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TALK : 3


Concept of Homoeopathy, Development and Integration of Classical Homoeopathy and Sensation method.

OK. So good morning / good afternoon / good evening / good night, wherever you are. It’s funny
to talk to people across the world in different time zones. In the last two talks we spoke about
certain fundamental concepts. We spoke about Hahnemann, his discovery of Homoeopathy, we
spoke about the concepts of Holism and individualism, we spoke about the Repertory and the
Materia Medica. We spoke about Case taking and individualizing each patient. We spoke about
peculiar symptoms, we also spoke a little bit about the Kingdoms, the Miasms and the levels.

Sometimes it seems as if we are speaking about two different distinct, separate and even
sometimes opposite approaches namely on the one hand what we might consider as the
traditionally practiced form of Classical Homoeopathy with the Repertory, Materia Medica etc
etc. And on the other hand, what is now is referred as the sensation method with its ideas of
kingdoms, miasms and levels. And very often the Practitioner or the student is compelled to
make a choice. Are you going to do this, you are going to do that Or in a given case whether we
shall look at symptoms and the rubric or whether we should look at the kingdom &the source
and the miasms etc.

Today’s talk is going to be about Integration.

Good results with traditional method

Because as you know I started with the traditional method, with repertory, with materia medica
and definitely like everyone else I had very good results. Sometimes I have seen fantastic results.
Difficult cases treated and cured with homoeopathy and that’s why Homoeopathy has survived
for so many years and it is growing in popularity. But the problem was that you could not be
really sure that the remedy would work. The results were there but they were not consistent. And
it was not sure that you would get a result in every case.

Homoeopath- a man with an air gun

Some of my teachers in the college said that the Homoeopath is like a man with an air gun,
sitting in the middle of an open field looking straight ahead with his gun pointed in the air and he
keeps firing shots every five minutes, and once in a while a bird happens to pass exactly over the
line of fire and then he says what a great shot I made. Kind of pointing that our results are more
of chance than of some really good strategy. This of course is a bit of an exaggeration and it is
something you can make a fun of it but it is sure that our results are not consistent.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 1

The third letter is ‘A’:

One of the funniest incidents in my practice is something I would like to tell you. After more
than 10yrs of practice, I had as a guest a Dutch homoeopath Deborah Collins, where she is a
well-known teacher and now she lives in New Zealand and I invited her to give a seminar in
India. And she said it would be a good opportunity for her to observe me in my practice as well.

So it was a kind of a sharing thing, a kind of a mutual learning experience and she was sitting in
my practice for 15 days and then each patient would come and I would take the case the patient
would leave. And I would ask her what do you think Deborah. And each time the two of us had
completely two different remedies for that patient. And both of us of course were supposed to be
good homoeopaths and experienced once.

It so happened for 15 days we had not one case that we came to the same remedy. And then it
was on the 15th day and this was the last patient we were going to see together and he walked in.
The patient was himself a Homoeopath and he gave such a crystal clear case of a remedy, I
thought there is no possibility that in this case, we would come to two different remedies.

So I look at her and I said Deborah, ‘What do you think?’ She said ‘Yes I think finally we could
come to the same remedy’. But then I got my doubt and just to be sure I said the third letter is an
‘A’ because we didn’t want the patient to know the remedy at that point. And she said ‘Yes, we
got it. We finally came to the remedy, the same one.’ The patient left and I said, ‘Deborah,
wasn’t that a beautiful case of Platina?’ and she said, ‘what, I thought of Anacardium.’

And then we went downstairs and the patient followed us and he said to us, ‘Did you give me

Why this uncertainty in practice?

Why do we have so much uncertainty?

And I felt we have this uncertainty in practice, one of the reasons is because we are so dependent
almost solely on symptoms.

A patient gives us a set of symptoms. We put it in a reportorial filter and we have remedies
coming up.

For example: There could be a patient coming up with symptoms; ailments from worries,
weeping disposition, yellow staining leucorrhea, aggravation from sun, aggravation from
warmth, aggravation from fatty food. If you put all these symptoms in the repertory and then
many remedies will come up like Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Nitric acid, Ignatia, Calcarea, what to
do here?

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 2

Then it becomes anybody’s choice. When you rely upon a set of symptoms then if you take one
set of symptoms you come to one remedy; if you take a slightly different set of symptoms, you
come to a completely different remedy.

And then in this reportorial chart, you have diverse remedies like as Nux Vomica, Nitric acid,
Calcarea which are so completely different from each other, all coming together for your
consideration. And then it is left to you to interpret what the patient needs. So you may think,
‘Oh! I think this is a Calcarea case’. So somebody says ‘Oh it’s an Ignatia case’. And then there
is uncertainty.

Is remedy and patient only random collection of symptoms?

The question is; is a remedy or even a patient only a random collection of symptoms? Does
Ignatia mean symptoms, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, is this Ignatia? Or is a patient is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, is this
a patient? Is a remedy and a patient just a random collection of symptoms? This is the question.

Remedy belongs to a group

When we ask this question really deep then you understand that each remedy actually belongs to
a group. No remedy is random. Lachesis belongs to the group of snakes, Ignatia to the plant
kingdom and to a specific family Loganiaceae.

Remedy- spirit of source from which it comes

Each remedy has a particular essence, a particular nature, a particular quality that actually comes
from the source from where it comes. It’s simply not a random collection of symptoms. The
symptoms are an expression of its innate nature but they are only an expression, not the remedy.
The remedy itself is the spirit of the source from which it comes.

Grouping – kingdoms and miasms

So then it becomes possible to group remedies according to where it comes from. There are the
two groupings that I made; the first grouping, is the grouping of kingdoms. This grouping
already exists and it’s not something I created. But something I discovered is that this grouping
can immensely be useful in practice. The second grouping which we have is the grouping with

Patterns in the three kingdoms

The first question is it possible to find a certain pattern in the three kingdoms. You have the
mineral kingdom; in that you have remedies just to take well known remedies like Natrum
muriaticum, Argentum nitricum and Baryta carbonicum just as examples. Second the animal
kingdom, just the prominent remedies that come to you like Lachesis, Lac caninum and Apis.
Take Plant remedies like, Pulsatilla, Ignatia and Staphysagria as examples.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 3

Commonality in remedies belonging to each kingdom
The question now is:

Do we see anything common in remedies that belong to the mineral kingdom, anything common
in remedies that belong to animal kingdom and anything common in remedies that belong to the
plant kingdom? Just give this a thought; because when you think about it, when you start
reasoning with it, then it becomes your idea and not just something I told you.

Minerals- Structure
So when you give it a thought and have look at just see the three remedies from the Mineral
Kingdom -Natrum muriaticum, Argentum nitricum and Baryta carbonicum, just look at these
remedies from your knowledge of materia medica and what do you see?

Natrum muriaticum- relationships

Natrum muriaticum all of us know it’s main symptom is disappointment in love. So you can see
that Natrum muriaticum is concerned with relationships, a love relationship. It is concerned with
breaking of relationships, which also means it has a dependence on the relationships, etc.

Argentum nitricum- performer

What do you see in Argentum nitricum? That we know that Argentum Nitricum has a stage
fright. You see that, it necessary for him to perform, essentially Arg Nitricum is a performer; he
is a singer who has lost his nerve on the stage. The question for him is: ‘Do I have the confidence
that I will be able to perform?’

Baryta carbonicum- handicapped feeling

Take Baryta carbonicum. The main feeling of Baryta carbonica as we know it is a handicapped
feeling. A feeling that I am not good enough. That I lack of the capacity to stand on my own feet,
to take responsibility. In fact he was a beautiful delusion that his legs are cut off, he can’t stand
on his feet. That I can’t take the responsibility. So his question is: ‘Do I have the ability to stand
on my own feet or do I have to depend on somebody else?’ This is it, isn’t it.

