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1.1 Background of the study

As a human being, we are born to belong in a culture and practiced to talk in a language which
becomes our native language. However the current circumstance of living among people of
different cultures and nations, who use different languages, puts us to learn a second language
which can be used to communicate with people from other language speakers such as English
language. English has been playing a vital role among language speakers across countries and
nations where it was awarded to be the global lingua franca. English is a language which is
used by most of the speakers around the world from native background or non-native
background. English is chosen as the means of communication among people from different
first language backgrounds, across lingua cultural boundaries, the preferred term is ‘English as
a lingua franca’ (House 1999; Seidlhofer 2001)

Malaysian education system has gone through many transformations since the independence at
the year of 1957 till now. Malaysian Education Ministry has been changing and adapting the
curriculum of studies according to changes of trend of education from KBSR to KSSR and the
Blueprint (2013-2025). In Malaysian curriculum, English language teaching has been separated
into four main modules which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four main
language skills are supported by the grammar and language arts where it has been taught as
essential language learning components. As we focus on the four main skills in language
learning, each of the skill contributes to the development and improvement of one another or
more precisely each skill’s development is preceded by the ones before.

Vocabulary is the fundamental platform as it is agreed by Mofareh Alqahtani (2015) (cited in

Linse, 2005) who said learners’ vocabulary development is an important aspect of their
language development. Pupils need to understand the words’ meaning for them to further to
listen and speak, read or write. Pupils only can listen and respond (speak) when they
understand the meaning of the vocabularies.

The same applies to reading skill where (Gough, 2015 )say that it is not a successful reading
comprehension when the pupils cannot recognize the written symbols or when the pupils do not
understand the meaning of the words.

Therefore, vocabulary acquisition is essential for a pupil to develop his or her language learning
because it has been emphasized through many sources, for instance, The Report of the
National Reading Panel (2000), “The importance of vocabulary knowledge has long been
recognized in the development of reading skills. As early as 1924, researchers noted that
growth in reading power relies on continuous growth in word knowledge which is the
vocabulary.” (pp. 4–15).

1.2 Research context

The school which I am doing my third teaching practice is located in urban area (Appendix A)
where most of the pupils enrolling are from the nearby areas. The school has only morning
session and has a total number of pupils of 1800. There are 9 teachers teaching English
language in this school but only 5 teachers are qualified English teachers teaching Year 1 until
Year 6. The school has 5 buildings comprising classroom, teacher’s room, library, office,
science laboratory, arts room, computer lab and Surau. For each year, there are 5 classes
namely Bestari, Bijak, Cerdas, Cerdik, and Pintar. There are 30 classrooms allocated for the
pupils ranging from Year 1 to Year 6. The number of pupils in each classroom is averagely 30.

I was assigned to teach two of Year 5 classes; 5 Bijak and 5 Cerdik for my major subject. There
are 35 and 32 pupils in the respective classes. The levels of Year 5 pupils are average. The
level of proficiency of the pupils is supported by their previous examination results. Most of the
pupils are able to engage themselves in the basic activities related to their interest, family and
hobbies. A teacher has always been playing many roles in a classroom and I have decided to
be an English teacher and also a researcher to find the solutions for the learning problems.


2.1 focus of investigation

During my teaching practices, pupils tend to struggle to use second language which is the result
of lacking in vocabulary: nouns. The pupils could not answer to simple question such as, ‘What
is your name?’, then what is there to understand the teacher’s instruction or explanation.
However the pupils show the initiative to learn but the limited vocabulary is an impediment for
the pupils to express themselves using the target language. The importance of vocabulary is as
what Wilkins (1972) wrote “. . . while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp. 111–112). Therefore, the pupils’ talents were limited
because of the limited vocabulary: nouns they mastered.
In term of workability, this research can be carried out and managed easily as this is taught by
me. Obtaining data would not be an issue because the research participants are in my class.
This research is an essential measure to be taken in Malaysian ESL primary classroom
because it is in line with the vision and mission of Ministry of Education (MOE) and the
Malaysian Examination Syndicate (MES) which is to produce pupils who can master the four
language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing where mastery of vocabulary is the
platform funding to the skills mentioned. Moreover, this research will help the teachers who
teach English language as a second language to improve the mastery of vocabulary.

