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(Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)

Market Segmentation It has following segmentation to create consumers groups to target:

Demographics segmentation: Bata has segmented an Age and gender group that is it has such
products that serve male and female that has age range of 15-55.

Income: Bata has segmented middle income consumer as they are one of the largest social

groups in Egypt

Life stage: - for all life stages

Family size :-

Social class: -

Psychographics and behavioral segmentation: Bata has this segmentation to answer that why
consumers need its products and what the consumers have interest and purchasing habits. So
regarding this Bata segments its market which includes: • Sports or athletic oriented • Active
lifestyle (interest in fitness and exercise for recreation).

-Geographic segmentation: On the basis of this, Bata has segmentation to Increase the number

of branches in EGYPT

-Governorates: - Cairo. Alexandria, northern Egypt, southern Egypt )


 Behavioral Segmentation: Bata segmenting customers based on their attitudes, uses and
product use…etc.
Marketing strategy:


Identify how you will segment the market. The main types of segmentation strategies are as

 Demographic segmentation: Age, gender, family, & income ,life cycle ,life stage , gender ,
generation ,social class )
 Bata has segmented an Age and gender group that is it has such products that serve male
and female that has age range of 15-55.

 Income: Bata has segmented middle income consumer as they are one of the largest social

groups in Egypt
 Geographic Segmentation: segmenting customers based on geographic area (nation,
governorates, URBAN &RURAL, REGIONAL.)

 -Geographic segmentation: On the basis of this, Bata has segmentation to Increase the

number of branches in EGYPT

 -Governorates: - Cairo. Alexandria, northern Egypt, southern Egypt )

 Psychographic Segmentation: segmenting customers based on lifestyle and personality
 Behavioral Segmentation: segmenting customers based on their attitudes, OCCASION ,USER
STATUS ,Usage rate, buyer readiness ,loyalty status )
 Psychographics and behavioral segmentation: Bata has this segmentation to answer that
why consumers need its products and what the consumers have interest and purchasing
habits. So regarding this Bata segments its market which includes: • Sports or athletic
oriented • Active lifestyle (interest in fitness and exercise for recreation).
 behavioral segmentation loyalty status (switcher) Where Bata company offers its products
at competitive prices

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