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BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -B Col. Vallefo 07870 Méxlon, DF. Tels. 5759-2875 5758-2132. Fax: §517-6315 LUBRICANTES RECOMENDADOS El Lubricante ideal seré mineral neutro que no contenga Acido libre, asi como cloruros, sulfuros o Alcalis. Se sugiere la utilizacién de aceite de acuerdo con las siguientes caracteristicas fisicas, las cuales estén basadas en pruebas standard estipuladas por la ASTM [CARACTERISTICAS DEL ACEITE | BASE NAFTENICA | BASE PARAFINICA Punto de Infiamacién ‘300° F minimo | 360° F minimo 750 minimo 140 minimo Viscosidad SAYBOLT a 100° F SoatnAaincl pas maeine En la mayoria de los casos el aceite de motor SAE 10 cumple con las especificaciones arriba descritas. El aceite debe ser adecuado para todas las partes que requieran Lubricacién "1 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalurgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -B Col Valeo 07870 Mésxico, DF. Tels. 6758-2875 5759-2132 Fax: 517-6315, CAPITULO 7 MANTENIMIENTO INSPECCIONES Le operacién de la bomiba debe de revisarse a intervalos durante el dia para evitar problemas. Aunque usted considere necesario 0 no, que esto sé lleve por escrito por el operario, esté deberd estar alerta para observar irregularidades en el funcionamiento de la bomba. El operario deberé avisar inmediatamente de cualquier sintama de desperfecto que note. Deben de revisarse periodicamente las temperaturas de los rodamientos y el funcionarniento de la caja de empaques. Un cambio brusco de temperatura en las chumaceras puede ser ef mayor indicio de una averia que tuna constante alta temperatura de operacién. Un cambio en el ruido de la bomba al trabajar puede ser indicio de posibles problemas en el futuro, Véase la tabla de "Localizacion de Problemas™ REPARACION GENERAL El tiempo que debe de pasar antes de hacer una reparacién general, dependera de las horas totales que haya trabajado la bomba, la severidad de las condiciones de trabajo, los materiales usados en la construccién de la bomba y el culdado que se haya tenido de la bomba durante su operacién. No desarme su bomba para inspeccién a menos que tenga evidencia que indique pérdide excesiva de capacidad, haya indicios de problemas dentro de la bomba o en los rodamientos. PROCEDIMIENTO PARA DESARMAR Hay que tener mucho cuidado al desarmar la bomba para evitar dafiar las partes intemas de la misma, Para facilitar armar la bomba posteriormente, vaya colocando las piezas en un lugar en el orden en que se desarmaron. Evite que se defien las partes maquinadas y protéjalas contra la oxidacién, Cierre jas vaivulas de succién y descarga, las de suministro de agua de enfriamiento y de sello. Drene todo el producto del interior de la carcaza. Siga las instrucciones que a continuacién se cita para desarmar completamente ta bomba (Esto no siempre seré necesario) 12 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 - 8 Co. Vallejo 07870 México, O.F. Tes. §789-2875 5750-2132 Fax: 8517-5315 CAPITULO 8 DESENSAMBLE Quitar los tornillos de! acoplamiento y espaciador. 2. Desconecte la tuberia auxiliar en puntos de unién 3. Drene el aceite de la caja de rodamientos y quite la aceitera de nivel constante con su niple. 4- Sujete el equipo de izamiento a la caja de baleros mediante un pemo de ojo. (figura 6) Figura 6 aque las 16 tuercas de los esparragos que fijan la caja de alojamiento de sello mecanico a la carcaza (figura 7, referencia No. 5) ‘Comience a separar la caja de alojamiento del sello mecénico de la carcaza, utilizando los dos tomillos de despegue cue estén localizados a 180° en el mismo circulo de las 16 tuercas referidas en el punto 5 (figura 7, referencia No.6) 13 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -B Col, Valeo 07870 México, OF, Tels. 5759-2875 5759-2132. Fax: 8617-5915 7- Cuando note que se mueve libremente el conjunto de Ia caja de alojamiento del sello ‘mecénico deslice culdadosamente hacia atras (hasta que el impulsor quede libre) y gire ‘el conjunto para que quede fuera de la carcaza y accesible para operaciones posieriores. Deseche junta de la carcaza ponga una nueva @ reensamblar. Los claros de ios anillos de desgaste pueden ser revisados en este momento. Para instrucci6n refigrase a “Mantenimiento de anillos de desgaste” dentro de esta misma seccién, Para desensambie adicional proceda como sigue: 8- Usar un extractor para quitar la mitad del cople que aiin permanece en la flecha, 9- Retirar el seguro de la tuerca del impulsor (figura 8, referencia No. 9) 10.- Aflojar la tuerca de! extremo de la flecha correspondiente al lado det impulsor (figura 8, referencia No. 10) 11.- Retirar la cufia del impulsor y el impulsor (figura 8, referencia No. 11) Colocar la bomba en posicién vertical sobre bioques en la caja de alojamiento del sello mecénico 14 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera ‘Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 - 8 Col, Valeo 07870 México, DF. Tes, 750-2875 5759-2132. Fax: 8517-6315 42+ Separe la brida de sello mecéinico 0 las tuercas en el caso de empaquetadura. (Figura 9 referencia No. 14) 5 13.- Retire culdadosamente la caja de alojamiento del sello mecanico, Figura 9 14. Retire la camisa de flecha al mismo tiempo que el sello mecanico y la brida del sello mecénico de la flecha (Refidrase a las instrucciones del fabricante del sello). Descarte la junta de la camisa y ponga una nueva al reensamblar. Al llegar a este paso, la mayoria de las partes sujetas a desgaste quedan expuestas y accesibles para Inspeccién y sustitucién si fuera necesario, Nos referimos al Impulsor, anillos de desgaste, camisa de flecha y bujes. Si se desea desensamblar la caja de rodamientos proceda como sigue: 15.- Saque el deflector radial (figura 10, referencia No. 15 A) 16.- Saque el sello laberinto radial (Figura 10, referencia No. 15) 17. Quite la tapa del rodarniento radial (figura 10, referencia No. 16) 18.- Quite la tapa del ventilador (opcional ) (figura 10, referencia No. 17) 19.~ Saque el ventiiador (opcional) (figura 10, referencia No. 18) 20.- Saque el deflector axial (figura 10, referencia No. 18 A) 15 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera ‘Quimica, Petroqulmica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssotn 131 -B Col. Vallejo 07870 Méslco, OF. Tes. §759.2875 S759.2192 Fax: 5617-5915 21. Saque el sello laberinto axial 22.+ Quite la tapa del balero axial (figura 11, referencia No. 20) Se sugiere este procedimiento para proteger Ios anillos de aceite cuando se desensamble la bomba 23.- Para evitar daflar los anillos salpicadores colocarios segin muestra la figura 11 Figura 11 24.~ Sacar el conjunto de la flecha de la caja de rodamientos (figura 12) PRECAUCION: No doblar los anillos saipicadores. 16 Bombas Centtifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, MetalUrgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. “Mendelssohn 131 -8 Col. Vallejo 07870 Mésico, DF. Tel. 5758-2875 57502132 Fax: SB17-5315 Figura 12 25. Quitar arandela y tuerca de fijacién de los rodamientos. 26.- Los rodamientos pueden ser retirados mediante una prensa o extractor Para sacar los rodamientos Vease en seccién *Mantenimiento de los Rodamientos" Examine cuidadosamente todas las partes de la bomba conforme ésta va desensamblandose, En general cualquier pieza que se vea apreciablemente dafiada debera sustituirse, Vea las secciones que siguen para lo cancerniente al mantenimiento de anillos de desgaste y rodamientos 7 - Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -8 Col Valjo 07870 México, DF. Tels. 5750-2875 5750-2132 Fax: 6517-5915 CAPITULO 9 ENSAMBLE Para ensamblar fa bombe se sigue esencialmente un proceso inverso al desmantelamiento hasta aqui descrito, como sigue: 4.