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words between to on and to won.

The conception of

training of an ordinary grand- duke of that period, which

retreat. In the end the crusaders repulsed the relieving

at once apparent. The amount of ammonia in ammonium salts

pastoral pursuits, the Tosk occasionally occupies himself with

of the parlement of Grenoble, when exiled to Saumur, for a

storm-twisted billows. The Band-i-Turkestan anticlinal may

total produce of the rotation than any of the other crops

have a richer vegetation --dense forest where the rainfall

Mycenaean. Schliemann got to work again at Hissarlik in 1878,

course of the Albula past Filisur and Bergun (12 1/2 m.) to

works of that class, was long held in high estimation.

pressing the Russian left, and one-third of Menshikov's forces

titles and petty ceremonials, and exercised little permanent

of tea that have been before used, or the leaves of other

rule of non-resistance and the absolute condemnation of all

middle of the new wall a single large circular pit, which

to some extent depended on for carrying freight by steamboats,

influence in other parts of Africa south of the Zambezi

centuries and was highly valued by the natives and by the

author of an extremely concise summary--a kind of index--of

conspiracy was organized. The conspirators penetrated into

LITERATURE.---Besides the contemporary works cited in the

features in the hereditary transmission of coat colour in

Covering as it does the breadth of the North American continent,

but is alluded to as a flourishing place, with a fertile

histor. (1906). See also the Rituel cathare, ed. by Cunitz

the Mexican uprising, Alvarado led the rear-guard (1st of

the literature of nearly every nation. The Hebrew scriptures

country in which if originated has always been recognized.

structures found at Cnossus and Phaestus, within the precincts

reputation, but Abu'Ubaida placed him highest of the three

1622, and delivered a most learned discourse on the occasion

None the less he is the chief authority for the events

men wounded by the sabre. Part of the French losses, which

aluminium silicate, NaAlSi3O8, and crystallizes in the anorthic

issued in 1858, was brought to its final and monumental form in

there in no manner threatening to Russia. Russia, on her part,

itself, it has progressed with the growth of knowledge and

AETHER, or ETHER (Gr. aither, probably from aitho,

battle of Sedan itself, with the troops under his orders,

is very free in shifting the pause about; and though the

far less extent than infanticide (q.v.), which offers a

ALLIFAE (mod. Alife), a town of the Samnites, 15

with experiments designed to test their comparative effects on

who recommended a return to a more severe disciplinarian

Flore de l'Algerie (Algiers and Paris, 1884 and onwards),

Speke, Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile

Among the spurious works of Athanasius is printed a tract

and the placing of steamers on the rivers and lakes--a work

however, unrelieved; for he had been able, on the breaking

sheets 0.000025 in. in thickness, and wires 0.004 in. in

however, the potential gametes may, failing conjugation,

gold, or where the paper currency of a country is reduced

D.Lit. or Litt. D. Doctor of Literature.

monks. Within fifty years from his death his societies could
extract a few leading facts and dates. Before the Revolution

chambers,'' made of lead, or sometimes of cast-iron protected by

No evidence whatever was adduced to show that in a single

Arab traveller Ibn Batuta, to whose journey to Mombasa and

Spaniards, who could not labour in the tropics even if they

formed by a volcanic explosion at the margin of the great

(Susannah Jordan), and the loss desolated his life for many

Col de la Croix Haute (Grenoble to Veynes and Gap),

him. Another limitation as to age was imposed by the maxim

decomposition of ammonium salts by alkaline hydroxides or by

sweet, earthy odour. In that condition its specific gravity

Nieuwenhuis, Le Socialisme en danger (1895); C. Malato,

Memoires historiques et correspondance diplomatique,

Farther inland the Mishkeli range to the north-east of

insoluble in water and dilute acids, but soluble in concentrated

the accent had become limited to the last three syllables

contracted sigmoid curve between the stomach and the dilated

drawn battle was fought. The British, by holding their ground

(A, C, E, F, G, H, K, M1, M2, from from Engler and Prantl,

and a confused fight ensued in the ruins, in which the 42nd

(Ghadames), forming an immense arc extending from Cyrenaica to

was appointed as Pius III.; and again, on the death of Pius

which is fitted up with comfortable swinging cots in airy

branches. When such a lateral branch overtops the main axis

that the number of foreign associates be restricted to 50.

are severally subject, with the remedies for the same; the

This ordinance remained in force till the reign of Louis XIV.

``Adam'' as a symbol for ``the first man,'' and inquire

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