Mineral commonality- do I have or do I need?

So what do we see as common between these three remedies- Natrum muriaticum, Argentum
Nitricum, Baryta Carbonicum ?

We see is essentially their question; ‘Do I have it or do I need it?’

Natrum mur says ‘Do I have a relationship? Do I need a relationship?

Argentum nitricum says ‘Do I have the ability to perform or don’t I have the ability to perform?

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 4

Baryta says ‘Do I have the capability to take responsibility or don’t I have that capability?’

What is common to these three Mineral remedies is:

‘Do I have it or do I lack it?’ isn’t it?

When you think deeper, you see that this commonality between these three remedies is actually
the essence the deepest feeling of all the remedies that belong to the Mineral kingdom as a
whole, Calcarea carbonica, Magnesium.

Calcarea carbonicum, Magnesium; what do you see here? You see Dependence. What is
dependence? It is a feeling – ‘I don’t have it. I need it, somebody has to give it to me.’

If you take the remedy Arsenicum; what do you see?

The feeling, ‘I am losing it; robbers are coming and stealing all my stuff’.

This is the concern of mineral kingdom, ‘Do I have it? Do I lack it? Am I losing it? Do I need

And essentially what does this have to do with? This has to do with the feeling of Structure. ‘Is
my structure complete or incomplete? And if complete, is it losing it’s completeness.
Completeness in terms of relationships, completeness in terms of capability, in terms of
performance ability; whatever it is.

So you can extend our study of these three remedies to the whole mineral kingdom. We can
understand things deeper.

Let’s take the animal kingdom.

Animals-survival- jealously, competition and hierarchy

I would very much would like you to see with me and then it becomes real for you. This is it,
This is the whole essence.

Now take remedies from the animal kingdom, lets take Lachesis, Lac caninum and Apis, what
do we see here?

In Lachesis and Apis, the theme of jealousy is very very strong.

What do we see in Lac caninum?

The main symptom of Lac caninum; ‘Delusion looked down up on’. That everybody looks down
upon him.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 5

So what do we see in these animal remedies, in these three Remedies?

We see one and the other. We see there is an interaction of comparison between the two. When
you see the same thing in Lac caninum, one is high, one is low. Again it’s comparison. This
commonality that we saw in these 3 well known remedies of the Animal Kingdom is indeed an
essence of the Animal kingdom which is :

Competition, comparison, hierarchy, superiority, inferiority. In fact it is the comparison between

the two, the duality, one versus the other. And when we look at the animal kingdom in nature,
what do we see?

When two dogs meet what do they do? What happens? Have you seen it? They first will growl at
each other, both of them will growl together. And then the question is ‘Who growls louder?’
Who threatens more?’ So the one goes up and the other goes down, and accepts his lower
position. One becomes the top dog and one becomes the underdog? This is the story of the
Animal kingdom, isn’t it?

It’s the same story in the bee, Apis. One becomes the queen bee, and the others become the
workers and the slaves. So you see a clear hierarchy, a competition.

The same is true with the snakes as well. Intense jealousy, intense competition is found in
snakes. What is interesting of course is, how this jealousy is reflected in our Materia medica. For
example; if you see the rubric of Apis it is jealousy between women and if you see in in Lachesis
the jealousy between men, because in the snakes the competition is between the males of the
species. In the bee, if the competition between one queen and the other queen, the old queen and
the new queen.

It’s so unbelievable, when you see nature and you see it’s reflection in the provings and in the
Materia medica. You really have to be blind to not see the similarity.

So this is what we see common in the animal kingdom; the hierarchy, the competition, the
survival and who will survive. It is the survival of the fittest, of the strongest.

So when we see Lachesis, Lac caninum and Apis, it is like as if we see a snake or the dog or the
bee actually talking to us. Telling us their inner story.

Why am I telling you all this? Because just to see, just to show you. Just to be able you are able
to see through my eyes. What the mineral kingdom is? It’s about structure. That the animal
kingdom is about competition and survival. You can see this reflected in nature and you can see
it reflected in nature & you can see it reflected in our Materia medica..

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 6

What do we see with the plants?

Plants- Sensitivity and Reactivity

When we look at the plant kingdom take three well known remedies, as example; Ignatia,
Pulsatilla and Staphysagria.

What do we see in common here? We don’t see the relations breaking up. We don’t see so much
of themes of performance, not common. We don’t see so much of theme of competition and
jealousy and hierarchy and fighting? Not common. But what is common, is the sensitivity, these
three remedies – Ignatia / Staphysagria / Pulsatilla. Whatever you say to them is taken in a very
sensitive way and then there is a reaction. You shout at a Pulsatilla, she starts crying
immediately. You say something little rude to Staphysagria, the reaction is very very strong, it is
suppressed but internally they are really very upset.

Let me give you a small case example;

36] Case; Small man with big tongue- Staphysagria.

There was a man, as a patient he came to me and said; I am very sensitive. I said tell me about
this sensitivity, he said I went to visit my brother in law. My brother in law is financially well
off, more better than me and on a higher social level. I went to his house on a Sunday & they just
told me to sit in the waiting room because he was not ready yet. His wife said he was just
coming, just wait here. I was made to wait for 10 minutes, the man came out 10 minutes later and
we were going to discuss an issue of the family. Something to do with a common relative and I
had gone there to discuss the issue.

While we were talking, his daughter, she had made a lamp and she brought the lamp and she
was showing it to her father and he looked at the lamp and he said ‘ Oh you made such a small
lamp and you put such a big wick. You have made such a small lamp and you put such a big
wick’. The patient said , ‘I knew immediately he was talking about me. He was trying to tell me
you are such a small man & you have such a big tongue, you have come to talk to me’.

I was so angry, I started shivering. This is the sensitivity and the reactivity of Staphysagria. He
did beautifully on Staphysagria. Every word is taken and sensated and reacted to, like an insult.

So this is what is common with the plant kingdom? What do we know of Arnica? What do we
know about any plant remedy. It is the sensitivity. And that’s exactly what plant is in nature.

Because the plants survival doesn’t depend on competing or fighting with somebody usually, but
on how it reacts to everything outside to weather, to seasons, the sunshine, to the rain, to the
moisture , the time of the day and it has to adapt itself.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 7

It has to keep changing according to various changes in the external circumstances. They have to
be sensitive and reactive; this is how they can live. And this is exactly what we see in remedies
that come from plant kingdom and in patients who need plant remedies.

So this kind of classification of plant, mineral and animal is something that you can just know by
thinking. I want that you see it and make it yours. Because this is how I came to it, just by
looking. Just to see what is common between this and that and that. Is there something common?
And then you make a hypothesis, and then you check out this hypothesis in the various remedies
in the Materia medica and in the hundreds and thousands of patients that come to you

Testing the kingdom classification

That’s what I did; I had a huge practice in those times. Generally you do have a huge practice
before you start sensation method and then it goes down, I am just joking. So I had a huge
practice and I could test out this idea with successful cases. Then I would list and I would check
out with the patients would come and I would check out with the sensation, whether the main
theme is ; sensitivity, structure or survival.

Application of the kingdom classification

And then I found this classification is very true. And not only true but right from the beginning,
it was immensely helpful for me in practice.

For example: Patient says:

He had disappointment in love and then you open the repertory and then you find the remedies.
Just take three remedies from the rubric. You take Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum and Lachesis,
Let’s forget the rest of the remedies for the moment. Let’s look at the three. With the idea that
plant/ mineral/ animal are made differently. If you just look at these three remedies, it’s so easy
to differentiate.

