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Diverse learners

Jamie Holforty

Personally, I have a lot of experience with diverse learners in my school district. I grew

up and went to school in Huron, SD. When I was in about 6th grade, our district grew like crazy

with kids from Burma. Some of these kids were very educated, while others were very lost. It

was so crazy to watch them grow and learn with the rest of us. Some of them came from so very

bad places where there was no food, shelter, clothing, and/or they were tortured. After

communicating with them, they explain how living in the US eye was very opening to them and

it has a created much more of a safe environment for their families.

It was very influential for me to see how these kids handled living in these conditions to

being so positive when moving to the US. Yes, some of them had some issues and needed extra

attention, but most of them came ready to learn and make new friends. It was and is still difficult

for some of them to make new friends and they tend to stick with each other.

I have been subbing in my hometown school district, so I have also been seeing lots of

diversity and working with lots of diversity in that way as well. I watch as those kids tend to stay

quieter and more closed off in the other schools. But, in the younger schools, they are much more

open about their feelings and talking in general. Those are the kids who grown up here and feel

just as normal as anyone else.

After being able to see all of this and watch how it affect the teacher and the schools, I

am confident that I know how to handle these types of situations. I have always been good about

talking to people to make sure they are doing okay and are on the same page as everyone else. I

plan to use this method to make sure all of my students are comfortable learning in my

classroom. I want to make sure that the students are making friends with others. I plan to choose
the groups for the students so that they have to work together with others. I will also make sure

that I modify as needed. I am very excited to work with my students and help them grow as


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