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Prelim Examination in LOGIC – GEHUM4

Name: _____________________________________ Teacher:

Course/Year & Section: ______________________ Score: _____________________________
Erasures in any form will be considered wrong!

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Shade the circle of the correct answer. (2 POINTS EACH)
1. A philosophical search for ultimate foundation of an ideal state and government.
A. Philosophy of Man C. Political Philosophy
B. Social Philosophy D. Aesthetics

2. The study of Supreme Being and His realtion to His creatures.

A. Ethics B. Metaphysics C. Theodicy D. Psychology

3. A philosophical study which deals with human acts and the laws governing its morality.
A. Epistemology B. Logic C. Ethics D. Theodicy

4. A philosophical inquiry of the beautiful.

A. Cosmology B. Epistemology C. Aesthetics D. Metaphysics

5. The science and art of correct thinking.

A. Ethics B. Theodicy C. Logic D. Psychology

II. Modified TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence conveys a factual statement then simply write “TRUE”
on the space provided before each number and if the sentence reveals an invalid statement then alter
the underlined word/s to correct them. (2 POINTS EACH)

____________________ 1. Semantics is a branch of speculative philosophy that studies the meanings of

words, their linguistics functions and relationship to other words.
____________________ 2. Today, Ethics is known as a science that deals with the study of human and
animal behavior.
____________________ 3. Friedrich Nietzsche is a rationalist who paved the way for the discovery of
man as the center of all things and his quest for truth in the Modern Era of philosophy with his famous
dictum, “cogito ergo sum”.
____________________ 4. In Logic, Inductive Reasoning is a way of thinking that begins from
universal truth to particular.
____________________ 5. Practical Philosophy studies the truth to be known.
____________________ 6. Ontology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence
of things and the status of reality.
____________________7. Metaphysics as a branch of philosophy addresses the problems surrounding
the theory of knowledge.
____________________ 8. The Medieval Period of philosophy was known for its God-centered
approach because thinkers of this period focused on proving the existence of God.
____________________ 9. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that aims to establish the general
principles of art and beauty.
____________________ 10. Empiricism is a philosophical approach that claims, “reason alone is a
source of knowledge and is independent of experience”.

III. Identify which fallacy is committed with the following arguments and write the CAPITAL
LETTER on the space provided before the number.
A. Ad Baculum F. False Cause K. Division
B. Composition G. Ad Hominem L. Complex Question
C. Sweeping Generalization H. Ad Ignorantiam M.Petitio Principii
D. Ad Misericordiam I. Amphiboly N. Hasty Generalization
E. Accent J. Ad Verecundiam O. Ad Populum

_____ 1. A living cell is organic material, so the chemical making up the cell must also be organic
_____ 2. All who won in the election cheated. Pope Francis must have cheated in the Papal Election!
_____ 3. Please promote me for I’m the sole bread-winner of our family.
_____ 4. If you don’t agree that this show is the best, I’ll hit you!
_____ 5. Have you stopped cheating during exams?
_____ 6. Angela is paragon of honesty because she has never been caught cheating by any of her
_____ 7. The belief in God is universal. After all, everyone believes in God.
_____ 8. Don’t believe him! He’s gay!
_____ 9. “Agree with me or you’ll never get anything from me anymore.”
_____ 10. If you can’t prove me wrong, then I must be right!
_____ 11. Chairman of the Board: “All those who opposed my arguments for the opening of a new
department, signify by saying, ‘I resign’.”
_____ 12. I’m positive that my work will meet your requirements. I really need the job since my
grandmother is sick.
_____ 13. Sleeping with your hair wet can make you blind. That’s true! That’s what my grandmother
_____ 14. Joe met an accident because it was Friday the 13th.
_____ 15. The picture on Jim’s old TV set goes out of focus. Jim goes over and strikes the TV
soundly on the side and the picture goes back into focus. Jim tells his friend that hitting the TV fixed
_____ 16. These pills must be safe and effective for reducing because they have been endorsed by
Miss X, the star of stage, screen and television.
_____ 17. Faith healing must be very effective though no one has ever been able to prove that it isn’t.
_____ 18. “Why are you here?” “Because I’m not there!”
_____ 19. Mr. Sy won the sweepstakes when he attended Ms. Santiago’s class. Therefore, you should
attend Ms. Santiago’s class to win the sweepstakes.
_____ 20. One has to tell the truth always. Thus if a murderer confesses his crime to a priest, it is but
proper for the priest to reveal the truth to the authority.
_____ 21. Maureen’s hair is damaged so each strand must be damaged too.
_____ 22. Title of an article in student paper: “How to Cook Yourself.”
_____ 23. Cutting people with a knife is a crime. Surgeons cut people with knives. Therefore,
surgeons are criminals.
_____ 24. Beer causes drunkenness because it is intoxicating.
_____ 25. Go ahead. Break my heart and live with your boyfriend. Who am I to say “No”, I’m just
your mother.
_____ 26. Are you going to admit that you’re wrong?
_____ 27. We cannot condemn this man because he is soon to graduate, or if he fails his parents
would kill him.
_____ 28. Woman without her man is a savage.
_____ 29. The notorious criminal was arrested by the policeman who robbed the bank.
_____ 30. All his merchandise cost P500, but this ball pen is part of his merchandise. Therefore, this ball pen
costs P500.

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