Disappointment in love: as experienced by remedies of the three kingdoms:

In Ignatia, the disappointment in love will be the experienced as something they are sensitive to.
It’s a kind of shock, how could this happen, till yesterday this guy was all over prophesying
undying love for me, and today he is with another female. How could this happen? This is how
they experience as a shock. That’s the theme of Loganiaceae family. That’s the theme of the
plant kingdom, a sensitivity in Ignatia to shock. You see this in practice. Just every day.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 8

Today I had a case where I gave him Lachesis. He had disappointment in love too. But the way
he reacted in a way of competition and jealousy. I will show them, I will do this, I will expose
her, I will … he wanted to go to the telephone company and retrack the conversations he has had
with this girl in which she might have told him certain, not very rosy things about herself or her
past. And he wanted to publicize them. He was really after her, he wanted to finish her. This is
his feeling, ‘she did it to me, I am going to do it to her. She versus me. He is doing better with
Lachesis. And the energy that he brings to the room is unbelievable.. He was just in this room
few hours ago

Natrum Muriaticum
And in this room today, it’s funny to say I gave somebody Natrum muriaticum. Who also has
disappointment in love. What was his feeling? His feeling was intense attachment to her. How
can I live without her; I needed her so much, I am not able to forget her. My whole life, my
whole structure is dependent on this relationship. That’s how he experienced it.

One rubric- three different experiences according to the kingdom

So one experiences disappointment in love as a shock, the other as a fight and the third as a loss.
A loss in his structure. So you see the same rubric but three completely different experiences
within the same rubric. Once we understand this then our whole look at rubric, then our whole
case taking takes on a different depth. So when a person says, I have disappointment in love, we
don’t simply accept it and & say ‘Ok’ and we tell that person ‘Tell me what is your experience in
this situation’. And then we are able to go deeper in the experience and when you go deeper into
the experience, then you see; is this an issue of sensitivity or structure or of survival. And then
you are more sure, which kingdom, which family, and which subkingdom they are talking about.
And that brings about more certainty, more predictability, more consistency in your remedy

Two approaches- symptoms and kingdoms

So there are two different ways of looking, one is the way of symptoms and the other is the way
of kingdoms or systems. But what is interesting is that both of them ultimately speak the same
language. It’s like coming from two different angles and reaching the same place, they meet at
the same place. And the person who has mastered both, he is the real master ; not the one who
knows just one way or the other. Because ultimately they both speak the same language, this has
to be.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 9

Once we understand that each kingdom itself is a pattern, in Mineral the pattern is Structure, in
Plants; Sensitivity, in Animals; its Survival. Then the question is; are there patterns within the

Should we stop at kingdoms or can we go little bit further. The easiest way to explore is the
Mineral kingdom because it is already structured. So it lends itself easily to its structure.

Patterns within the mineral kingdom-periodic table

And so you come to the Periodic table with it’s rows and columns. You have 7 rows and 18
columns and the remedies are just spread out like this, in these rows and columns. Now let’s try
& do a little bit of more research and see if we can find together patterns within each row.

It’s easy to read my book ‘Structure’ and find it. But I would like you to find out yourself with
your own thinking, as an example: we will take the 3 rd row of the Periodic table.

As an example:

Row 3
In the row 3, you have remedies like Sodium which is Natrum, Magnesium, Alumina, Silica,
Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chlorine and Argon.

Now let you and I together try to understand, just as how we understood what is common in the
kingdom. Let’s see what’s common in Row 3. Let’s see if there’s a pattern here. For this we
need to study a few rubrics. One of the rubrics is Egotism or self esteem..

In this rubric, you will find three remedies that belong to this row: Phosphorus, Silica, Sulphur.
And these are exactly the three remedies on the right side of this row, Silica, Phosphorus,
Sulphur and all of them have to do with themes of ego.

Silica has a very fragile ego, so if he appears in public, he is very scared, and what are people
going to think about me?

Phosphorus has a more positive ego; he is able to go out there and make friends. He has a degree
of self-confidence.

Sulphur has a superior ego; he thinks he knows better than everyone else.

But you see that there is a theme of ego that goes across on right side of this row and expressing
in different ways.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 10

Similar to ego, is the theme of embarrassment, with ego you find this is opposite, isn’ it. You
also find Silica, Phosphorus and Sulphur, they feel embarrassed.

Forsaken feeling
Another feeling that is common in this row is forsaken feeling and in this you have the remedies,
Magnesium, Natrum, Silica and Sulphur and Muriaticum which is Chlorine. The feeling ‘We
don’t want you, we don’t care for you, and we don’t love you’. That’s forsaken feeling.

Love, care and nourishment

So you have the themes of ego, and you have the theme of love, care and nourishment.

For example you have Natrum muriaticum is from the 3rd row. It has disappointment in love.
Phosphorous is from the 3rd row, it has the theme of Caring and sympathy. And almost all these
remedies have a lack of nourishment, even though they eat well, emaciation, marasmus & rickets

So this is very basic Homoeopathic Materia Medica. And from it is this basic Materia Medica
from which we are going to raise the ellipsis of our understanding of our system.

Just talking about the care and nourishment, I reminded of the lecture of James Tyler Kent on
Mag carb, where he said he was asked to go to an orphanage and the orphan children, they were
dying from emaciation. They were dying from diarrhea. They were dying from mal-nourishment.
Eventhough they were being fed properly. And on the other hand, the children were dying and he
tried 1-2-3 remedies didn’t work. Till through couple of symptoms which was: “the sinking of
the fontanalle and the clay like stools”, he came to the remedy Magnesium carb. And after that
not one single child died in that orphanage. Every child was given Magnesium carb. So the
theme of lack of care and the lack of nourishment is a strong theme of the Magnesium. Also
interestingly, later on what he realise that Magnesium has that it is the remedy in our Materia
Medica with the strongest feeling of being orphaned, of forsaken. Even though it may have
living parents.

Row 3 Represents stages of development in a child

So when we look at the themes of care, ego, embarrassment, we understand themes of row 3, is
the theme of a child who is developing his own identity, he is developing his own self-esteem
and his own confidence, his own choice, his own ego and also developing a lot of self -
consciousness and therefore the feeling embarrassed and it is also a stage in the development of
the child when he does needs a lot of care, love and nourishment from the outside.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 11

His choice
Let’s say it is a stage of child between the age of let’s say; 3 and 10, who is now developing his
own friend circle, his own interest, his own food cravings, his own way of dressing, his own
opinion about things. Do you know such a child?

His independence
They love to become independent, they love to develop their ideas. They love to show that they
are superior. They love to show you that they are better. Unfortunately often they do.

His identity
They establish their identity by showing that they are better, different than you. I don’t want to
go to the movie Papa; I want to go to my friends. But my child we are going to the movie for
you, no I don’t care. I want to be with my friends. So they are asserting their choice.

On the left side of the third row, we see Natrum and Magnesium and the feeling is they don’t
have this, they don’t feel the independence, they feel very dependent, they don’t have an opinion,
they don’t have much of an ego. They are dependent on the other person to tell them what they
would like to wear, what they should wear, what they should do, where they should go. It’s as if
they have given up their identity or they have not developed one.

For example: the rubric ‘Late learning to talk’, the main remedy is Natrum mur. It’s as if they
have not learnt to express. They are slow. The development has been slowed down somewhere
or stopped somewhere.

When you come to the next remedy after Magnesium, it’s Alumina. And here the main symptom
is ‘Confusion of identity’. They are confused in their choice, they are divided, “am I this or am I
that” And only after they reach the stage that is after Silica, they become firm and fixed in who
they are. This is me. But it is fragile even at that point.

Remedies as part of a group

So when you start looking at remedies like this and symptoms like this, you suddenly see that
these remedies do not remain individual remedies anymore and that they form the part of a group
and you see that they are a part of a stage of human development.

And when you see that; then something really amazing happens. You are able to identify the
remedies in the patient according to where he is stuck in his life emotionally or in his perception.

It’s not about children we are talking. It’s about adults and an adult can come to you with the
same problem.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 12

37] Confusion, do I do what I want or what the other wants- Alumina.

