “ im kurt and im incorrigible.”

Hal 22,” Frederick : Not at all. We just wanted to make sure YOU weren’t scared. It was Kurt’s idea.”

17. Brigitta von Trapp (umur 9)

- Cerdas, banyak membaca.

18. Marta von Trapp (usia 7)

- Sangat manis dan lembut. Act 1 scene 3 hal.11 “ im marta ,and im going tobe 8 on Tuesday. I’d like a
pink parasol.

19. Gretl von Trapp (usia 6)

- Harus memiliki faktor imut. Act 1 scwnw 3 hal.11 “ gretl stamps her feet. Dan juga “ gretl holds up
five fingers”. Scene 5 Hal 22,she shakes her head no.

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