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Jawaban benar

No 1 oleh oktia Anisa Putri :

In the tesk The third paragraph talking about the Holy Qur’an gives the important message that Allah
is One

No 2 oleh Nova Agnes Paramitha:

He cannot be seen with physical eyes but reveals Himself to man through His Prophets and through
the working of His Attributes

No 3 oleh Luluk indah sari :

Believe there is no god but Allah

Believe in the power and greatness of God

Belief in the name and nature of God

Baiklah teman2 jadi kesimpulan dari topik yg kita bahas hari ini yaitu:

1. there are no bad qualities to the angel of God. But for humans there are many bad qualities
including arrogance, greed and envy

2. The tasks of the Angel Gabriel who convey God's revelation to prophets and apostles.

Angel Michael in charge to give good luck / fortune in humans.

Angel Israfel who has the responsibility to blow the trumpet trumpet in a doomsday.

Angel Izra'el responsible for taking lives.

3. believe in the existence of angels

believe the names of angels that have been mentioned

believes in the nature and character of angels

believe in the tasks that God has placed on the angels

Dan yang berhasil menjawab dengan benar yaitu

1. Isna syifa azizah

2. Naffaisul mustajada

3. Jumratu awwalia

Demikianlah apa yang dapat kami sampaikan, kami dari kelompok 2 juga undur diri. Jika ada
kesalahan kata kami mohon maaf dan kepada Allah kami mohon ampun🙏🏻

Wallahul muwaffiq ilaa aqwaamit thooriq Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh🙏🏻☺️

Baik lah kami akan menyimpulkan hasil diskusi kita hari ini yang berkaitan dengan materi iman
kepada kitab Allah

1. The last book that was revealed to Allah's prophet is the Qur'an and the last prophet who received
the book was Allah's prophet Muhammad

2. They are the tawrah, zabur

(Psalms), injil (gospel) and the Qur'an

3. The Qur'an. is the last and the most complete book of guidance from Allah.

It is the last book of guidance for mankind.

Yang menjawab soal pd hari ini:

1. Jumratul awali

2. Popy aprilia lestari

3. Oktia anisa putri


1. Belief in the messengers means firm belief that Allah ‫ جل جالله‬sent a messenger to every nation
and communit y, calling its members to worship Allah alone without any partners, that all Allah’s
messengers were truthful, virtuous, trustworthy and rightly-guided servants who strove hard to
guide their people to the right path and conveyed Allah’s message to them in full, without
concealing, Omitting or adding anything to it. The Qur’an says, “Therefore, the messengers’
obligation is no more than to convey the message clearly.” (Soorat An-Nahl, 16:35)

2.The names of prophets and massengers that must be known

Adam, idris, nuh, hud, saleh, ibrahim, luth, ismail, ishaq, yakub, yusuf, ayub, syuaib, musa, harun,
yulkifli, daud, sulaiman, ilyas, ilyasa, yunus, zakaria, yahya, isa, muhammad.

3.Allah’s parting the Red Sea for Moses u.

Yg menjawab pertanyaan

1. Muharmi Attin

2. Oktia Anisa Putri

3. Nova Agnes Paramitha


1. Qur'an refers to this day with different terms among of which are yaum al-akhir (al-baqarah : 8),
yaum al-qiyamah (al-baqarah: 85), yaum al-hasrah (maryam:39) , and yaum al- hisab (shad:16,26,
and 35)

2. 1. Belief in the Day of Judgment is included in the pillars of faith

2. There are many verses that explain the Day of Judgment

3. There are many hadiths that tell us about the Day of Judgment

3.In the last Day of Judgment, it is believed that everything we do in this world, every intention we
have, every move we make, every action we perform, every thoughts we entertain, and every word
we say and write, all are counted and kept in accurate records. One the day of Judgment they will
brought up before us. People with good record will be generously rewarded and warmly welcomed
to the heaven of Allah, and those with bad records will be punished and cast into hellfire

4. Belief on Judgment Day is the final, comforting answer for many solutions to our world. There are
people who commit sins, ignore God, and enjoy immoral activities but they deny 'superficial success'
in business and prosper in life. There are also people who are virtuous and God-minded, but they
don't want to be rewarded for their world today


1. Nissa utami

2. Nadia Lia Karlina

3. Nadia anggraini

4. Nadia Lia

Baiklah teman-teman semua. 4 pertanyaan telah terjawab dengan benar, maka dari itu kelompok
kami akan menutup diskusi pada pagi hari ini. Namun sebelum ditutup, di bawah ini kesimpulan dari
diskusi kita

1. Qada/qadha refers to decree. While, qadr/qadar refers to destiny.

2. The reason why they are used interchangeably is because destiny (Qadr) is based on the decree of
Allah (Qada '). What this basically concludes that Allah (s.w.t) is omnipotent and omniscient and
nothing in this world happens except by the will of Allah (s.t). But this need not be confused by
losing free will.

3. That does not mean stop trying, it just means : surrender yourself to the Almighty.

Surrender your heart to Allah (s.w.t). All that we can do is to be patient and trust Allah (s.w.t) and

Allah (s.w.t)’s plan for us.

4. As good Muslims, we have to accept (genuinely in our hearts) that Allah (s.w.t) has control over
everything in this world.
That does not mean stop trying, it just means : surrender yourself to the Almighty. Surrender your
heart to Allah (s.w.t). All that we can do is to be patient and trust Allah (s.w.t) and Allah (s.w.t)’s plan
for us.

Answer by

1. Nissa utami

2. Muharmi attin

3. Naffaisul m

4. Isna syifa a

Selamat bagi yang sudah berhasil menjawab.

Terimakasih kepada teman-teman atas partisipasinya. Kami menyadari masih banyak kesalahan dan
kekurangan, dan semoga kita dapat memperbaiki di diskusi-diskusi yang akan datang. Kami akhiri

Assalamulaiakum warahmatullahi wabarakatun🙏

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