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Media representation of women in politics

The political subject is a very important and popular phenomenon in any timeless conditions we
would find ourselves in. This is why is it important to analyze the representation of political women in
It seems that, it is not sufficient to discriminate women by the criteria of gender and other factors
such as race, ethnicity, caste, disability, persons affected by HIV/AIDS; sexual orientation or gender
identity further compounds the risk of economic hardship, exclusion and violence. Even if women
demonstrated their power of stability, grace and intelligence, the majority of the nation considers that
females cannot become political leaders. 
We live in the 21st century but even the majority of nowadays females consider that their place is
in the kitchen and their mission is to raise children. When some women try to reinvent themselves or to
build a political career, their initiative is immediately cancelled by the dominant voices of the male’s
society, which means that females’ rights are strongly internationally infringed. 
The male power is not the one and only instrument who annihilate the female’s will. There are
also significant journalistic platforms or media messengers, who perform the power of women through
their platforms, but at the same time, discriminate against them. The main objective of the essay is to
demonstrate the power of a woman in the political system, and to analyze how media transmit the
evolution of female appearances in front of the informational consumers. 
The topic approached has current characteristics because we live in a world where apparently,
relationships in families, society and professional fields are based on equality. Statistics show the second
side of the coin. 49% of those questioned consider that men ,,are more capable than women to lead ”. In
the same context, 60 % of the country’s population consider that ,,household things obstruct women in
affirming their political ambitions”, but meanwhile 65% think that ,,women are too busy with household
chores, and no longer have time for leadership positions.”
The relationship between mass media and politics as a phenomenon is concentrated around an
important hypothesis: is mass media a factor of ,,civism” or a depoliticizing agent? Is it capable of
informing clearly and in a balanced manner political events? Do journalists have the ability to activate in
a critical, neutral way for the interests of the informational consumer? Does the press influence political
behavior and political elections?  
During the elections campaign, a tactic-alliance is created between political actors and mass-
media characters: ,,Politicienii se folosesc de media pentru a ajunge, în primul rând, la cetățeni, și
urmăresc să le câștige, prin intermediul social media, presei scrise sau audiovizuale, încrederea,
simpatia și voturile” (A. Zalupka, y. 2006, page 5). 
Unless, mass media plays a crucial role in the political system, regardless of the political regime
established in government. Actually, the media fulfills a set of specific functions: press, inform people,
interpret news & facts. Political actors are very cautious about the content, which the media produces
after some political decisions or declarations. J. Gerste wrote that : ,,the biggest decisions have been
always influenced by the press”. (J. Gerste, y, 1996, page. 86). 
Press became an active actor in the political system. Means of information contribute to the
formation of political cultures of the citizens, to the crystallization of political options, to the admiration
of critical attitudes towards political figures. 
Anna Bryson talks in ,,The Political Representation of Women in Mass Media discourse in the
Czech Republic” about the essential role of press in description of political appearances of women, and
the fact that is very important through which angle mass media shows its. ,,In relation to the issue of the
political representation of women, the media has affected public discourse by both opening it and,
paradoxically, blocking it. Nevertheless, gender stereotypes themselves have been undergoing special
modifications in the context of political representation.”
Through this thought/quote the author shows the two barricaded boats that mass media is trying
to hold on both of them. The 1st one that press has the important role to reopen the eyes of informational
consumers by disseminating correct knowledge and facts. On the other hand, press easily can block the
positive appearance of political women on social arena, but sharing wrong or discredited information.
Thus, the author is trying to say that nowadays media do not have the right to make a mistake, because it
can very easily manipulate population.
Another author who touches the theme of political women is Daphne Joanna Van der Pas in the
book called: ,,Gender Differences in Political Media Coverage: A Meta-Analysis”. She points out that
trough its media instruments, press can affect deeply the reputation of women who want to change the
political views in organizing the course of international strategies and reforms. ,,Disadvantageous
reporting by the media can hurt the electoral chances of women candidates and threaten the political
longevity of sitting women politicians. Aside from affecting the career prospects of women in politics and,
as such, directly contributing to the underrepresentation of women in politics, the media images of men
and women politicians in the media are likely to strengthen the association people have of politics as a
masculine realm.”, it is said in the book.
By saying this, the author confirm to ourselves that however men figures are still considered by
majority of population a qualitative base of forming opinion about the political situation all other the
world, in every country, even if in the most poor or richest country. By the way, have you ever asked
yourself why men are considered to be the best version of political phenomenon in general?
By studying online surveys and opinions, we found out some basics reasons why men fit in this
kind of role better (from the point of view of online consumers):
1. Men have a greater propensity to be interested in topics related to representation (i.e. the salary of
politicians) and contentious partisan issues (including the role of religious values, which is a
partisan issue in Spain).
