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The past simple expresses a past action that is finished. The simple past functions
similarly to the simple present, except that we used the auxiliary 'did' for all persons
(including the third person singular 'he / she / it'). In the affirmative, the auxiliary
'did' does not appear, using in its place the ending 'ed'. This is the past form for all
'Regular Verbs'
There is a wide set of verbs that do not meet this condition, ie, for the affirmative
form do not use the 'ed' ending but its form is irregular. They do not follow any
rules, so the only way to know their past form is to learn it. They are called
'Irregular Verbs'.

For past actions. They indicate the period of time during which an action
completed and completed was completed. Usually it is accompanied by an adverb
of time.


1. We love England  We loved England

2. They don't like the film  They didn’t like the film?

3. They work on a farm  They worked on a farm

4. Do you work in this factory?  Did you work in this factory?

5. Where do you live?  Where did you live?

6. I don't like Tokyo  I didn’t like Tokyo

7. Does he play the guitar?  Did he play the guitar?

8. I don't study French  I didn’t study French

9. They hate waiting  They hated waiting

10. Does your son study here?  Did your son study here?
"In" is used to refer to parts of the day, such as morning, afternoon or night. We
can also refer to the seasons of the year.
"At" is used to refer to time such as, midday, midnight, etc. It is also used for
"On" is used to refer to days of the week or for dates.


1. - at seven o’clock 6. – My lesson starts at five

2. - On Saturday o’clock.

3. - At night 7. – The film finishes at 9:30

4. - In 2010 8. - On Wednesday evening

5. - In summer 9. - On June 25th

-The adverb is a part of the sentence whose main function is to modify or
complement the meaning of the verb, adjective or other adverb.
The teacher speaks slowly / El profesor habla despacio

Adverbs explain how an action occurs. 'Slowly' tells us how the teacher speaks. It is
therefore a mode adverb. As we shall see, there are many more kinds of adverbs.

- They indicate the place where an action is performed.

-They express how an action is performed. Most usually end in -ly (equivalent to
the Spanish adverbial termination 'mind' and therefore usually formed from the
corresponding adjective to which the termination is added).
- They express the amount of something.

-They are used to ask questions.

- They indicate the intensity with which the action is performed.


Example:  My computer has never made that noise before. 

1. -It’s not always easy to get tickets.

2. - Why are you never here when I need you?.

3. - My girlfriend usually cooks a hot meal for lunch.

4. -They’ll probably expect us to take a bottle of wine.

5. - I have never been so happy in my life.


The prepositions can perform different functions:

- To serve as a link between two words or different elements in the sentence.
- They can accompany a verb serving as a link to its complement. In this case, they
may not alter the meaning of the verb or alter it with what constitutes a distinct
- When we put a verb after a preposition, in English normally the form 'ing' is used
and not the infinitive.


1. - after  después de 8. - about  alrrededor de

2. – behind  detrás de 9. - with  con

3. - adove  por encima de 10.- from  desde

4. – through  a trávez de
5. – up  hacia arriba

6. – under  por debajo de

7.-between  entre


Articles are words that precede nouns, indicating their gender and number. They
mark and determine the noun, so we can say that they can be classified into two
groups. The determined and the indeterminate.
In this way, just like in Spanish we need to make use of the articles (We do not say
house is on hill, but the house is on a hill), also in English are required and used
when appropriate.
The indeterminate English article is a and an.

A boy A girl A woman An Apple


1 .- _______
An orange 6 .- He is An engineer
2 .- A chair 7 .- She is A painter
3 .-I am A nurse 8 .- A table
4 .- A man 9 .- An blueberries
5 .- An _umbrella 10 .- An strawberries

1. Some (some, some) refers to an indefinite number (a certain number of ...)
used in affirmative sentences and interrogatives when an affirmative answer
is expected.
Some can be replaced by the following expressions:
A) 'A little', with singular nouns that lack plural (tea, sugar, coffee, water):
-I have a little tea
B) 'A few', with plural nouns:
I have a few books about Mexico
2. Any, can be used in interrogative sentences (indefinite quantity) or negative
(in this case it expresses the absence of quantity). In the case of interrogative
phrases, unlike 'some', we do not expect an affirmative answer (we can
expect both an affirmative and a negative answer).
Are there any Argentinians here? Is there an Argentinean here?
There is no problem
In affirmative sentences any means any:
Bring me any book you can find
It has no negative value and therefore requires the use of the verb in an
affirmative form:
I bought no potatoes yesterday

1. Do you know any good restaurants in Barcelona?
2. Would you like some more potatoes?
3. When I went to Paris I visited some interesting museums, but I didn't go
to _ any art galleries.
4. Are there any messages for me on the answer phone?
5. I'd like some  tomatoes and some  mushrooms please. But I
don't want any  carrots.

 SOME..?/ANY…?
Much. So much. Too much. How much? (how much?)

How much is it?

Many. Its meaning varies depending on the noun to which it accompanies or


In affirmative sentences 'a lot of' is used, whereas in interrogative and negative
phrases are used alternatively 'many' or 'a lot of' when the noun is countable.

