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LTDE 5302 | Foundations of Learning, Technology, and Design

Instructional Designer: Angel Orellana Unit Title: Music All Around Us

Intended Audience: 4th or 5th Grade Subject Area: Music Topic: Our Music Heritage Timeframe: 6 weeks

Intended for large group classes where two classes join together to attend one music class per week.


Goals: The student is expected to…

• describe musical characteristics of the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and
Contemporary Eras and explain their cultural importances. (4.1, 4.5C/5.1, 5.5C)
• use aural skills to recognize and identify characteristics of the different music eras.
(4.1, 4.6/5.1, 5.6)
• connect how the culture and society they live in affects their choices in their daily
lives. (4.5D/ 5.5D)

Understandings: Students will understand…

• how musical elements and instrumentation are a reflection of their culture.
• how musical characteristics (such as dynamics, tempo, articulation, and form) of
each period can identify its culture and traditions.
• how some of the musical aspects of their own culture are a heritage from the
previous eras.
• the meaning of vocabulary terms such as dynamics, crescendo, ABA,
instrumentation, pitch, rondo, texture, culture, and expression.

Essential Questions
• Why do people like music?
• How does ones culture and traditions influence a person and their music choices?
• What are the differences between our current culture and previous eras?
• What are the differences between the previous eras?
• How did each era evolve into the next? Did anything changes and what remained the
• How does that difference in culture affect our music?

Knowledge (Students will know…) and Skills (Students will be able to…) to be Acquired

Students will know…

• that there is a relationship between a culture and the music made in that culture.
• the musical traits of the eras studied and how to differentiate them.
Students will be able to…


• describe musical traits of each of the eras studied using the correct vocabulary
• use aural skills to identify the music period of specific works
• explain how music reflects the culture such as the ones studies or their own.
• compare and contrast the music they are familiar with to the music of the eras
• identify one or more musical work(s) and its composer for each of the music eras.


Performance Task(s): Large Group Activities
Large Group Activities
• Before each activity, the students will review game etiquette (e.g. appropriate noise level,
no running, no sliding, encouraging eachother)
• For team activities, teams may gain points by consistently following instructions without
• Questions for this unit may be based on composer facts, naming musical excerpts, or
identifying instruments by pictures or sound.
• The teacher will make note of questions that students struggle with and will review/reteach
as needed.

Four Corners –
• Four corners of the classroom will be marked as Corner A, B, C, and D or marked with the
studied composer’s names.
• Students will review game etiquette
• The teacher will read out a question based on taught materials.
• Students will have a fixed amount of time (~10 seconds) to choose their answer and walk to
the corresponding corner.
• Students who do not choose the correct corner or do not follow game etiquette will
temporarily sit out.
• After a few questions or if there are no more players left, all students may rejoin the game.

Bucket Toss –
• Students will show individual knowledge in questions by throwing a bean bag into the
appropriate bucket.
• Four buckets will be set on one side of the class while a line is drawn/taped on the floor a
short distance away. The buckets will be marked with A, B, C, or D with True or False
options on two of the buckets.
• Students will be divided into 2-4 groups (depending on the amount of students) and sit in
line order. Each group will be given a different colored bean bag.
• Each team will send one student to the line and answer a question read by the teacher.
• The students will toss their bean bags into the bucket that corresponds with the answer
they choose. If a student is struggling to choose an answer, they may walk to where their
team is sitting to ask for help.
• If a student throws the bean bag into the correct bucket, their team will receive two points.
If the student misses the bucket but was aiming for the correct answer, their team receives
one point. If the student aims for the wrong bucket, they do not receive a point.
• Teams may also earn points by collectively following game etiquette and classroom rules.


Poppin’ Popcorn
• Class sides will compete against each other. Students may not choose which side they
are on.
• The first student to pop up after a question will have an opportunity to answer.
• If they answer incorrectly, a student from the other side has a chance to steal the question.
• Students who “blurt” an answer when it is not their turn will automatically give the other
team a point. (Optional)

Other Evidence: tests, quizzes, etc. – include content covered for each
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down –
• The teacher will ask true or false questions about the classroom materials.
• Students will wait for 3 seconds before giving a thumb up for for true or a thumb down for
Small Group Report
• Students will grouped off depending on class size and grab a marker and paper.
• Markers may be drawn from an opaque bag to completely randomize choice and prevent
any complaints. (Optional)
• Each marker color will represent a different composer or era.
• After completing their report, one student from each group will read one fact on their paper.



