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Article 1: Meaning of Worthiness

All questions require answers for the sake of knowledge and peace of mind, but not all
questions are easy ones. Some questions you have come from observations, some from
science, and some come from simple curiosity. Just like how not all questions have immediate
answers, not all answers to a single question are definite. It always depends on the person
being asked, the timing of the question, and how each person reflects on it. For example, what
is the meaning of worthiness? Or, what gives you a sense of self-worth?

You might answer that it comes from your job, or your relationships, o even your purpose in life.
While for others, it comes from their achievements or past good deeds—it varies from person to
person. But what you all have in common, is that you have to reflect on it first and stumble on
your own questions along the way. Today, you’re going to read about the meaning of worthiness.
Where did it come from? How worthy are you? If these kinds of questions crossed your mind at
one point in your life, then this read is for you.

What is the meaning of Worthiness?

The meaning of worthiness is different per person, but all points to how you see yourself. You
might associate the meaning of worthiness with how much you have done for others, what you
have achieved in your life so far, basically which gives you the feeling of satisfaction and pride in
yourself. Have you ever wondered where the meaning of worthiness comes from? For the
longest time, society has greatly influenced and dictated a person’s worth. From the moment
that you are born, you are already faced with great expectations from others.

If you think about it, there are social norms that are related by others towards how accomplished
you are. These social norms come in the form of life choices, career paths, and even involve the
simplest things such as how you express yourself. Because of this, a lot of people struggle to
figure out what makes them worthy; it makes it a challenge for them to separate themselves
from the expectations of other people, which leads to the shrinking down of what gives them a
sense of worth. This is where feelings of emptiness and confusion come in.

Being stripped of your sense of worth

Once you reach the point in your life when you feel lost and confused, you tend to feel worthless
or undeserving of good things. This is what it’s like to be stripped of your worth. It happens when
you are unable to meet the expectations that others have set, or when you have found yourself
faced with a dead end. This is especially felt when you have set a goal which remais
unacheived, or when you cannot seem to please other people. Some decisions are long-term
ones, which often manifest as regrets later on in life. While some decisions can be undone,
some decisions last for life.

Where our sense of worthiness comes from

Have you ever wondered where your sense of worthiness comes from? If you look back on the
last time you thought about your sense of worth, where did its basis come from? As mentioned
earlier, your sense of worthiness comes from where you feel satisfaction and pride in yourself. It
pertains to the deeds, feelings, and people around you which make you feel that you have found
your purpose in life. But if you dig deeper and reflect more on it, you’ll realize that it comes from
something else.

It comes from the voices and people around you while growing up. It comes from the standards
and pressure that society has placed on you, all in the name of being worthy. But at times, it
also comes from what you cultivate within yourself. Once you learn how to minimize the voices
outside you, you will be able to hear your voice inside. Your sense of worthiness can root from a
lot of things, and the most crucial root is the voices that you let into your head especially during

The Myth of Tyr

Stories usually leave you with a lesson or something to ponder on, and some stories exist as
proof that something is possible. When it comes to stories that will teach you about worthiness
and help you better understand it, the myth of Tyr is the perfect example of that. Tyr is
considered by literature as a war god, but his primary role is to be an upholder of law and
justice. The myth of Tyr tells a tale about the Binding of Fenrir, which is considered as the only
myth that features Tyr. If you have a knack for reading about Norse mythology, then this is
something you might be familiar with.

This is how the story goes. Fenir, who is a puppy, was something that the Gods grew to fear.
Despite being a pup, he was showing fast growth which intensified the growing worries of the
Gods. He was capable of killing them all, so they arrived with the decision to have Fenrir
chained to prevent him from escaping and doing harm. At the sight of the chains where would
be bound, Fenrir told the Gods that the only way he would let them chain him is if one of them
would stick an arm in his mouth.

Of course, Tyr was the only God who stepped up to do it. As Fenrir tried to free himself from the
chains, he suddenly bit off Tyr’s arm. You might be asking how this tale is related to worthiness.
Aside from sacrificing his arm for the safety of all the Gods, he also upheld the condition Fenrir
had given them. This is what made Tyr worthy of praise, achievements, and being called a God.
The myth of Tyr exists not only to serve as a part of a culture, but also exists to help you realize
that worth comes in all forms, and it comes from intentions that benefit you and others.

