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Fred Daniel Y.

STEM – 12
Biology 2 – Week 1
Give other examples of situation that would explain the following:
1. Use and disuse theory
2. Natural selection

1. Use and disuse theory

Figure: Use and disuse in the evolution of the neck of the giraffe
One of the classic examples used to explain the concept of use and disuse is the elongated
neck of the giraffe. According to the theory of Lamarck, over a lifetime of straining to reach high
branches, a given giraffe could develop an elongated neck. However, a major downfall of
Lamarck’s theory was that he could not explain how this might happen, though Lamarck
discussed a “natural tendency toward perfection.”
2. Natural Selection
Warrior Ants

The warrior ants in Africa are probably one of the most impressive examples of adaptation.
Within any single colony, ants emit a chemical signal that lets the others know they all belong to
the same compound. Or, put more simply, a signal that says "Don't attack me, we're all family."
However, warrior ants have learned how to imitate the signal from a different colony. So if a
group of warrior ants attacks a colony, they will be able to imitate that colony's signal. As a
result, the workers in the colony will continue on, now under the direction of new masters,
without ever realizing an invasion has taken place.

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