A woman came to me saying she has the same problem, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know
what I want? Do I want to do what I want to do or what my husband wants me to do? I am very
confused. She almost went crazy and suicidal because she couldn’t understand what she had to
do? She got Alumina, beautiful result.

Symptoms support the understanding of the essence

And when you understand it, then you see that the symptoms are an expression of that particular
stage of life. Like that confusion of identity becomes a beautiful part of a pattern and this
symptom becomes alive for you, sure for you, there is no doubt. Because you are not now
prescribing on the symptoms but now seeing the symptoms as an expression of the very essence
of the remedy. And you are seeing the remedy as a part of a group.

Row 4-
Let’s try this with the 4th row. In the 4th row you have remedies like:

Kali which is Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganum,

Ferrum, Cobaltum, Niccolum, Cuprum, Zincum, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenicum, Selenium,
Bromine and Krypton. These are the remedies, 18 of them.

Anxiety about money matters

What do we see as common here? One of the symptoms we see in common here when you look
with Materia medica knowledge just seeing it all, you see something about money. Anxiety
about money matters you see this in Calcarea flour, Calcarea silicata, Calcarea carbonicum. Fear
of poverty; Germanium, Kali, and Arsenicum. Money, very concerned about money.

Let me tell you a case.

38] Case of varicose veins – Calc flour.

A sixty-four year old male patient comes with the complaint of varicose veins and diabetes. In
the local complaints there was nothing peculiar, except that he was very worried about the
discoloration and swelling, he was very worried that the problem could get worse.

I said ‘Tell me about this worry’. He said, “I am afraid that if the varicosities begin to bleed, then
i have to go in for surgery and if I have to do that it will involve an expenditure of money which
beyond my current means. And though I have two sons are earning well, I do not to dependent
upon them financially. I don’t want to ask them for money.”

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 13

I said ‘Tell me a little bit more about this’. He said, “I am retired and have saved money in the
bank, from which I get some monthly income. I want to take care of my health, take precautions
so that I don’t fall ill. Because if I do fall ill, who will take care of my wife? Right from the
beginning I have told my sons, I just want that everybody should be independent. So I just told
them, you go and live separately’. This is not common in India but this is what he told them.

‘When I was very small, I lost my father and I had no one to support me. So I really came up the
hard way, I was the eldest, and supported all my siblings financially. I found them jobs. But what
I saw, after they became financially independent, after that they have stopped needing me, they
simply stopped coming to my house.”

I asked ‘How did you feel then when they did that?’ He said, “I felt that they have rejected me as
I am no longer financially useful; they have pushed me out.” I said ‘Describe this push me out’.
He said, “As if I was inside & I was just taken then and rejected. Push me out, throw out and all
connections were cut and he was separate”.

So there are two themes here in this case. You see the theme of dependence on money, anxiety
about money matters that we will come to a wand that he will not with any money left. That he
will be dependent on other people. But also the other theme is, the people he will depend upon
are not dependable that they will just push him out. Be separate from him, be cut off from him.

So this theme of dependence of money matters on other people, the need for money, I want to
become independent is the theme of the 4 th row. It’s Calcarea in his case. And this theme that I
cannot depend and that I will be from a safe position pushed out. This comes in the 2nd row
which has to do with being in the womb and being pushed out of the womb and being separate
from the mother. And here it is on the right side, it’s a Flourine. So the remedy for the patient
was Calcarea flour. Calcarea flour, Calcarea is the dependence and Flourine, the feeling to be
pushed out or separated from the person he is dependent on.

The main symptom of Calcarea flour in our Materia Medica & the Repertory is the “Fear of
poverty”, Fear that they would come to want. And we can understand this from the perception
that the people he depends on for financial security will betray him, will push him out,will not be
dependable anymore. So you can understand Calcarea flour both from the symptoms as well as
from the system. And that’s where it comes together and then you see at that point that the
symptom of Calcarea fluor, the fear of poverty is actually an expression of this system which is
‘I cannot depend on people to give me security’.

Money, job, family, security, solidity :

So the row 4 concerned with money, security, job, occupation, material possession and also the
gathering of strength, and solidity.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 14

The row 3 is concerned with love, care, nourishment and individuality, and once you get this
what’s the next row is the 4th row , where you now want a job, family, a house, a bank balance,
security, that’s the next stage of human development.

So you see by studying the remedies from the Materia medica and see what individual remedy is
saying, you are able to see a pattern and ultimately you see the pattern in the whole periodic
table. You see that the entire periodic table, each row represents a separate stage, a progressive
stage of human development.

Understanding the essence through proving:

Now this is a hypothesis. Of course. What do we do then? How can we prove it? How can we be
sure that this is true? In Homoeopathy, the answer is very simple. Prove it and know it. End of
the story. Experience it and know it. There is no other way in Homoeopathy except that.

If I may just divert from here, there is a little bit, a very beautiful Tamil poetry. Tamil is my
mother tongue and this is a conversation between Man and God. And man asks God, ‘God, tell
me what is the experience of going through life. Of becoming sick, of getting old. How is it?’
God tells the man, ‘Experience it and you will know it’. And man asks God, ‘What is it, the
experience of dying. Of ending life? How is this experience?’ and God says to man, ‘Experience
it and you will know it’. Man gets a bit frustrated and he says to God, ‘God if I had to experience
everything to know it, then what are you there for?’ and God looks at man and he says, ‘ you
fool, didn’t you realize that I am the experience’. For me this is the Philosophy with which I live.
If you want to know it, experience it. There is nothing more than that. That’s it.

So what I did was, in order to know whether this hypothesis was true, I took a remedy from the
middle of the row 4 and that is Niccolum. Niccolum is there in our Materia Medica earlier but it
didn’t have a big proving, it’s a very small remedy, hardly used. Because I wanted to understand
row 4 better, I did a proving of Niccolum and I did it on a group of students and on myself
because I wanted the experience too.

So I said let me experience row 4, let me take Niccolum and see what happens. And then I got a
dream, a dream that I can never forget. And that’s the reason, I recommend that all of you do a
proving, if you have not done already.

I do believe that you are graduated in Homoeopathy only after you have done a proving. Before
that I don’t think you really had the experience of Homoeopathy itself. When you do a proving,
you know that truth of Homoeopathy and you know what it is. That’s it.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 15

So I had a dream with Niccolum.

Proving of Niccolum
What was the dream? I am going in a taxi in Bombay and then I saw that the taxi meter, is going
too fast, has a kind of tachycardia. It was going too fast and the money is just going …. Too
quick. I was watching this and I understood that somebody has tampered with the meter. This
guy, the cab driver has made some manipulation and it’s going too fast.

What should I do? I said to myself ‘I should do something’. I told the driver, stop here, that time.
I have some work, I need to go out for just a minute.

Now what is interesting is that I could have just gone out of the cab and escaped. But I didn’t do
it. I said it is me this time, but it has to be set right because the next guy who gets into the taxi is
going to be cheated the same way as I. so I have to do something about it.

So what I did was. I went to the local police station, I stopped the taxi which I knew was close by
and I went to the police chief and I said to the chief, what should I do? Do something is what I
told him. And the police chief, he said; here is the rope, you take it, you tie him up and you bring
him here. And I said ok I will get him here. So I took the rope and I was going to get him, then I
woke up so I didn’t know whether I did it or not but I think, that’s not the point.

Niccolum- nobody to help and I will have to help others

The point is that in the middle of the 4th row, Nicolum is situated, & for him the main feeling is,
he is the security, he is the police of the town. He is the one who guards the loss of money.

And if you see the remedies close by like Cuprum, Zincum, Arsenicum etc. You will find
themes of policemen, of getting arrested, of robbers, of thieves.

So the 4th row has also to do with crime, with punishment,,with security ,with money.It has to do
with doing your job properly.. And what kind of job? A job which involves earning, which
involves routine, which involves being conscientious, which involves being stable, steady;
secure, to feed your house, your family. a job you do 9-5, doing basically routine things. It also
has to do with defense and attack. Like being a soldier or a policeman, etc.