- Instale los salpicadores de aceite con sus collarines metalicos = Monte los rodamientos de empuje en ta flecha (ver mantenimiento de rodamientos) 3. Monte el rodamiento radial. = Coloque la rondana de seguridad de la tuerca de rodamiento. = Desiice el conjunto de la flecha dentro de la caja de rodamiento. ~ Instale une nueva junta de la tapa de rodamiento radial -* Coloque el sello laberinto radial. 8.- Coloque el deflector radial. - Instale una nueva junta de la tapa de rodamiento axial. 10 Coloque la tapa de rodamiento axial 11. Coloque el sello laberinto axial 12 Cologue el deflector axial 13 Coloque y sujete la caja de alojamiento del setio mecanico @ la caja de rodamientos 14 Colocar el conjunto en posicién horizontal, monte y fije el impulsor ulilizando la tuerca del impulsor. 15.- Colocar el seguro de la tuerca del impulsor. 18.- Apriete tuercas de la brida del sello mecénico. 17 Coloque fa junta de la carcaza 18.- Presente y desiice con mucho cuidado la caja de alojamiento dei sello mecanico dentro de la carcaza y apriete las 16 tuercas de sus esparragos, calibrando el par de apriete a los valores de la tabla siguiente: TAMANO DE CUERDA PAR (pies-ibs) 10-24 @ 4114-20 12 5/16-18 20 318-16 35 112-13 85 518-11 130 314-10 220 718-9 340 18 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -8 Col. Vallejo 07870 México, DF, Tes. 759.2875 5759-2192. Fax: 5517-5315 BIMSA ‘Ya ensamblada la caja de Baleros se debe verificar lo siguiente. La desviacién con un reloj de cardtula como se indica en la figura 13 con las siguiente tolerancias, méximas 0.003" El RUN OUT con reloj de caratula como se indica en la figura 14 con las siguientes tolerancias, maximas 0.002". Después de vverificar la desviacién y el RUN OUT siendo satisfactorios, proseguir con el ensamble. Coloque Ia junta de la camisa y monte la camisa con su cufa, si lleva sello mecanico sustituya los anillos “O” y fije la unidad rotatoria de acuerdo con los dibujos del fabricante de! sello. Deslice sobre la flecha la brida Figura 13 Figura 14 19 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrca, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131-8 Col. Valejo 07870 Nico, DF. Tels. 6759-2675 5759-2192 Fax: §517-5315 Ensamblada en su totalidad la bomba se debe verificar lo siguiente: Perpendicularidad con un reloj de cardtula como se indica en la figura 15 con las siguientes tolerancias, Maxima 0.003”. Concentrividad con un retoj de carstula como indica en la figura 16 con las siguiente tolerancias, 0.005". Después de rectificar 1a perpendicularidad y la concentricidad si estas son satisfactorias, seguir el ensamble. Figura 16 19.- Coloque el ventilador (opcional) 20.- Coloque la tapa del ventilador (opcional). 21. Reconecte la tuberia aunxiliar. 22.- Llenar con aceite la cémara de rodamientos hasta el nivel indicado. 23. Comprobar el alineamiento antes de acoplar la bomba al motor. 20 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 - 6 Col Valeo 07870 México, DF. Tels 5759-2875 5758-2132 Fax: 5517-5315 CAPITULO 10 MANTENIMIENTO DE LOS ANILLOS DE DESGASTE Todas las bombas Modelo BIM-X8 en construccién de acuerdo a API-610, 8a Edicién estan equipadas con anillos de desgaste renovables en la carcaza, la caja de alojamiento de sello mecanico €e impulsor. Generaimente se recomienda que los anilos sean renovados cuando el claro orginal se dupica, Un incremento en el clara del anillo debido al desgaste se manifiesta por una reducci6n en la capacidad de la bomba a la carga dada. De aqui que la reposicién de los anillos dependiere, de las condiciones de operacién requeridas, INSPECCION Mida el diémetro exterior (DE) de Ios anillos de impulsor y el diémetro interior (DI) de los anitlos estacionarios para determinar el claro diametral, Si el claro encontrado es mas del doble del valor minimo reponga los anillos, ver tabla 1 CLAROS ENTRE ANILLOS DE DESGASTE ‘DIAVETRO DE ANILLO CLARO MINIM DE DESGASTE (PULG) <2 0.010 2.000 ~ 2.499 0.011 2.500 ~2.999 0.012 3.000 - 3.499 014 3.500 - 3.999 0.018 4.000 - 4.499 0.016 4,500 - 4.999 0.016 5.000 ~ 5.999 0.017 6.000 - 6.999 0.018 7.000 - 7.999 0.019 8.000 ~ 8.999 0.020 9.000 - 9.999 0.021 10.000 - 10.999 0.022 14.000 - 11.998 0.023 12.000 - 12,999 0.024 13.000 - 12.998 0.025, 14,000 - 14,999 0.028 15,000 - 15.999 0.027 16,000 - 16.999 0.028 17.000 ~ 17.998 0.029 18,000 ~ 18.999 0.030 19,000 - 19.998 0.031 20.000 ~ 20.999 0.032 24.000 -21.999 0.033, 22.000 - 22.999, 0.034 23.000 - 23.999 0.035 24.000 - 24.999 0.038 25.000 ~ 25.999 0.037 TABLA 1 24 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -8 Col. Vallsjo 07870 México, D.F. Tels. 5750-2875 5759.2192 Fax: 5617-5915 PROCEDIMIENTO DE REPARACION BIMSA suministra para repuesto: Anillos de impulsor sobre medida (D.E, mayor) y anillos para repuesto de la caja de alojamiento, sello mecanico y carcaza, cerrados (D.I.) Nuestro procedimiento de reparacién recomendado es el siguiente’ 4. Remueva los anillos de la carcaza y caja de alojamiento de sello mecanico rompiendo los puntos de soldadura con un disco abrasive, séquelos con un extractor apropiado. 2. Instale los anillos estacionarios de repuesto con el D.I. bajo medida, enfridndolos en hielo seco y llegandolos hasta su posicién final con un mazo de latén 0 alguna herramienta adecuada 3. Ya puestos los anillos péngales puntos de soldadura. PRECAUCION: La penetracién de la soldadura debe de ser minima para evitar que los anillos a medida final se distorsionen, 4.- Remueva los anillos del impuleor tomedndolos hasta que tengan un espesor de 0.0020" - 0.040" Rompa los puntos de soldadura y los anillas con un disco abrasivo, caliente los anillos de repuesto 2 150° C - 200° C introdézcalos répidamente al impulsor y déjetos que se enfrien Para las dimensiones de los anillos ver tabla No. 7 22 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera ‘Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. ‘Mendelssobn 131 -B Col, Valeo 07870 Mésico, DF. Tels, 5758-2675 5750-2132 Fax 5517-5315 CAPITULO 11 RODAMIENTOS MANTENIMIENTO DE RODAMIENTOS Los Baleros 6 rodamientos antifriccién son ordinariamente montados con prensa o en caliente y es necesario un extractor para retirarios. Las garras o dedos deben apoyarse en la pista (por deirés) interior del rodamiento. Cuando hay partes que intervienen, el rodamiento puede apoyarse en un buje ranurado y ejercer presion con la prensa para extraerla fecha NOTA:.A menos que se retire con extremo cuidado el rodamiento se dafia a tal grado que no debe utiizasé nuevamente, De cualquier modo el rodamiento debe revisarse inmediatamente para ver el juego entre pistas y cualquier otra imperfecoién. Se recomienda que se substituya el rodamiento por tuno nuevo por que frecuentemente es dificil detectar dafios hasta que el equipo sé pone en operacién. Cuando monte e! rodamiento en la flecha de la bomiba recuerde que para una operacién satisfactoria, la pista interior del rodamiento debe quedar bien fija sobre la flecha para que no gire sobre ésta. ‘También es importante que el aluste de la pista exterior evite que gire libremente en su alojamiento. Dos son los métodos mas en uso parea montar los rodamientos a la flecha. 4 Calentando el rodamiento para que se dilate la pista interna montar en la flecha y dejar que se enfrie. 2.- Forzando el rodamiento sobre la ilecha. EI primer método es preferible, caliente el rodamiento sumergido en aceite o en un horno eléctrico @ lina temperatura de 94° C (200° F), ya estando caliente, méntelo de inmediato a la flecha, Cuando se ulliza el segundo método, aplique a fuerza por medio de una prensa de husillo utilice una camisa tubular, un anillo 0 bloques de igual espesor para aplicar la fuerza sobre la pista intema. Al forzar el rodamiento sobre la flecha tenga cuidado que la pista no se amarre. Verifique la posicion de rodamiento en la flecha con un calibrador de hojas para asegurarse que se asiente wiforme en el hombro de la flecha, Cuando se monten rodamientos de empuje “Duplex es muy importante cerciorarse que la tuerca del rodamiento este bien apretada para asegurarse el contacto entre las pistas internas de ambos rodamientos. 