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TWO GURDS Milena Felipe



COCO Joaquín




MAID Bianca



NARRATOR: Many years ago there lived an Emperor who cared so much for his clothes that he spent
all his money on them. He had a new coat for each day. There was going to be a
party in the castle so he called the most famous tailors to create the most beautiful suit ever for that day.

EMPEROR: Chester, I need the most impressive suit for the party. Find the best tailors. Money isn´t a
problem. It must be ready for Sunday.

CHESTER:  As you wish Master, I´m going to find the best tailors in town.

GUARD1: Did you heard that?

GUARD2: What?

GUARD1: The Emperor wants a new suit for the party and he will pay a lot of money.

GUARD2: Yes, and he asked Chester to find the best tailors in town.

GUARD1: Exactly! …We are those tailors… we can pretend to be fashion experts…

GUARD2: …and we keep the money…you are a genious.

CHESTER: Master… I found the best tailors in town. She is Coco and he is Gianni.

COCO: Hello Magestic, we know to weave the most wonderful cloth in the world.

GIANNI: The patterns and the colors are marvelously beautiful!.

MAID: Sr. The tailors are here.

CHESTER: yes, we know.

MAID: The other tailors…Channel and Versache.

EMPEROR: Who are you?

CHANNEL: We are the best, nobody can sew as we do.

VERSACHE: She is right…we have the best suits in town.

MAID: They say they have a special fabric.


NARRATOR: They told the Emperor that the cloth could not be seen by anyone because it was invisible.

MINISTER: What is happening here? Who are you?

MAID: They are the tailors.

COCO: Coco

GIANNI: Gianni

CHANNEL: Channel

VERSACHE: Versache.

EMPEROR: I must have my new suit for the party.

 MINISTER: So make the suits and then the Emperor is going to choose the best.

 EMPEROR: Here, take this sum of money, but you must work without delay.

GUARD1: The Emperor must choose Channel and Versache´s suit.

GUARD2: He mustn`t know they are impostors.

NARRATOR: The real tailors immediately start to work on a beautiful suit for the emperors, but the
impostors pretended to be working with invisible cloth.

CHESTER: Master the suits are ready… you will look so handsome ate the party.

EMPEROR: I must see my wonderful clothes!. Minister, come with me and help me to choose the best of

MINISTER: Sure, Master.

CHESTER: You will look great Master.

MINISTER: This is beautiful, fine cloth. It´s perfect. And here …I can’t see anything.

VERSACHE: Only intelligent people can see it.

CHANNEL: Get closer.  Isn’t this a beautiful pattern?.  And the colors, aren’t they wonderful?.

 NARRATOR: nobody could see it. But they didn´t want the Emperor to think they were not intelligent.

MINISTER:  Well, it isn´t bad.

CHESTER: Nice colours.

VERSACHE: Well, sir, what do you think of it?.

EMPEROR: Oh, it is beautiful. 

COCO: But, there is no suit in there… we made an spectacular one.

GIANNI: There is not such an invisible cloth.

EMPEROR: I like your suit, but this one is original…everybody will be looking at me.

CHANNEL: I need to tell you that this is an expensive suit.

EMPEROR: Don´t worry, here you have the money.    

EMPEROR: Yes, yes, it is very pretty. I could not be better pleased

NARRATOR: The day of the party arrived.

CHESTER AND MAID : It is wonderful. 

MINISTER You look good!

NARRATOR: The Emperor turned round the mirror, and looked and looked, and nodded his head.

EMPEROR: I am ready.

NARRATOR: No one would say that he could see nothing, or would have proved him to be very stupid.
But the people began to whisper and point and laugh.

PEOPLE IN THE STREETS: He has nothing on!

PEOPLE IN THE STREETS: He isn´t wearing a suit.

NARRATOR: The Emperor heard what they said, and he shivered, he knew that their words were true.
He was really ashamed.

GUARDS: Sorry Master…this is our fault!

MAID: It´s also my fault.

CHESTER: Sorry Master, we should have told you!

EMPEROR: It´s only my fault, I didn´t want to see.



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