So this is how you build up slowly your knowledge of the entire periodic table, the kingdoms,
Remedy by remedy. And this kind of grounded fundamental knowledge that is grounded in the
Provings, grounded in the Repertory, grounded in the Rubrics is never going to betray you. It
will never let you fly so high that you lose all the connection with the ground.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 16

Row 5
Let’s try to understand 5th row a little bit more. Of course, we shall deal with all these rows in the
future talks in much more details with cases etc. but what am I trying to tell you here. I am trying
to tell you is that there is a pattern and that we can look at it because once you crossed the area
of; - I have my house, I have my job, I have my bank balance, I have my security, I have my
family, what next?

You come to the 5th row, and in this 5th row, there are remedies like: Rubidium, Strontium,
Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium,
Argentum, Cadmium, Indium, Stannum, Antimonium, Tellurium, Iodum, and Xenon.
Many of them will be new remedies for you. But let’s see may be some of the one’s that you
know,What’s common you see in it? You see that it’s got lot to do with singers and speakers.
Argentum metallicum; what’s the main symptom? Hoarseness of speakers and singers. Of
Stannum, what’s the main symptom, the hoarseness of speakers and singers, public speakers

Performance, creativity, solving problems

So you find here, that something more than security, it’s something more than identity, it’s
something more than care and nourishment. It’s something to do now with performance. With
Creativity, with singing, with speaking, with public speaking, not routine things.

So the 5th row is concerned with creativity. Creativity means not doing the routine things but
doing something new. Solving a problem; not doing the routine thing but solving an issue that
has really not been tackled before. Improvising,, Artistry. Being a minister; not a soldier but a
minister. A person who strategizes. Who thinks of a solution, how to solve the problem? How to
solve this new situation? Technical advice. Somebody who has been there before and who can
tell you I have been this way before, this is your guide. But the guide is only going to guide you
from behind. A Back up. He is not going to show you the solution

So how to understand this? Again my only solution was to do a proving and the remedy I choose
to prove at that point was Strontium carbonicum. And what did we find in Strontium

Strontium is between Calcarea and Baryta in the 2nd column. In Calcium, you have the theme –
he needs security. He is dependent on other people for security. And in Baryta, below Strontium,
you have the feeling he is dependent on other people for his job because he feels incapable of
doing anything.

So what is Strontium in between these two?

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 17

Proving of Strontium
So again on a group of students & myself, we did a proving in order to understand this remedy I
decided to prove a remedy, strontium, in the second column just below calcium and above

Need of guide – venturing into new

So on a group of students and also on myself, we did a proving of Strontium and the main theme
that came up here was the theme of guidance. I need a guide.

Many many dreams like this. Many many incidents like this happened during this proving.

And what is a guide? In that proving, the guide was somebody helps you into something you are
venturing into something new into an area where you didn’t know anything. The feeling was ‘Oh
God! This is a new situation, how am I going to tackle it. And my look for support and that you
need support form of a guide. The sensation of a guide was somebody behind me, a back up for
you in case you made a mistake.

In Calcarea it’s somebody in front of you who protects you.

In Baryta it’s somebody who carries you on his shoulders because you can’t walk..

In Calcarea, it’s like a barrier, a wall, like an iron pillar.

In Baryta it’s like a crutch you have to lean on for support because you can’t stand yourself up. .

But in Strontium it’s somebody who gives you a support from the behind, it gives you a backup.
In case you have a problem. It’s technical support.

So that’s what we found in strontium proving.

And in Strontium because it lies on the left side, it has a feeling of great lack of this kind of a

And what do you find in the middle of this row is Palladium. Just sitting below Niccolum. And
the main theme of Palladium is egotism. I know things, I can do it very well. The main symptom
of Palladium is “longing for the good opinion of others”; it’s in every Materia Medica you will

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 18

Opinion and not appreciation
What is opinion? What does the word mean?

The word opinion has something to do with expert evaluation, opinion is not appreciation. It’s
not appreciation. You told me my T- shirt looks very good. This is appreciation not opinion.

Appreciation is what you do to a child. ‘ Oh your art is so beautiful. Oh you are looking so cute’.
Appreciation has something to do with how a person looks, how we appears. Opinion has to do
with one expert telling another the other; oh what you have done is really valuable. That’s what
Palladium wants. The good opinion of others. And that’s what is common in Row 5.

You have to understand these words: opinion, creativity, they going together, opinion, creativity
& criticism, something new, problem solving and guidance. These are all inter- related words.

They express a particular stage in Human development where he ventures to do something new
which is new to him, beyond himself. Where he has to improvise and create and then he really
needs a good opinion. And these words will come again and again in patient’s who need
remedies from this row.

What is interesting of course is, once you understand this, the row open up, you are free from the
shackles of symptoms. When a person says ‘I love good opinion’. It’s not that you are only
going to give him Palladium and nothing more. Then you are able to see it is Palladium. But it
could also be Argentum. It could also be Stannum. It could also be Antimonium.

We had a beautiful case in the clinic of a man who did beautifully on Antimonium crud. Also he
loved appreciation. He loved the good opinion of others. Of course he did and I was not
restricted to Palladium. So what happens is through the system, you are able to expand your
understanding. But through the grounding in the Repertory and the Materia medica, your
knowledge becomes solid. When you say Palladium longs for the good opinion of others, you
understand this as the theme of row 5.

Row 6:
What is row 6? In 6th row, you find the remedies like Caesium, Barium, Lanthanum, Osmium,
Iridium, Platinum, Aurum, Mercury, Thallium, Plumbum, Bismuth, Polonium, Astatine, and
Radon. And what do we find here that is common? You find here is the strong theme of
responsibility as you find in Aurum. You find Suicidal disposition, Even Homicidal disposition
like in Aurum, Mercury, Platinum, Plumbum, and Thallium.

Most of these remedies have destructive pathologies and therefore we find in the syphilitic

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 19

What we find common in this row is heaviness, something is heavy. very heavy, something
destructive, and something which is hugely responsible. It’s so huge responsibility that when you
can’t take it anymore then there is no alternative but to commit suicide.

Leadership and responsibility

This is the last stage, after the stage of adventure and problem solving, the stage of leadership
and responsibility where you are in the highest position. It’s a very heavy responsibility and
pressure that is felt here.

So in this way, you are able to see each row has a specific issue reflecting the stage of
human development.

 Row 1 with conception and existence, (I didn’t talk much about this row yet).

 Row 2 has the issue of fetal life and the birth process; being part of and then separating

 Row 3 of identity and nourishment.

 Row 4 of security and task.

 Row 5 of creativity and performance.

 Row 6 of responsibility and leadership.

 Row 7 of letting go or of disintegration.

And this is exactly how you see nature is reflected.

Patterns within the plant kingdom

Now let’s have a look at whether we can see any patterns within the plant kingdom.

Because why are we doing this? We are doing this because we see that this is a different way to
approach homoeopathy. One way is the way of the symptoms and the other way is the way of
systems. What is important is that the Symptom and the System approach they just go together.

Symptom and system approach should go together

We have to use both these in a given case, not one exclusively. Because If we have both these
approaches we are much more equipped than with one. No system is exclusive because every
system has its own limitations, but together it can add to your strength.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 20

Let’s study some families from the plant kingdom. The simplest of course is:

- Compositae; the Arnica Family

Sensation; injured – reaction; to injure.

Let’s see a simple family, Compositae, which is the arnica family and here you see a common
sensation belonging to this family. You have remedies, Abrotanum, Arnica, Bellis perrenis,
Calendula, Echinacea, Millifolium; the common theme is injury. They are remedies which are
known for general surgical inflammation, injuries, they are worse from touch, sore & sensitive.

