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1. A component or pillar of the Criminal Justice System which is

involved in the administration of appropriate sanctions in
keeping with the sentence handed down.
A. Corrections B. Prosecutions
C. law enforcement D. court
2. A statue enacted by Congress, penal in character, which is
not amendment to the Revise Penal Code such as Republic
Acts, Presidential Decrees and Memorandum Circulars.
A. Special Law
B. Special Penal Laws
C. Common Law
D. Amendment to the Revised Penal Code
3. A social norm providing guidance for people in their dealings
with one another, as a standard against which actions are
evaluated, and as a prescription or requirement that people act
A. Law B. Justice
C. Ethics D. Conduct
5. Is the course of action or process whereby accusations are
brought before a court of justice to determine the innocence
or guilt of the accused?
A. Trial B. Prosecution
C. Pre-trial D. Arraignment

6. It is such a fact and circumstances which would lead a

reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that the person has
committed an offense, sought to be arrested.
A. Information B. Probable cause
C. Testimony D. Prima facie

7. Juan Dela Cruz, a resident of Quezon City found out to be in conflict

with the law particularly the R.A. 9165. What particular agency
would be responsible in processing the investigation?
A. PNP B. Interpol
8. One which consists of several parts that interacts with
each other to produce some results, serve some functions or
meet some objectives.
A. Justice B. System
C. Feedback D. Environment
9. Takes cognizance of the case, conducts trial and imposes
penalty if the accused is found guilty beyond reasonable
A. Correction B. Court
C. Police D. Prosecution
10. The apprehension or taking into custody of a child in conflict
with the law by law enforcement officers or private citizens is
termed as:
A. Arrest B. Initial contact
C. Child custody D. All of these
11. The branch of the administration of criminal justice charges
with the responsibility for the custody, security, supervision and
rehabilitation of a convicted offender.
A. Community B. Correction
C. Jail D. Rehabilitation Center
12. The group of person who have something in common that
links them and distinguish them from each other who are not
part of that certain groups is called?
A. Community B. Anarchy
C. Milling D. Binding
13. The machinery of the State designed to enforce the law by
arresting, prosecuting and adjudicating those accused of
violating it and by applying the proper sanctions to those found
A. Court B. Government
C. Criminal Justice System D. Due Process of Law
14. The person responsible for securing the rights of the state over
an accused person for he directs the proceeding and he institute an
offense in behalf of the state.
A. Judge B. Counsel De officio
C. Attorney D. Prosecutor
15. The Police seek to prevent crimes by being present in places where
crimes might be committed and by alerting citizens to refrain from
practices that make them or their property vulnerable.
A. law enforcement B. public services
C. opportunity denial D. order
1. This pillar accepts the re-entry of the offender as
law-abiding and useful citizen of society.
A. Community B. Correction
C. Court D. Police
2. After conviction, which system is responsible for the
rehabilitation of the person?
A. Jail B. Prison
C. Lock up cell D. Correction
3. What is this judicial tribunal designed to administer
A. Office of the Ombudsman B. Jury
C. Department of Justice D. Court
4. A law enforcement function in order to preserve
social and public order.
A. Protection B. crowd control
C. order maintenance D. crime
5. A local government together with society of
individuals or institutions refers to...
A. Family B. Community
C. Religion D. Prison
6. This refers to a person convicted by a competent
court for committing crime.
A. Criminal B. Delinquent
C. Law breakers D. Offender
7. A person who has violated the penal law and has been
found guilty by the court.
A. Suspect B. Accused
C. Parolee D. Criminal
8. Arbitrary Detention is a crime against…
A. Person
B. Fundamentals laws of the state
C. Law of nation
D. National security
9. Which of the following is a Review Court and it is
considered as the highest court of the land?
A. Court of Appeal B. Municipal Trial Court
C. Regional Trial Court D. Supreme Court
10. This is a special court tasked to handle graft and
corruption committed by public officials or employees.
A. Ombudsman B. Sandiganbayan
C. Military court D. Supreme court
11. This is an attitude enjoyed given to police to use
discretion whether to effect arrest or not.
A. Administration B. Authority
C. Management D. Power
12. Which of the following is a valid warrantless arrest?
A. citizen’s arrest B. void arrest
C. illegal arrest D. juridical arrest
13. Who has the power to define and punish crimes?
A. Church B. State
C. Judiciary D. Police
14. What is this process by which we use or manipulate
representation or symbols?
A. Thinking B. Intuition
C. Perceiving D. Imagining
15. What refers to the process of eliminating or reducing
the desire and opportunity to commit crime.
A. Crime Suppression B. Crime Prevention
C. Law Enforcement D. Order Maintenance

16. It means as the power to try and decide, or hear and

determine a cause.
A. Court B. Jail
C. Jurisdiction D. Justice
17. These provides the basis for due process of law.
A. Bible B. Common Law
C. Constitution D. PNP Law
18. Which of these have the administrative supervision
over all courts and the personnel thereof?
A. DOJ B. Supreme Court

C. The President D. Court of Appeals

19. The authority of the court to hear and determine a

A. Hearing B. Legislative power
C. Decision D. Jurisdiction
20. The best interest of the child shall at all times be
respected by the by whom?
A. Court B. Prosecution
C. Defense D. Witnesses
21. Who has The highest in rank among the following?
A. Chief Superintendent B. Deputy Director general
C. Director D. Director General
22. The informal component of the Criminal Justice
A. Community B. law enforcement
C. prosecution D. corrections
23. The major function of the Prosecution component of
the Criminal Justice System.