Furthermore in the context of practicality, the findings of this research will surely help the
teachers to improve the pupils’ mastery of vocabulary. Teaching material for this research is a
tic-tac-toe where the tasks assigned for each boxes can be adapted to the pupils’ level of
proficiency. The research participants are Year 5 pupils in the number of 27 where I will use one
hour lesson to collect data and this research will not interfere other teacher’s lesson. The venue
of this research will be the Year 5 Cerdik classroom.

This research is collaboration between the schools administers Year 5 Cerdik class teacher,
Year 5 ESL teachers, and the head of English department of this school. The school
administers allow me to administer this action for year 5 Cerdik pupils. They are also in the
know of the time of the research take place.

2.2 Initial survey

2.2.1 Observation

As I mentioned above, the pupils exhibited lack of mastery of vocabulary as they struggled to
answer simple questions orally and in written forms. Furthermore, the pupils also have
difficulties in understanding teacher’s instructions in the target language. The first two weeks, I
observed and found out that the pupils are lacking of awareness in mastering vocabularies. It is
a very significant component for a second language learner to perform in real world context.
This is supported by Nation (2011) who said the acquisition of vocabulary is essential for
successful second language use and plays an important role in the formation of complete
spoken and written texts. Therefore, this problem among the pupils should be resolved as soon
as possible, so that, the pupils are able to perform better in their future undertakings.
2.2.2 Worksheets

At the end of each lesson, in the production stage, I will distribute worksheets to the pupils to
evaluate their understanding of the topic learned on that day. As I believe, teachers should
know whether the pupils have understood the topic taught on that day and giving worksheets is
one of the best ways to find it out. Moreover, creative and well-illustrated worksheet can help
the pupils to grasp the concepts and understand the topics very well (Kumar, 2015). I gave a
spelling test using 15 vocabularies they have learned from Unit 1: Things I Do to Unit 5: Having
Fun where I chose the vocabularies from Year 3 KSSR textbook (Lim E., 2012). The results of
the test has been presented in a pie chart where only 5 out 27 pupils were able to spell 11 to 13
vocabularies correctly out of 15 vocabularies tested. One of the top scorer and the low scorer of
my initial survey The results can be referred to the bar chart below (Figure 1):


Number of questions

1 1 3 2 8 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 0
Number of scorers

Figure 1: Result of spelling test

2.3 Recommended action

2.3.1 Action plan model

Action research can be defined in many ways. Ferrance(2000) define action research as a cycle
of posing questions, gathering data, reflection, and deciding on a course of action. There are
many action research models which help the educators to reflect and improve their teaching
learning strategies for better. Amidst of many action research model, I have chosen Kemmis
and McTaggart(1988). This research model consists of four steps which are planning, acting,
observing and reflecting (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Kemmis & McTaggart (1988)

Research Model

The action research model of Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) involves a repetitive process
where the cycle consisting planning, acting, observing and reflecting which repeats after the
researcher have reflected and revised the plan.

a) Plan

The cycle starts with planning which is where the researcher identifies the issues in practice
such as, educational issues. The researcher use his or her personal experience, the
research participants’ feedback and co-researchers’ comments to identify the problem. The
researcher also can rectify the problem in the particular context through his or her
observation. I identified the problem in my classroom of year 3 pupils through my
observation during two weeks of teaching practice. Alqahtani M. (2015) cited Rivers and
Nunan (1991) who argue that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for
successful second language use because without an extensive vocabulary, we will be
unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned for comprehensible
communication. Therefore, I decided to implement Spetitatoe to improve the pupil’s mastery
in vocabulary.
b) Act / Implement

