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1.The AI project cycle is all about how to
A real life challenge into a computer based AI
2. The AI model does the work as follows:-
2.1 Finding the problem
2.2 Collecting data
2.3 Arranging Data
2.4 Applying algorithm or AI model Suitable
2.5 Evaluation for successful completion
1. Problem Scoping
1.1 Selection of Field / Sustainable
Development Goals
1.2 List up the problems
1.3 4 W’s

Who? :- The “Who” block helps you in analyzing the people getting affected
directly or indirectly due to it./ Stakeholders
What?:- Under the “What” block, you need to look into what you have on hand.
At this stage, you need to determine the nature of the problem.
Where?:- Now that you know who is associated with the problem and what the
problem actually is; you need to focus on the context/situation/location of
the problem.
Why?:- You have finally listed down all the major elements that affect the problem
directly.Now it is convenient to understand who the people that would be
benefitted by the solution are; what is to be solved; and where will the solution be
deployed. These three canvases now become the base of why you want to solve this
2. Data Acquisition
1. This stage is about acquiring data for the project.

2. Data can be a piece of information or facts and statistics

collected together for reference or analysis.

3. The previous collected data here is known as Training Data.

4. The next prediction data set is known as the Testing Data.

5. The Training data needs to be relevant and authentic.

2.1 Data Features
Data features refer to the type of data you want to collect.

1. Audio:- A sound file.

2. Video:- A moving picture:- Picturization of problem

3. Text:- Written Data

4. Images:- Graphical Data:- Pic of any spot

5. Animation:- Virtual Scenario of problem.

2.2 Acquiring data from
2.2.1 Survey
1.A survey is a research method used for
collecting data from a predefined group of
respondents to gain information and insights
into various topics of interest. ... The process
involves asking people for information
through a questionnaire, which can be either
online or offline. Example:- Through
Google Form, Through Microsoft Form,
Online links,Voting,Etc.
2.2.2 Web Scrapping

Web scraping, web harvesting,

or web data extraction is data
scraping used for extracting
data from websites. Web scraping
software may access the world wide
web directly using the HTTP, or
through a web browser.
2.2.3 Sensors

A sensor is a device that measures

physical input from its environment
and converts it into data that can be
interpreted by either a human or a
machine. Most sensors are electronic
(the data is converted into electronic
data), but some are more simple, such as
a glass thermometer, which presents
visual data.
2.2.4 Application Programming
An application programming interface (API) is a
computing interface which defines interactions
between multiple software intermediaries. It defines
the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to
make them, the data formats that should be used, the
conventions to follow, etc. It can also provide extension
mechanisms so that users can extend existing
functionality in various ways and to varying degrees.
An API can be entirely custom, specific to a
component, or it can be designed based on an
industry-standard to ensure interoperability. Through
information hiding, APIs enable modular programming,
which allows users to use the interface independently
of the implementation.
Data Exploration
2.3 System Maps
A system map shows the components and boundary of a system and the
components of the environment at a point in time. A system map is
effectively a list of components, but some people find the graphical
representation easier to assimilate.

The main use of a system map is to help structure a system and

communicate the result to others. It allows you to: clarify thoughts at an early
stage of analysis; decide on structural elements for a more detailed diagram
of a different type; experiment with boundaries; decide on the level of
interest, i.e. ‘focusing’; and communicate to others the basic structure of the
2.3 System Maps

System Maps help us to find relationships between different elements of the

problem which we have scoped. It helps us in strategizing the solution for
achieving the goal of our project. Here is an example of a System very familiar to
you – Water Cycle. The major elements of this system are mentioned here. Take a
look at these elements and try to understand the System Map for this system. Also
take a look at the relations between all the elements. After this, make your own
system map for the data features which you have listed. You can also use the
online animated tool for creating your System Maps.

‘We use system maps to understand complex issues with multiple factors that
affect each other. In a system, every element is interconnected. In a system map,
we try to represent that relationship through the use of arrows
A system map shows the components and boundaries of a system and the
components of the environment at a specific point in time. With the help of
System Maps, one can easily define a relationship amongst different elements
which come under a system. Relating this concept to our module, the Goal of
our project becomes a system whose elements are the data features mentioned
above. Any change in these elements changes the system outcome too. For
example, if a person received 200% increment in a month, then this change in
his salary would affect the prediction of his future salary. The more the
increment presently, the more salary in future is what the system would predict.