A. Rehabilitate prisoners
B. Represents the government in criminal cases
C. Enforce the law of the land
D. Sentencing of the accused
24. The police is an agency of the…
A. State B. Government
C. Community D. All of these
25. The primary and major output of the Criminal Justice
System is:
A. Law B. Crime
C. Justice D. Correction
26. The primary goal of Criminal Justice System is:
A. Maintain Peace and order
B. Prevention of crime
C. Protection of government from enemies
D. Prosecute criminal
27. Which of the following is the primary source of
criminal law in the Philippines is?
A. Republic Acts B. Presidential Decrees
C. Revised Penal Code D. Either of these
28. This refers to the recital of the rights of a suspect
during custodial investigation.
A. Bill of Rights B. Miranda Warning
C. Code of Ethics D. Policeman’s Code
29. This refers to the reduction or elimination of the
desire and opportunity to commit a crime.
A. law enforcement B. crime prevention
C. protection of rights D. order maintenance
30. They are referred to as the forgotten subject in the
criminal justice system.
A. Accused B. Criminals
C. Victims D. Witnesses
31. A confinement facility having custodial authority over
an individual sentenced by a court to imprisonment, which
is administered by a National Government.
A. jail B. prison
C. corrections D. rehabilitation center
32. What is a group of people having ethnic or cultural or
religious characteristics in common?
A. society B. community
C. people power D. cultural minority
33. Teaching the community to protect themselves
aside from constant police patrol and visibility refers to.
A. reactive policing B. proactive policing
C. high visibility D. low visibility
34. They are task to apprehend and investigate those
person who have violated the rules of the professional
ethics in spending the government’s budget in some
personal interest.
C. Sandiganbayan D. Senate
35. Is the course of action or process whereby accusations are
brought before a court of justice to determine the innocence or
guilt of the accused?
A. Trial B. Prosecution
C. Pre-trial D. Arraignment
36. It carries the burden of proving the guilt of the accused
in a formal proceeding.
A. police B. prosecution
C. court D. preliminary investigation
37. When should the sworn counter-affidavit be filed by the
respondent from receipt to answer the accusations against
A. 10 days B. after 10 days
C. within 10 days D. before 10 days
38. It is a course of action whereby the accused and the
prosecutor in a criminal case work out mutually beneficial
and satisfactory disposition on the case subject to court
A. Arraignment B. NONE OF THESE
C. Pre- trial D. Trial
39. During the Pre-Spanish period in the history of the
Philippines, there are codes that already implemented by the
Datus in their respective territory. One of the great examples of
it, is the Code of Kalantiao. When was the year Revised Penal
Code took effect?
A. 1433 B. 1930
C. 1932 D. 1927
40. Who was the one that conceive the idea of giving the
police a very wide powers including price control.
41. All of the following except one, are the bad labels of the
modern police of Robert Peel.
A. dirty puppy B. bloody gang
C. blue devils D. peelers
42. Which is true about Police?
A. ensure law and order
B. should be powerful not oppressive
C. a branch of Criminal Justice System
D. should form an impartial force
43. Constables are implementing and carrying out the law
by keeping the peace, arresting criminals and guarding.
They were known in what particular country?
A. England B. Rome
C. Greece D. Egypt
45. They were privately paid to follow-up investigation of
A. Keepers of the peace B. constable
C. bow street runners D. rattle watch
47. It was enacted after WWII providing the expansion and
reorganization of the NBI.
A. RA 6725 B. RA 2678
C. RA 4864 D. RA 1960
48. In the Criminal Justice system, government must keep
within the framework of laws that protect individual rights. Who
among these people is being process in the said system?
A. the offended party B. law
C. justice D. accused
49. The known forgotten person of the Criminal Justice system –
A. offender B. prosecutor
C. accused D. victim
50. Who are the gate keepers of Criminal Justice system?
A. Jail guard B. Court
C. Correction D. Law enforcement
1. A false belief based on an incorrect inference about
external reality and firmly sustained despite clear evidence
to the contrary, and which is not related to cultural or
religious beliefs
A. False alarm B. Wrong perception
C. Incoherence D. Delusion
2. Feeling that is private and subjective, condition of
psychological arousal an expression or display of distinctive
somatic and automatic responses.
A. Emotion B. Stimuli
C. Feelings D. Attitude
3. Form of violent crime where there is the killing of several
victims in three or more separate incidents over a week, a
month, a year.
A. Spree Murder B. Serial Murder
C. Mass Murder D. Murder
4. He developed the study of body build and criminal
behavior or Somatotype School, which held that manifest
distinct physiques that makes them susceptible to
particular types of delinquent behavior.
A. Charles Goring B. William Sheldon
C. Charles Darwin D. Edwin Sutherland
5. It is a method whereby an organized group or party seeks
to achieve its avowed aims chiefly through the systematic
use of violence.
A. conventional warfare B. insurrection
C. terrorism D. insurgency
6. The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to
attain political, religious or ideological goals by instilling
fear or using intimidation or coercion.
A. Crisis B. Strike
C. Crime D. Terrorism
7. The one who makes complete estimate of the crisis situation
and plans his courses of actions upon arrival at the incident area
while negotiation is in progress is the
A. Chief Negotiaton B. Tactical Commander
C. Fire fighting team D. Support Unit Commander
8. The reaction to facts of relationship between the individual
and his environment. Mainly influence by both genes and
A. Behavior B. Attitude
C. Human behavior D. Actions
9. They believes threatened/ persecuted they are highly
suspicious of persons. Acts with anti-value set to relieve stress or
vindicate himself and impulsive.