It uses 'much' or 'a lot of' when the noun is uncountable.


1 .- How many  songs can you sing?

2.-He didn't see many  cities, but he saw many  friends.
3 .-Did you send many  postcards to friends? Yes, I did.
Like in Spanish, in English when we want to compare two things we use the
adjectives and their different degrees: positive, comparative and superlative.
- Positive grade refers to the simplest form:
A sunny day / A sunny day
- The comparative degree refers to a greater quality of one thing with respect to
A better day
- The superlative degree refers to the quality in its highest expression:
Today is the best day of the year

*I'm as young as you

*Am I as young as you? Am I as young as you?
*I'm not as young as you


1 .- good: better
2.-intelligent: more intelligent
3 .- old: older
4 .-dark: __darker___
5 .-bad: worse
6 .- large: larguer
7 .-narrow: larguer
8 .-new: newer
9 .- easy: easier
10 .- funn: funnier

I/ You/We/They  Have a garden

He/She/It  Has a cat


I/You/We/They  Don’t a car

He/She  Doesn’t a garage


Do  I/You/We/They any money?

Does  He/She/It a sister?


1.- I have played

2.-I have a new car

3.- He has worked

4.- I have coffe

5.- Do you got a minute?

6.- What do you got in that case?

7.- Do you do to?

8.- I have breakfast at seven in the morning

9.- I have coffee

10.- She has a big house in Ireland




 Who are the men? What did they do? When did they do it?
Louis was the first to travel in the year 1909.
Apollo 11 Are Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin in 1969 trip to the moon.

 When and where did the journey begin?

Louis journey began in the north of France
Apollo 11 the trip to the moon was in 1969 at 9:30 in the morning

 How long did it take?

Louis flight took at 4:30 from a field at the edge of a cliff. It took 37 minutes
to complete the 22-mile journey.
Apollo 11 The journey to the hard moon 22 hours.

 How far was the journey there?

Louis it took 37 minutes to complete the 22 mile journey
Apollo 11 The enormous rocket took three days, 250,000 miles.

 How fast did he/they go?

Louis flew the plane at 40 miles per hour at an altitude of 250 feet.
Apollo 11 traveling at six miles per second (21;600 miles per hour)

 Where did the journey end?

Louis got to Dover
Apollo 11 get to moon

 In what way was this flight a beginning?

Louis the crossing was the start of modern aviation
Apollo 11 was the beginning of man’s exploration of space.
Louis Bleriot
 Why was Briot’s flight difficult?
Because he couldn’t walk very well was of an injury to his leg.

 Was the weather good?

But I couldn’t see the land, only the sky and the sea. It was the most
dangerous part of the flight.

 How did the know where to land?

He saw a French journalist waving a flag

 What did he win?

He won a prize of 1,000 euros.

Apollo 11
 Why couldn’t the astronauts sleep?
They were too excited to sleep.

 What did Armstrong say as he stepped onto the moon?

That’s one small strep for man, one giant leap for mankind.

 How long did they spend walking on the moon’s surface?

After 22 hours on the moon.

 What did they leave on the moon?

A flag of USA.

Lectura 2
20th-21st century 1st century BC

The sandwiches became Hillel the Elder made the

popular for their rich flavor first sandwich, mixed
and for being portable. apples, walnuts and put
them between two pieces
of breads

6th-16th century

The people used the bread

as plates, accompanied it
with meats and vegetables
and ate with the fingers.

The History of the


19th century
18th century
Eliza Leslie, I presented a
cookbook, where I had a recipe Sandwich Earl John Montague,
containing thin slices of bread played for 24 hours, served him
and between them I used to have with meat between two pieces
jamon, matequilla and mustard. of bread, because of this event
he was given on behalf of a city
of London, "Sandwich"


Everybody likes a sandwich!

 When did you last have a sandwich?

R= On Wednesday, March 27

 What was in it?

R= Ham, philadelphia cheese and mayonnaise,

 Read the text quickly. Find these names

Hillel the Elder

John Montague

Eliza Leslie

Dagwood Bumstead

 Who are the people? What is their connection to the sandwich?

R= They are important people in the history of Sandwich

Hillel the Elder: Made the first recorded sandwich history

John Montague: The Earl of Sandwich, he played it and as he did not want to stop
the table the waiters served him the club where he played served him meat
between two

Eliza Leslie: wrote a book where the recipe came to prepare a sandwich, which had
ham, butter, bread and mustard

Dagwood Bumstead: Made different mixes and created the biggest sandwich

 Read the text again. work with a partner to complete the lines with
information from the text
1- Hillel the Elder made his sándwich with nuts, apples and spices, and put it
between two matzohs ( pieces of flat bread)
2- “Trenchers” were the first open sandwiches
3- The Earl of Sandwich sometimes liked to played and eating at the same time
4- The Beef Steak Club chefs put meat and twoo slices of bread
5- Eliza Leslie´s récipe for ham sandwiches was very popular in America
6- Sandwiches became popular worldwide because they were easy to make
and they were a wonderful.
7- Dagwood Bumstead is sándwich to top all sándwiches. It is enormus!
8- The Dawgood sándwich is made with a great many layers of meat, cheese
and vegetables
 How many kinds of sándwich can you think of’? Write them down Share
ideas with the class

sándwich the ham (bread, ham, mayonnaise, vegetables)

sándwich the meat (bread, meat, mayonnaise, avocado)

sándwich the egg (bread, egg, mayonnaise, cheese)

 Believe it or not, there is a World Sandwich Week! In a survey, people were

asked, What´s your favourite sandwich?