In this phase, according to Kemmis S. (2000) a researcher will implement actions in practice
where it uses action as platform for the further development or later action. They also
emphasize that the plans for action must have a tentative and provisional quality and they
must be flexible and open to change in the light of circumstances. Keeping the words of the
professionals in mind, I will implement my action during my lesson which is the allocated
time. The tasks I will assign in the Spetitatoe will be in accordance to the level of the pupils. I
will make sure that the tasks can be adapted or modified at any time.

c) Observe

In the observation phase, a researcher must gather feedback and comments from the
research participant’s about the actions taken. The researcher must use more than one
method to gather data, so that, it will assist in triangulating the data later. In this research, I
have chosen pre-test & post-test, interview and vocabulary checklist to find the effectiveness
of using Spetitatoe in improving mastery of vocabulary among Year 3 pupils.

d) Reflect

Researcher will engage himself or herself in critical reflection to determine the impact of the
action on practice from the perspective of the research participants. This reflection phase is
done to review the outcomes. I will reflect on the action I have taken to improve the mastery
of vocabulary among Year 3 pupils using the data collected. The figure below shows the
modification that I did for my action research using the Kemmis & McTaggart (1988) Action
Research model.
l an
-r efl ct o yach
n ig p reacti vio sce
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g-p fvo
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d u o
) lary)n
b lem
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e c t
-R visefl
a th
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eacbl o
viti n
ed th
r (S-I p
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eti th
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o rso
n cti

-C o lect datO o
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se l ate
-S eth effcti veacti
o neso fth
Figure 3: Implementation of action research

2.3.2 Action

I have chosen Spetitatoe (Spelling tic-tac-toe) as my research action to improve mastery of

vocabulary among Year 3 pupils. Spelling tic-tac-toe is one of the language games which
facilitate the teacher and the pupils to teach and learn in an ESL classroom. Language games
are said to encourage the language learners because language games are motivating,
challenging, encourage the language learners to interact each other and they create fun
atmosphere for the language learners to learn at ease. Furthermore, (Chalim, 2010) said
language games help learners to sustain the effort of learning.

I have chosen the tic-tac-toe game in the initiative to improve the mastery of vocabulary. The
reason why I chose tic-tac-toe game is because tic-tac-toe game is very flexible and adaptable.
The tic-tac-toe can be used for any possible word classes and various functions such as nouns,
verbs, tenses, gerund, sentences types, sight words, vocabularies, etc… Furthermore, tic-tac-
toe offers a more relaxed learning environment in an ESL classroom where the pupils do not
feel pressured to engage themselves in language acquisition process (Rini Susantini;
Zainuddin, 2013).

In my research, the pupils will be given an empty tic-tac-toe and will also be shown a spelling
tic-tac-toe where the grids are fully occupied with tasks. The tasks are carefully chosen and
designed based on the pupils’ level of proficiency. Each of the tasks is different from one
another and the tasks are all designed in one motive that is to improve the pupils’ mastery in
vocabulary. I will explain all the tasks to the pupils during my first implementation of action yet
the pupils will be asked to choose only three tasks to complete. However, the tasks chosen
must cross the middle grid where the middle grid task is compulsory for the pupils to complete.
The grids chosen to complete should be horizontal, vertical, up, down or diagonal.


3.1 Research Objectives

The aims of this research are to:

a. investigate on whether Spetitatoe enhance the mastery of vocabulary among Year3

b. analyse how does Spetitatoe improves mastery of vocabulary among Year 3 pupils.

3.2 Research Questions

There are some problems that will be researched in this study. There are as below:

a. Can Spetitatoe enhance mastery of vocabulary among Year 3 pupils?

b. How Spetitatoe does improves mastery of vocabulary among Year 3 pupils?