A. Socio path B. Paranoid hostage taker
C. Terrorists D. Neurotic
10. This is the inexcusable reverential awe of a specific situation
when there is no existing evil that are totally out of dimensions.
A. Phobias B. Obsessive-compulsive
C. Anxiety neurosis D. Exposure
1. According to Frederick Hacker, these are terrorists who
are using terrorism to change society.
A. Crusaders B. Crazies
C. Criminals D. Mercenaries
2. According to psychoanalysis, this refers to the
conscience of man.
A. Ego B. Id
C. super ego D. spirit
3. An individual with strongly self-centered pattern of
emotion, fantasy and thought.
A. Delusion B. Extrovert
C. Hallucination D. Introvert
4. An irrational fear which is fixed, intense, uncontrollable
and often has no reasonable foundation.
A. Phobia B. Delusions
C. Regression D. Anxiety
5. A person jumps out of the window to his death because
he believes he can fly is _______.
A. Psychotic B. Mental retardate
C. Neurotic D. Pyromanic
6. A very important factor in effective negotiation is:
A. Containment of the area
B. Knowing where the hostages are located
C. Efficient communication
D. Letting the hostage taker know that he can’t win
7. Controlling situation and area and area by people
A. Containment B. Crowd control
C. Crime control D. Traffic control
8. Which of the following refers to the fear of robbers -
A. Anthophobia B. Bibliophobia
C. Cardiophobia D. Harpaophobia
9. Focuses on external activities that can be observed and
A. Behavioral B. Cognitive
C. Humanistic D. Neurological
10. When girls see her mother as rival for her father’s
attention this complex is termed as…
A. Oedipus Complex B. Electra Complex
C. Penis Envy D. Athena Complex
11. It is a means to describe the form of criminal behavior
A. Sociology B. Typology
C. Psychology D. Psychiatric
12. It is an act or manner of running or handling decisive
A. Police management B. Negotiation
C. Crisis management D. Negotiator
13. It is an irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of
economic motive.
A. Pedophilia B. Kleptomania
C. Neurotic D. Satyriasis
14. It is the last option to be considered in a hostage
A. Negotiation B. Denial to demands
C. Assault D. Give in to demands
15. It is the study of social interactions of people.
A. Transactional analysis B. Response analysis
C. Adjustment concept D. Social analysis
16. It means to arrange by conferring or discussing.
A. Validate B. Vindicate
C. Negotiate D. Extricate
17. It refers to all types of internal forces which may
prevent a person from committing a crime.
A. Contact with reality B. Internal Inhibition
C. Need frustration D. Situational crime
18. This is refers to the conscience of man.
A. ego B. id
C. super ego D. spirit
19. Is the result or product of interplay of biology,
psychology, and culture, just is as normal personality.
A. Schizophrenia B. psychoses
C. neurosis D. split mind
20. Is the voluntary or involuntary attitude a person adopts
in order to fit society idea of right or wrong.
A. Attitude B. Behavior
C. Behavioral D. Human behavior
21. Maria killed Jose while she was asleep. What
abnormality was manifested?
A. Delirium B. Hypnotism
C. Semisomnolence D. Somnambulism
22. Moral aspect of personality that judges our personality
and is also known as the conscience.
A. Id B. Ego
C. Super ego D. All of the foregoing
23. People who take hostages during a period of prolonged
frustration, despair and problems.
A. Common criminals B. Psychotics
C. Political terrorists D. Person in crisis
24. People who take hostages for personal, rather than
ideological reasons.
A. Person in crisis B. Political terrorists
C. Common criminals D. Psychotics
25. Reacting to events with alertness and vigilance and a
feeling of persecution.
A. dementia praecox B. frustration
C. paranoia D. aggression
26. Sexual gratification and excitement by wearing clothes
and acting the rule of opposite sex.
A. Incest B. Lesbianism
C. Fetishism D. Transvestism
27. Scientific approach based upon mental processes and
A. psychogenic determinism B. emotional
C. biological determinism D. criminological
28. The first step in a hostage situation.
A. Assault B. Control
C. crowd control D. negotiation
29. The following are characteristics common to terrorists
except one
A. operate openly B. highly mobile
C. promote fear D. possess limited resources
30. The following are qualities which must be possessed by
a police negotiator except one:
A. Flexible B. Irrational
C. Patient D. knows psychology
31. The two-factor theory was known as the best
formulation of explaining the existence of emotion. It is
comprised of cognitive factor and ______.
A. physiological changesB. physiological arousal
C. physiological factor D. physiological response
32. It is sometimes known as the study of the cognitive
A. james-lange theory B. two factor theory
C. cannon-bard theory D. cognitive theory of
33. The following are symptoms of depression, except:
A. suicide attempt B. have trouble on making
C. using illegal drugs D. feeling of guilt
34. The traits that were shared by people with the same
culture were the common traits but, if it just superficial
and less enduring it is termed as the:
A. Common B. Secondary
C. Central D. Cardinal
35. All of the following are not the causes of depression,
A. narcotics use B. party
C. fair D. speech
36. Which of the following is considered as the most difficult to
A. approach-approach conflict
B. approach-avoidance conflict
C. avoidance-avoidance conflict
D. multiple approach-avoidance conflict
37. These personality traits known as individual are very
unique to the person as stated by:
A. Cardinal B. Allport
C. Central D. Wade
38. Stress is the consequence of the failure of a person to
respond in any physical threats. The word was coined by
Hans Hugo Bruno Selye in:
A. 1933 B. 1930
C. 1932 D. 1935
39. Presenting a sophisticated topic in front of your
classmate will fall on what specific type of stress.