Week 1 – Baroque

Settle In • Students will enter classroom following expectations: entering quietly,

3 min going to spot/seat, eyes on teacher.
• Classes who do not meet expectations may try entering again.
• Students who have a behavior chart may bring their paper/folder to the
designated spot on the teacher’s desk.
• One student will be assigned to the whiteboard t-chart to track classroom
point system.

Singing Warm Ups – 5 min

Shark Toss
20 min • Students will warm up voices by gently humming
• Students will toss a toy shark (or available plush toy) to another
student they have made eye contact with.
• Student voices will go up and down with the arc that the shark is
thrown in.
• Students will continue tossing the shark to other students who have not
had a turn and are following classroom rules.
Songs – 15 min
• Students will practice songs according to Concert Schedule
• The schedule will be created by the teacher or the school district.
• Generally, students will work on two songs during this time.
• Students’ singing will be evaluated by the teacher.

Brain Break Bim Bum – Students will sing “Bim Bum”…

(Optional) • once slowly to rehearse words and practice actions
2 min • once at normal pace.
• multiple times going faster with each repeat at the teacher’s discretion.

Era Study Baroque Era

• Students will watch a video outlining the Baroque Period of music.
12 min • Students will follow “video rules” by staying in their spot, not distracting
others, and watching the video.
• After the video, students will be asked questions individually to earn a
small reward depending on the school’s reward policy.
• Some questions will be for the whole class. Students should respond with
a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Composer Corner – Antonio Vivaldi
• Students will shift attention to the Composer Corner. (May be digital
presentation or a physical space in the class.)
• Composer Corner will include of a picture of the composer being studied,
important facts, and the name of their piece of work that will be studied.
• Students will follow as the teacher describes the composer
and their music.
• Students will listen for and identify key terms that will be the answers for


game activities.
Activity Four Seasons – Spring
• Students will be provided a “map” to Four Seasons - “Spring” I. Allegro by
15 min Vivaldi which has pictures to depict what the music is representing
(thunderstorm, birds chirping, the sun)
• Students will listen to the piece while following the map
• Students will raise their hand whenever they hear the “a” section
• Students will be given an opportunity to verbally connect what they heard
to what they learned about the Baroque Era.
Poppin’ Popcorn
• Class sides will compete against each other. Students may not choose
which side they are on.
• The first student to pop up after a question will have an opportunity
to answer.
• If they answer incorrectly, a student from the other side has a chance to
steal the question.
• Students who “blurt” an answer when it is not their turn will
automatically give the other team a point. (Optional)

GoNoodle GoNoodle Reward

• If there is any extra time in class and if the class has behaved
any time left appropriately, one student will choose a GoNoodle video.
• Students may need to spread out to prevent bumping into others.
• Students may stay seated if tired but may not distract others.

Line Up Line Up
2 min • At two minutes left in class, students will prepare to line up.
• The teacher will call on students to line up by class.
• Students who are following classroom rules will earn the privilege of
being chosen sooner.
• Any Good Notes or Behavior Charts will be signed at this time

Classroom Whiteboard T-Chart

Management • One student will be chosen to be in charge of the whiteboard t-chart.
• The classroom will be split into 2 sides: Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
• Sides will earn classroom points by following classroom expectations,
participating in activities, and answering questions.
Good Notes
• Students who want to bring home proof to their parents that they are
behaving well in class may request a Good Note
• Students who follow classroom expectations and participate in activities
may receive one at the end of class


Week 2 – Classical
Settle In • Students will enter classroom following expectations: entering
quietly, going to spot/seat, eyes on teacher.
3 min • Classes who do not meet expectations may try entering again.
• Students who have a behavior chart may bring their paper/folder
to the designated spot on the teacher’s desk.
• One student will be assigned to the whiteboard t-chart.

Singing Warm Ups – 5 min

Shark Toss
• Students will warm up voices by gently humming
20 min • Students will toss a toy shark (or available plush toy) to another
student they have made eye contact with.
• Student voices will go up and down with the arc that the shark is
thrown in.
• Students will continue tossing the shark to other students who
have not had a turn and are following classroom rules.
Songs – 15 min
• Students will practice songs according to Concert Schedule
• The schedule will be created by the teacher or the school district.
• Generally, students will work on two songs during this time.
• Students’ singing will be evaluated by the teacher.
Brain Break Monkey See, Monkey Do
(Optional) • Students may take a moment to stretch arms, shake out legs, and
move about in their spot.
2 min • Students will imitate what the teacher does (touch nose, pat
head, hop on one foot, etc.).

