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1. I see Pyramid in _____________________ * 5.

I have ____________________ *
A. Egypt 10/10
B. Indonesia
C. South Africa
D. Turky

2. She takes a ______________________ *

A. passport
B. ticket
C. money
A. bus
D. bag
B. train
C. taxi
D. motorcycle 6. *
3. He rides _____________ in the desert. *

A. half past six

B. half past seven
C. half past eight
A. fox D. half past nine
B. camel
C. horses 7. *
D. Elephant
4. I need _______________ to Singapore. *

A. half past four

B. half past three
A. passport C. half past two
B. ticket
D. half past one
C. money
D. bag
8. *

A. five o'clcok
B. six o'clock
C. seven o'clock
D. eight o'clock

9. *

A. eleven o'clock
B. twelve o'clock
C. one o'clock
D. two o'clock

10. *

A. ten o'clock
B. eleven o'clock
C. twelve o'clock
D. one o'clock

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