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Assignment No.


Programme Name : MBA Semester: II Credit: 3

Course Title : Business Research Methods Course Code: MBA610

Submitted Date: Last date of Submission: 21st July, 2021

Max. Marks: 30 Weightage: 15 Marks

 Sec-A is compulsory which consists of Ten Short Answer Questions (1 mark per
question). Answer length should be approximately 100 words.
 Attempt any Five questions from Sec-B out of Seven questions (4 marks per question).
Answer length should be approximately 800 words.

Section –A (10 Marks)

1. Differentiate between Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis.

2. Discuss the qualities of research design.
3. What do you mean by measurement? Explain.
4. Define Validity and Reliability.
5. Discuss the Characteristics of a good sample.
6. Define Simple Random Sample.
7. Discuss the data can be collected through Schedules.
8. Differentiate between Primary vs. Secondary Data.
9. Explain, what is Statistics in Research?
10.Discuss precautions should be taken while interpreting the data.
Section –B (20 Marks)

1. Give meaning of given terms and describe how you can ensure the quality of
data collected? 1) Using an interview schedule. 2) Using observation?
2. How Ethical issues related to publishing plays role in Project work?
3. Discuss various factors effecting the reliability of a research.
4. Explain the various methods of research design.
5. Describe the different sampling techniques through example.
6. What is the purpose of conducting a literature review? What function does a
literature review serve within a thesis?
7. Explain different Types of research. Also explain research process.

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