Era Study Classical Era

• Students will watch a video outlining the Classical Era of music.
• Students will follow “video rules” by staying in their spot, not
12 min distracting others, and watching the video.
• After the video, students will be asked questions individually to
earn a small reward depending on the school’s reward policy.
• Some questions will be for the whole class. Students should
respond with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Composer Corner- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• Students will shift attention to the Composer Corner. (May be
digital presentation or a physical space in the class.)
• Composer Corner will include of a picture of the composer being
studied, important facts, and the name of their piece of work that
will be studied.
• Students will follow as the teacher describes the composer and
their music.
• Students will listen for and identify key terms that will be the
answers for game activities.


Activity Bucket Toss
• Students will show individual knowledge in questions by
throwing a bean bag into the appropriate bucket.
15 min • Four buckets will be set on one side of the class while a line is
drawn/taped on the floor a short distance away. The buckets will
be marked with A, B, C, or D with True or False options on two of
the buckets.
• Students will be divided into 2-4 groups (depending on the
amount of students) and sit in line order. Each group will be
given a different colored bean bag.
• Each team will send one student to the line and answer a
question read by the teacher.
• The students will toss their bean bags into the bucket that
corresponds with the answer they choose. If a student is
struggling to choose an answer, they may walk to where their
team is sitting to ask for help.
• If a student throws the bean bag into the correct bucket, their
team will receive two points. If the student misses the bucket but
was aiming for the correct answer, their team receives one point.
If the student aims for the wrong bucket, they do not receive a
• Teams may also earn points by collectively following game
etiquette and classroom rules.

Line Up Line Up
2 min • At two minutes left in class, students will prepare to line up.
• The teacher will call on students to line up by class.
• Students who are following classroom rules will earn the
privilege of being chosen sooner.
• Any Good Notes or Behavior Charts will be signed at this time

Classroom Whiteboard T-Chart

Management • One student will be chosen to be in charge of the whiteboard t-
• The classroom will be split into 2 sides: Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
• Sides will earn classroom points by following classroom
expectations, participating in activities, and answering questions.
Good Notes
• Students who want to bring home proof to their parents that they
are behaving well in class may request a Good Note
• Students who follow classroom expectations and participate in
activities may receive one at the end of class


Week 3 – Romantic Era
Settle In • Students will enter classroom following expectations: entering
quietly, going to spot/seat, eyes on teacher.
3 min • Classes who do not meet expectations may try entering again.
• Students who have a behavior chart may bring their paper/folder
to the designated spot on the teacher’s desk.
• One student will be assigned to the whiteboard t-chart.

Singing Warm Ups – 5 min

Michael Finnigan
• Students will gently sing ”Michael Finnigan”
20 min • Students will follow the teacher in repeating the song a half step
higher or lower.

Songs – 15 min
• Students will practice songs according to Concert Schedule
• The schedule will be created by the teacher or the school district.
• Generally, students will work on two songs during this time.
• Students’ singing will be evaluated by the teacher.

Brain Break I’ve Got A Car – Students will sing…

(Optional) • once slowly to rehearse words and practice actions
• once at normal pace
2 min • multiple times going faster with each repeat at the teacher’s

Era Study Romantic Era

• Students will watch a video outlining the Romantic Era of music.
• Students will follow “video rules” by staying in their spot, not
12 min distracting others, and watching the video.
• After the video, students will be asked questions individually to
earn a small reward depending on the school’s reward policy.
• Some questions will be for the whole class. Students should
respond with a thumbs up or thumbs down.

Composer Corner – Ludwig van Beethoven

• Students will shift attention to the Composer Corner. (May be
digital presentation or a physical space in the class.)
• Composer Corner will include of a picture of the composer being
studied, important facts, and the name of their piece of work that
will be studied.
• Students will follow as the teacher describes the composer and
their music.
• Students will listen for and identify key terms that will be the
answers for game activities.


Activity Bucket Toss
• Students will show individual knowledge in questions by
throwing a bean bag into the appropriate bucket.
15 min • Four buckets will be set on one side of the class while a line is
drawn/taped on the floor a short distance away. The buckets will
be marked with A, B, C, or D with True or False options on two of
the buckets.
• Students will be divided into 2-4 groups (depending on the
amount of students) and sit in line order. Each group will be
given a different colored bean bag.
• Each team will send one student to the line and answer a
question read by the teacher.
• The students will toss their bean bags into the bucket that
corresponds with the answer they choose. If a student is
struggling to choose an answer, they may walk to where their
team is sitting to ask for help.
• If a student throws the bean bag into the correct bucket, their
team will receive two points. If the student misses the bucket but
was aiming for the correct answer, their team receives one point.
If the student aims for the wrong bucket, they do not
receive a point.
• Teams may also earn points by collectively following game
etiquette and classroom rules.

