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2. "People often buy products not for what they do but for what they mean.

" Explain the meaning of this

statement and provide an example.

Nowadays, people pay more attention to the deep meanings of the products. This does not mean that
the basic functions of the product are unimportant, but that the product's role in our lives goes far
beyond the tasks they perform. The profound value that a product offers will help them stand out from
most alternatives that function like them.

There are 4 types of relationships that you can create with consumers. First, the product helps to
confirm the user's status. Second, the product evokes the memories of the consumers in the past. Third,
the product creates habits for consumers. And fourth, the product creates an emotional and passionate
connection with consumers. For example, there are a few products where individuals can choose
products with an image or personality that suit their basic needs.

Through periods of changing people's perceptions become more and more complex and consumer
behavior encompasses everything from buying a simple candy to buying giant homes. Consumers buy
products that don't just cater to their basic needs. Examples are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Coca-Cola did a
taste experiment. Through an experiment that required people to blindfold and check their senses,
people would taste a cup filled with Coke and a cup filled with Pepsi. A large percentage said they
preferred the taste of Pepsi over Coke. However, when Coca-Cola tried to alter its taste, they received a
backlash from consumers. A big lesson for the Coca-Cola Marketing team is that customers don't just
choose to buy Coke based on its taste. Most of the people who choose Coca-Cola are extremely loyal
guests. They choose Coca-Cola products, mostly influenced by the brand image, the power to connect
emotions and evoke the memories that Coca-Cola brings to them. So when a customer chooses to buy
Coca-Cola they want more than choosing a regular beverage. Rather, they are making a statement about
the way of life, the type of person or the aspirations they lead towards.

In fact, the consumer motivation is profound but sometimes quite simple. In some cases, consumers
choose to buy for themselves 2 shirts with two different colors compared to their needs is 1 shirt.
Sometimes not always a lot of buyers are best for a business. To aim for long-term growth, brands need
to satisfy consumer needs. The fact that customers choose to buy more shirts than they really need
makes the customer satisfaction level drop and not good for long-term campaigns.

To avoid false strategies like Coca-Cola, marketers need to be really serious about carefully analyzing
consumer behavior in order to find existing or latent desires in them and analyzing them based on big
impact factors such as cultural, traditional, or family structures. And it takes some ingenuity to create
some connections with customers to position the brand before being overwhelmed by competing

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