I am assigned to complete my third phase of teaching practice in a national type of school in

Perling area. I am given two of Year 5 classes where I chose one of the classes which is 5
Cerdik for my research. Year 5 Cerdik is the fourth class out of the four classes there are in
Year 5. This research 32 pupils where 20 of them are boys and the rest 12 are girls. The pupils
have low level of proficiency in English language.

According to the class teacher, the pupils are slow learners but very active in participating in
activities such as co-curricular activities as the school is very active in volleyball sport. However,
the interest that they have in co-curricular activities does not seem to apply in the classroom.
This is because the pupils always exhibit passive behaviour during the English lessons. Most of
the pupils are able to read linear and non-linear texts without the ability to comprehend what has
been read. However, other skills are still lagging.

From what I observed and investigated, the pupils’ socio-economic background can be
categorised as middle class where most of the pupils’ parents are either working in companies,
factories, or self-employed.


5.1 Implementation of action

The allocated time to carry out this research is three months or more specifically, 12 weeks. In
the first week, an initial survey was carried out to identify the problem among the Year 3 pupils
in using vocabulary. The outcomes of the initial survey assured the problem among the year 5
pupils which is using nouns. In the fourth week, a pre-test was carried out to test the pupils’ prior
knowledge on the vocabularies learned from the previous lessons which is from Unit 1 Things I
Do until Unit 5 Having Fun. Pupils were given a vocabulary test based on the nouns which were
taught. From the results obtained from the initial survey, a line graph will be plotted to show the
level of the pupils.

In the sixth week, I will introduce Spetitatoe to the pupils and explain it works to help improving
the vocabulary: nouns. The unit which I will be teaching during the sixth week is Fascinating
Sabah and Sarawak. I will distribute an empty tic-tac-toe in a form of worksheet to them and
explain the tasks to them with demonstrating on how to do the tasks. I will collect the
worksheets to analyse the outcomes. In the eighth week, I will implement the Spetitatoe in my
lesson where the pupils will be reading Solar system. In the tenth week, the Spetitatoe will be
implemented for the third time when the unit will be Space exploration. I will collect their
completed tic-tac-toe grids which I gave them as a worksheet for the purpose of analysing.

In the twelfth week which is the last week of my teaching practice, a post test will be carried out
to analyse the effectiveness of the Spetitatoe on improving the pupils’ nouns through the
implementation during the lessons. During the post-test, the pupils will be given another
vocabulary test when the nouns learned in the Solar System world will be tested. The results of
pre-test and post-test will be compared and analysed. The results obtained will be recorded and
tabulated in a line graph. An interview session will be held for the selected five pupils to identify
the attribution of Spetitatoe in improving the pupils’ vocabulary: nouns. Furthermore, a
vocabulary checklist will be distributed to the targeted group of pupils to get the pupils’ feedback
on the implementation of Spetitatoe.

Table below shows the actions and the justifications for the actions to be taken:-

Week Action to be taken Rationale

1 Initial survey  To rectify the pupils’ problem
 traditional spelling test
4 Pre-test  To evaluate the mastery of
 Vocabulary test vocabulary: nouns of the previous
6 Intervention 1  To introduce Spetitatoe and the
 Spetitatoe tasks in the Spetitatoe
 To guide pupils in completing the
(Fascinating Sabah and Sarawak) Spetitatoe
8 Intervention 2  To provide information about
 Spetitatoe Spetitatoe and the tasks in the
(Solar System) Spetitatoe
 To guide the pupils to complete the
tasks in Spetitatoe
10 Intervention 3  To provide information about
 Spetitatoe Spetitatoe and the tasks in the
(Space exploration) Spetitatoe
 To guide the pupils to complete the
tasks in Spetitatoe
12 Post-test  To note the improvement in
 Vocabulary test vocabulary: nouns

5.2 Data collection methods

Chalim (2010) said that research is an activity or a systematic process to solve a problem that is
done by applying scientific methods. There are numerous methods to gather data and I chose
three methods of quantitative and qualitative to collect data such as pre-test & post-test,
interview and vocabulary checklist.