Line Up Line Up
• At two minutes left in class, students will prepare to line up.
2 min • The teacher will call on students to line up by class.
• Students who are following classroom rules will earn the
privilege of being chosen sooner.
• Any Good Notes or Behavior Charts will be signed at this time

Classroom Whiteboard T-Chart

Management • One student will be chosen to be in charge of the whiteboard t-
• The classroom will be split into 2 sides: Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
• Sides will earn classroom points by following classroom
expectations, participating in activities, and answering questions.
Good Notes
• Students who want to bring home proof to their parents that they
are behaving well in class may request a Good Note

Students who follow classroom expectations and participate in activities

may receive one at the end of class


Week 4 – Contemporary
Settle In • Students will enter classroom following expectations: entering
quietly, going to spot/seat, eyes on teacher.
3 min • Classes who do not meet expectations may try entering again.
• Students who have a behavior chart may bring their paper/folder
to the designated spot on the teacher’s desk.
• One student will be assigned to the whiteboard t-chart.

Singing Warm Ups – 5 min

Expandable Ball
• Students will use their singing voice to follow the expandable
20 min ball toy.
• If the ball goes up or down, student voices should go higher or
• If the ball expands or shrinks, student voices should get louder or

Songs – 15 min
• Students will practice songs according to Concert Schedule
• The schedule will be created by the teacher or the school district.
• Generally, students will work on two songs during this time.
• Students’ singing will be evaluated by the teacher.

Brain Break I’ve Got A Car – Students will sing…

(Optional • once slowly to rehearse words and practice actions
• once at normal pace
2 min • multiple times going faster with each repeat at the teacher’s

Era Study Contemporary Era

• Students will watch a video outlining the Contemporary Era.
• Students will follow “video rules” by staying in their spot, not
10 min distracting others, and watching the video.
• After the video, students will be asked questions individually to
earn a small reward depending on the school’s reward policy.
• Some questions will be for the whole class. Students should
respond with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Composer Corner – Paul Desmond
• Students will shift attention to the Composer Corner. (May be
digital presentation or a physical space in the class.)
• Composer Corner will include of a picture of the composer being
studied, important facts, and the name of their piece of work that
will be studied.
• Students will follow as the teacher describes the composer and
their music.
• Students will listen for and identify key terms that will be the
answers for game activities


Activity Bucket Toss
• Students will show individual knowledge in questions by
throwing a bean bag into the appropriate bucket.
20 min • Four buckets will be set on one side of the class while a line is
drawn/taped on the floor a short distance away. The buckets will
be marked with A, B, C, or D with True or False options on two of
the buckets.
• Students will be divided into 2-4 groups (depending on the
amount of students) and sit in line order. Each group will be
given a different colored bean bag.
• Each team will send one student to the line and answer a
question read by the teacher.
• The students will toss their bean bags into the bucket that
corresponds with the answer they choose. If a student is
struggling to choose an answer, they may walk to where their
team is sitting to ask for help.
• If a student throws the bean bag into the correct bucket, their
team will receive two points. If the student misses the bucket but
was aiming for the correct answer, their team receives one point.
If the student aims for the wrong bucket, they do not receive a
• Teams may also earn points by collectively following game
etiquette and classroom rules.

Line Up Line Up
• At two minutes left in class, students will prepare to line up.
2 min • The teacher will call on students to line up by class.
• Students who are following classroom rules will earn the
privilege of being chosen sooner.
• Any Good Notes or Behavior Charts will be signed at this time.

Classroom Whiteboard T-Chart

Management • One student will be chosen to be in charge of the whiteboard t-
• The classroom will be split into 2 sides: Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
• Sides will earn classroom points by following classroom
expectations, participating in activities, and answering questions.
Good Notes
• Students who want to bring home proof to their parents that they
are behaving well in class may request a Good Note
• Students who follow classroom expectations and participate in
activities may receive one at the end of class


Week 5 – Era Review
Settle In • Students will enter classroom following expectations: entering
quietly, going to spot/seat, eyes on teacher.
3 min • Classes who do not meet expectations may try entering again.
• Students who have a behavior chart may bring their paper/folder
to the designated spot on the teacher’s desk.
• One student will be assigned to the whiteboard t-chart.