23 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General BOMBAS INTERNACIONALES MEXICANAS, S.A. DE C.V. Mendelssohn 131 -8 Col. Vallejo 07870 México, OF, Tes. §759.2875 5789-2132. Fax: $517-5915 CAPITULO 12 IMPULSOR MANTENIMIENTO DE IMPULSOR Las partes ligeramente erosionadas pueden repararse con soidadura. Es necesario balancear dinémicamente el impulsor después de cualquier maquinado. CAPITULO 13 ALOJAMIENTO DE RODAMIENTOS Escurra y limpie completamente los pasajes de aceite, Verifique que no existan cuerpos extrafios on el depésito. En el caso de contar con enfriamiento cerciérese del estado que guarda el mismo. Revise también el estado de los anillos labenirto y limpielos de impurezas. CAPITULO 14 PARTES DE REPUESTO. COMO ORDENAR PARTES DE REPUESTO Al ordenar partes de repuesto proporcionar el nimero aparece de serie, tamano y tipo de bomba. Estos datos los tiene la unidad en la placa de datos. La informacién indicada es esencial para que BIMS A pueda identificar la bomba y suministrar las partes correctas. Dé el nlimero y nomore de la parte tal como aparece en la lista de partes del dibujo seccional aplicable a la bomba y la cantidad necesitada DEVOLUCION DE PARTES DE REPUESTO ‘Todos los materiales devueltos @ la fébrica deben llevar una etiqueta de embarque pegade o atada. Siempre liste cl material que se regrese e indique cuales son los motivos, 24 Bombas Centrifugas de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la Industria Eléctrica, Petrolera ‘Quimica, Petroquimica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General ToSTUpe Op eine STVSPUNSUT ‘SUTURE 0} BpIBroUNS Ou UgISIUpE op BOGAL t peauodey voIsiwpe ap evean ‘OpInbH 9p eudy| ou uOISIIUPE ap eNeGT UpOONS €7 UO GUE BP SUSIE Toloong €] vs aule ap Sepenus ‘Gpuanibai ja an Osoosin seus OpINBTT ‘Opuanbas ja anb opesed Seu Opinb) 6 U0 S06 0 aul@ ap eOUDISHS EpHOIGA eliy pepjojen clea ‘pesoUE|eG OU IOs|NGLUT ‘opeyep sosinduy OUSEIG SP BI Snb TOKeUi eurarsis (op UOISSId op EMMI tpeqad ou equiog ‘SHENIUOD opqUeS Us ex EqWOR aiSe590 op SOM ‘epEUOIKe]-| BUDA] 2201 J0108 ze 2 eg) of 8 gs] 3° | 35 3 gf] s|8 SWId3AV SVINA180Nd 3G NOIDVZI1V901 $b O1NLIdvo Bombas Centrifuges de Proceso, Horizontales y Verticales para la industria Eléctrica, Petrolera Quimica, Petroqulmica, Minera, Metalirgica, Papelera, Azucarera y en General Reservoir Installation Opera ETT ‘This manual covers the instalation and operation of John Crane Lemco reservoir systems. These sysiems are designed to support rotating equipment operating with ether ual un-pressuried (tandem) or dual pressurized (double) ‘mechanical seals as an effective method of cortroling errissions and monitoring sea! performance. API Plan 52/53 in Manual Ina dual un-pressurized (ander) rangement, two seals are used. The primary seal operates inthe process qui at sel chamber pressure, Cooling and ubricaon ofthis eal is achieve by use of any ofthe API Nush plans 17-41, The ‘secondary Seal operas ina buffer liguc ata pressure lower than seal chamber pressure typically atmospheric or low-pressure fare header pressure. Bue liquid ccution via thermal siphoring andthe pumping ring fs essential to Cool and kbsiate the secondary seal Leakage from the primary sealis contained by the secondary seal nthe Plan 52 reservoir system. The leakage is dsposed of according to its vapor pressure. Vaporizing products ae verted to fre or ‘vapor recovery syst, while condensing products canbe routed to a sump or other approved cain. Various diferent. insirument configurations are availble for monitoring sea performance. (See Figure 1) ont —— | oni ig ig ‘N'O'1 €G/2S Ueld IdV. (Gite) Reservoir API Plan 52/53" Installation Operation Manual Installation (Continued) The weld pad level gauge will require etorquing as the gaskets lose resiliency under inital bolt pressure at factory assembly. Using a torque wrench, tighten nuts in five ft. increments folowing a center to outside alternating sequence Lunt the full torque Value has been achieved. The tanklgauge vill have a tag vith the correct torque value written on it NOTE: Thermal shock and mechanical stress must be ‘minimized during startup. Take all necessary precautions. Plan 52—(Guol un pressurizedtandem seals) should now be connected to the vent, vapor recovery or re system Caution shouldbe usd in piping tothe system to ensure proper verting ofthe reservoir. A check vave should be insaled by the customer onthe vent ine of ech reservoir. This to prevent pressurizing the reservoir during periods of elevated flr, vapor recovery or vent pressure DO NOT OPEN VALVE TO VENT OR FLARE SYSTEM UNTIL ‘THE RESERVOIR HAS BEEN FILLED WITH BUFFER LIQUID. Pan 53 —(dual pressurizedidouble seas) should naw be connected to an external pressure source Such s the plant nitrogen header. A pressure reguiatr is requires to mantain the proper pressure in te reservoir. A pressive Gouge i ‘normally supplied and recommenced by John Crane Lemco to alow monitoring of pressure DO NOT PRESSURIZE RESERVOIR UNTIL THE RESERVOIR HAS BEEN FILLED WITH BARRIER LIQUID. Remove the fil plug on the top of the reservoir an fil with tne selected bulefbrtie liquid, valves in the piping from the reservoir tothe gland shouldbe locked ope. Fl the reservoir to proper level normaly ne mi point ofthe evel gauge. The «25 volume should be at eat 25 percent of te reservoir Capac to alow for liquid expansion due to temperature increases cing operating, Close the fil covet. Check for leas in te piping o reservoir system. Plan 52—Check to ensure the units property connected to the seal an tothe ven system, Sow open the valve tothe vent system, Plan 53—The regulator should bein the closed postion, CCheck to ensure that unis properly connected tothe seal and the pressure source. Open the valve between the reservoir and the regulator. Set the pressure in the reservoir 10.25 to 30 psig above seal chamber pressure, or as, recommended by the seal manufacturer. This should be dane siomly to avoid gas ingestion and to allow fora lak check as. the unit is pressurize. 635mm pertot ‘evra Spe t "pial Meine — Costing wroukeor (nena a Dn ssieare seni 050i ori vi *\ feconmanced- uit by Purchaser) Figure 3 Eien Plan 52—n a plan 52, the pressure Switch s set to activate on increasing pressure and indicates an increase in leakage Fa failure ofthe primary seal. The recommended set-point Is 10 t 15 psl above the normal venvflare pressure. Plan §3—Ina plan 53, the pressure switch is set set to ‘activate on decreasing pressure and indicates a loss of source pressure. The recommenced set point is 10-15 psi below the norma source pressure, Model TK1 Seek ee Side Mounted Liquid Level Float Switch STI=° ‘This section provides detailed procedures for properly installing the Model TK1 Liquid Level Switch. Caution: If equipment is used in a manner not specified by manufactures, protection provided by equipment may be impaired Unpack the instrument carefully. Inspect all units for dam- age. Report any concealed damage to the carrier within 24 hours. Ensure that all components have been removed from the packing material. Check all contents against the packing list and report any discrepancies to the factory. Check the nameplate model number to ensure that it corresponds with the packing slip and purchase order. Record the serial and ‘model numbers for future reference when ordering pars. Model Number Serial Number Caution: During the installation of Model TK1, the float and pivot area must be kept free of metallic particles that might be attracted to the magnet. Caution: This instrument is intended for use in Installation Category Il, Pollution Degree 2. 