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i can say that is a revolutionary technology and bitcoin has a lot of

opportunities in the future i mean all cryptoblokchain echnology , i can say that
an alternative money and an enviroment where the value of cash money , and its
mindblowing how its jumped from the cent to 40000 dollars at
the moment i guess and like 60000 dollarsas all time high thats impressive so that
means that there is something serious and big whales arent that stupid to put their
money in crypto
, and yeah its worth it as long as you have enough money to invest
cause having is the worst thing these days guys , inflation eating everything at
the moment just saw todat that during the last month inflation
went up to 7 8 percent and thats really bad for you cash , and i guess the most
important thing is to difersify your portfolio not only buying
bitcoin or eth , there are many good projects as well , thats true that bitcoin is
the currency which moves everything in crypto market thats a
fact if we look at the market supply , but we should keep it balanced , and i think
the bad thing is that cash gonna be a huge problematic in
the future since there is no good alternative or controling except that printing

i saw both soldiers indians and pakistanis dancing at the borders , its kind a
funny dance dont know what they do that
i have heard a funny thing dont know ifyou can confirm that is it true that
people still paying a coffee for foreigners in napoli ? i it a tradion there

there is a lot of ehtnicities and many cultural wealth

the good thing

well we say that freedom is a way to act or react freely when it comes to
expressing yourself or the choice to live your life doing what your want and follow
your desires sometimes , well we live
in a Social constructionism so that all societies define freedom as they want and
the bad thing is when it comes to impose what you believe on people without
noticing their customs or their values ,
and the most important thing is not to enjoy our freedom on someone's rights , as
it's happening these days unfortunately in some places
, and when you see how many injustice arent supported or even people
dont care about , so the best example is the uyghurs people , everyone knows about
whats going on between russia and ukraine and no one even heard about slavery and
concentration camps in china
and people even wear clothes and have products made by persecuted people who only
chose to practice freely their religion and traditions , so sometimes we dont need
the western countries's
portrait about freedom like they are the most just or the ones who fight for that

well its beyond that

well its kind a part of

well i guess thats kind of dependecy is hard to erase easly , so we inherited many
good things as well like the educational system in schools , that truth we cant
denie that and actually
and the truth too they are still controling us indirectly so is hard to get rid of
their dependency once and for all

you know thats the controlling i talked about they tried to erase everything , you
know french did that with algeria , they colonized that country for 130 yo and
people coulndt speak their Darija
like us back to that time , they lost their heritage , food as you mentioned ,

well i guess nationalismor patriotism should be first taught by parents and we

should be proud where we came from ,our religious background of course , and
protect our good morals and heritage as
my grandphather did , well we all know whats going on we all admit that they are
many issues with our governements and societies , but if we give up on that we will
lost everything

i had some friends who did some me

no the bad thing

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