Singing Warm Ups – 5 min

Expandable Ball
• Students will use their singing voice to follow the expandable
20 min ball toy.
• If the ball goes up or down, student voices should go higher
or lower.
• If the ball expands or shrinks, student voices should get louder
or quieter.
Michael Finnigan
• Students will gently sing ”Michael Finnigan”
• Students will follow the teacher in repeating the song a half step
higher or lower.

Songs – 15 min
• Students will practice songs according to Concert Schedule
• The schedule will be created by the teacher or the school district.
• Generally, students will work on two songs during this time.
• Students’ singing will be evaluated by the teacher.

Era Review Quick Review

• Students will be given the opportunity to name a fact that they
remember about any of the class materials in the unit.
15 min • Students will go over answers together as a class.
Poppin’ Popcorn
• Class sides will compete against each other. Students may not
choose which side they are on.
• The first student to pop up after a question will have an
opportunity to answer.
• If they answer incorrectly, a student from the other side has a
chance to steal the question.
• Students who “blurt” an answer when it is not their turn will
automatically give the other team a point. (Optional)

Activity Small Group Report

• Students will grouped off depending on class size and grab a
marker and paper.
15 min • Markers may be drawn from an opaque bag to completely
randomize choice and prevent any complaints. (Optional)
• Each marker color will represent a different composer or era.


• Students will list out as many facts that they can remember about
their era/composer.
• After completing their report, one student from each group will
read one fact on their paper

Line Up Line Up
• At two minutes left in class, students will prepare to line up.
2 min • The teacher will call on students to line up by class.
• Students who are following classroom rules will earn the
privilege of being chosen sooner.
• Any Good Notes or Behavior Charts will be signed at this time

Classroom Whiteboard T-Chart

Management • One student will be chosen to be in charge of the whiteboard t-
• The classroom will be split into 2 sides: Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
• Sides will earn classroom points by following classroom
expectations, participating in activities, and answering questions.
Good Notes
• Students who want to bring home proof to their parents that they
are behaving well in class may request a Good Note.
• Students who follow classroom expectations and participate in
activities may receive one at the end of class.


Week 6– Era Review
Settle In • Students will enter classroom following expectations: entering
quietly, going to spot/seat, eyes on teacher.
3 min • Classes who do not meet expectations may try entering again.
• Students who have a behavior chart may bring their paper/folder
to the designated spot on the teacher’s desk.
• One student will be assigned to the whiteboard t-chart.

Singing Warm Ups – 5 min

Expandable Ball
• Students will use their singing voice to follow the expandable
20 min ball toy.
• If the ball goes up or down, student voices should go higher
or lower.
• If the ball expands or shrinks, student voices should get louder
or quieter.
Michael Finnigan
• Students will gently sing ”Michael Finnigan”
• Students will follow the teacher in repeating the song a half step
higher or lower.

Songs – 15 min
• Students will practice songs according to Concert Schedule
• The schedule will be created by the teacher or the school district.
• Generally, students will work on two songs during this time.
• Students’ singing will be evaluated by the teacher.

Era Review Quick Review

• Students will be given the opportunity to name a fact that they
remember about any of the class materials in the unit.
10 min • Students will go over answers together as a class.
Poppin’ Popcorn
• Class sides will compete against each other. Students may not
choose which side they are on.
• The first student to pop up after a question will have an
opportunity to answer.
• If they answer incorrectly, a student from the other side has a
chance to steal the question.
• Students who “blurt” an answer when it is not their turn will
automatically give the other team a point. (Optional)

Activity Four Corners

• Four corners of the classroom will be marked as Corner A, B, C,
and D or marked with the studied composer’s names.
20 min • Students will review game etiquette
• The teacher will read out a question based on taught materials.
• Students will have a fixed amount of time (~10 seconds) to


choose their answer and walk to the corresponding corner.
• Students who do not choose the correct corner or do not follow
game etiquette will temporarily sit out.
• After a few questions or if there are no more players left, all
students may rejoin the game.

Line Up Line Up
• At two minutes left in class, students will prepare to line up.
2 min • The teacher will call on students to line up by class.
• Students who are following classroom rules will earn the
privilege of being chosen sooner.
• Any Good Notes or Behavior Charts will be signed at this time

Classroom Whiteboard T-Chart

Management • One student will be chosen to be in charge of the whiteboard t-
• The classroom will be split into 2 sides: Treble Clef and Bass Clef.
• Sides will earn classroom points by following classroom
expectations, participating in activities, and answering questions.
Good Notes
• Students who want to bring home proof to their parents that they
are behaving well in class may request a Good Note.
• Students who follow classroom expectations and participate in
activities may receive one at the end of class.


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