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TERM – II (2021 – 22)


Max. Time – 1hr Max. Marks – 40

I. Define the following terms. (1X5=5)

a) Stereotype -
b) Female Infanticide -
c) Jama or Jami Masjid –
d) Biodiversity -
e) Xerophytic –

II. Multiple Choice Questions: (1X5=5)

1. Masulipatnam was famous for the production of dyed cotton cloth which in
Europe was known as :
a) Chintz
b) Brocade
c) Kalamkari

2. The famous dargah at Ajmer is the final resting place of which Sufi saint?
a) Moinuddin Chishti
b) Salim Chishti
c) Baba Farid

3. In a patriarchal society, a women’s primary space is her:

a) Workplace
b) Home
c) Place of worship

4. An example of a tree found in mangrove forests is the:

a) Sundari
b) Deodar
c) Poplar
5. The state government nowadays carries out the process of resources allocation
through the :
a) Election Commission
b) Planning Commission
c) NITI Aayog

III. Fill in the blanks. (1X5=5)

1. The movement of water in oceans is determined by __________________.

2. Mir Jumla was the general of _____________ .
3. The Virashaiva movement was founded by ___________ .
4. ____________ finances healthcare programmes in the states and Union
5. The Amazon rainforest is home to the largest snake in the world, the __________

IV. True or False (1X3=3)

1. Agra was a pilgrimage centre during medieval times. –

2. Ladakh is accessible by road only in winters. –
3. Sufi and Bhakti movements share several similarities. –

V. Short Answer Questions. (1X5=5)

1. What is a true arch?

2. What is the hydrological cycle?
3. What do you understand by the term “ Advaita “ ?
4. Which animals are reared by Ladakhis and why?
5. What is kalamkari?

VI. Long Answer Questions. (Any four) (3X4=12)

1. Write a short note on Queen Durgawati.
2. Who were the Alvars and Nayanars?
3. What is meant by the term “Resource”? Why is it important to allocate resources?
4. Describe the climatic conditions in the Amazon Basin.
5. How is Ordinary bill different from Money bill?

VII. Draw a colourful and well labelled diagram of “Structure of Atmosphere”. (1X5=5)

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