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ALUMNO: Cesar Barradas Collado


The computer security procedures are intended to protect the physical and
intellectual assets used in the generation of information from the Systems Office
Information and Technological Support for Teaching (OSIATD).
The Safety Procedure Informatics applies to the central level and to all areas within
the DE (schools, institutes technology and specialized schools, adult schools and
free test centers, districts, regional offices, special education service centers,
central office of school canteens, food stores and equipment stores, file centers
inactive, OMEP, printing and other dependencies), either by request or when it is
considered necessary for a related or authorized operation. In addition, it applies to
all staff of OSIATD

Safety Storage Backup storage saves data in encrypted form. In some operating
systems, the security store uses accounting information from the operating system
to allow single sign-on, the security storage does not contain encryption code. It uses
algorithms provided by the Java virtual machine or the operating system. The Safe
Storage preferences page allows you to change the encryption algorithm. Note that
the new algorithm will only apply to newly created security stores, list of supported
algorithms depends on the Java virtual machine your application is running on. To
truly optimize your enterprise storage, it is important to have a comprehensive and
resilient approach to a multi-cloud hybrid system. One that reduces costs and doesn't
rely solely on a cloud, one that integrates and fits well with your current solutions, all
while simplifying modern containerization, management, software-defined storage,
and data protection

Barradas Collado Cesar

The transmission mode refers to the number of elementary information units (bits)
that can be translated simultaneously through the communication channels. In fact,
processors (and therefore computers in general) never process (in the case of
current processors) a single bit at the same time, they are generally capable of
processing several (most of the time 8 bits: one byte) and for this reason, the basic
connections in a computer are parallel connections, once the information is
encoded in a format that can be transmitted, the next step is the transmission
process itself, Information processing equipment generates coded signals but
needs assistance to transmit these signals over a communication link.
The generating device delivers the data to the next device (the receiver) through a
type of mini-communication link called an interface. The interface links two devices,
not necessarily from the same manufacturer, so it is necessary to define their
characteristics well and establish standards, the characteristics of an interface
include its mechanical specifications (how many cables are used to carry the
signal), electrical (amplitude, frequency, and phase of the signal), and its functional
specifications. All of these features are described at the physical level of the OSI
model and are described in various standards

Barradas Collado Cesar

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