Going against social norms

One of the most powerful aspects of society is its social norms because they can compel you to
do what it takes to be called worthy. Sometimes, social norms are the boxes that limit you, but
there will always be people who are not afraid to go against the norm, no matter how they would
be seen in the eyes of others. There is nothing wrong with how society has turned out to be
because civilization and evolution are normal, but measuring your worth against society can
also be a problem.

It can be a problem because not everyone has the same mindset. Going against social norms is
not something that the majority of people agree with, so it creates a disparity between people.
While there is nothing wrong with being different, the pressure and judgment from others can
affect one’s sense of worth. Social norms exist to create a sense of order in society, and going
against it can create a sense of chaos or disruption to those devoted to upholding these norms.

Measures of worth that are often overlooked

There are many ways that worth can be measured, but there are important ones that are often
overlooked and underappreciated. In a world where worth is measured using achievement, jobs,
and wealth, one’s resilience and functionality are something that is shrugged off.

Resilience refers to a person’s toughness and ability to recover from difficult situations. It is an
important measure of worth because it is proof of many things; it is proof that surviving is a
choice, and so is getting back up again. When you are a resilient person, you become worthy of
the battles that you have fought and the things that come after them. On the other hand,
functionality refers to practicality or being able to serve a purpose well. This is one of the most
overlooked and underappreciated measures of worth because being able to serve or help
others can give you a rewarding feeling of worth.

These two measures of worth, although often overlooked, are traits that mean that you are
capable of taking yourself and others.

Is contribution a measure of worth?

Disasters, crises, and other struggles are bound to happen, and this will affect people in
different ways. Some are prepared for that struggle, some can recover quickly, while some will
struggle to get back up again. During these times, how you help others becomes a measure of
worth. Society is made up of people of different levels, resources, and capabilities, and you are
part of that society. For it to thrive, then being an instrument to its recovery is essential. One
person may seem like he cannot make a difference, but that is not the case.

Contribution, no matter what form it may be can help other people survive or recover. To be a
pillar that others can hold onto is unparalleled; worth may be measured by many things, but how
you position yourself for others matters a lot too.

Your Inner Critic

Your inner critic is that voice inside your head saying all the negative things there are. At times,
it is the reason why you lose your confidence and decide to belittle yourself. But, what your critic
is, is also your inner child. It is formed during childhood, from the relationships around you, and
even from the voices that other people have told you before. This is why it is important to keep
in mind that words are powerful; they are capable of planting seeds that can kill or encourage a
person’s spirit.

You may not realize it yet, but your inner critic can be the reason for your growth as well. During
times when you’re about to make a big move in your life, that voice is there. When you are torn
between making a decision, that inner voice also helps you decide and assess things. It may
sound unbelievable or impossible, but you can control your inner critic once you remind yourself
of your worth.

Value and Worth

Do value and worth have a difference, when they both pertain to how important something is?
Try to put it this way. Value refers to how much something is worth. For example, establishments
have reminders to keep an eye on your valuables, which refers to your things that are worth a
lot. A necklace is valuable, and so is a high position. Value is measured by how much it is worth,
or how important they are to a person. On the other hand, worth refers to how deserving
someone or something is.

For example, you are worthy to be loved. What makes you worthy of love? Because you give
someone your all without asking anything in return. A necklace is worth wearing, because it
came from a loved one, and a high position is something that you deserve because you worked
hard for it. Worth answers questions about why something is worth the position or importance
they have. These two words may seem alike, but they have different meanings once you take
the time to reflect on them.

The essence of a personal mantra

Whenever you find yourself questioning your worth, it is important to have a mantra to remind
yourself that you are worthy. There are random days when you may have already felt lost and
confused, and these can usually be drowning for you. Just like how ships need an anchor to
stay firm in their position, you need to have your anchor to help you ground yourself.

One good mantra you can use is that no one can be a better you. As simple as it sounds, it is
enough to remind you that you are doing the best that you can in this life and that no one can
handle all the things that you have overcome better than you did. Worth comes in different
forms, and no two measures are the same. A worthiness mantra such as this is important to
make you realize that no one has the final say on your worth except you and that you have
handled your life the way you saw fit.

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