Daphne Joanna Van der Pas do not accord the immunity to this kinds of information. In her book,
she wrote about concrete reasons/causes that demonstrate the influence of mass media against political
appearance of women and manipulating by promoting too much of men in media & communication
,, As the descriptive masculine stereotype of leadership can prompt newsmakers to see women candidates
as less viable, they might report more on the viability of women candidates; by focusing more strongly on
the question of whether a woman candidate can stay in the race and what her chances are of winning the
elections (horse race coverage), they might discuss her professional background and credentials more
and describe her viability more negatively. In addition, journalists might also provide more opportunity
for candidates to speak to their electorate directly if they are perceived as more viable and, therefore,
quote men politicians more directly (rather than paraphrasing them). This has resulted in the expectation
that women politicians receive more viability or horse-race coverage, more coverage on their
professional backgrounds, lower viability assessments, and fewer direct quotes in the media.”
An eloquent reason why politician women lose majority of credibility from potential constituency is the
way or the angle national mass media share information about their nonpolitical characteristics. Journalist
implement in their materials entertainment things of the politician feminine figures. If we analyze what
reporters write about women politicians on their sites, magazines, newspapers or show on TV, we can
conclude that mass media deteriorate the professional appearance of those women. Lower, we can find
out some eloqent bad examples of how journalist broadcast materials about politically women.
1. Topul celor mai sexy politiciene
,,Indira Gandhi, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, toate au demonstrat că politică de mult nu mai
este un domeniu dominat de bărbați. Iar tinerele din jurul lumii le calcă pe urme. Iată topul celor
mai sexy politiciene.”
2. Elena Băsescu, România
,,Fata cea mică a președintelui României, Traian Băsescu nu este cunoscută doar pentru
frumusețea sa și activitatea de fotomodel, dar și pentru capacitățile de bun politician. Ea a cucerit
nu doar Parlamentul României, dar și pe cel din Europa, reprezentând țara în Legislativul
3. Maria Kojevnicova, Rusia
,,Tânăra se pare că poate combina perfect arta cu politica. Frumoasa deputat este cunoscută din
filmele rusești, iar din 2011 este și reprezentantul societății în Duma de Stat în domeniul culturii.
Actița se bucură de popularitate și interes în rândul fanilor. Și pentru că se descurcă atât de bine la
capitolul ”combinat” îi dăm locul trei.”
4. Mara Carafagna, Italia
,,Coroana o ia de data aceasta superba italiană Mara Carafagna. Fostă prezentatoare TV și
fotomodel, Mara s-a lansat și în politică, deținând funcția de ministru pe probleme de egalitate în
Italia în perioada 2008-2011. Este o femeie de succes și râvnită de bărbați.”
5. Cele mai sexy femei din politica! Cine sunt divele care conduc destinele Romaniei?
,,Politica pe tocuri de 12 cm se poate face in Romania, dovada si lista de mai jos. Iata cele mai sexy
femei din politica de la noi.
Andreea Cosma are 43 de ani si e la primul mandat de deputat in Parlamentul Romaniei, din partea
Sexy-politiciana vine dintr-o familie de baroni locali prahoveni si a activat in tinerete intr-o trupa pop-
dance. A avut ceva probleme cu justitia, ca si ceilalti mamebri ai familiei sale insa in final s-a ajuns la
concluzia ca ea a fost victima unui procuror care facuse o obsesie pentru ea. Nici nu e de mirare.”
,,Bancile Parlamentului se vor umple, peste cateva zile, cu o generatie noua de sexy-politiciene.”
As we can see, the lead of the news talks about the manner that journalists allow themselves to
write about the beauty characteristics of politically women. Well, it is apriority makes the difference
between the mentality of women and how her body looks. It seems like national media system did not
even want to take responsibility for what it posts daily online about the woman...who can really make the
chance. It is very strange to find out the fact that the 4th power of the state (press), which is one of the
few chances of politically women promotion in the world, shows the unreal face of feminine politicians.
From analyzing these news (if we can call it news), we can truly conclude the fact that the transparency
criteria is literally missing in those newsrooms.
Fortunately, not all the media has the same editorial policy. Even if there are less examples of
showing the entrepreneurial, politically, mentality skills/characteristics of political woman, so they
however, exist. Lower, we can find some interesting examples about this topic.
1. Politică la feminin – 5 politiciene de la noi vorbesc despre rolul și locul femeilor în viața
politică românească.
,,Cinci politiciene vorbesc despre reprezentarea femeilor în societatea românească și ne spun de ce asta
ar trebui să ne intereseze pe toți.”
2. Cine este cea mai puternică femeie din politică. Capital lansează Topul celor mai succes 100
de femei din România
,,Politicienii sunt ținta favorită a criticilor în societate, ajungându-se până în punctul de a le pune în
cârcă și eșecurile noastre, cele personale. Dar dacă scoatem puțin capul din zumzăiala mediului online,
unde de multe ori se rostogolesc bârfe fără nicio acoperire în fapte, trebuie să acceptăm că societatea
trebuie condusă cumva. Și asta se face și prin politică, iar cea românească are multe femei care s-au
dovedit de-a lungul timpului mai echilibrate și performante decât linia generală a discursului public de
la noi.”