A. brief naturalistic stress B. acute time
C. short term stress D. long term stress
40. A type of depression that takes a long time but with less
depressive symptoms.
A. major depressive disorder B. psychotic disorder
C. SAD D. dysthymia
41. It is not common as major depression or even
dysthymia and sometimes being referred to as an illness
which is manic-depressive in nature.
A. Bipolar disorde B. psychotic
C. endogenous depression D. reactive depression
42. As to the types of long term stress, this may have a
long-lasting effects on the emotional and mental health of
the person.
A. Distant stress B. distant stressor
C. chronic stress D. stressful event
43. This refers to a significant loss of contact with reality.
A. Schizophrenia B. psychosis
C. neurosis D. split mind
44. Which behavior is characterized by the attempts of
committing suicide.
A. Maladaptive behavior B. psychosis
C. somatoform disorder D. dissociative disorder
45. Taking the licensure examination for
criminologists. The statement best describes:
A. brief naturalistic stress B. acute time
C. short term stress D. long term stress
46. Which of the following is true about personal
A. inability to reach goals
B. disruption to social group functioning
C. anxious
D. all of these
47. All but one, are the different types of mental
A. personality disorder B. neurosis
C. psychosis D. gender identity
48. Unfaithful boyfriend suspects his girlfriend to have
other “LOVER”. The statement best describes;
A. sublimation B. displacement
C. suppression D. projection
49. It is considered as behavior that is noticeable
departure from the accepted norm.
A. Deviation of norm B. Abnormal behavior
C. Deviated behavior D. Standard behavior
50. These people are just simply confused and that they
could experience hallucination or delusion, these people
falls on the category of bizarre behavior. What do
hallucination means?
A. Bizarre behavior B. impaired
C. Disruptive behavior D. false perception
1. A body of knowledge regarding crime as a social
A. criminal psychology B. criminal
C. criminal law D. criminology
2. Absence of a complaining victim in the typology of crime
is classified as public order crime or?
A. Crimes against person B. Victimless crime
C. Physical crime D. Public scandal
3. A crime that is committed in the shortest possible time
such as libel.
A. Acquisitive crime B. Extinctive crime
C. Seasonal crime D. Instant Crime
4. Are those who commit crime due to less physical
stamina and less self control.
A. Criminoloid B. Psuedo Criminals
C. Criminal by Passion D. Born criminals
5. A state of normlessness as proposed by Durkheim that
describes France during its trying times.
A. Strain Theory B. Anomie
C. Labeling Theory D. Chicago Area Project
6. A sub-discipline of criminology which focuses on
victims of crime.
A. penology B. criminal psychology
C. criminal profiling D. victimology
7. A theory that is based on utilitarian concept of free will
and greatest good of the greatest number.
A. Classical School B. Free will Theory
C. Deterrence Theory D. Hedonistic Calculus
8. A type of crime in which the end result is destructive.
A. acquisitive crime B. extinctive crime
C. seasonal crime D. static crime
9. A voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and do
A. virtue B. value
C. dignity D. conscience
10. It is a branch of sociology that studies the
characteristics of human populations.
A. Demography B. Sociology
C. Anthropology D. Criminology
11. It is the study of human society, its origin, structure,
functions and direction.
A. psychology B. criminology
C. sociology D. anthropology
12. It is the study of the formation of the skull in relation
to the behavior of the criminal.
A. Phrenology B. Criminology
C. Criminology D. Entomology
12. Science concerned with improving the quality of human off
A. Genetics B. Eugenics
C. Criminology D. Heredity
14. Study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution in a
A. Criminal epidemiology B. Criminal demography
C. Criminal psychology D. Criminal determinism
15. Study of human mind in relation to criminality
A. Criminal demography B. Criminal physical
C. Criminal psychiatry D. Criminal psychology
16. The following are characteristics of criminology, except:
A. Nationalistic B. Flexible
C. Dynamic D. Applied Science
17. The basis of criminal liability is human freewill and the
purpose of the penalty is retribution.
A. Classical theory B. Eclectics Theory
C. Multiple factor theory D. Positivist theory
18. The following are the classifications of criminals by
Cesare Lombroso except one…
A. Born Criminals B. Criminal by Passion
C. Psuedo Criminals D. Deficient Criminals
19. The primary advocate of the Positivist School in
A. Cesare Beccaria B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Edwin Sutherland D. Leonard Keeler
20. The principle that events including criminal behavior
that has sufficient causes.
A. positivism B. determinism
C. atavism D. narcissism
21. The principle which states that man, by nature, always
tries to maximize pleasure and avoid pain.
A. Utopia B. Hedonism
C. Socialism D. Atavism
22. The purpose of penalty in the Positivist School of
A. Retribution B. Reformation
C. Rejection D. Restitution
23. This theory believes that punishment should fit the
criminal and not the crime committed
A. Positivist theory B. Neo-classical theory
C. Classical theory D. Differential
Association Theory
24. This theory postulates that the ordinary routines of life
present opportunities for crime.
A. Functionalist theory B. Routine activities
C. Rational choice theory D. Control theory
25. This theory puts the focus on the process of naming
behaviors and the people that perform them.