Lectura 3
Has a population of 35
million people. It is the
largest city in the Tokyo was originally a small fishing
world. village called Edo.
The name changed in 1868 when
the Emperor moved there.


Look at the list of cities. Put them in order of size of population: 1= the biggest
Mumbai……………. (3) Shanghai…………. (5)
Tokyo………............ (1) New York…………. (4)
Mexico City………. (2)

What is a megacity?
A megacity is a city with more than ten million inhabitants

What happened in 2008?

Sometime in 2008, for the first time in the history of the world, more people on
earth lived in cities than in rural areas

Look at the photos.

What can you see?
People, buildings, taxi, the zocalo,

Look at the title of each article.

Which city is very fast?

Which city has a mix of cultures?

Mexico City

Which city has a lot of poverty?


Read about Tokyo

The city and its people
Tokyo has a population of 35 million people. It is the largest city in the world

Money and Business

People earn the highest salaries, and they spend the most money. They wear the
latest fashions, and have the most up-to-date phones

Buildings and history

Tokyo was originally a small fishing village called Edo. The name changed in 1868
when the Emperor moved there. The architecture is very modern. There are not
many old buildings because of the 1923 earthquake and the Second World War
The summers are hot and humid. The most beautiful time of year is spring, when
the famous cherry blossom is on the trees

It has one of the biggest and busiest railway systems in the world

Read about Mumbai

The city and its people
Mumbai is India´s largest city with a population of 22.8 million

Money and Business

The streets are full of people doing business, selling snacks and clothes, or just
living there. Money is everywhere in modern Mumbai. India´s most important
businesses and banks have their headquarters there

Buildings and history

Mumbai was part of the British Empire until independence in 1947. It was called
Bombay until 1995, when it was renamed Mumbai after a Hindu goddess, Mumba
Devi. Modern skyscrapers and new shopping malls are right next to slums

The wet season is from June to September. Between November and February it is
a little cooler and dryer. The city is best at sunrise and sunset, when the colour of
the stone buildings changes from gold to orange and pink

The cheapest and easiest transport is by bus. Trains can be crowded and

Read about Mexico City

The city and its people
Mexico City has a population of 23.4 million. The city has a lot of museums and

Money and Business

It is the richest city in Latin America. There are elegant shops selling high-class
goods, expensive restaurants, and super-cool bars

Buildings and history

The Aztecs called it Tenochtitlan, and it was already an important city when the
Spanish invaded in 1521. The country became independent in 1821

The rainy season is from June to October. The warmest months are April and May

It has the largest and cheapest subway system in Latin America. Traffic moves so
slowly that it is often faster to walk.

T 9.11 Listen to these people from the three megacities.

*Makiko from Tokyo

What do they like about their capital city?

The first thing to say about Tokyo is that it is very safe.
What do they say about the people?
Women can walk everywhere anytime day or night. Little children walk to school.
You can leave something on the table in a restaurant while you go out for a minute
and nobody will take it.
What do they say about the climate?
Personally, my favourite time of year is spring, when it´s dry and the cherry
blossom is out.
What do they say about transport?
Tokyo is also very clean, and it is very easy to travel around. All the trains and
buses run on time.
What do they say about things to do?
Tokyo is a very exciting city, because there are always new things to do, new
places to go, new things to eat. It changes very quickly

*Vimahl from Mumbai

What do they like about their capital city?
It is a city that is so full of activity! It is busy busy busy all day long and all night
What do they say about the people?
And people, people everywhere trying to get to work.
The second thing to say is that the people are very, very enthusiastic
What do they say about the climate?
The day begins early because it is so hot.
What do they say about transport?
It´s a noisy place. There are cars going beep beep, auto rickshaws by the
thousand, fast trains rushing past, vendors shouting and trying to get you to buy
their food, their drinks, their clothes.
What do they say about things to do?
Life isn´t easy in Mumbai for a lot of people, but we really work hard and we really
want to do our best. Every new day brings new possibilities! The future is exciting
for us!

*Lourdes from Mexico City

What do they like about their capital city?
The weather and the fresh fruit and vegetables. My favourite time of year in Mexico
City is the end of December, from the 16th to the 31st
What do they say about the people?
Everyone´s really happy!
What do they say about the climate?
The weather it is warm and sunny most of the year.
What do they say about things to do?
I´m never bored because there is so much to see and do! We have museums,
theatres, art exhibitions, parks, restaurants, bars

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