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Dominic Motseki Manonye

Charism is a gift from God as the article says, “A charism is a gift given by the Holy Spirit to a
person or a group” (Cook, Simonds, and Thomas, 2011;320). One might be surprised by seeing
the author saying charism is a gift from where else the citation says from the Holy Spirit, we
must bear in mind that in the Catholic faith God and spirit are one as Cook, Simonds and
Thomas (2011;22) puts it, “The three persons are not only intimately related to one another as
father, Son and Holy Spirit, they are one and the same”. Therefore different Catholic schools
have their own charism, “each type of school has its own unique charism” (Cook, Simonds and
Thomas, 2011:321).

Cook, T.J., Simonds, S.J., Thomas, A. 2011. The Charism of 21st Century Catholic Schools:
Building a Culture of Relationships. Nebraska: Creighton University

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