A. Functionalist theory B. Anomie theory
C. Rational choice theory D. Labeling theory
26. This type of physique has relatively predominant muscles,
bones and motor organs of the body.
A. Viscerotonic B. Mesomorphic
C. Endomorphic D. Ectomorphic
27. What law created the board of criminology in the Philippines?
A. RA 5606 B. RA 6560
C. RA 6506 D. RA 8551
28. What theory considers crime as a natural social
A. Somatotyping Theory B. Differential Association
C. Anomie Theory D. Psychoanalytical Theory
29. Which is an attempt at scientific analysis of the study of
causes or reasons for crime?
A. Penology B. Sociology of Law
C. Criminal Psychology D. Criminal Etiology
30. Who is a person who kills three or more persons in three or
more separate events?
A. Serial Killer B. Spree Killer
C. Mass Murderer D. Homicidal
31. This school of criminology was established based on
philosophy of utilitarianism. It was particularly founded by
Cesare “Beccaria” Bonesana. This was known as the
classical school. What is that treatise on the legal reform
that became the pillar of the school?
A. Classical School B. Positivist School
C. Essay on Crimes D. Essay on Crimes and
32. This book contains all of the Stigmata of a potential
criminal written by Lombroso on hi medical studies in the
inmate of the different prison.
A. The Criminal Mind B. Atavistic
C. Atavism D. The Criminal Man
33. Crime is caused by the rational effort of man to
augment his pleasure and to minimize his pains is a notion
coming from:
A. positivist school B. classical school
C. Chicago school D. neo-classical school
34. All of the following are the description of a criminal
man according to Lombroso, Except one:
A. Symmetry of the FaceB. Excessive length of Arms
C. Abnormal Dentition D. Defects of the Thorax
35. Which of the following is not true about the principles
of Positivism?
A. stated that criminality is inherited
B. criminal behavior is caused by internal factors
C. imposition of deterrence
D. understanding criminality through the study of
human behavior
36. All of the following except one are the indicative of
criminal tendency according to the Criminal anthropology
of Cesare Lombroso.
A. measurement of the hairline
B. measurement of the jaw
C. measurement of the cheek bones
D. measurement of the cleft palate
37. Cesare Lombroso was considered as the father of
Modern Criminology and the father of the Italian school of
Criminology. Which of the following is not part of his
A. Identifying the three types of criminal
B. he took a scientific approach in the study of crime
C. he was the one who wrote “The Criminal Mind”
D. none of these
38. Attempting to provide a scientific analysis of the causes
of crime is a function of criminal etiology as one of the
principal divisions of Criminology. What division is treating
youthful offenders?
A. Criminal etiology B. Criminal sociology
C. Sociology of law D. Penology
39. Which of the following is not included in the coverage of
Criminology in terms of theoretical field of study?
A. Sociology of crime B. causes of crime
C. meaning of crime in law D. community reaction
40. Which is not true about Criminology?
A. considered as an applied science
B. It is stable and it varies from one time and place to
C. study of crime as a social phenomenon
D. none of these
41. In the Criminal Justice system, government must keep
within the framework of laws that protect individual rights.
Who among these people is being process in the said
A. the offended party B. law
C. justice D. accused
42. The following are those something that are left by the
perpetrator in the scene of crime which was commonly
termed as physical evidences, except:
A. witness B. kerosene
C. cadaver D. prints
43. It is concomitant with the advancement of other
sciences that has been applied to it. The statement best
A. dynamic B. criminology
C. social condition D. criminalistics
44. All but one is the task of the Criminal Justice System.
A. save life and property
B. enforce the law
C. removing dangerous in the community
D. rehabilitating offenders
45. Ex post facto law is one of the constitutional rights of
every Filipino people which means that, a person should
not be put into jeopardy where there is no effective law
forbidding the particular act, except:
A. the suspect was not yet arrested
B. the law is in favor to the offender
C. retroactive effect
D. all of these
46. The earliest broad laws existing, these edicts are based on a
retributire system of “an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth”.
A. Lex taliones B. Code of Hammurabi
C. Code of Kalantiao D. Revised penal Code
47. Commonly known as “Victimless crime”.
A. Occasional crime B. Political crime
C. Public order crime D. Conventional crime
48. The machinery of a state or government which enforces the
rules of conduct necessary to protect life, liberty and property
and maintain peace and order.
A. Criminal Justice SystemB. Criminal justice Education
C. Criminal Justice D. Criminal Justice Research
49. All of the following except one are the concepts drawn by
Lombroso in his Positivist theory.
A. Psychiatry B. Society Darwinism
C. Physiognomy D. Eugenics
50. The science of classifying human physical characteristics.
A. Freewill B. Somatology
C. Positivism D. Atavism

1. Any person who shall engage in trading and dealing with children
including, but not limited to the act of buying and selling of a child for
money or for any consideration or barter
A. Child Exploitation B. Child trafficking
C. Child prostitution D. Child abuse
2. A pattern of repeated or habitual unauthorized absences from school
by any juvenile subject to compulsory education laws is called
A. School Delinquency B. Status Offense
C. School Truancy D. Deviation
3. A person appointed by the court to act as legal guardian of a child
even if his parents is still alive when the best interest of the said child
so requires.