5.2.1 Pre-test & post-test

A measurement of the learning received during the class as a result of comparing what the
student knew before in a pre-test and after the class experience in a post-test (Kuehn, 2014). Pre-test

Pre-test is administered when the pupils has some relevant knowledge on the topic. I will design
the pre-test to be used in my research with the assistance of my cooperating teacher and
verification of my head of panel to ensure the validity and reliability of the test. The test will be
piloted with another class which I teach; 5 Bijak to identify the suitability of the test for my
research participants. I am going to distribute a vocabulary test as my pre-test based on the
topic they have learnt which is Fascinating Sabah and Sarawak. I will administer my pre-test in
a writing lesson. Post-test

Post-test must be administered at the completion of research. Post-test is given to any research
to analyse the appropriateness of the research objectives, to recognise and assist the pupils
who need help and to learn the weakness of the action applied to improve in the future. As for
my research, I have planned to give another vocabulary test on the same unit in the twelfth

5.2.2 Vocabulary checklist

Checklist is an instrument used in researches that comprises several questions on a topic and
require the same response format. I chose to give my research participants a vocabulary
checklist to test whether the pupils have mastered the vocabularies been taught in that
particular unit. I will give the vocabulary checklist to the pupils in the twelfth week after I have
carried out my action. I will design the checklist after discussing with my cooperative teacher
and the head of panel in the school to check the compatibility of checklist to the pupils’ level. In
the checklist, there will be the vocabularies taught to them and the coding which describe the
level of mastery of the particular vocabulary. This is because as a researcher I can know how
far my action benefited the pupils.

5.2.3 Interview

Last but not the least; interview is also one of the methods of collecting data in this research
where it will be a semi-structured interview. Interviews are interactive tools where the
interviewers can ask for complete and clear answers. Hence, interviewing is expected to
broaden the scope of understanding investigated phenomena, as it is a more naturalistic and
less structured data collection tool (Alshenqeeti, 2014). I will interview the selected three pupils
chosen randomly after the action was carried out. The pupils are expected to share their
personal feelings and ideas about the action taken and their current vocabulary level.

5.3 Data analysis method

5.3.1 Pre & post-test

27 pupils will be taking the pre-test and the post-test. I will mark the test and calculate the
descriptive statistic using the central tendency method. Central tendency method comprises
mode, median, mean, standard deviation, t-score and z-score. Firstly, I will tabulate the scores
of the pupils’ pre and post-test so that it is very much visual. I will compare the pre & post-test to
find out how does Spetitatoe helps the Year 5 pupils to improve their mastery of learning. If the
score of post-test has been calculated higher than the pre-test, then it shows that Spetitatoe
does helps the pupils to improve their mastery of vocabulary.

5.3.2 Vocabulary checklist

I will distribute the checklist where the pupils have to circle the coding which describes the level
of comprehension of the vocabulary shown. I will prepare 5 coding for each vocabulary where
each coding increases in the sense that the higher the number, the more you understand the
vocabulary. The coding will be ranging from one to five where, 1= I have never seen this word
before, 2= I have seen it but I am not really sure what it means, 3= I have seen it and I
understand what it means, 4= I can use this word but maybe not correctly and lastly coding 5 = I
can use this word correctly in speaking and/or writing (Vocabulary
knowledge checklist , 2013 ).
The result of this vocabulary checklist will be recorded and tabulated.

5.3.3 Interview

A semi-structured interview will be carried out for the chosen three pupils to get the pupils’
opinions on Spetitatoe in improving their mastery of vocabulary. The three pupils were chosen
out of their friends based on the stratified sampling. The interview will video tapped and
transcribed for analysis purpose.

