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Practical Research

Field of Interest: Gender Orientation

Research Topic: Gender Role Regarding Various Professions

Research Title: Senior High Students’ Gender Role Perceptions Regarding Various

Research Questions:

1. What is the perception of senior high students about the gender role when it
comes to various professions?
2. What is the profession or job they think that will suit them in the future?
3. Do they think that their dream profession suits them when it comes to their
4. How will they react or keep to this kind of society issue when they already faced
5. How do will they address the gender inequality or discrimination in professions in
the future?

Research Objectives / Statement of the Problem

This survey study’s objective is to determine the Gender Role Perception of Senior High
Students regarding several professions and what kind of job they want in the future. In
order for them to find out what profession or job that will suit them and to be also aware
of how to address this kind of social issue in the near future.

Each student career choices have a gender influence with regards to career. It ranges
from career related attitudes, behavior and outcomes. There is proven evidence in how
gender stereotyping affect students’ career/courses choice. In the Philippines there a
profession or work that are identified with a specific gender. Due to this it is creating
confusion to students who are about to enter their college life. Some barriers which are
intentionally or unintentionally exclude men/women from jobs and developmental
experiences based on gender.

Research Design:

The research study is a Quantitative Study conducted using a survey method. Survey
design enables a numerical description about their perceptions and the profession they
want to be in the future.
Respondent and Locale:

Senior High students of National University Nazareth School


The researcher will conduct interviews / surveys of Grade 12 students on the perception
of the issue.

Specific Questions included in the interview Questionnaire/Survey:

1. Define your understanding about gender.

2. Are your still confused on the course to take because of your gender?
3. What course are you planning to take on college?
4. Do you believe that gender affect your choice of profession?
5. Did you choose your course because of your gender?
6. Are you afraid if the society judges you because of your choice of course?
7. Do you believe that your gender will affect your performance on your chosen

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