A. Parens Patriae B. Guardian ad Litem
C. Cousel De Officio D. Adopter
4. A sexual desire of an adult for children. This adult may obtain sexual
gratification from various forms of sexual intimacies and with the
A. Homosexual B. Pedophilia
C. Masochism D. Sex maniac
5. Which of the following will not exempt the child from criminal
A. A child is 15 year and below who acted without
B. A child is above 15 years but below 18 years who acted
without discernment
C. A child is above 15 years but below 18 years who acted
with discernment
D. A child is above 18 but below 21 years
6. Children shall not be ____to become members of the AFP or its
civilian units or other armed groups, nor not be allowed to take
part in the fighting, or used as guides, couriers or spices.
A. Invited B. Forced
C. Recruited D. Trained
7. It is characterized by infantile level of response, lack of
conscience, deficient feeling of affection to others and aggression
to environment and other people.
A. Psychopathic personality B. Neurotic personality
C. Schizophrenic personality D. compulsive neurosis
8. It refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of
child in conflict with the law by law enforcement officers or
private citizens is termed as?
A. Arrest B. Child Custody
C. Initial Contact D. All of these
9. No person shall employ child models in all ____ or
advertisements promoting alcoholic beverages, intoxicating
drinks, tobacco and its byproducts and violence.
A. Aspects B. Commercial
C. Production D. Shows
10. Refers to children male or female, who for money, profit
or any consideration influence by an adult or syndicate,
indulge in sexual intercourse.
A. Juvenile delinquents
B. Children exploited in prostitution
C. Abandoned children
D. Children in conflict with the law
1. A child deserted by his parents or guardians for six
continuous months is classified as,
A. Neglected B. Dependent
C. Abandoned D. Abused
2. A child whose basic needs have been deliberately
A. neglected child B. abandoned child
C. dependent child D. abusive child
3. All but one, are the reasons on why a child will become
A. unattractive school life B. family problems
C. reasonable mentors D. domestic problems
4. All parents are required to enroll their children in school
to complete at least.
A. Nursery Education B. Tertiary Education
C. Elementary Education D. Secondary
5. A child who is deprived of speech and hearing due to
abnormality defect during birth is known as.
A. Disabled child B. Emotionally disturbed
C. Mentally ill child D. Physically handicapped
6. Among the following, who is the most vulnerable group to
abuse and suffer threats?
A. police B. parents
C. children D. old age
7. A parent who provided a sperm, egg or uterus to help in
the conception of a child
A. Stepparent B. Unfit parent
C. Biological parent D. Surrogate parent
8. A twenty four hour child caring institution that provide
short term resident care for youthful offenders.
A. Shelter care Institution B. Nursery
C. Foster Home D. Detention Home
9. Barangay Funds may be appropriated to provide
annual scholarship for…
A. Delinquent children B. Parentless children
C. Indigent children D. Homeless children
10. Children shall be given priority during __________ as a
result of armed conflict.
A. Education B. Evacuation
C. Treatment D. War
11. Dependent, rebellious, selfish, demanding, impatient
and emotional
A. Adult ego state B. Child ego state
C. Parent ego state D. None of these
12. Educational system should extend particular care
and attention to young persons, who are at…
A. Risk B. Social risk
C. Emotional Risk D. Security Risk
13. How many months are needed in order for the child to
be considered as abandoned?
A. 3 months B. 9 months
C. 6 months D. 2 months
14. It is the most basic social institution and is the most
potentially effective agency of social control.
A. Church B. Community
C. Family D. School
15. It is used to denote those various offenses committed by
children under the age of
A. Juvenile delinquency B. Juvenile acts
C. Juvenile crime D. Juvenile delinquent
16. Offender who is less than eighteen years old is
classified as:
A. Adult offender
B. Senile offender
C. Youthful offender
D. Special Protection for Children Law
17. One of the following is a least cause of juvenile
A. Neglected homes B. Police inefficiency
C. Lack of proper guidance D. Delinquent parents
18. The following are examples of delinquency except one:
A. Children out of parental control
B. Children with high grades in school
C. School dropouts without justifiable reasons
D. Waywardness of children
19. The goal of any juvenile justice system is to –
A. Ensure that children are in school
B. Punish and inculcate discipline among children
C. Remove children from streets
D. Save children from becoming criminals
20. The most effective institution for control of juvenile
delinquency is.
A. The Church B. The control of the Police
C. The School D. The Home
21. The period when a person gets liberated from parents
authority is called?
A. Period of Conception B. Period of Adoption
C. Period of Emancipation D. Menstrual Period
22. Under PD 603, what do we call a person under 18 years
old who committed a crime?
A. Child B. Youthful Offender
C. Juvenile D. Child in Conflict
with the Law
23. Under RA 9344, a child who is exactly 15 years of age is
______ from criminal liability.
A. Exempted B. Not exempted
C. Mitigated D. Aggravated
24. Under the new law, what is the age of emancipation?
A. 15 B. 18
C. 21 D. 25
25. What do we call children who are in a places of war?
A. Child in Warzone Area B. Child Soldiers
C. Child in Conflict Zone D. Child in Conflict
with the Law
26. What institution is being termed as the “cradle of
human personality”?
A. School B. Home
C. Church D. Police
27. What is the primary right of parents?
A. To provide for the child’s quality education
B. To provide for the child’s shelter
C. To provide for the child’s upbringing
D. To provide for the child’s clothing
28. What will happen to the sentence rendered by the court
to a boy of 10 who raped a girl of his age?
A. Mitigated B. Suspended
C. Serve D. Commuted
29. Which of the following is not an element of social bonding?
A. Attachment B. Commitment
C. Involvement D. Conscience
30. Which of the following should not released to the press by
the police officer?
