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Nombre del alumno/a:

1. Completa estas oraciones con la particula interrogativa adecuada. (WHO, WHY o


1. HYare you so happy? Because today is my birthday!

2. HO i s your new English teacher?

3. IWHAT is your favourite colour?

4. WHATis your name?
5. HO i s your favourite actor?

6. UH ATis your favourite food?

7, HYis she nervous? Bc a shc has an exam.
A. HAT is your name?
9HAT food do you like?
10, HO i s the best football player in the world?
2. Completa los huecos con la forma adecuada del presente continuo de los verbos
entre paréntesis, como en el ejemplo:


1. What (you do)
2. (you clean) AeE YOO CLEAMD your room?
3. Where (you go) ARE YOU 6ow6
4. Jason and Petra (work) AeE woR6 at the moment.
5. Paul (sit) S SITIS next to John.
6. She (call) is CA(CAS her children for dinner.
7. Sam (notlisten) S vOT CSTaiU6 to the radio.
8. I (not use) AM DOT USI 6 my car.
9. The phone (not ring) Ss OT RIDU6
10.(shedrive) 1S sHE DPIUIN6?
3. Escribe la forma negativa e como en el
interrogativa, ejemplo:
She is reading

Negative: she isn't reading.

Interrogative: is she reading?

1) They are sleeping.

Negative: Theu arentsleep
nterrogative: Are theu slee pin
2) We are swimming.
Negative: We are9t
Interrogative: Are we sSwImiDA
3) You are cooking.
Negative: arent caGking
Interrogative: Are 0 Ccok ing
4) Iam speaking.
Negative:Lm ott spea
Interrogative: Am spaRina
5) He is writing.
tle Isnt wr Aing.
Interrogative: Ts He wing
6) She is reading.
Negative:he isnt ceadig
Interrogative: s Se readiog
4. Escribe al lado de cada expresión temporal su significado y si se utiliza «
presente simple o continuo, como en el ejemplo:

Sometimes: alqunas veces Se utiliza con el presente simple.

a) often; Cnre uenciq Se uh i a con e peente simple.
b) now:hora e euieita conn
piesente cen hnuo.
c)usually:nosmaemente. Se
d) every day: CadG dia . uhtita con e seente Smple.
euheiéa co0 et psesente sSimple,
e) always: iempse. se
inthis moment: es esteoheita con e pi&en te si mple
) se
g)today:hoy e yheiEG cOn e MOmen to, ulirta cco ee besate conhDUO
h) every month: cada mey. Se oh eita con e te onhouo,
pKsen te simpe,
5. Completa el diálogo con las siguientes palabras:
MAy (mayo) - museums (museos) -plane(avión) - By (en) - How (cómo)
-travel (viajar) - çan (puedo) - place (lugar)

travelagent: What can Ido for you?

customer: We want to travel to France.

travelagent: OK. When do you want to travet


customer: We want to go in Ma
travel well. HOw do want to
agent: In May. you

travel? train or by pine ?

customer: We prefer the train.

travel agent: And what pkace do you want to visit?

customer: We want to visit some l mUsevMS

6. Traduce al inglés las siguientes palabras (puedes ver su significado en el

documento "vocabulario del tema 5.3" en la plataforma):

yate: Yatch
retraso: delay
llegada: ariva
aterrizar:to unc

grandes almacenes: departament store

tomarel sol:
pensión: bed ad brak fast

alberguejuvenit: ycofh hosfel

7. Escribe la preposición correcta (BY o ON) según el medio de transporte: (puedes
ver cuándo se usa una u otra en el documento "vocabulario del tema 5.3" en la

. car
2. OA foot
3.B ship
4.B motorbike
5. b bus
6. horseback
7.A train

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