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the conflict

well thats the truth and this rusian ukranian conflict has made things more clear
for us and it shows us the real image of countries who fight for the label of human
rights the truth
it has revealed how the real double standards of western countries work when
it comes to their own interets ,actually refugees were just a clear thing of many
injustices that few have heard about in all over the world , and i see that
for europeen countries that accepting more refugees from the middle east seems a
big threat for them regarding the cultures/ religion/traditions / ethnicity,
but the bad thing is when these countries claim their fairness and portrait
themselves as a good angels in these world piss me off , when you
observe what's going on the Mass medias im sorry to say that but i find that cringy
,well we all watch how the sanctions were severly taken against
russians and on the poor citizens that have no hands in that war but where they
where when the chinese governement commiting an atrocity on uyghurs , and there was
a cold silence no sanctions no
even speaking out about the concentration camps and how people are persecuted by
the chinese governement and instead of that they are supporting
their fully exploiting by settling down the biggest brands and keep the chinese
torturing process on , im sorry but i definetly see no values or good morals when
it comes to sacrifice people for
worshiping for ex chinese money

yeah just one thing about what robert mentioned is that if a country or a place
take care about
only the gdp growth ? , well there are some studies
that definetely contradicate what robert said about what he said
that might cost for the first months but then most of refugees are full integrate
after lets just make a comparison of people in the
migrant raise the productivy adn lift capital returns , we can just take example of
people who boost innovation in some countried where
they arent originally from or born

well actually we cant hide how the refugees from middle east arent accepted in
eastern europeen countries and human has a right to go whatever

just to point out something many

just to say something about what yan said , he said something impotant but i
disagree with him about some points
am i gonna be thankful for what the western countries did on middle east , for ex
Irak , who was the responsible that cause for ex Irakis or palestinians to flee
their countries,

well thats the truth and this russian ukranian conflict has made things more clear
for us and it shows us the real image of countries who fight for the label of human
and the truth and obviousl it has revealed how the real double standards of
western countries work when it come to their own interests
they say that its a matter of security for all europe when it comes to the ukranian
war so i totally agree on that it alright , but why these countries created go to
the middle east countries and
created more instabilty for ex what is happening in syria if they really care as
they claim why they let people got killed and went to migrate in their countries ,
and then we should be grateful
for them for being merciful with us
do you think that syrians were happy leaving their home i went to a completely
different land for poland its okay for them to welcome welcome refugee from
ukraine cause

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