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Egyptian Protection Ritual

O Lord of Millions whose name is not known! O ye gods, lords of heaven, come ye, in order that N,
born of M, may be purified from everything done against him on this day, in this night, in this
month, <in> this hour, and in this year, and that evil may be driven from him, and there shall not
take effect aught that is done against him by any (Egyptian) men, any patricians, any plebeians, any
sun-folk, or by foreigners of a southern, [northern,] western, or eastern country, (by) males or
females (?), (or by) any male magicians or female magicians, whose [hearts] are ill-disposed towards
N, born of M, and who wreak vengeance (?) upon him by handing him over to god or goddess to
make him eat what he abominates and to bewitch his heart in his body. They shall be serfs of the
Flame-goddess, of this (?) eye of Rê, the cat who will (?) gain power over them <to> burn their
limbs, [while ?] N, born of M, is protected and safeguarded...against all things mischievous and evil
(done) against him by night or by day or at any time in the year [in?] its course. Lo, it has been
commanded by Rê, who is over the gods, even Atûm-Harakhti.

ANOTHER. A good day! Open thy mouth ! Every enemy of thine is overthrown whether dead or
alive. Horus has . . . . ed thy fingers, Geb has handed over to thee what is in him. <Thy> face is
washed by thy father Nun, and thy face is wiped by Sehetep (?). Ptah makes a change of linen for
thee, even as he did for Rê. Thy mouth is opened (so as to be) full of good utterances and choice
expressions. Remembered for thee is a good day, and forgotten for thee is evil on a good day. 8
Heaven and earth are in festival, the gods in joy. Jubilation is within the Castle, and acclamation in
Hat-benben. Mayst thou exact food in presence of the protection (?) of the Great Ennead(?), every
one praying for health for thee, and thy heart full of rejoicing. Nothing dirty that thou hast done
shall besmirch(?) thee. There shall be no evil attaching to thy limbs...shall hearken to thee in
presence of the Lords of Truth. O N, born of M, Rê purifies thee at his going forth, and Thoth at
his shining forth, speaking to thee the utterance which Isis spoke to her son Horus, and thou art
purified on the day of the sixth day festival, and protected in the daytime (?).

Rê at his shining forth purifies thee,

the lords of Ekhmûn protect thee.
Atûm himself purifies thee,
the lords of Hetkaptah protect thee.
Rê in his horizon purifies thee,
the lords of Nen-nesu protect thee.
Amûn in Wêset purifies thee,
the lords of Wenu protect thee.
Neith in Sais purifies thee,
the lords of Pe and Dep protect thee.
Nekhbet purifies thee,
Satis and Anukis protect thee.
Shu and Tefnet purify thee,
Geb and Nut protect thee.
The sky and stars purify thee,
the earth of Geb protects thee.
Rê in the sky purifies thee,
the lords of the Sacred Land protect thee.
Horus, son of Isis, purifies thee,
Horus, lord of Sekhem, protects thee.
Seth in Ombos purifies thee,
Seth, lord of (the nome of) Wadjet, protects thee.
Horus, lord of the West, purifies thee,
Anti, lord of Atfet, protects thee.
Banebdjedet purifies thee,
the soul of Rê protects thee.
Thoth in the Library purifies thee,
Thoth, who is over ... protects thee.
The four Noble Ladies of the house of Ptah purify thee,
Sakhmet-Bastet protects thee.
Nebet-hotep purifies thee,
Nebet-wadjti protects thee.
Suchos of Shedet purifies thee,
Arsaphes protects thee.
The Mnevis-bull in Heliopolis purifies thee,
the Apis bull in the house of Ptah <protects thee>.
South and North purify thee,
<West and East protect thee.’>
Horus of Bebdet purifies thee,
Horus, avenger of his father, protects thee.
Ptah, lord of Truth, purifies thee,
Prominent-in-Tanenet protects thee.
Horus Khentekhthai purifies thee,
Rê at his rising protects thee.
Hathor purifies thee,
Isis the goddess protects thee.
Min-Amûn purifies thee,
the lords of Abydos protect thee.
The Great Ennead purifies thee,
the Little Ennead protects thee.
Nun purifies thee,
Nut protects thee.
Every god purifies thee,
every goddess protects thee.
Amen-Rê purifies thee,
Amaunet protects thee.
The Lord of the Universe himself purifies thee,
the lords of the Castle protect thee.
Ius‘aas purifies thee,
Sekhet-ealu protects thee.
Khons in Weset purifies thee,
Shu, son of Rê, protects thee.
The lords of the Nether Region purify thee,
the lords of Kher-‘aha protect thee.
The Unwearying Ones purify thee,
the Imperishables protect thee.
The lords of the Evening Bark purify thee,
the lords of the Morning Bark protect thee.’
Medwa_Rê purifies thee,
Sothis, lady of the Head of the Year, protects thee.
South and North purify thee,
West and East protect thee.
Sakhmet in the year of Pestilence’s purifies thee,
Wadjet and Mesnet (?) protect thee.
Khnûm, lord of the Hall of the Thirty, purifies thee,
Harakhti who is in Three-hundred town protects thee.
Sopd, lord of the East, purifies thee,
Onûris protects thee.
The (god) Great-of-Magic purifies thee,
the Phoenix, which begat itself, protects thee.

O ye gods and goddesses, come, join ye and purify N, born of M, drive ye away all evil from him,
even as Rê is purified every day, even as the lords of Primaeval times were protected, and even as
Isis protected her son Horus from his brother Seth. O ye gods and goddesses whose names have
been pronounced, who dwell in the sky, but eat upon earth, whose uraei are on their heads, whose
soul(s) are in Busiris and their mummies in the gods’-acre, and whose name is not known —though
thou knowest <their> names and their occupations—come and rest upon (?) your (?) souls, that
they may be peaceful. Rest ye upon (?) him, and safeguard him and loose him and release him from
all things bad and evil, from every god and every goddess, every spirit male and female, every
adversary male and female, every passerby (?) male and female, everything bitter, everything hot,
every deafness, every blindness, every flinching (?), every thirst, from every conspiracy, every raging,
every weakness, every hostility, every, and <every> wrath which is in the land of the Lords of
Concealment in the course of each day, thou being protected likes Rê every day, and overthrowing
thine enemies in the course of each day. N, born of M, he is Rê, the disk on his head, the gods
<spreading> protection <around> him (?),6 the Ennead <as> his safeguards. Thou art (?) N, born
of M, thou art (?) these gods whose names have been pronounced. Thou wast born (?) before the
kas of the living.

This spell is to be spoken over real lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, shrt-stone, malachite, feldspar, granite, p3g3w
(?),iron, and all precious stones, washed with milk. Let a man purify himself with them and fumigate himself with
chaff (?) of corn. šrt

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