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Tiktok is a prominent social networking app that allows you to upload videos of

yourself dancing, singing, acting, teaching knowledge, and more, which is why it is so
popular among young people not only in the Philippines but all across the world.
TikTok had 1.2 billion monthly active users in 2021 and is predicted to reach 1.5
billion by the end of 2022, according to TikTok key data, nearly 43% of TikTok's global
audience is between the ages of 16 and 24.
Because they are under the age of 18 and are not even Filipino citizens, some of them
are ineligible to vote. Many people, however, have turned to TikTok to not just analyze the
presidential campaign, but also to advocate for a candidate. Is this, however, the right
platform for that? Is it sufficient to serve as the basis for your presidential election decision?
“This election is not just about politics, it’s about decency and it’s about what we
want in this country and it’s so much bigger than traditional politics. Teens are realizing that
our rights come from politics, for better or for worse,” said Aidan Kohn-Murphy, 16, a
TikTok user from Washington, D.C. “I think people who are younger than 18 are realizing
how they can be politically and civically engaged even though they can’t vote.”
“Your age doesn’t stop you from being involved in what’s going on today and trying
to get other people involved in what’s going on today. … Just because you can’t vote yet
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be involved,” said Julia Juarez, 16, of Tennessee, who is a
member of the leadership team for TikTok for Biden.
Politics has always been a hot topic on TikTok, but it's become more popular as
Election Day approaches. Political hashtags generate millions of views, but hashtags backing
either presidential candidate generate billions of views. #bbm receives 7.7 billion views,
whereas #leni receives 957.4 million. Numbers reveal a lot about what the bulk of tiktok
users are most inclined to discuss.
It is fine to express your viewpoint, but it must be supported by facts. As a young
person who uses tiktok, I can state that absorbing all you see on tiktok can sway your vote
and make you ignorant to the reality. If you don't do your homework, you'll most likely be
brainwashed by bogus news and edited videos. So, if you see anything, do your homework on
it, and if you hear something, double-check it. Let's fight the spread of fake news.

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