Hint: You can also use this animated tool for drawing and understanding
system maps:
Water Cycle
Money Circulation
Create Your Own System Map:-
The guidelines for drawing system maps are:
1. The system boundary must be clear;
2. Dashed lines can be used when boundaries are not clear;
3. Irregular blobs are preferable to regular boxes since the latter
suggest precision;
4. Overlaps are to be avoided if possible;
5. Maps should show components but not try to represent their
6. The size of blobs does not represent importance, but avoid
important blobs being smaller than less important blobs;
7. Blobs can be anywhere, but it is best to put important components
close together;
8. Leave space in the map for clarity and later additions;
9. Don’t divide blobs except when emphasizing a partition.
Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data.
By using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps,

Data visualization tools provide an accessible way to see and understand

trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Types of Graphs(Some Commonly used)

Bar graphs to show numbers that are independent of each other. Example
data might include things like the number of people who preferred each of
Chinese takeaways, Indian takeaways and fish and chips.

Pie charts to show you how a whole is divided into different parts. You
might, for example, want to show how a budget had been spent on different
items in a particular year.

Line graphs show you how numbers have changed over time. They are used
when you have data that are connected, and to show trends, for example,
average night-time temperature in each month of the year. :- for practical

To build an AI based project, we need to work around Artificially Intelligent
models or algorithms. This could be done either by designing your own
model or by using the pre-existing AI models.

We will use three abbreviation:-

Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Machine Learning (ML)
Deep Learning (DL).

Deep Learning is the most advanced form of Artificial Intelligence out of

these three. Then comes Machine Learning which is intermediately
intelligent and Artificial Intelligence covers all the concepts and algorithms
which, in some way or the other mimic human intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, refers to any technique that enables
computers to mimic human intelligence. An artificially intelligent machine works
on algorithms and data fed to it and gives the desired output.

Machine Learning, or ML for short, enables machines to improve at tasks with

experience. The machine here learns from the new data fed to it while testing and
uses it for the next iteration. It also takes into account the times when it went
wrong and considers the exceptions too.

Deep Learning, or DL for short, enables software to train itself to perform tasks
with vast amounts of data. Since the system has got huge set of data, it is able to
train itself with the help of multiple machine learning algorithms working
altogether to perform a specific task.

Like this Image:-

Purpose: Classification of Models into Rule-based
approach and Learning approach.
"In general, there are two approaches taken by researchers
when building AI models. They either take a rule based
approach or learning approach. A Rule based approach is
generally based on the data and rules fed to the machine,
where the machine reacts accordingly to deliver the desired
output. Under learning approach, the machine is fed with
data and the desired output to which the machine designs
its own algorithm (or set of rules) to match the data to the
desired output fed into the machine”
Classification of AI Models:-
Rule Based Approach
Rule Based Approach Refers to the AI modelling where the relationship or
patterns in data are defined by the developer. The machine follows the rules or
instructions mentioned by the developer, and performs its task accordingly. For
example, suppose you have a dataset comprising of 100 images of apples and
100 images of bananas. To train your machine, you feed this data into the
machine and label each image as either apple or banana. Now if you test the
machine with the image of an apple, it will compare the image with the trained
data and according to the labels of trained images, it will identify the test image
as an apple. This is known as Rule based approach. The rules given to the
machine in this example are the labels given to the machine for each image in
the training dataset.
Learning Based Approach
Refers to the AI modelling where the relationship or patterns in data are not
defined by the developer. In this approach, random data is fed to the machine
and it is left on the machine to figure out patterns and trends out of it.
Generally this approach is followed when the data is unlabelled and too
random for a human to make sense out of it. Thus, the machine looks at the
data, tries to extract similar features out of it and clusters same datasets
together. In the end as output, the machine tells us about the trends which it
observed in the training data.
A decision tree is a specific type of flow chart used to visualize the
decision making process by mapping out different courses of
action, as well as their potential outcomes.

Create decision tree online:-
Decision trees typically consist of
different elements:
ROOT NODE: It represents entire population or sample and this further
gets divided into two or more homogeneous sets.

SPLITTING: It is a process of dividing a node into two or more sub-nodes.

DECISION NODE: When a sub-node splits into further sub-nodes, then it

is called decision node.

LEAF/ TERMINAL NODE: Nodes do not split is called Leaf or Terminal

PRUNING: When we remove sub-nodes of a decision node, this process
is called pruning. You can say opposite process of splitting.

BRANCH / SUB-TREE: A sub section of entire tree is called branch or


PARENT AND CHILD NODE: A node, which is divided into sub-nodes is

called parent node of sub-nodes where as sub-nodes are the child of
parent node
1.Easy to Understand: Decision tree output is very easy to understand
even for people from non-analytical background. It does not require any
statistical knowledge to read and interpret them. Its graphical
representation is very intuitive and users can easily relate their
2.Useful in Data exploration: Decision tree is one of the fastest way to
identify mostsignificant variables and relation between two or more
variables. With the help ofdecision trees, we can create new variables /
features that has better power to predicttarget variable. You can refer
article (Trick to enhance power of regression model) forone such trick. It
can also be used in data exploration stage. For example, we are

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