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Project based Learning

Engagement with the Community (HUMSS)

Midterm Activity: Arts and crafts profiling of the
Subject Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Grade Level Grade 12
Week No. Week 12 (Due date: October 13, 2021)

Content Standard:
Shows understanding of the materials and techniques
Target performance Standard:
Discriminates among various materials and techniques
Target performance Standard:
Researches on various contemporary art forms
1. Each group will be mapping for the profile of their chosen community by searching on
the following available arts and crafts:
 Fine Arts within community (paintings, sculptures, etc.)
 Local crafts (Christmas lantern, furniture, products)
 Dominant house/ commercial building designs, public arts, and public structure
 Clothing and fashion design
 Manufacturing and commercial Industries (footwear, bags, household goods, and
other related products)
 Jewelry and body art (tattoo, piercings, etc.)
 Performing arts (dances, rituals, song)
 Influential artists
 Tangible cultural heritage
 Other local arts and crafts
2. Outline of the paper:
I. Title page
II. Introduction of the chosen community
III. List and short description of every art and craft that can be found on the chosen
IV. References
3. Format of the paper:
 Font style: Arial
 Font size: 12
 Margin: 1”, all sides
 Spacing: 1.15
4. Paper must be four to six pages (first page will be the title page which includes the names
of members who participated in the process of writing the paper, name of barangay, and
grade and section; last page must show your references).
5. For any concerns or matters related the Project based learning, kindly inform the subject
teacher before deciding for the group activity.
6. The paper will be submitted on or before October 13, 2021, 11:59 PM.
7. Save your file in MS Word with the filename section_group number_CPAR (e.g.:
HUMSS 2000_Group 1 CPAR) and submit it via MS Teams through assignment Tab.
8. Any forms of academic dishonesty such as cheating, telling white lies, plagiarism, and
other related violations will be sanctioned. The paper will be also remarked as failed.
9. Note: this activity will be recorded as a project-based activity (equivalent to Performance

PBL Activity 1 In this activity, each group will be writing the list of available 5 week

arts and crafts of the chosen community through mapping.

Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Total
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Content The content of The content of The content of The content of
(x2) the paper the paper the paper the paper does
answers the answers some answers some not answer
necessary questions with questions with questions with
questions with relevant and somehow relevant and
relevant and important relevant and important
important information. It important information.
information. It provides some information. It The
provides all information provides a bit of information it
information that can be information that provides is not
that is useful useful to can be useful to useful to
to profile the profile the arts profile the arts profile the arts
arts and crafts and crafts of and crafts of the and crafts of
of the the community. the
community. community. community.
Quality of Content is Most of Some parts of Content is
content excellently content is well the content are presented and
(x1) explicated and explicated and well explicated explicated in a
presented, and presented, and and presented, chaotic way
thorough. The thorough. The but not and not
information it information it thorough. The thorough. The
provides is provides is information it information it
valid and valid and provides is provides is not
based on based on somehow valid valid and
reliable reliable and based on based on
resources. resources. reliable reliable
resources. resources.
Organization The content of For the most Some parts of The content is
(x1) paper is part, the content of paper not logically
arranged in a content of is arranged in a arranged. Ideas
logical way. paper is logical way. fail to link
Ideas are arranged in a Sometimes, each other.
interrelated to logical way. In stated ideas are The flow of
each other. It addition, ideas not linked stating ideas is
has smooth are stated in a together and not not smooth.
flow of smooth flow smooth in terms
discussion. and are of flow of
interrelated to discussion.
each other.
Clarity & The message The message The message of The message
Mechanics of the paper is of the paper is the paper is of the paper is
of Writing excellently clearly delivered by totally unclear.
(x1) delivered by delivered by providing some It used too
specifying its specifying its important points many jargons
points and points and and using and vague
using proper using proper somehow proper statements.
and light choice of choice of words. The paper, in
words. No words. Most Some parts of general, has a
grammatical parts of the the paper have lot of
errors, paper have no no grammatical grammatical
misused grammatical errors, misused errors, misused
punctuation errors, misused punctuation punctuation
marks, and punctuation marks, and marks, and
wrong marks, and wrong spelling. wrong
spelling. wrong spelling.
Total (20)

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