1.2.1 Site Preparation :.;2c2u= | é z Standard presse range ‘pezussoves-se pages 165171 S 1 Dil sete" 2. case ype-t278 1218 (8 mii ace ee Reference Bulletin DU-1 MADENUS.A. onsut actor or guidance in prduet selection = Prone (209 3768081, aX (209) 3860809 oF Heosurement sit our web site at te igre La: W121, HA23K, M122, 122K, Ht22P Mount controls vertically (pressure connection facing down, See Figure ta) or horizontally (vent holes facing down, See Figure 1b), Either mourting postion wil property orient the venting system Control may be surface mounted va. the four 1/4” screw holes on the encosure or mounting bracket. It can also be mounted directy {origi pipe using the pressure connection. Controls with Breather Drain (Option M1450) \K Madels 455-559 Mount wity breather drain and vent holes facing down (See Figure 1b). The conduit connection must be “potted” for this type of instalation. 1, 422 & H122P, All Models Mount in vertical postion with pressure assembly and breather Grain facing down (3ee Figure ta, Differential Pressure Types J120K, H421K. H122K_ ‘Opposed Sensor Models 36-39, (S)147(B)-(S)157(B), 367 “Opposed sensor" dfesental pressure switches should be mounted wth the re ection inthe horizontal position (See Figure 2), Ths wit propery ori. the vent holes on the pressure housing 25 well asthe 1/4” NPT venting conduit atthe bottom of te third compartment (standardly supplied wit pastic pg) Fiero 2 Opposed Sensor Modal. “YP msm, me 220 epee za ae ts F i +S a wrmeamee ee ies opp ‘onde foornes ‘henge Sunny erirnhs, ‘ewes GGPPER CONDUCTOR ONLY. DISCONNECT ALL SUPPLY CIRCUITS BEFORE WIRING UNIT. IWRE UTS ACCORDING TO NATONAL AND LOCAL ELEC TIAL CODES MARIN RECOMMENDED WE SZE 18 ANG. THE RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE FOR FIELD WIRING TERMINALS IS 7 TO 17 IN-LBS. Ax Race ae sme 4 A SWITCH CAN CAUSE FAILURE ON THE FIRST CYCLE. AY Rate oe eso DIRT, ETC. ‘THE EXTERNAL GROUNDING TERMINAL IS NOT TO BE USED (AS THE PRIMARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDING TERMINAL. THE -\ INTERNAL GROUNDING TERMINAL SHALL BE USED AS THE PRIMARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDING MEANS AND THE EXTERNAL ‘GROUNDING TERMINAL IS ONLY FOR ASUPPLENENTAL (SECONDARY) (GROUNDING CONNECTION WHERE LOCAL AUTHORITIES PERMIT OR REQUIRE SUCH A CONNECTION. ps SUPPLY LEADWIRES MUST BE RATED 75 °C MINIMUM Remove cover and wire control (See Figure 3). Replace cover and hand tighten to fully engage cover O-ring GAPPING PROCEDURE TOOLS NEEDED 5/8" Open End Wrench 3/16" Open End Wench (2) GGAPPING IS FACTORY-SET AND CRITICAL TO THE FUNCTION OF THE SWITCH. THIS PROCEDURE SHOULD ONLY BE PERFORMED IF THE PLUNGER HAS ACCIDENTALLY BEEN ADIUSTED. 1) Loosen adjustment ioc 2) Turm 5/8" hex adjustment screw IN, to approximately mmidrange-This puts a load on the sensor and exposes the plunger fats, (See Figure 6) 3). Using a 3/16" wrench on the plunger fats and 2 3/16" vwrench onthe plunger hex screw, tum hex OUT from plunger nti microswitchactuates, if microswitch has already actuated, turn plunger hex screw IN until icroswtch deactates 4). Confine per folowing instructions, depencing on model Models 171-174, 521-525, 531-535, and 540-548 Tum hex (IN) an additonal 2 fats from this point (approximately 1/3 turn), This will provide a 9-11 mil gap. Models 680, 701-705, 356-376, 612, 616, 270, 274 Turn hex (IN) 3 fats from ths point (approximately 1/2 turn). This wil provide a 14-16 mil gap. Models 183-189, 190-194, 483-489, 490-494,565-567 Tur hex (IN) 1 fiat from tis point. This will provide a 4-7 mil ga. CONTACT FACTORY FOR ASSISTANCE WITH MODELS NOT SHOWN ABOVE. ‘e-Gappleg Procedure for 1120/1120K 7 PLUNGER SCREW (3/16 HEX) ee PLUNGER FLAT (3/16 HEX) ee 1 J N\ ‘ADJUST SCREW (5/8 HEX) © sa0m) eet rg most 560554 WANPT ‘wsner 44 NPT 120 Metts ia Models at 0-45, 270376 690 270376 S055, Pi le Ee si a0 oe 590535 oan 612616, 701705 ‘rota Pressure sence aay tT ee Ey wen Bs oat 944 5483 EPA ... Modes 455457, 889 Moos 147 8 157 Modes $1476. 881578 [RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND WARNINGS Una cae Cones Cmpanyeconmends afl cosiferaton of he {long factor when seaing and sing UE pres an wenpe- fereunis fre ming au he aban and Maine se tins provi wh unt mast b ada desta 7p wei damaging unit, poo! presi ard moirum tengo lnc tated Ete anon menos mst ne be cet ‘nen y sagen he str, Option of he ut up madman fresue or tnpeoie fe scopible on 2 Bmd bss (a, sta tp, testing) Out cnnbs operation ust be rested tothe espn adit range ase cng mam pes rtenerte is alec ses + A bain units necesiry for applications where damage to 8 Primary ant aud endanger bio propery. high Fw Ft cesar fo oppo where Ganges any ‘endoncald + Tease ange mabe sl so that incon et nici ting tary ange potent rest man use yt ndon + Intl uit where shock, vibrator and ambient temperature ctutons wil ot damage uit rfc operation. Onent nit So that tre aes nok ene he exdosute via the elec ‘Ganazion hen aproplat seniy pan shuld be seed freer mia ony + Unt mat rat be sted or modi after sipmen Cont UE if odin 6 ec. + Monto opraton we oeene wang ssa poss damage uni {ech etn epnt ory Sly. Check uncimeate + Pieratie raienaceané avo sg sacs fx rl pleats wher deca co endager peo persone + Feral egpicatons a facta et unt sal eestor use 1 ci! sigs tated te and 98 Ramgpate ms not be fmeeiet Overant an 2st an euse damage eve) on He ist ‘ce ie unt acardng ala aor eect! ees wing (ese cmnended natin ses + Donetmovreuntis anda np coed publ ns, lune WARRANTY Seles worans that he padi haeby purchased upon diner, ee trem dete ip tel and wovnanip ane tat ay sich product “heh is oon wo be dlecive msc worms o mail wil be Tene of ped by Sales fons Fey, Watton, Masa INCOTERNS) bod howae hte warany apes ol te eager Fund tbe o eectie wen» pone o 24 Noms fom Te dat Imarufacre by te Selec Sle lo be ged ude ths waranty Fellee dtc which rina din ar du to mping msi fev semopr sage apd nary abe where produc ae dato panne eter tan autores Salers epesenaves ACEPT FOF UlreD WARRANTY OF REPAIR AKD REPLACEMENT STATED ABOVE, SEILER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTS WHATSOEVEN WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUC), INALOING ALLINPUED WARRANTS OF NERCHANTABLITY (FINES FOR ANY PARTICULAR URPOSE [UMTTATION OF SELLER'S LABILITY Sel ait to Bae foray loo ei, nig Hit inca in cnuton wt (each of ey warty WheSaet, IESE pli (ipa rae of cara fe) 9 epigen ata ac (exigent > 12 cated Slr of amar ich ely wl be pied {ose td athe ta way” feat ani/or placer 8 ‘san ino waranty of pod noo ev stl te Slee aie Snyspecal nde coseqdrs cer damages oa ee ger ature Inciting, tnt oman, af pris oF reuse ofan oa ae ye baer oF ay it pay Ue ean sujet change wit oe UNITED ELECTRIC CONTROLS 180 Dee Avenue, PO. Box 9143 ater, MA 02671-9143 USA Teche: 617 826-1000 Fax: 617 926-2568 tpuwmveerine cor Ewcotonso3 Typical Valve Pa 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 0 " 2 3 ‘“ 5 8 Typical Gate art Nome Handynes! Nut Namo Plate Handwheet Yore Nut Gland Nuts Gland Flange Packing Giang Gland Bott-Studs Packing Bolts Bonnet Gasket - ‘Stem Seats ‘Weoge Body Typical Globe Hangwneo! Nut Washer Namo Plate Handwhee! Yoke Nut Locker Yoke Nut Stem, Gland Nuts Gland Flange Packing Gland ‘Gland Bolt-Studs Packing Bolts Bonnet. Gasket Stem ise Connecting Ring Dise ‘Seat Boey Bolts ave Name Plate Body Bonnet & Ball Guide Ball Hinge Pin Hinge ‘ise Lock Nut ise Dise Nut Pin ‘Seat ris Description and Standard Material Specifications ‘Standard Material Specifications (Carbon Stee ‘Etched Aluminum