A. Length of investigation B. Juveniles age
C. Juveniles name D. Type of crime
31. Delinquency prevention programs are intended primarily to:
A. streamline juvenile court process
B. prevent young people from getting into trouble with the
C. make the people more effective in dealing with juveniles
D. rehabilitate young people who are drug users
32. This may include the presence of both parents but who are
irresponsible that children experience constant quarrel in the
A. Separated Home B. Delinquent Home
C. Disturbed Home D. Broken Home
33. Refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a child
in conflict with the law by the law enforcement officers or private
A. Arrest of the child
B. Taking the custody of the child
C. Initial contact with the child
D. Initial investigation of the child
34. It is the mental incapacity of an individual to understand the
difference between right from wrong and its consequences.
A. Discernment B. Judgment
C. Abnormality D. Sane
35. This provides temporary protection and care to children
requiring emergency reception.
A. Receiving home B. Shelter-care institution
C. Reception home D. Youth home
36. A principle that requires a process of resolving conflicts with
the maximum involvement of the victim, the offender and the
A. Retributive Justice B. Juvenile Justice
C. Criminal Justice D. Restorative Justice
37. A community based program for intervention that includes
measures to assist children at risk. This statement refers to?
A. Primary intervention B. Tertiary intervention
C. Secondary intervention D. None of these
38. Refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is
required to undergo after he/she is found responsible for an
offense without resorting to formal court proceedings.
A. Intervention B. Diversion program
C. Rehabilitation D. Reintegration
39. An institution that provides care, custody, protection and
maintenance of children for placement in any child-caring
institution or home or under the care and custody of persons for
purposes of adoption, guardianship or foster care.
A. Child caring institution B. Maternity homes
C. Child placing agency D. Receiving homes
40. PD 603 took its effect June 10, 1975 six months after its
approval date. When was this provision approved?
A. Dec. 10, 1974 B. Dec. 10, 1975
C. June 10, 1974 D. June 10, 1975
41. In the history, this period is beginning of reason and
humanism. In what century the enlightenment appear?
A. 17th century B. 18th century
C. 19th century D. 20th century
42. It is considered as the cradle of human personality.
A. Home B. Family
C. School D. Church
43. A place of residence whose primary function is to give
shelter and care to pregnant women and their infants.
A. Receiving homes B. Shelter care
C. Youth homes D. Maternity homes
44. Refers to a 24-hour residential care facility that
provides care, treatment and rehabilitation services for
children in conflict with the law.
A. Receiving home B. Youth rehabilitation
C. Child caring institution D. Maternity home
45. In the Philippines, what is the age of absolute
A. infancy to nine years old
B. eighteen to seventy years old
C. between nine and fifteen years old
D. seventy years old and above
46. It is the process of rectifying or modifying a child’s
negative attitude and behavior. It enables the child to
change his/her negative behavior into something positive
and acceptable to the community.
A. Intervention B. Diversion program
C. Rehabilitation D. Reintegration
47. When the child has no proper parental care or
guardianship or when the child’s parents or guardians have
deserted him/her for a period of at least six continuous
months. What is this statement referring to?
A. Abandoned Child B. Dependent Child
C. Neglected Child D. Abused Child
48. Refers to offenses which discriminate only
against a child, while an adult does not suffer any
penalty for committing similar acts.
A. Misdemeanour B. Status Offense
C. Offense D. Felony
49. Otherwise known as Special Protection of
Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and
Discrimination Act.
A. RA 7658 B. PD 603
C. RA 7610 D. RA 9344
50. Otherwise known as An Act Prohibiting the
Employment of Children?
A. RA 7658 B. PD 603
C. RA 7610 D. RA 9344
1. Among the following choices, which one should be the
least priority in the enforcement of the law.
A. saving the injured victim B. saving the property
C. cordoning the crime scene D. preservation of the
2. An act of the person that copies the work or idea of
another person and presents it as his own.
A. Plagiarism B. Copying
C. Editing D. Copyright
3. An established and generally accepted moral values refer
A. Ethical Standards B. Morality
C. Integrity D. Judicious use of
4. Arresting a suspect without a warrant of arrest may
tantamount to;
A. Neglect of duty B. Nonfeasance
C. Malfeasance D. Misfeasance
5. As a general rule, police officers are not permitted or
allowed to engage in any other business or calling.
A. Bribery B. Moonlighting
C. Neglect of duty D. Misconduct
6. Authority of a person he exercised over his
A. chain of command B. command
C. responsibility D. command
7. A voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and do
A. virtue B. value
C. dignity D. conscience
8. In the PNP basic issues, what is the key to
A. Career Development B. Career
C. Career Management D. Career Upliftment
9. It is designed to influence public opinion in favor of the
police force.
A. Public Information Program
B. Public Relations Program
C. Civic Action programs
D. Mass Communications Programs
10. It refers to the omission of some acts which ought to be
A. Misfeasance B. Malfeasance
C. Nonfeasance D. Negligence
11. It refers to the sum total of dealings of the police with
the people it serves
A. Police Community RelationsB. Police Relations
C. Public Relations D. Human Relations
12. The best PCR a police officer can do to the community
A. harass the people B. perform his job well
C. dress well D. always present in
the office
13. The courage to endure without yielding.
A. perseverance B. endurance
C. fortitude D. prudence
14. The following are the canon of police ethics except
A. Proper conduct of behavior
B. Obedience to superior and loyalty
C. Attitude towards police profession
D. Firmness in refusing gifts or favors
15. The improper enforcement of the law would mean;
A. Neglect of duty B. Nonfeasance
C. Malfeasance D. Misfeasance
16. The leniency in due process refers to:
A. Over enforcement B. Under enforcement
C. Zero tolerance D. Preventive
17. The police officer must be trustworthy and upholds the
truth at all times. This is called in police ethics as?