One of my teachers was Dr. J.N Kanjilal from Culcutta, he was very well senior homoeopath. He
was not only a homoeopath but he was also involved in Obstetrics, he used to conduct child
deliveries. Once he was in labor ward and one woman was having much pain and he said to her
can you please describe me this pain. She got so angry and she just slapped him and she said
what pain you want me to describe, it is like this, it’s how you feel and she just gave him one.!!
So he gave her Chamomilla, and she did very well.

So you see Chamomilla also from the Compositae family. The theme of injuries, to cause
injuries and to strike back. Like Cina will also wants to hit. Hitting / striking/ injuring/ receiving
injury. This is the theme of the Compositae family. So you see within one family there is a
particular sensation. A specific one. like…

- Conifer-fragile.

The breaking of the Conifers, of which Thuja is an example.

- Solanaceae;

Danger, fear- flight and fright reaction

Or let’s take the example of Solanaceae family. The main common thing here in remedies like
Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Mandragora, and Tabacum. What’s common?

It’s the fear, the danger, the need to escape. The great sensitivity. The sympathetic reaction.
Fright, you start sweating, trembling, the pupils dilate and it’s a kind of fright and flight reaction.
Escape, run away.

Like when you see a ghost or a lion after you.

So we understand that all the remedies of this family will have this sensation and once you
understand that, what happens is that even if one remedy in a proving doesn’t have that exact
symptom, you will be able to give it on general understanding of that family.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 21

Just like I gave you the example: If Antimonium has no longing for good opinion, you still know
it’s there because it belongs to that group.

Application of logic; remedies of one family have a common sensation

It’s just logic. I saw one crow it was black, I saw a second crow it was black, I saw a third crow
it was black, so if I see another crow and it must be black. This is logic.

So you apply this logic and in one family there is one common sensation. And this helped me to
prescribe remedies that do not have sufficient proving. And when you do that your reliance total
and absolute reliance on the symptoms and rubrics becomes less.

So now we have make a chart with Solanaceae, and say that remedies that we have in this family
must have violence, sudden, splitting, bursting, and explosive, the need to escape, the flight and
the fright. And then you can make a chart of remedies.

Chart of remedies – common word extractions from rubrics

How do we make this chart? This chart was done with a lot of research, a research into the
rubrics, and a research into the proving, a research into the materia medica and also a research
into cured cases.

From these provings, cases, rubrics were extracted the words that were common to the remedies
of patients of this family. The words were: kills, snakes, pulsating, black and white, murder, life
and death, sun stroke, apoplexy.They are common in Solanaceae family. Panic, escape, fright
and flight.

I will post some of the cases of quotations from other past Homoeopaths on the forum and you
can read how John Henry Clarke, the famous Homoeopath, remarked on the likeness between the
members of botanical group …

Quotation- John Henry Clarke

and so many others had similar experiences like Dr.Burnett or Dr Cooper.

So this is not something that is absolutely new but something that now we used with great

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 22

Animal kingdom- sub kingdom - classes
Let’s have a look at the animal kingdoms, the sub kingdoms. We have so many classes, like the
mammals, the birds, the reptiles, the arachnids, the insect, the mollusk.

We will take one as an example: The reptiles

Class reptile; deceit, jealousy, clairvoyance

If we just study reptiles for the moment as an example; what do we know from the Materia
medica, how can we derive it.

We have in these reptiles, the symptoms deceitful and sly, jealous, clairvoyance. You look at the
rubric clairvoyance, there are lot of reptiles, Crotalus Cascavalla, the rattle snake, Lachesis,
Crotalus horridus and so forth.

Try to understand what is Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance (clear vision), it means to know something
that you cannot normally know through your five senses, it’s an extra sense, isn’t it.

Clairvoyance- Jacobson’s organ

Like you are sitting here and you know what’s happening in another town. Just like all of you
know what is happening in my clinic here today, even though you are sitting far away. You have
clairvoyance too.

And what do we know about the reptiles and especially about the snakes, they have sense organs
which is Jacobson’s organ and which is not found in any other species. The snakes don’t have
ears, they don’t have hearing. But they have extra organs.

Heat sensors- pit vipers

The pit vipers. They have the heat sensors. And they can even sense a rat which is at the distance
of a few meters by the heat sensation. So they have organs which the other species don’t have.
They have extra sensory perception.

So our Clairvoyance rubric in the Materia medica is reflecting of the extra senses that the snake
has. What else do we know about snakes?

Desire to hide
The desire to hide, isn’t it. To be deceitful, to hide. And that’s the survival of a snake that it has
to keep hiding.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 23

Quotation- Dr. Hudson
I was quite remarked to see a quotation from 1911, one Dr. Hudson, he writes in a homoeopathic
journal called the Medical Advance; and the following words:

“Tell us when you have, when you learn, how we may know whether our patient belongs to the
mineral, the vegetable, or the animal kingdom. Then sub divide these kingdoms and make the
boundary line so broad and plain that they cannot cross unwittingly, make them so distinct that
we are bound to see them”.

He says clearly differentiate into kingdoms and subkingdoms and so that we can use them in

So Homoeopaths had this idea earlier but they didn’t make this system so clearly as we are able
to do it now.

And why is this so? Why are we are able to make a system now, that it couldn’t be done in 1911?
Can you tell me? Can you think about it?

Why Hahnemann didn’t make this system?

I think there are two main reasons, why even Hahnemann did not make this system;

 The first reason is that the number of remedies that we know now is far, far more than what
they knew at that time. Hahnemann knew 90 remedies or so, in that he hardly knew any
animal remedies maybe Sepia or something like that. Most of the remedies he knew were
plants and some were minerals and Lachesis even came later on, it was proved by Hering.

So for Hahnemann to attempt a classification of animal, plant and mineral would be too

 The second reason why it can be done now and couldn’t before is that we have a big
advantage, in as much as we have is our software repertories.

Using computer software repertories, we are now able to pull all the remedies of a particular
group together and ask what is common between them.

I can put Lachesis, Naja, Crotalus Cascavalla, Crotalus Horridus, Vipera…. the snakes into a
software program, and tell it to pull me out the list of rubrics in which these remedies have a
prominent place.

It makes the study very simple and you can duplicate it too on your own.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 24

You have a look in the software and you put these remedies in the software and you ask the
software; tell me in which rubrics are found 3 or 4 of these remedies together. Especially small
rubrics so that the weightage of this group come high.

For example: if there is a rubric with 10 remedies out of which 4 are reptiles. Then you know
that rubric must be quite specific for reptiles.

So what are our advantages of this Modern age:

Modern age advantage

So what are our advantages of Modern age:

- one is the availability: there were 90 remedies then, now we have 3000 remedies from
various kingdoms.
- We have very advanced computer software program that make this analysis easy. I feel if
Hahnemann had these advantages, he would have done this system himself. Wouldn’t
have left much to us.

So what do we understand from all this;

Each remedy is the spirit of the source from which it comes.

Both the angles of study – symptoms and the systems, they meet at a common point.

Therefore a remedy must be studied from two angles;

- One angle is the provings, the Materia medica and the repertory.

- And the other angle is the kingdom, subkingdom and the source.

And if we study a remedy from these two angles, then they will meet very beautifully because
you see what you see in the repertory and the Materia medica reflect the qualities of the
kingdom,subkingdom and the source. And they will come to the same point and then you will
have a true understanding of the remedy.

Treating the essence and not only symptoms

Once we come to this understanding that it is not only the symptoms but the very essence that we
are treating, then it becomes important that we understand the patients also in the same way and
that we simply don’t understand patients as symptoms, either mental symptoms or physical
symptoms but we understand them as something core essence and then we start to listen to the
patients and ask ourselves and the patients and observe, what is his inner most core experience of
the patient.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 25

Experience in every case; sensitivity, structure, survival

And then when we come to this core experience,

And we need to come to this core experience with an open mind. This is most important thing of
course. We are not going into the patient to examine is he plant / mineral / animal. We are going
into the patient, with the patient to explore, purely explore what is his experience in various
situations physical / mental / emotional/ dreams etc.

