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Revenge tragedy

During the time of Vikings, there was once a little boy named tom who lived in a small village in
Iceland. He was a curious kid who often stayed awake late at night, dreaming of sailing across the
ocean. One day his dad, known as the great Thor, decided to go on an expedition to Denmark. Tom
took this opportunity to catch a glimpse of the outside world for himself. He therefore decided to
sneak into the boat with his father’s crew.

The time of Vikings was also known as the time of bloodshed. Dying in the battlefield was the only
way to salvation for the Viking warriors.

Young tom was not aware of this as he had lived his life until now in peace. His father was red with
anger when he saw his son Tom jump out of the barrel and he decided to return to their village at
once. Tom being blind to the cruel world, thought to himself just why his father was so worried. On
their way back they encountered another group of Vikings led by Erik who happened to Thor`s rival.
Thor`s crew was greatly outnumbered and unprepared for battle and the consequence was the death
of his crewmates and himself. Tom watched as not only his dad but all the other people who he
looked up to where brutally slaughtered. A blanket of grief covered him, and his mind became filled
with trauma.

Erik had decided to spare Tom and decided to make him his slave. Tom did not stay depressed for
long. Instead, he used his grief and trauma to fuel the fire of revenge. Over the course 10 years he
climbed the ranks of Erik`s crew and had become one of the main warrior. With Erik`s command, he
would go steal from other crew and even slaughtered up entire villages. In Toms mind, all of this was
justified if he could get revenge on Erik. With every battle he had won, Erik promised Tom a duel.
With each victory, Tom got a chance to get revenge for his father’s death in a fair and square way.
However, even after 20 duels, Erik would always come out as the victor. Instead of giving up, Tom
continued to train harder.

One day Tom was going to Erik to ask him for a duel. He was not the weak and frail kid he once was.
He had sharpened his body like a knife. A knife that would pierce through the heart of Erik. When he
entered the hut, he saw Erik lying on the floor covered in blood. Tom was not the only one who
sought revenge. Erik had managed to ignite a lot of other children’s heart with fire, in return he was
the one burning in the afterlife.

Tom stood on top of the dead corpse completely speechless. The air around him became still, time
had seemed to stop. Years of becoming a killing machine. Years of sinking down to Erik’s level. Years
of trying to kill Erik by his own hands so that he could let his father rest in peace. When Tom realized
that he had failed to get revenge. He felt empty. He had become nothing but an empty slave to the
master that killed his father. Worst of all, he now had to live while carrying all the sins he had
committed while serving Erik.

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