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Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

Part 1: Personality
1. What is your personality type?
My personality type is ENTP (Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving) .
2. What does each aspect of your personality mean about you?
Extraversion means I am (slightly, based on test results) outwards focused and need others
to thrive. Intuition means I use lots of imagination and thinking of “what ifs?” Thinking
means that I am (slightly, once more based on test results) driven by logic and need to
analyze in order to work. Finally, Perceiving means that I am flexible, need fun in my work
and enjoy more off the cuff assignments.
3. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example from your life that
demonstrates that these qualities are strengths.
Two of my strengths are that I am creative and that I am deeply curious. This can be seen in
how I tend to work best when there is just enough guidance to tell me what to do but not
so much as to bog me down.
4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular personality?
I tend to need social interaction when working and require little structure in how I work.
5. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use these qualities in order to find careers with positive working environments and
that have topics that interest me.

Part 2: Intelligences
Complete the MI Advantage survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions
6. What are your top three intelligences?
My top 3 Intelligences are Linguistic, Existential, and Interpersonal.
7. What do these intelligences mean about you?
They generally refer to how
8. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?

Part 3: Career Interests Profiler

9. What are your strongest interests?
My strongest interests according to the quiz results are in the Artistic, Investigative,
Enterprising and Realistic fields. They lean towards creative and social jobs, with an
emphasis on art.
10. What do these interests mean about you?
These interests mean that I am a creative and information-driven person.
11. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use the interests and personality traits listed here in order to find careers that are
well-suited to people with similar traits so that I may be happy with my career.

Part 4: Work Values

12. What are your top three work values?
To me, the three most important values given are Working Conditions, Support and
13. What do these work values mean about you?
They mean that I am supportive, with a fair emphasis on both my safety and well-being as
well as others.
14. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can be sure to choose jobs that support this mindset and are able to support others.

Part 5: Career Results Comparison

Review the career lists provided at the end of each survey. Identify three careers that are similar
across the lists. List the careers and explain why each career may be satisfying to you citing evidence
from your survey results.

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