And then when we come to that experience then we will see that its either an experience of
sensitivity or structure or of survival. And then our case taking doesn’t stop short at just eliciting
craving, aversions and other things; but it goes further and further says, what is the experience of
the person.

Seven levels of experience

And then we understand that there are seven levels of experience.

The first level is the name or the diagnosis of the case. The first thing the patient often says, I
have arthritis, I have migraine, I have depression.

Then you say tell me what you mean by this? And then he tells you the symptoms of arthritis of
that diagnosis or tells you the facts, I have pain in the knee, I feel sad in the morning, I have a
throbbing headache. These are the facts.Second level. Name, diagnosis, facts – second level.

Then you say tell me little bit more and then he says because of this I am so disturbed, I am so
irritated because of the headache and I feel so angry, I feel so upset why is it coming to me … so
you come to the third level which is the emotions.

Then you say ‘What do you mean by irritable and upset?’ then he says, I feel somebody kind of
put me into a prison, I am not able to get out of here. This headache is like a prison for me’. So
he is telling you his vision, perception of the situation. This is level four, the delusion.

Then you ask ‘OK, you feel you are in the prison what is your experience?’ ‘I feel something is
tight, as if it is all constricting; it is going in.

So he is not only describing a perception or a vision but he is describing an actual experience

which is both mental and physical. This is the fifth level or the sensation level.

Then you say “Describe this feeling constriction, a little bit more and then he starts using his
hands its like this goes like this…. and what he shows is particular movements.and an
intensity and this is his energy pattern. The sixth level, the level of energy.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 26

Blank level – Seventh

And as he keeps watching this, you say look at this energy pattern & see what comes to you
spontaneously. So a part of him now goes into a level which is just looking objectively, looking
witnessing this energy pattern. The level of this witnessing is different removed, separated from
the experience itself. That is the Seventh level. The level we simply can call it the 7th because it
has no name for it.

You could call it the witness but it wouldn’t like to do that.

Let me talk to you about a case.

39] Case: It is one piece made of iron bars which fold on me; Drosera.

A 28 year old woman came with hyperthyroid and urticaria. She had the reports to show me. She
had a very low TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) and intense itching with urticaria.

I said tell me more. Then she said I have mood swings, I have backache and I have hair fall and I
have irregular periods. I have too much stress and because of this stress all the muscles in my
stomach they just go into a kind of spasm. And then she shows with her hands [Hand Gesture
HG] like this ….they just go into a kind of spasm.

She said about her constant fights with her husband and she told a big story of her situation and
for about 20 minutes of various emotional situations.

So I said in this situation what do you feel? She said I feel as if my husband is purposely trying
to hurt me and to get back at me. He is purposely trying to hurt me she takes her hand and makes
this gesture.

So I said ‘let’s do one thing, what do you experience in this situation?’ She says ‘I feel trapped.’
I said to her ‘Describe to me the word “trapped”. What is the experience to be “trapped”? ’

And then she used other words for the word trap. But she was talking from her head. And I said,
‘let’s do one thing. Close your eyes and just experience this “trapped”. Whatever comes up just
talk about “trapped”. Just experience it, don’t think about it. Don’t use your mind. Just switch off
your mind if possible and just experience it’. That’s the whole story of Homoeopathy.
Experience it.

For example: when you do a proving for Bryonia, you are not asking the prover ‘Tell me what
you think about bryonia, tell me what is your concept or theory of it’. You just tell the prover
“Observe and Describe” Not through the mind. If the prover uses mind, you will not get the
symptom because all symptoms of a remedy do not make sense at all. They are just experiences.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 27

So a symptom or an experience has just to be observed and mind becomes greatest obstacle to
observation. So we have to find a way with the patient where the mind is switched off. We have
to put them in the 7th level, where there is no mind, only witness. And then she closes her eyes
and starts describing her experience. She says ‘I feel it’s all sticky, it’s all sticky and I feel
claustrophobic.’ I said ‘describe this a little bit more.’

She remains in this blank space and she says “I feel stuck and it’s all coming around me and it’s
just closing in on me. I am getting attracted and stuck and it’s all closing up on me. I said ‘stay
with it a little bit more and see what happens and she says, ‘It’s all falling on me. It’s as if the
whole thing is falling, I am getting caught, it’s a trap and, I can’t get out.

You are able to reach such a deep level in some cases not in all cases. And when they go in depth
into that experience, they are able to sometimes even visualize the exact nature of the source of
that remedy. And she says ‘It’s a trap, it’s all one piece, there’s no door, no window. It’s just
goes around you, it sticks to you, it goes around you and then you can’t get out. It’s like bars that
just go around you.

In fact later on when we looked at the videos, this is the exact description of Drosera. I might
even give you on the forum, a link to a you tube video which you can have a look. How it is a
one piece thing that is sticky and when that insect sticks on it, it wraps itself around the insect
like a bar and then there is no way out.

So we realize that at the core of each and every individual, beyond symptoms, beyond the
expression is an experience. In this case, the experience is of trapped, claustrophobia. Behind her
restlessness and her speed she spoke very fast. There is an experience and if you go deep enough
into this experience, you can get the quality of the source. You can see that kingdom and sub –
kingdom. Even sometimes in a very rare case you can see the source itself.

And then you will absolutely have no doubt of the remedy which is to be given, because the
patient is almost telling you what she needs and she is telling you that the sum total of my
expression is not the random collection of symptoms. My restlessness is not different from my
trap, it’s not different from my sticky feeling, it’s not different from my claustrophobia. It’s not
different from the spasms of my stomach. It’s all a part of one core expression, my experience.
That is sensation.

And in this case, it was a family of carnivorous plant of traps and the remedy was Drosera
Rotundifolia, of the tubercular miasm. And the result was beautiful, her thyroid levels went
down, the urticaria disappeared and what’s more important is that her entire anger, her entire
frustration, her entire trapped feeling went away completely. Her relationship with her husband
improved. Her husband says to her what has happened to you, something has changed radically,

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 28

changed beautifully. Her entire life and being changes. Her speed, her pace becomes less. Her
energy improves.

So when you touch that level of the person, then there is a change in every level, at the level of
pathology, at the level of symptoms,emotions, delusions, at all levels there is change.

Materia Medica Pura- Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Hahnemann in his preface to Materia Medica Pura he wrote;

“As the organism, in its normal condition, depends only on the state of the vitality, it follows that
the changed condition which we call disease or sickness must likewise depend, not on the
operation of physical or chemical principles, but on originally vital sensations and actions - that
is to say, a dynamically changed state of man”

He referred to the original thing that changes in man is the vital sensation, that is what changes
first, it’s the way you exist, the way your vital sensation is and then your different organ systems
change. And if you touch it at that level that change will be reflected in every part of your being.

I must tell you, Hahnemann didn’t have access to my books or seminars.

Utility of this approach.

What is the utility of this approach?

Let’s us study the utility of this approach, only through cases because there is no other way to do

40] Case: Meditation makes me feel free; Mangifera.

I would like to talk a little bit about a case, of a 65 year old man who came with cervical
spondylosis. That main symptom was stiffness in the neck. He said I cannot move my neck. It’s
stuck he says and I cannot move. He is a teacher of meditation, he said. He has read a lot of
books, he has done a lot of meditation 6hrs a day.

I asked him what is your main complaint, he said it is stiffness of the neck and I just have to live
with this; because I don’t know any other way. I don’t know what to do so I just live with this

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 29

I said ‘Can you tell me please, a little bit about your meditation?’ He says in meditation I feel
free, it’s the only time I feel free. I said what you mean by free? He said free means as if I am not
caught or stuck.

