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Chapter 1



The introduction must present the rationale of why the study is

conducted. Start with a general description of the subject being given emphasis,

and establish the gap that requires to be addressed in the paper.

Ten to 15 percent (%) of your paper is introduction usually include general

statement of the problem, context or background of the problem rationale and

hypothesis or claim, significance of the study and research gap (Bueno, 2016).

The evidences (citation) that show the need to study must be

overwhelmingly discussed in the introduction. The ending statement of this

section must be connected to the objectives. Never adjust the margins and the

column width of the paper, and also the font style and size of the text including

the heading and subheading.

According to Squirrel (2018) five common mistakes in introduction

writing is making it too fluffy, poor proofreading, trying to copy others academic

language, not making argumentative discussions of the stand of the author and

trying to claim too much.

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