Carbon Stoel or Maliale ron ‘aie Ore AISI 438 8S. ‘Sool ~ ASTM - Ato4 2H Fate {379% Ch. AISI 490 SS. Graphito ‘Aiey Stool - ASTM - A183 67 Carbon Sel - ASTI - AOS Grapaits ‘aie Ch. AISI 410 SS. fae Gre AIS A10 SS. + STELLTE, 433% On AISI 420.88. Earaon Steal ASTI = A105 - (Cm0.25% max.) {Carbon Stoo ‘Carpon Steet Etched Aluminum Garbon Steel or Malable Ion (Carbon Steet ‘9% Che AISI 418 SS. {a%e One AISI 48 SS. CGarbon sie] - ASTM = A194 2H Garoon Stee! - ASTM - A105 Fae {T76 Che ASI 420 SS. Graphite ‘Aly Stool - ASTM « A183 B7 Carton Stool - ASTM A105, Graphite 9% Che AIS! 410 8S. S16 8S. ‘Bie Cn, ASI 420 8S. Integral Sellted Seat {Garbon Steel = ASTM - AOS - (C=0.254% max) ‘Aloy Stoel ~ ASTM - A199 BT Carbon Steet Etched Aluminum Carbon Stoel “ASTM ANOS Graphite ‘996 Chr. AIS! 420 SS. {2¥e Gi, AISI 410 8S. ‘Carbon Stel - ASTM A10S -(C=0.25% max) Carbon Stool - ASTM ~ A105 ‘a4 Che AISI 420 SS. ‘946 Che ASI 410 SS. {2%6 Che AIS! 410 SS. 13% Che AISI 410 SS. {ae Che AISI 420 SS. 4986 One ISI 410 8S. Integral Stolited Seat Y Vv Model TK1 (sek ee Side Mounted Liquid Level Float Switch SsTI=* Read this Manual Before-Installing ‘This manual provides information on the Model TK1 Float Level Switch. It is important that all instructions-are read -— carefully and followed in sequence. Detailed installation and wiring instructions are included in this manual Conventions Used in this Manual Certain conventions are used in thls manual to convey specific pes of information. General technlcal material Support data, and safety information are presented in narrative form. The following styles are used for notes, Cautions, and warnings Notes [Notes contain information that augments or clarifies an ‘operating step. Notes do not normally contain actions. ‘They follow the procedural steps to which they refer. ‘Cautions Cautions alert the technician to special conditions that could injure personnel, damage equipment, or reduce 4 components mechanical integrity, Cautions are also tsed to alert the technician to unsafe practices or the need for special protective equipment or specific materials, In this manval, a caution box indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoide, ‘may result in minor or moderate injury Warnings \ssnings identify potentially dangerous situations or serious hazards. In this manual, a warning indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not voided, 4n serious injury or death, Sataty Messages Follow all standard industry procedures for servicing elec- trical equipment when working with or around high voltage. Always shut off the power supply before touching any components WARNING! Explosion hazard. Do not connect or discon- rect equipment unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous Low Voltage Directive For use in Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2. Tf equipment is used in a maniner not specified by the man- ufacturer, protection provided by the equipment may be impaired Notice of Trademark; Copyright;-and Limitations . “Model TKI Liquid Level Switch isa tradename of Magnetrol International, Incorporated. Copyright © 2004 Magnetrol International, Incorporated. AL rights reserved, Magnetrol reserves the right to make changes to the product described in this manual at any time without notice. Magnetrol makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy of the information in this manual. Warranty ‘All Magnetro/STI mechanical level and flow controls are ‘warranted free of defects in materials or workmanship for five full years from the date of original factory shipment. If retumed within the warranty period: and, upon factory Inspection of the control, the cause of the claim is determined to be covered under the warranty: then, Magnetcol/STI will repair or replace the control at no cost, to the purchaser (or owner) other than transportation. Magnetrol/STI shall not be liable for misapplication, labor claims, direct oF consequential damage or expense arising from the installation o use of equipment. There are no ‘other warranties expressed or implied, except special ‘written warranties covering some MagnetroV/STI products ‘Quality Assurance ‘The quality assurance system in place at MagnetroVSTI guarantees the highest level of quality throughout the company. Magnetro/STI is committed to providing full ceustomer satisfaction both in quality products and quality Magnetrol’s quality assurance system is registered to ISO 9001 affirming its commitment to known international quality standards providing the strongest assurance of product/service ‘quality available This section provides detailed procedures for properly installing the Model TK1 Liquid Level Switch. Caution: If equipment is used in a manner not specified by manufacturer, protection provided by equipment may be impaired. Unpack the instrument carefully. Inspect all units for dam- age, Report any concealed damage to the carrier within 24 hours, Ensure that all components have been removed from the packing material. Check all contents against the packing list and report any discrepancies to the factory. Check the nameplate mode! number to ensure that it corresponds with the packing slip and purchase order. Record the serial and ‘model numbers for future reference when ordering parts. Model Number Serial Number Caution: During the installation of Model TK1, the float and pivot area must be kept free of metallic particles that might be attracted to the magnet. Caution: This instrument is intended for use in Installation Category Il, Pollution Degree 2. 1.2.1 Site Preparation smcsmesnrenme 1. Ensure that the length and the inside diameter of the nosale are sized correctly for the Model TK1. See-dimensional information on page 8 for requirements. 2. Ensure that the mounting nozzle, coupling or flange is within 3° of horizontal. If mounting the TK1 in an external cage, ensure that the top/bottom piping is within 3° of ver- tical in all directions. 1.2.2 Equipment and Tools No special equipment or tools are required to install the Mode! TK1 Liquid Level Switch. The following items are recommended + Weenches, gaskets and/or bolting as appropriate for the process connection, *+ Pipe wrench * Level 44-508 TK Ligule Love Sitch 1 The Model TK1 Liquid Level Switch is available with a 1¥" or 2" threaded mounting bushing as well as several flange mountings. to switch to switch | 1.3.1 Threaded Mounting —s ® 8| [9 8 ‘Apply either Teflon® tape or appropriate lubricant to mounting threads to prevent galling. Engage thread by hand @ © to avoid damage. Using pipe wrench, rotate the unit igure clockwise until threads are tight in mounting, Ensure that ee the N.O. marking on body is upward for normally opened. wang gre operation on models with SPST switches. For normally closed operation, ensure that the N.C. marking is upward Models with SPDT or DPDT switches should be mounted with the N.O. marking upward to-switeh 1.3.2 Flanged Mounting — i) — Have proper flange bolting and gasket(s) on hand. Carefully 1® OVO & align the bolt holes of the TK1 flange with those of the ‘vessel mounting flange. Ensure that the N.O. marking on body is upward for normally opened operation on models, with SPST switches. For normally closed operation, ensure that the N.C. marking is upward. Models with SPDT or DPDT switches should be mounted with the N.O. marking ‘upward. Ensure that the flange gasket is seated properly. Tnstall flange bolting. (os ® Figure 2 ‘SPDT wiring diagram NOTE: A switch or circuit breaker shall be installed in close proximity to equipment and within easy reach of operator. It shall be marked as the disconnecting device for the equipment, NOTE: For supply connections in installations with ambient tempera- ture up to +70" C, use wire with a minimum rating of 75° C as required by the process conditions. installations with ambient temperatures up to +80° C require wire with a minimum rating of 85" C as required by the process conditions. Use a minimum, of 14 AWG wire for power and ground field wires. 