So for him meditation was essentially a way out of being caught, or stuck. And that was the same
as with his neck.

His mind and his neck are exactly saying the same experience – to be caught or stuck. And this is
well known for us in the remedy, Rhus tox which when he lifts up something is like something
got strain or stuck. And Rhus tox is belonging to the family Anacardiaceae. So I believe the
sensation of stuck or stiff or cannot move belongs to the whole family.

His remedy cannot be Rhus tox because his speed and pace at which he felt the sensation was not
the Rhus tox,pace . In Rhus tox you pick up something and something acute ..uuhh.. You got to
move because very quickly you have to come out of that crisis. But here it’s something that he
lives with, that he accepts.

So it’s a different pace, a different mechanism, a different coping mechanism. So the sensation
belongs to the family but the pace and the depth is not of Rhus tox. What could it be?

The pace and the depth is of something that is fixed, something that you are going to live with,
something that you cannot change and this is the pace and the fixity of the sycotic miasm.

Like a wart, it just stays with you you cant do anything. It is just stuck on you, nothing can be
done about it. It doesn’t kill you but it doesn’t go anywhere. So we understand we need a
remedy from the same family but with a different pace and depth which is the Sycotic miasm,
Rhus tox belongs to the Typhoid miasm.

Need for miasmatic classification

And so we have a classification of miasms which is:

Acute; sudden pace.

Psora; where the problem is solvable and hopeful,

Sycotic is fixed,

Syphilitic is destructive.

The question is, is this enough? Are we happy with these four miasms, can the whole world be
fitted into these between hopeful, destructive and fixed. Or can there be some other kind of pace.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 30

What about the guy who says my pace is such that for a day nothing happens and then suddenly I
get an attack. I am OK for some days and then suddenly I get another attack, what do you do
with this?

You heard this in migraine cases, you have this in asthma cases, it’s an intermittency of an
attack, where can you put this?

So in order to accommodate this we had to create new types of miasm.

Here was an intermittent attack like Malaria or the critical pace like Typhoid. And then we found
other pace like Ringworm or Tubercular or Cancer where you feel things are chaotic. Tubercular,
where its hectic. Leprosy where its disgusting and isolated and nearly going towards total
destruction. So these are the 10 possible types of pace and depth that I could find and I make a
map of this and started applying this in practice.

Right remedy by applying the miasm theory

So if we look at Anacardiaceae and then we look at the Sycotic miasm in it, and if we use the
schema where I have put this chart, we find Mangifera indica and that’s the mango and that’s the
remedy this patient received, Mangifera indica and he did beautifully.

Rhus tox would not have helped him so much, nor could have Anacardium but Mangifera did

Now when we look at the rubric in repertory you find Mangifera in the rubric, “ Cervical
spondylosis’ you only see three remedies and one of them is mangifera .And so you see how
beautifully your understanding of remedy and miasm coincides with the rubric. So cervical
spondylosis you have a fixed stiffness of the neck. This fixed means the Sycotic miasm and
stiffness means Anacardiaceae family and the combination of the two is Mangifera. That’s
exactly where it is found.

So you see sometimes your kingdom approach and miasm approach, your rubrics they speak
exactly the same language. Then you are completely sure of the remedy.

41] Case: Someone made me into a golden statue; Rhus radicans.

Just to contrast this with a case of female patient with Autoimmune hepatitis. She came in a very
bad stage, she was in line for a liver transplant.because they couldn’t do anything. I said what’s
your experience to have this problem? And she said I feel as if I am locked in a prison cage and I
cannot move and I am being harassed by everybody. I am stiff, I am harassed, I am attacked. I
feel so unfortunate and persecuted.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 31

So we have the stuck of Anacardiaceae family, but the harrased, persecuted feeling and the
attack intermittemtly of the Malarial miasm. So the remedy is not Rhus tox, not Mangifera, not
Anacardium but Rhus radicans. And she did so beautifully with this remedy. Her total bilirubin

count which is 9.6, very very high, went down from 9.6 to 0.5 and her SGPT(the liver function
test) which was 880 went down to 21.and she was saved from liver transplant. She is doing well
now more than 10 yrs later.

And so I just wanted to show you how we use the miasms and why it is important, this

Use of lesser known remedies

Another utility of this approach, of this system is we are able to use lesser known remedies. I will
give you one example.

42] Case: Perseverance in creating something new; Ruthenium.

A 67 years old male patient developed a heart attack and then with some Ischaemic heart disease.
he went in for a coronary bypass surgery and when he came out of the bypass., he developed
Chronic renal failure, his kidneys were failing. His creatinine levels went up and it reached
somewhere around 8 or 9. And he was in for dialysis and ultimately transplant.

So he came to see if Homoeopathy could help him. When I took his history, I found that he
owned a machine factory and he is the owner of that factory.

What he does is; he makes machines to solve problems for other people. People come to him and
say we want a specific machine like this made for a specific function and then he puts his entire
mind into it because nobody has made a machine like that before. That was his job. He works
day and night, exhausts himself and somehow solves that problem. He says he feels under a lot
of pressure. What do we do with this kind of a case?

Here is where the kingdom approach has a huge advantage. So even if we don’t know any
remedy with exactly this expression, we can now go and look which periodic table can have it.
Because this has to do with performance and capability, this is the Mineral kingdom.

And the fifth row has to do with creativity and with doing something new as we saw. In the 5 th
row, you see that he has to put every effort and huge efforts against the resistance, against the
resistance of the problem. This usually represents the 8 th column where Ferrum lies in the 4th
row and Ferrum is this tough, strong, have to be resistant.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 32

And under Ferrum lies Ruthenium in the 5th row which are the same experience but which
creativity. The toughness of creativity. So he got the remedy Ruthenium and his serum creatinine
it fell down gradually and came back to normal. And what is interesting is that with Ruthenium
after a year or so he decided to give up his machine factory and now 68 -69 yrs old. He says I

don’t feel the need to do any more this pressuring job any more and I want to do creativity and I
want just be with my grandchildren. So even the compulsion to be in that situation was gone.
And he is a happy man, looking after his grandchildren. And he sold off his factory.

So you see knowing this system has great advantages. It expands your Materia medica. It
expands and gives you a view. But this … there are two things here:

1. Is that and this is what I really want to emphasize today. Is that you have to see that the
knowledge of all this system, the miasms and kingdoms and sub-kingdom and families and
periodic table did not arise from thin air. They are not concepts not theories. They are found on
symptoms on rubrics.,on provings, on practice on Materia medica. It is a systemization of the
knowledge that comes from provings and from the Materia medica. And unless you have that
knowledge ,that foundation from which all this comes, you will be lost. That is why I urge you
do not lose the foundations. See from where it has come, go back to the source and then your
knowledge is solidly founded. Then you can keep your feet on the ground and your head in the
air. This knowledge is integrated with each other it’s not separate. It’s all one and the same. Just
two ways of looking at the same thing. You are able to expand your Materia Medica with it. But
I don’t want you to lose your Materia Medica with it. I want you to use this system to expand
and not to discard.

I had planned to speak a lot more today. But I guess I have to stop today because our time is up.
And we carry on with the talks next time. But before I finish, I have to tell you a few things.

1. The next Wednesday (he means the next lecture of essential homoeopathy) we are going to
have a discussion session which means we will dwell upon the 1 st three talks and what I would
like you to do is go through these talks. You will have the transcript of the three talks. You will
have the Archived talks also, on the video in the forum of the website. You can go through them.
We have also put the questions and answers of the 1 st two talks already there. So you can have a
look at this. I have posted some very interesting articles

I just have to wish you again Good morning / good night / good evening / good mid- night / good
breakfast / good lunch/ good dinner / good appetite and good learning see you soon

Bye Bye.

Talk 3 Concept of Homoeopathy – III 33

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