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Methodology/ Planning of work


In managing any project the whole plan of the project is made before its actual implementation.
The plan of the project helps team to work as per the schedule and helps to successfully complete
the project.

Figure 3.1.1 Quality Assurance in the Iterative Model

Proper Planning was made initially with the team so that the factors affecting do not cause much
interference. The effort and duration involved were calculated in the COCOMO model which
utilized semidetached type of model for its calculation. Proper management of the whole project
was done in order to compensate with the duration which was less than estimated. The cost
involved was only on the resources and the other charges like paying the developers was not
involved as trainees made it. Project was fully scheduled and it went the same way as it was
scheduled. Looking closely at details and listening to outside sources of information was vital to
the success of the project.


Scheduling the project tasks is the most important project planning activity. The word “planning”
itself starts the initialization of the project.

In order to schedule the project activities, a software project manager needs to do the following:

 Identify all the tasks, requirements and specifications needed to complete the project.
 Break down large tasks into small activities and later integrate them to view as a whole.
 Determine and implement dependencies amongst different activities in a very effective
 Allocate resources to activities in a feasible manner.
 Plan the starting and ending dates for various activities.
 One should be a good communicator to explain the tasks easily in a very simple format.
 Enthusiastic, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do attitude.
 Good problem solving skills.

In order to fulfill the project activities, a software developer needs to do the following:

 Passionate towards the work.

 Should always have and show keen interest in all tasks.
 Soundly determined to cope up with routine tasks efficiently.
 Should know how to blend in with other team members.
 Constant motivation and confidence would lead to much higher place.
 Coolheaded and open minded so that one could easily welcome all the suggestions from
 Competitive to beat out everyone and march ahead in the race.
 Creativity is a vital skill to stand outside the common things.
 One must be independent always so that the pace of the project never slows down in any
worst case.

Facilities/Components/Hardware/Software required for proposed work


The user should know basics of atmosphere and measurement units of the Temperature, Ozone,
Water Vapor as well as other important parameters. The user should also know about the basics
of satellites and ground based instruments that are used for observation of different parameters at
various places. User should be able to understand basic graphs of the observations and should
able to compare change easily for various parameters. User with these characteristics is able to
use the application efficiently.


The application is client server based hence the requirement is present on the both the sides.

Hardware Requirements:

Hardware Specifications

Operating System Any version of Windows

Table 3.4.1 Processor 1.6 GHz Hardware

RAM 4 GB or more
Hard disk Space Minimum 500 GBs required

Software Requirements:

Software/Technology Specifications
Technology Java EE
Tools NetBeans IDE 8.2 and
MATLAB 2014a
Language Java, MATLAB
Back-end MATLAB, Java servlets and
Front-end HTML, CSS
Server Glassfish Server 4.1.1
Browser Web Browser
Script JavaScript

Table 3.4.2 Software Requirements

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