A. Nobility B. Integrity
C. Trustworthiness D. Honesty
18. These are the specific indicators of shared priorities and
A. Image and visibility B. Trust and
C. Misconduct and corruption D. Priorities and
19. The study of standards of conduct and moral judgment.
A. community relations B. ethics
C. logic D. psychology
20. The wise use of one’s judgment, personal experience
and common sense to decide a particular situation.
A. Authority B. Decision
C. Discretion D. Evaluation
21. This as an unlawful act committed by policemen who
caught gambling bet collector, pusher, drug user.
A. Fixes B. Shakedowns
C. Gambling D. Gratuities
22. This is known as the moral obligation that depends
upon freewill.
A. Task B. Duty
C. Services D. Rule
23. This refers to the sum total of dealings of the police
with the people it serves.
A. Human Relations B. Police Relations
C. Police Community RelationsD. Police Public
24. This refers to unfair or unjust acts usually given to
friends or relatives.
A. Deviance B. Corruption
C. Favoritism D. Misconduct
25. This right is an individuals’ right in participating in
government affairs.
A. Civil Rights B. Bill of Right
C. Political Right D. Human Right
26. What disciplinary measure, do you think, will most likely
produce discontentment and grievance?
A. Unusual strictness B. Inconsistent administration
C. Severity of punishment D. Impersonal attitude
27. What is the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong?
A. Discernment B. Judgment
C. Knowledge D. Wisdom
28. What is the basic weapon of police officers?
A. Gun B. Uniform
C. Whistle D. Knowledge of the Law
29. Which of the following is a pleasant activity to be performed
by a police officer on duty?
A. Using firearm as for warning shot
B. Acceptance of gratuities and donations
C. Non-partisan police activities
D. All of these
30. Which of the following is not a police custom on
A. Salute B. address/title
C. giving gifts D. courtesy call
31. A police Officer or person acting and or conducting
himself according to his professional conduct and ethical
standard is –
A. An Ethical Person B. A disciplined Person
C. An ideal Professional D. A moral Person
32. It is the essence of good manners, a manifestation of
sportsmanship and an exposition of gentility and culture.
A. Courtesy B. Discipline
C. Loyalty D. Morale
33. It refers to the commitment, dignity and attitude of an
individual towards work and his integrity and his practice
of the core moral value principles.
A. Conduct B. Morality
C. Professionalism D. Ethics
34. It is the power of lawful authority to govern his subjects
and to make laws for them.
A. Right of Property B. Juridical rights
C. Right of Jurisdiction D. Alienable rights
35. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the
norm of morality. They are neither good nor bad in
A. Moral actions B. Immoral actions
C. Amoral actions D. Semi- moral actions
36. Which of the following refers to the set of conducts and
behavior governing a group, a class, or organization?
A. Ethical Standards B. Professional Standards
C. Code of Conduct D. Group Ethics
37. The doing either through ignorance, inattention or
malice, of that which the police officer had no legal right to
do at all, as where he acts without any authority
whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses his powers.
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty
C. Misconduct D. Neglect of Duty
38. Higher levels of professional police service is on demand
nowadays, in view of ________.
A. the changing role of the police
B. the changing economic environment
C. higher pay scale due to standardization
D. more applicants to the police job
39. One common violation committed by law enforcement is the
violation of due process of law. Which of the following best explain
due process of law?
A. Law which hears before it condemns
B. Law which proceeds upon inquiry
C. Law which renders judgment only
D. All of these
40. Who was the English person introduced the principles which
might be considered as a version of code of ethics?
A. Sir Henry Fielding B. Sir Robert Peel
C. Hippocrates D. Quetelet
41. A general approaches in police community relation program
which is directed towards the general public or various enclaves
within the society.
A. Externally Oriented B. Service Oriented
42. This must be performed by an agent who decides
willfully to perform the act. The statement is referring to:
A. morality B. acts of man
C. ethics D. human acts
43. Which of the following is the distinction of human acts
between acts of man?
A. deliberate B. physiological movement
C. instinctive D. biological
44. Avoiding a conduct of vandalism is a compliance of
what duty?
A. affirmative duty B. positive duty
C. natural duty D. negative duty
45. It is a form of consequentialism, where punishment is
forward looking which was founded by Jeremy Bentham. It
is the principles of utilitarianism. Which became a part of
what school of thought?
A. Utilitarianism B. positivist
C. retributive D. classical
46. In case it is obtain in violation of section 12 shall be
inadmissible in evidence against the person in accused. The
statement is referring to:
A. incommunicado B. admission
C. torture D. secret detention
47. They are neither considered as moral or immoral and
sometimes known as psychic responses.
A. fear B. habits
C. violence D. passion
48. A feeling of frustration that dictated L. Umba to think and
give consent in possible things that he might commit is called?
A. Human acts B. Commanded acts
C. Elicited acts D. Acts of man
49. The statement that “the Filipino is worth dying for” would
greatly describe:
A. duty B. obligation
C. rights D. value
50. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. canons B. standards of practice
C. tenets D. code of ethics

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