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NAME: Denise M.



1. Section 2 – Declaration Policy of RA 9163 states that “It is hereby affirmed the
prime duty of the government to serve and protect its citizens. In turn, it shall
be the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security of the State and in
fulfillment thereof, the government may require each citizen to render
personal, military, or civil service.” How can you contribute to the State as a
student of NSTP?

I am Denise M. Madrid, 19 years old, and as a NSTP (National Service Training

Program) student, the things that I can contribute to the state is that I can do well in
the components that I choose which is the CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service), all
the things that I will learn in this program I will apply it to myself and I will use this
learnings to our community to make our future better. This components under NSTP
are more focusing on helping people, it refers to the activities that will give a
contribution for the general welfare and betterment life of every individual in a
community or enhancement of their facilities. I will do my best and stick in my
responsibility as a NSTP student, by doing my job properly like helping those people
who lives in a community that needs a help in order to facilitate its development. Also,
the important things are that while I am doing my duty, I must accept it genuinely and
do it with sincerity by putting my heart and soul into it. I must also be brave and show
them that there is still hope that there still a chance for them to succeed in lives no
matter what their circumstances that they just need to believe in themselves that they
can do it. Moreover, we can also show to them that we are still willing to learn and
must encourage them that they’ve must be too. Lastly, I should be observant and
approachable to them so that when they have a concern, they will approach me
immediately about their concerns, by doing this it will be easier for us to know and
resolve the issue that that have in their community. If we will follow all these things, I
am sure that we will be able to overcome what we are aiming which is to have
development in our state.

2. In your own words, how do you define National Service Training Program?

In my own words I will define NSTP (National Service Training Program) as a

program where will serve to teach the youth or students about enhancing our communities
by cooperating with activities and organizations proposed for the purpose of developing
each community in the country for the better future. I just want to emphasize in this
definition that this program will give us an opportunity to help other by cooperating while
we are helping other it will also help us to grow as an individual where we can be more
open minded in every situation. It means that it gives to the both of as a benefit, I help
you genuinely and I will learn from you by the great I might experience by doing the
activities in this program. This experience I am talking about will be base on what
component you are willing to join: ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)- This
component will more focus on training student/ young individuals for preparations to
become a military officer or if they are willing to join in a military, CWTS (Civic Welfare
Training Service)- This program will focus more on enhancing social consciousness of
students to perform a activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of
life for members of the community, and LTS (Literacy Training Service)- This program
refers to train the student/ youths to become a good teacher of literacy and numeracy
skills to the children it may be in or without in school and in any areas in society.

3. Have you participated in voluntary, civic consciousness activity, or

community immersion programs before? Tell us about your experience.

Yes, I’ve already participated in voluntary and civic consciousness activity. The
first activity that I did was when I am in Grade 10, I am a member in a YES-O (Youth
for Environment in School- Organization) we have a voluntarily activity which is the
“clean-up drive” where we need to go to a specific barangay/ community and will help
them to clean their place. We did the activity here in our Municipality (Rodriguez,
Rizal) and the barangays that we went to and held the activity are Barangay Rosario,
Geronimo, Burgos and San Rafael. We also did some cleaning in the side of the river
(Banks) and some canals in their barangays. The last voluntary activities that I did is
when we make a group/ organization of my classmate last school year, when we gave
and asked for donation to the people who are willingly to help the victims of typhoon
so that we can give them their needs like relief goods, shirts and shorts, cash, and
beddings. For me, helping the others is the best experience ever because it makes
me genuinely happy when I find myself helping others without expecting to receive
from them.

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