1. SPST reed switch: Connect wiring to switch leads or terminals per wiring diagram. See figure 1 2. SPDT reed switch: Connect wiring to proper switch leads or terminals per wiring diagram. See figure 2. Lever swmren “24 voe L NO. 4d nen 3. DPDT relay: Connect wiring to proper switch leads and run power supply according to the wiring diagram. See figure 3. This relay must be powered to function. 5A @ 24 VDC relay requires 24 VDC power supply while the 5A @ 120 VAC relay requires 120 VAC power supply. Figure 3 POT wiring diagram NOTE: Observe all applicable electrical codes and proper wiring procedures. 2 44-508 TK" Liquid Love Switch Periodic inspections are a necessary means to keep your level control in good working order. This control is a safety device that protects the valuable equipment it serves. A systematic ‘program of preventive maintenance should be implemented ‘when the control is placed into service. Ifthe following instructions are observed, your control will provide reliable protection of your equipment for many years. 2.1.1 Keep Control Clean If applicable, be sure the switch housing cover is always in place. This cover protects against damaging moisture and acts as a safety feature by keeping bare wires and terminals from being exposed. Should the housing cover become damaged or misplaced, obtain a replacement immediately. 2.1.2 Inspect Connections Monthly TKI level switches may sometimes be exposed to excessive heat or moisture. Under such conditions insulation on elec- trical wires may become brittle, eventually breaking or peeling away. The resulting bare wires can cause short circus. Check wiring carefully and replace at first sign of brittle insulation Check al electrical connections to ensure that they are tight Check wiring carefully and repair or replace if necessary. 2.1.3 Inspect Entire Mode! TK1 Unit Periodically [A periodic cleaning of the float, pivot and magnet assembly ~ will ensure continued movernent of the mechanism. 1. NEVER leave the switch housing cover off of the control longer than is necessary to make routine inspections. 2. NEVER place a jumper wire across terminals to “cut-out” the control. Ifa jumper is necessary for test purposes, ensure that itis removed before placing the control into service. 3 NEVER use in systems containing iron particles. The ‘magnet in the float assembly can attract the particles and, become jammed. 4, NEVER put insulation over the switch housing. 44.608 TK: Liquid Level Switch Figure 4 Cross section, ‘This section presents an overview of the operation of the Model TK1 Liquid Level Switches, including information ‘on troubleshooting common problems, maintenance proce- dures, listings of agency approvals, and detailed physical, functional, and performance specifications. The Model TK1 Liquid Level Switches are float actuated devices designed for horizontal mounting in a tank or process vessel through threaded or flanged connections. This low cost switch is ideal for OEM applications where a single point high or low level alarm is desired. Switching action is achieved through the use of a magnet attached to the float assembly and its interaction with a switch mechanism. Separating the float magnet and the switch is a non-magnetic pressure barrier. ‘As the liquid level changes. the float along with the float magnet moves. The magnetic field of the float magnet causes a change of state of the switch, making or breaking an electrical circuit, ‘The Model TK1 Liquid Level Switch is designed and engi- neered for trouble-free operation. Common problems are discussed in terms of thelr symptoms and corrective actions as recommended 3.3.1 External Causes —— Usually the first indication of improper operation is fallure of the controlled equipment to function (e.g.. pump will not start (or stop), signal lamps fail to light. etc). When these symptoms occur, whether at the time of installation or during routine service thereafter, check for the following potential external causes first Blown fuses + Tripped reset button(s) + Open power switch Faulty equipment controlled by level switch Defective wiring to level switch 46.508 TK" Liquid Level Switch 3.3.2 Model TK1 CASS Ifa thorough inspection of these possible conditions fails to locate the cause of the problem, proceed to a check of the Model TK1's switch mechanism. Disconnect power to the level switch. 2. Use an electrical continuity checker to determine if the switch is electrically functional. If the switch does not oper~ ate properly when electrically activated, the entire level switch must be replaced. 3. If the unit is equipped with a DPDT relay, ensure that it is properly powered (24 VDC or 120 VAC depending upon model). Relay will not function unless it is powered. 4, Ifthe switch functions properly electrically but does not activate when the float changes position, remove level switch from service. Check the float assembly for obstruc- tions or accumulation of particles which may cause binding. If binding is present in the float assembly and cannot be cleared by normal cleaning procedures, the entire contro! ‘must be replaced. If the complete Model TK1 level switch operates properly when removed from service, check to ensure that liquid is entering the tank or vessel. A closed valve or clogged. pipeline may prevent movement of the liquid in the vessel. 6. Check he float to make sure it is buoyant in the liquid (tank or vessel must have adequate level), 7. If the float is determined to be filled with liquid or is col- lapsed, the entire level switch must be replaced. Do not attempt to repair the float If.all of the components of the level switch are in operating condition, the trouble is likely located external to the levél switch. Repeat inspection of external conditions as described in Section 3.3.1 NOTE: When in doubt about the condition or performance of a ‘Model TK1 control, consult the factory for further instructions. 44-508 TK Liquid Lovel witch TKT-XOXX-BXI Eee Class I, Div 1; Groups C, D Explosion Proof TK1-XOXX-BXA Class I, Div 1; Groups E. F. ead Class I, NEMA 4X IP66 sa TKT-XOKX-BXK Explosion Proof lass 1, Div 7; Groups C, D @: TH -KOXX-BXF Clas H, Div 1; Groups FG Class I, Div 1; Groups E, F. G ‘Type 4x ce THY KOOHKK Law Voltage Directives Tnstallation Category Ik 7A123/EEC & 93/68/EEC Pollution Degree 2 Per Horizontal Standard: EN 61010-1/1993 & Amendment No. 1 44-608 TK? Liquid Level Switen Measured Variable Physical Range Minimum Specific Gravity Float Material Mounting Connection Material “Trim Material Process Connections Process Temperature Range Ambient Temperature Range ‘Maximum Process Pressure Liquid level Narrow ciflerential, 0.50" 0.40 316/316L stainless steel 316/316L stainless steel 316/316L with 18-8 stainless stee! pivot pin 1M" oF 2" NPT or BSP threads 2° 150# or 300# ANSI flanges -40" to +300" F (-40° to +149" C) -40" to +160" F (-40" to +71" C) 1500 psi (103 bar) 3.6.2 Electrical Speci CatiNS A ———————— Signal Output Type of Contacts ‘Type of Switches, Switch Ratings Enclosure Rating Enclosure Materiat Electrical Connection ‘Switch closure SPST, SPDT or DPOT Hermnetically sealed reed switch Four-wire dry contact relay 160 VA, 240 VAC/VDC maximum 30 VA, 240 VACIVDC maximum 5 Amp @ 24 VDC 5 Amp @ 120 VDC. NEMA 4X/7/9 Class I, Div. 1, Groups C & D 18/3161. stainless stee! or cast iron/alurminum ‘s" NPT or condulet box(es) with %" NPT 44.608 TIC Liquid Love Switen A A 20169)? é ne ee + ve ney ost Yr TT T wl Lael fe Lo 150 sae YO PMH | alte a ~ j 1 pst Ys" NPY | lg : 3869) py | —ase9—4 sires) © a ‘TKI with threaded connection and ‘SPST or SPDT switch with fying leads ‘TK1 with flanged connection and ‘SPST or SPDT switch with flying leads © fd 0.75" for models with extended stems, {Travel betow center lines 7.44" (57 mn for models with extended stems YENPT-\ pe 4 (102) Ret. — 7 yenett Junetion box available with ‘SPST or SPDT reed switch Nozzle Limits - Inches (mm) Junction box supplied ‘with DPDT relay ‘Maximum Alowable | Mirimam Nowe Nozzle Lengths 1D Required 18" NPTo| 2" NPT | for Longer Lenath Standard Stem | 0.71 (18) [194 G9) 2.30 68) Extended Stem | 1.25(2)] nla 2.88 (73) "Based upon nazze 1D equaling 1.70 4). «1 Basea upon nozzle 1D equaing 2.17 (55) 44.608 TK1 Liqui. Level Smith ‘TECHNOLOGY TYPE. TTK_| Sice-mounted float level svatch FLOAT 7__ | Navow diferental, minimum sg. 0.40, 316/161 stainless steel; maximum process pressure 1500 psi FLOAT STEM 0 ‘Stancard length © Extended length @ (process connection size code 1 only) ‘D Use for ses © 077° (18 ran eng and 2 nozzes to 181 49 RA ong (2 Use fer 14" nodes between 072" (98 men) are 125" 2 rong PROCESS CONNECTION SIZE _[ 1S" (process connection type code NE T only), 2 [2 er? ANS! PROCESS CONNECTION TYPE AND RATING. ‘N_[NPT. BSP thread T “A_|_150 ANSI RF flange (process connection size code 2 only) | 300# ANSI RF flange (process connection size code 2 only) CONNECTION MATERIAL B_| J1G/S16L stainless steel ‘SWITCH TYPE R_| SPST HS reed switch, 100 VA 'S__| SPDT switch. 73.VA | Fourwie DPT relay injunction box @ 10. @ 120 VAC (housing codes A, C & F only) | Fouewire DPDT relay injunction box @ 5.A.@ 24 VOC thousing codes AC & F ony) (DThs roy regres 6 power Saucon. HOUSING AND APPROVAL J | 316 55, FMXP Gkswich ypes RAS ony) oe ‘A_| 316 SS with aluminum junction box, FM XP © K_| 316 SS, CSA XP @ (switch types R & S only) C_| 316 SS wih atrium junction box. CSA XP @ | @ pepe panting y 0 —|B 44-508 TK1 Ligue Level Sich Pee etna rises ees Service Policy Owners of MagnetroV/STI controls may request the return ‘fa control or any part ofa control for complete rebuilding for replacement. They will be rebuilt or replaced promptly. Controls returned under our service policy must be returned by Prepaid transportation. MagnetroV/STI will repair or replace the control at no cost to the purchaser (or owner) other than transportation if 1. Returned within the warranty period; and 2) The factory inspection finds the cause of the claim to be covered under the warranty. If ehe trouble is the result of conditions beyond our control, cr, is NOT covered by the warranty, there will be charges for labor and the parts required to rebuild or replace the equipment. In some case it may be expedient to ship replacement parts cr in extreme cases a complete new control, to replace the original equipment before it is returned. If this is desired, notify the factory of both the model and serial numbers of the control to be replace. In such case, credit forthe mate- rials returned will be determined on the basis of the appli- cabilty of our warranty. [No claims for misapplication, labor, direct or consequential damage will be allowed. Return Material Procedure So that we may efficiently process any materials that are returned, it is essential that a “Return Material “Authorization” (RMA) number be obtained from the factory, prior to the material's return. This is available through ‘MagnetroV/STT's local representative or by contacting the factory. Please supply the following information: 1. Company Name 2. Description of Material 3, Serial Number 4, Reason for Return 5. Application ‘Any unit that was used in @ process must be properly Cleaned in accordance with OSHA standards, before i is returned to the factory. ‘A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must accompany ‘material that was used in any media. ‘All shipments returned to the factory must be by prepaid transportation. {All replacernents will be shipped FO.B. factory. 7) Magnetrol STI= ops-ign © 2004 ntagnet BULLETIN: 44-608.2 EFFECTIVE: April 2008 SUPERSEDES: January 003 ASHCROFT Duragauge® Pressure Gauge ‘Type 1279, Grade 2A (20.5%) + Exclusive Teton coated 400 series stainless steel rotary movement for longer lite * Patented Duratube™ with “Welded- Tube” construction controls stress for longer life + Exclusive "Round Cap Tip” con- struction lowers stresses for longer lite + Easily adjustable, self-locking ‘micrometer pointer “New PLUS!™ Performance Option: + Liquie-filled performance in a dry gauge - Fights vibration and pulsations without liquid-flled headaches = See page 174 for details ‘Type 1279 Duragauge* pressure gauge is offered in 4°" phenolic cease for superior chemical and heat resistance. Solid-front case design with blow-out back for safety. ry, liquid-filed, hermetically sealed or PLUS! options available. Field con- vvertible to liqui-fill wth conversion ket (detailed on page 170). All case styles provide fll temperature com- pensation. + Order as option XLL TMS ‘rar | Boer te 8 Testes | Sx "ese Raper Pesan Cocgon tor’ | pnrerieaetec"A) | wea: | Type Uiiios con” aL i" inde APho Bee us iets 1 [SeeReterieme tos | cre eno MH i — nares Ti Sher Bemnt_ | om one oH p Baba ‘osm ou stn ost ito ons neo aeons | tesa | soos eee cecal cam cam | oriees Stennis | siosanenses a vo own nen soonns Poko orto ua aa (rae cco rae Sr ciaco oattanen goon | 8 Sten ee a8 osteo | yore Bakes eguzeseewin non resie ‘710000 | eguvaent standard Sunn eae snot | igen nd Ha metre ‘ar valle, PES Select 6 2 Cannecton- NPT (2), ¥ NP (08), Lower) Bab) Optra etres-see page 108, Sunda pressure range Acessoes-ue pages 165-71 1218 om Fing-treaced enforces paypronfene —_| Bourdon system selection orang cade eee Eee... cy 12000 pst Reference Bulletin DU-1 MADEN. Concut factory tor guidance in product solection Phone (203) 378-8281, FAX (203) 385-0409 or sit our web site at ‘Measurement 120 Series 122K, #122 Explosion-Proof Pressure and Differential Pressure Switches ‘ypes!120, 1420K, H124, HI2AK, H122, UNITED ELECTRIC CONTROLS Installation and Maintenance Instructions ‘Please read all instructional literature carefully and thoroughly before starting. Refer to the final page for the listing of ‘Recommended Practices, Liabilities and Warranties. GENERAL MISUSE OF THIS PRODUCT MAY CAUSE EXPLOSION AND PERSONAL INJURY. THESE INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE THOROUGHLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD BEFORE UNIT 1S INSTALLED.* THIS EQUIPMENT IS SUITABLE FOR USE IN CLASS 1, DIVISIONS 1 & 2, GROUPS B, C AND D; CLASS I, DIVISIONS 1&2, GROUPS E, F AND G; CLASS il OR NON-HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS ONLY. THIS EQUIPMENT 1S ATEX CERTIFIED FOR EQUIPMENT /\ CATEGORY 2. SUITABLE FOR APPROPRIATE USE IN GAS ZZONE 1 & DUST ZONE 21 APPLICATIONS. CE 0539 DEMKO 03 ATEX 0305048 @® W2GEEAICTS & 207+ 85°C 40°C STAMB. < + 71°C, [P66 BEFORE INSTALLING, CHECK THE SENSOR MODEL A\. en fon ona To HE PLES MED CONTACT ITH THE SENSO ND VETED PATS. AND ON NAMEPLATES MUST NEVER BE EXCEEDED, EVEN BY SURGES IN THE SYSTEM. OCCASIONAL OPERATION OF UNIT UP TO MAKINUM PRESSURE IS ACCEPTABLE (E.G. START-UP, TESTING). CONTINUOUS OPERATION SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE DESIGNATED OVER RANGE PRESSURE. i PROOF PRESSURE* LIMITS STATED IN THE LITERATURE * oo! Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage (e.g, start-up testing). The unit may require re-gapping, ‘THESE PRODUCTS DO NOT HAVE ANY FIELD REPLACEABLE PARTS. ANY SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR ‘SUITABILITY FOR CLASS |, DIVISION 1 TO PREVENT IGNITION OF HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERES, DISCONNECT SUPPLY CIRCUITS BEFORE OPENING. KEEP COVER TIGHT WHILE GRCUITS ALIVE. ‘The 120 Series pressure and differential pressure switches are actuated when a bellows, diaphragm or piston sensor responds to « pressure change, Ths response at a pre-determined set point(s) actuates 2 SPOT, DPOT or dual SPOT snap-acting micrswitch(es}, which convert the pressure signal into an electrical signal. Control set point(s) may be varied by turning the intemal adjustment hex (1120 models) or the external knob and pointer(s) (HIZ1, Hi22, Hi22P models) according othe procedures outined, Part | - Installation ‘TOOLS NEEDED Screwdriver ‘Adjustable Wrench to 11/2" CABLE ENTRIES OR A STOPPING BOX OF A FLAMEPROOF TYPE, CERTIFIED EEx d lIC. THESE ACCESSORIES SHALL ‘BE THREADED INTO THE RELEVANT OPENING(S) OF THE DEVICE, WITH AT LEAST 5 THREADS ENGAGED AND WITH AT LEAST 8 mm LENGTH OF THREAD ENGAGEMENT, THESE ACCESSORIES ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS ASSOCIATED HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS/ZONE 1 ATMOSPHERES APPROVAL, TO PREVENT IGNITION, SEAL-ALL CONDUIT RUNS WITHIN A\ 18 INCHES OF ENCLOSURE, A ALWAYS HOLD A WRENCH ON THE PRESSURE HOUSING HEX ( THE CONNECTION OF THE DEVICE SHALL BE MADE BY WHEN MOUNTING UNIT. DO NOT TIGHTEN BY TURNING ENCLOSURE, THIS WILL DAMAGE SENSOR AND WEAKEN SOLDER OR WELDED JOINTS. ~ INSTALL UNITS WHERE SHOCK, VIBRATION AND TPERATURE FLUCTUATONS AE HNDIAL, HOUND, OT ‘TO PREVENT MOISTURE FROM ENTERING THE ENCLOSURE. ITS MPERATE TO USE PROPERLY BATEDExPLOSION-PROOE ‘SEALING FITTINGS FOR ELECTRICAL WIRE ENTRY. DO'NOT MOUNT UNTIN AMBIENT TEMPERATURES LONER THAN 40°F (40°) OR HER AN TOF OO 1120 ENCLOSURES ARE PROVIDED WITH TWO 3/4” NPT ELECTRICAL CONDUIT OPENINGS, EITHER OF WHICH (OR BOTH CAN BE USED DURING INSTALLATION. A 3/4” EXPLOSION PROOF PLUG IS PROVIDED FOR PROPERLY SEALING ‘THE UNUSED CONDUIT OPENING. THE EXPLOSION PROOF PLUG MUST BE PROPERLY SEALED DURING PRODUCT INSTALLATION. ‘Types 120, 1120K, #121, H121K, H122, H122K, H122P Fe a: W224, 420K M122, 120K 22° Mount controls vertically (pressure connection facing down, See Figure 12) or horizontally (vent holes facing down, See Figure 1b). Either mounting postion wil properly orient the venting system. Control may be surface mounted via the four 1/4” screw holes on the enclosure or mounting bracket, It can also be mounted directly 10. rigid pipe using the pressure connection. Controls with Breather Drain (Option M450) Type 1120.12 Mount wih breater drain and vent hoes facing down (See Figure 45). The conduit connection must be “potted” fortis type of instalation Types Hi24.H122 &H122P, All Models Nount in vertical postion with pressure assembly and breather Grain facng down (See Figure 12), Differ ase Si : S)1571 “Opposed sensor” ferential pressure switches should be mounted vith their pressure connection inthe horizontal positon (See Figure 2), This wl property orient the vent oles on the pressure housing a5 well asthe 1/4" NPT verting conduit atthe botom of the td compartment (standardy supplied with plas pu). Fre 2 Oppased Sensor Medes ~ ces = ‘Lon a we TSC cppe cours eared ‘ghey ora Sonar mrs eras, ewes SUPPLY. LEADWIRES MUST BE RATED 75 °C MINIMUM AN CCOPPER CONDUCTOR ONLY. WIRE UNITS ACCORDING TO NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELEC- TRICAL CODES, MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED WIRE SIZE 1S 14 |AVG. THE RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE FOR FIELD WIRING TERMINALS IS 7 TO 17 IN-LBS. ELECTRICAL RATINGS STATED IN LITERATURE AND ON NAMEPLATES MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED—OVERLOAD ON 'ASWTCH CAN CAUSE FAILURE ON THE FIRST CYCLE. ‘TO PREVENT SEIZURE OF ENCLOSURE COVER, DO NOT REMOVE LUBRICANT. THREADS SHOULD ALSO BE FREE OF DIRT, ETC ‘THE EXTERNAL GROUNDING TERMINAL 5 NOT TO BE USED N)\ AS THE PRIMARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDING TERMINAL. THE © INTERNAL GROUNDING TERMINAL SHALL BE USED AS THE PRIMARY EQUIPMENT GROUNDING MEANS AND THE EXTERNAL (GROUNDING TERMINAL IS ONLY FOR ASUPPLEMENTAL (SECONDARY) GROUNDING CONNECTION WHERE LOCAL AUTHORITIES PERMIT OR REQUIRE SUCH A CONNECTION. A DISCONNECT ALL SUPPLY CIRCUITS BEFORE WIRING UNIT. Remove cover and wire control (See Figure 3). Replace cover and hand tighten to fully engage cover Ong, Part tl - Adjustments ‘TOOLS NEEDED Screndtver 5/8" Open End Wrench 5/64” Alen Wrench SSOME MODELS HAVE A TWO-PIECE ADIUSTABLE PLUNGER. HIS FEATURE IS CHARACTERIZED BY A 3/16" HEX HEAD {CREW INSTALLED IN THE PLUNGER. THE LENGTH OF THIS ASSEMBLY IS ADJUSTED AT OUR FACTORY AND I5 CRITICAL TO ‘THE FUNCTION OF THE CONTROL. DURING NORMAL ADJUSTMENT, THESE COMPONENTS SHOULD NOT BE DISTURBED. REFER TO ‘THE GAPPING PROCEDURE SECTION IF THE PLUNGERS ARE [ACCIDENTALLY ADIUSTED AFTER COMPLETING ADJUSTMENTS ON TYPE H121 AND H122 CONTROLS, BE SURE TO RE-INSTALL ADJUSTMENT COVER. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN COVER SCREVE. For set point adjustment and re-gapping, connect control to @ calibrated pressure source. Types 1120 (Al) and J420K Models 455-559 “lemore cover. Loosen pips screw adjustment ck. Ads et “eit by ting 5/8" hex adustment screw clockwise (1) to rise +t point, or counterclockwise (OUT) to lower set poird, Secure susnent screw by tightening adjustment lock (see Figute 4a. ‘mal reference scales are provided to show whch portion of the '9¢ (hil or ow) the onl is set. 11208 opposed Sense, Modls 36-39, 147357, 51478, ‘S853, 367 1120K sels 36-39,147-S1578, &367 fave front cover and gasket from sembly located below encosure by unscresing 4 philips screws, osen pilips screw adjustment lock (see Figure 4b). Adjust set point by turing 5/8" hex screw clockwise (IN) to increase setting fr counterciockwise (OUT) to decrease setting, Adjusting screw ould be locked by tightening aqustment lock, sensor Types H124, H123K Adjust set point by turing extemal knob and pointer to desired setting on scale Types H122, H422K Individual microsutches may be se together or apart by upto 100% of range. When not set together, the front (Low) microswitch can notbe set higher than the rear (High) miroswtch Turning external snobs wil inerease or decrease each switch seting independent ‘Types H122P Individual switches may be set together or apart by up to 60% of range. The front switch is set by turning the intemal calibrating screw to the right for lower setpoint and turning tothe let for higher set point. When nat set together, the front swich can not be set higher than the rear switch. Turing the extemal knob will increase or decrease each switch setting simutaneously without cistrbig their relationship, Controls with Options: justable De This microswitch has an integral adjustment wheel. Turning this whee! raises and loners the pressure rise set point. The fall set point remains constant. Consul factor for addtional information This micoswiteh, when actuated, remains actuated until the pressure drops sufficiently to alow the reset knob (located on the left side of the contrl) to be manually tured to reset the microsatch. pten mai0 Option M210 Indicator for Differential Pressure Controls, Span Adjustment (See Figure 5). To adust indication for maximum accuracy at any desired setpoint, follow steps the 3 Isted below: 1) Remove front window and gasket (four screws) to gun acess to span adjustment. 2) Connect contol to calibrated gauges and set required ferential pressure. 3) Using a screncriver, siowy tum the span adjustment to obtain requiedinicaton.’Remount te rot gasket and window. NOTE: Spanning adjustment wil not affect the mid-range indication. The adjustment is factory calibrated and sealed to indicate tampering (00 NOT FORCE SPAN ADIUSTMENT, SINCE PERMANENT A\ DEFORMATION OF THE LINKAGE MECHANISM MAY RESULT,

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