Data collection method Data analysis method

Pre& post-test
Pre- test Pre-test & post-test
 A vocabulary test will be distributed to  The results of the pre and post-tests
the pupils based on the topic they will be measured using the central
have learnt which is Fascinating tendency: mode, median, mean,
Sabah and Sarawak. The pre-test will standard deviation, t-score and z-
be administered in a writing lesson. score. A bar graph will be plotted to
Post-test show the difference of the results
 A vocabulary test will be given to the obtained.
pupils based on the same unit as the
pre-test and will be administered
during a writing lesson.
Vocabulary checklist
 A checklist consists of vocabularies  There will be coding in the checklist to
that have been taught in previous ensure the precise understanding of
lessons. The checklist will be given at the pupils upon the vocabularies
the end week. Checklist was designed taught. The results of the checklist will
after discussing with the cooperating be recorded and tabulated in a pie
teacher and the head of panel in the chart to show the number of pupils
school. The checklist was verified by who have mastered the vocabularies.
my cooperating teacher.
 3 randomly selected pupils from the  The interview will be videotaped and
target research participants will be transcribed for analysis purpose.
interviewed. The interview is to inquire
the pupils about their feelings and
suggestions about the actions taken.

5.4 Reliability and validity

Carmines E.(2009) defines reliability as the tendency of an examination, test or any measuring
procedure to yield the same results on repeated trials. The results from collected through the
methods above should give a cnsistent result although it may vary in small units. Whereas
(Heffner, 2017) elaborates on validity as the degree in which our test or other measuring device
is truly measuring what we intended it to measure. Data is the one that gives soul to any
research but the data should be valid and reliable. I have chosen three different data collection
method to ascertain the validity and reliability through data triangulation which are as listed
above; pre & post-test, interview and vocabulary checklist.

Triangulation facilitates validation of data through cross verification from more than two sources
and it tests the consistency of findings obtained through different instruments and increases the
chance to control, or at least assess, some of the threats or multiple causes influencing our
results (Kennedy P., 2009).

Moreover, I will carry out a pilot test the pre-test and post-test in Year 5 Bijak which is of a
similar level to my research participants. I believe carrying out pilot test to a similar level group
will provide the researcher to know his or her strengths, weaknesses and the rooms for
improvement which will facilitate the researcher in the later process. “It often provides the
researcher with ideas, approaches, and clues you may not have foreseen before conducting the
pilot study. Such ideas and clues increase the chances of getting clearer findings in the main
study.” (Woken, 2008)

5.5 Implementation schedule and budget

5.5.1 Schedule

W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4
1. Identify topic and focus
2. Carrying out preliminary
3. Draft- Data gathering
4. Draft- Data analysis method
5. Drafting proposal
6. Refining the proposal
7. Submission of the proposal
8. Implementation of lesson

5.5.2 Budget

Quantity/ cost (per

No. Materials Total

1 Mounting board 4 pieces / RM 15.20

RM 3.80

3 rim/
2 A4 paper RM 29.70
RM 9.90

5 pac/
3 Sticker RM 7.50
RM 1.50

4 Permanent marker 5/ RM 4.90 RM 24.50

5 Whiteboard marker 5/ RM 3.80 RM 19.00

    Total Cost RM 95.90


Research ethics can be defined as the ethics of the planning, conduct, and reporting of research.
(Michael Kalichman, 2016). I will conduct my research under several ethical considerations
which is crucial to be an eligible teacher and also a professional researcher. First of all, I will
keep my research participants’ information confidentially. I will not disclose any of my research
participants’ information to anyone at any circumstances. I will keep a trustworthy relationship
with my pupils, so that, the pupils feel free to share their responses with me without hesitation.
Furthermore, I will make sure my research has no biasness since my research participants are
from different level within the low level of proficiency. Moreover, I will implement my action to
improve the pupils’ mastery in vocabulary during my lessons. Therefore, I will inform to get
permission from my school administrators, head of panel, teachers involved and the pupils’


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