To be honest, it was quite hard to find out these articles, because majority of media materials talks about
the beauty life hacks, criteria, characteristics of political women, as I said before.
These kinds of materials give the hope that independent, transparency and correct media exists. So by
promoting mentality of political women, we, as informational consumer can hope that world can be
changed by women too. By reading this news actually, we can observe that sometimes, women have more
open-minded system of thinking, reforming and brainstorming.
Media representation of President of Republic of Moldova – Mai Sandu
Not only is she Moldova’s first woman president, she is the first truly grass-roots politician to
have successfully run for office. In a historical election, Sandu won 57.7 percent of the vote against 42.3
percent for the outgoing President Igor Dodon. With half of the active population currently living abroad,
the diaspora vote was particularly significant in ensuring Sandu’s election.
Sandu has succeeded despite numerous hurdles, an unfair electoral environment, disproportionate
access to the media and a barrage of disinformation. Her victory is proof that Moldovan society is
democratizing: it is increasingly resilient to disinformation and is open for pro-democracy political
National and International Mass Media writes, talks, films about Maia Sandu very frequently.
This is because she is 1st in history women in Republic of Moldova who became a president, and not only
about this.
If we analyze the President’s appearances at different talk shows, political interviews and other
TV shows, we can affirm, or conclude the fact that Maia Sandu is very well trained in behavior or
appearance. We can observe this by her correct, directly answers on journalists questions about political
situations in the country or relations between Moldova and UE, or other countries.
From journalistic point of view, we can analyze this politic personage from different kinds of
angles, more exactly journalistically international angles. For example, what Russian press writes about
Maia Sandu, what European press writes about the President. What are the bilateral relations between
President of Republic of Moldova and other Presidents, for example – Vladimir Putin, President of the
Russian Federation.
There are the local/national news from Republic of Moldova that reflects the European position
of President in order improve/include European mentality in Republic of Moldova. Nord News is the
news portal that reflects in a transparent way the activities of Maia Sandu, having the main priority to
inform people that there are chances to transform the future of this little country in a great one. For
example, from these news we see the official meeting of Maia Sandu in Bruxelles at the International 7th
Summit, in a meeting with the head of European Comission Ursula Von Der Leyen. From the
broadcasting this meeting, we can find out the perspectives of Republic of Moldova to be a part of UE,
the problems they discussed and the solutions they found out in order to help Republic of Moldova to
become an successful country, facts that we will not find out in Russian press, because we all know that
this country deny any collaboration, initiative related to European Union.
This is an BBC material about the won of Maia Sandu prezidential elections. This material talks
about the reasons & results of Maia Sandu’s winning. After reading this, we conclude the fact that author
of material based his text on the political career of Maia Sandu, and especially her electional program
which she have to implement in country, if the victory would be by her side.
The material is do not based on propagandistic criteria, but on informational facts, data, statistics
and shows the realistic result from the presidential elections.
Moreover, we can truly affirm the fact the credibility in Maia Sandu as politician has been raised
after publishing this journalistic material. First of all, this is because BBC is an international press that has
an transparency way of broadcasting materials. Second, the material is very documented, full of
suggestive photos, videos, statistics that raise the image of the political character in 2 or 3 times. Thirdly,
Maia Sandu is presented to world as an independent, powerful, transparent, fighter politician that has
made a history which should be know by the whole world. This is how international press talks, writes
about The President of Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu.
Ending the ‘rule of thieves’: Maia Sandu and the fight against corruption in Moldova
The most prominent example of this is Sandu. Many have viewed her rise to power as a turning point in
the country’s fight against corruption given her explicit commitment to tackling corruption.
This is an example of the press when journalists talks not about the political potential of the
president, but about her clothes wardrobe. From deontological point of view, it destroys the appearance of
a public functionary in front of the nation, people and in front of those who voted for her, because these
people voted HER not for HER clothes, but for her politically potential and pro European positions. In
this case, press should pe penalized for putting the President in not a good light in front of European
leaders, and voters. Why press do not write about wardrobe of the male politician? Because they think it
will not gain views, but a women’s wardrobe, especially if this wardrobe belongs to a Female President, it
will gain a lot of appreciations, comments and followers. This is how unfortunately, majority press thinks
nowadays. Reporters think about impact, not about the quality of message transmitted to informational
With all of this said, we can conclude that the media, as an important communication platform, is
responsible for delivering correct information to the people. New media is considered to be an opinion
leader and it is forbidden to broadcast manipulating materials in order to defame the power of females in
the concept of political leadership. The aim of the research is to demonstrate how mass media influence
and shape the ways  women politicians appear on the national and international arenas. 

Nicoleta Pînzaru

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