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The University of San Agustin College of Law Batch 2023, in partnership with the College of Law, the
Philippine Arbitration Center in the Visayas, and the Sigma Alpha Lex, proudly continues the month-
long ADR Series entitled “Decoding Disputes: A Lecture on Domestic and International Arbitration" on
April 28 until April 30 at 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM via ZOOM Meeting and a live stream through University
of San Agustin - Iloilo Facebook Page.

As we continue towards the fourth event of this month-long online lecture series, we have invited
three exceptional local and international speakers to share with us their extensive knowledge and
experiences in their respective fields for us to learn and better grasp the topics on Alternative Dispute

The first speaker is Atty. Donemark Calimon, the present Secretary General of the Philippine
International Center for Conflict Resolution (PICCR) will share to us his expertise in the lecture entitled
“The Role of PICCR as the Arbitration Arm of the IBP and the Role of the IBP in Ad Hoc Arbitration.”

Followed by the second speaker, Atty Maria Luisa Dominique D. Mauricio, an Associate Solicitor in the
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) Philippines will be sharing her insights and mastery through her
lecture “The UNCITRAL Model Law.”

For the last speaker we have our international speaker, Mr. Vikas Mahendra, the Co-Founder of
Centre for Online Resolution of Disputes (CORD), who will present to us his knowledge and proficiency
in his lecture “Virtual Hearing in Arbitration: AN ICC Perspective and the Role of CORE as a Virtual
Hearing Platform.”

Come and join us in this online lecture!

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